Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English with Solutions Set 7 are designed as per the revised syllabus.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 7 with Solutions

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

  1. 15 Minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
  2. The Question Paper contains THREE Sectians-Reading, Grammar & Writing and Literature.
  3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section – A
Reading Skills (20 Marks)

Question 1.
Read the passage given below. (1 x 10 = 10)
(1) Have you every failed at something so miserably that the thought attempting to do it again was the last thing you wanted to do?

(2) If your answer is yes, then you are ‘‘not a robot.” Unlike robots, we human beings have feelings, emotions, and dreams. I’Ve are all meant to grow and stretch despite out circumstances and our limitations. Flourishing and trying to make our dreams come when you fail despite all of your hard work? Do you stay down and accept the defeat or do you get up again and again until you are satisfied? If you have a tendency to perserve and keep going then you have what experts call, grit.

(3) Falling down or failing is one of the most agonising, embarrassing, and scariest human experiences. But, it is also one of the most educational, empowering, and essential parts of living a successful and fulfilling life. Did you know that perseverance is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the keys to personal success and betterment in society?

The other six are: curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control social intelligence, and zest. Thomas Edison is a model for grit for trying 1000 plus times to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this with the lights on in your room, you know well he succeeded. When asked why he kept going despite his hundreds of failures, he merely stated that what he had were not failures. They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This statement not only revealed his grit but also his optimism for looking at the bright side.

(4) Grit can be learned to help become more successful. One of the techniques that helps is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his/her experience without judgment with this practice of mindfulness, individuals have the ability to stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair and frustration.

(5) What did you do to overcome the negative and self sabotaging feelings of failure? Reflect on what you did, and try to use those same powerful resources to help you today.
Based on gour understanding of the passage, answer the given questions:
(A) ‘Grit can be learned to help become more successful’ The underlined word can be substituted with the word ……………… from the passage. [1]

(B) Choose the statement from the following that is NOT APPROPRIATE according to the passage.
(a) Grit can not be learned to help become more succesful.
(b) Practising our dreams come true is great when life is going out way.
(c) Mindfulness can be learned to help you become more successful
(d) Reflect on what you did and try to use those same powerful resources to help you. [1]
(c) Mindfulness can be learned to help you become more successful.

(C) Select the sentence from the following that reveals Thomas Edison’s grit.
(a) Did you know that grit is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the keys to personal success and betterment in society?
(b) We are all meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and out limitations.
(c) They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb.
(d) Thomas Edison is a model for grit. [1]
(a) They were hundreds of ways not to create light bulb.

(D) According to the passage, falling down or failing is one of the most …………….., ……………….. and ……………… human experience. [1]
agonizing, embarrassing and scariest

(E) What does the phrase ‘keep going’ refers to in the line-‘If you have the tendency to reserve and keep going’?
(a) to walk
(b) get wild
(c) moving in a certain direction
(d) Continue doing something difficult [1]
(d) continue doing something diffcult

(F) Select the appropriate option to complete the given sentence.
The word ‘gratitude’ refers to the quality of being …………………
(a) regretful
(b) thankless
(c) arrogant
(d) thankful [1]
(d) thankful

(G) Choose the option that makes the correct use of ‘model’, as used in the passage to fill in the blank space.
(a) They allowed me to ……………….. it on stage.
(b) Jone Auston was regarded as the ……………….. of grit in fiction.
(c) The first woman up was not certainly a ………………….
(d) The business …………………. must work because of its novelty. [1]
(b) Jane Austen was regarded as the model of grit in fiction
Explanation: The term ‘model’ is used as an ‘example’ in the passage. Hence, (b) is the right answer.

(H) Which of the following can stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair and frustration?
(a) mindfulness
(b) growth
(c) gratitude
(d) hard work [1]
(a) mindfulness

(I) Failure is the most frustrating emotion felt by a person who is regularly trying. (True/ false) [1]

(J) Complete the given analogy correctly with a word from the passage.
Despair : disdain :: ……………….. : Positivity [1]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 7 with Solutions

Question 2.
Read the passage given below. (1 x 10 = 10)
(1) Ladakh has always experienced seasonal water scarcity according to Marous November a co-author of the study. Nusser told Glacier. Hub, “Water scarcity issues are frequent and and annual phenomenon in Ladaka because of the complete dependence of irrigated agriculture from meltwater, especially from the glaciers.

Since the glacters reside at a much higher altitude than the villages, the meltwater from these water sources comes quite late in the year. And so there’s regular problem of severe water scarcity every year in those months when sowing of the cultivated plants starts that is in earth springs.

(2) Climate change has increased water shortages in mountain region-worldwide. Artificial glaciers help to alleviate seasonal water shortages by storing meltwater from winter months in ice structures at an altitude lower than the natural glaciers and higher than the cultivated fields. There are several types of artificial glaciers. Due to their lower altitude, these stores of ice melt earlier than the natural glaciers, providing irrigation just in time for the start of the agricultural season.

(3) Constructed ice reservoirs, along with water management systems, have long been in Ladakh’s technological repertoire. According to Nusser’s chapter of Ethnic and Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge. Ladakh has a long history of water harvesting and community management of water resources.

This history includes tanks for storing meltwater called zings, as well as an official called Chudpon who ensures equitable distribution of water. The Regional Environmenal changes study further mentions the tradition of “snow harvesting” which involves building small barrier walls.

(4) Since then, four types of modern ice reservoirs have been developed, as identified by Nusser and his coauthors. Basin structures stores ice similarly to how traditional zings store water. While zings are generally built around the same level as fields, basins for ice storage are Located at altitudes higher than cultivated fields, so that water can freeze. The advantage of ice basins over zings, and the advantage of ice reservoirs over water reservoirs, is that evaporation is minimized and so, more water is retained
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 7 with Solutions 1
Based on your understanding of theClimate change passage, answer the given questions:
(A) Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) Ladakh has always experienced water scarcity.
(2) Climate change has increased water shortages in mountain-region worldwide.
(a) (1) is the result of (2)
(b) (1) is the reason for (2)
(c) Both (1) and (2) are true
(d) (1) contradicts (2) [1]
(c) Both (1) and (2) are true
Explanation: Both the statements are true as per the passage. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

(B) What has increased water shortages in mountain regions worldwide? [1]
Climate change

(C) Why are the basins for ice-storage located at altitudes higher than the cultivated fields? [1]
To save ice from melting

(D) ‘Zings are generally built around the same level as.’ Choose the correct option.
(1) fields
(2) roads
(3) canals
(4) underground water
(5) wells
(a) 1, 3, 5
(b) 3 and 5
(c) 2 and 4
(d) only 1 [1]
(d) only 1

(E) Zings are generally built to retain the ice.
The underlined phrase means to …………………. the ice. [1]

(F) ……………….. has always been experienced by Ladakh. [1]
Seasonal water scarcity

(G) The amount of water in the months of to ……………….. is in surplus. [1]
July to September

(H) There is no irrigation in the month of February as per the given chart. True/ false. [1]

(I) Artificial glaciers help to:
(a) manage water systems
(b) alleviate seasonal water shortages
(c) irrigate agriculture from meltwater
(d) build small barrier walls [1]
(b) alleviate seasonal water shortages.

(J) What does Ladakh use as a technological repertoire? [1]
Constructed ice reservoirs

Section – B
Grammar (10 Marks)

Question 3.
Attempt ANY TEN of the given questions.
(A) Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the Saga Dawa Festival of Sikkim.
Saga Dawa is an important festival for the Mahayana Buddhists as it …..(i)……… the three most important phases of Gautama Buddha – his birth, his enlightenment and his attaining nirvana.Thistriple celebration, which is the biggest in Sikkim, …..(ii)………. on the full moon of the fourth month of the lunar calendar of the Buddhists and typically falls between the end of May to the beginning of June – what the rest of India celebrates as Buddha Poornima.
(i) (a) celebrates
(b) is celebrated
(c) celebrating
(d) was celebrated
(a) celebrates
Explanation: Since the sentence is in the simple present tense, the verb will also be in the same tense and hence ‘celebrates’ is the correct option. Thus, the correct option is (a).

(ii) (a) observes
(b) is observed
(c) was observed
(d) observed [1]
(b) is observed
Explanation: Since the sentence is in the passive voice, the verb will be ‘is observed’ and hence the correct option is (b).

(B) Read the following conversation and complete the passage that follows.
Rohit: I am surprised to see gou here in
Delhi. When did gou come?
Shruti: I came here gesterdag. I have been offered a job here.
Rohit told Shruti (i) ……………. and asked when she had come. Shruti replied that she had come there the previous dag and added that (ii) …………… [1]
(i) that he was surprised to see Shruti in Delhi
(ii) she had been offered a job

(C) Fill in the blank bg choosing the correct option for the sentence given below:
The hospital board clearlg mentioned that you ……………….. smoke in the hospital as it is a health hazard for all.
(a) cannot
(b) must not
(c) need not
(d) might not [1]
(b) must not.
Explanation: ‘’Must” is a modal verb that is used to describe something which is necessary and morally correct. Here, a person ‘must’ not smoke in the hospital as it is injurious for patients. Hence, (b) is the right answer.

(D) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option for the sentence given below:
There’s never ………………. petrol left after Rahul uses the car.
(a) much
(b) little
(c) mang
(d) a little [1]
(a) much
Explanation: As ‘petrol’ is an uncountable noun, (a) is the right quantifier for it.
Hence, (a) is the right answer.

(E) Fill in the blank bg choosing the correct option for the sentence given below:
I am taking driving lessons now. Hopefiillg, I …………………. my driving test bg November.
(a) will take
(b) would pass
(c) will have taken
(d) will be taking [1]
(c) will have taken
Explanation: The speaker shows a possibility of an event to happen by November. He says that he will have already taken the test by that month. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 7 with Solutions

(F) The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. The first one has been done for you.

Error learn Correction learnt
Have gou ever learn from a mistake gou have made? Example
Mang shouldn’t admit doing so. For those who do, (i) ……………………. …………………….
there was no need for guilt. We often make mistakes (ii) ……………………. …………………….
while taking risks, but all brush them aside and learn. (iii) ……………………. …………………….
With that, theg usually don’t make mistakes the next time.


Error Correction
(i) Shouldn’t won’t/don’t
(ii) Was Is
(iii) All some/many

(i) Explanation: The sentence is in present tense and there is no sense of advice or suggestion. So, should is the wrong word and we will use won’t/don’t

(ii) Explanation: The complete extract is in present tense, so ‘was’ is the wrong word and the correct word is ‘is’.

(iii) Explanation: If we understand the sense of the sentence, we will know that the right word is some/many not all.

(G) Sir, when ………………. you be able to spare some time for it?
(a) should
(b) would
(c) could
(d) might [1]
(b) would

(H) Science Ted’s favorite subject, while English Jennie’s favorite.
(a) is; are
(b) is; is
(c) are; is
(d) were; were [1]
(b) is; is

(I) As far as I remember, he ………………… have boarded the should train on Christmas eve.
(a) might
(b) may
(c) can
(d) should [1]
(a) might

(J) I had to live in Florida and California for mang gears because of mg studies but I don’t like ………………… state much.
(a) both
(b) two
(c) either
(d) neither [1]
(c) either

(K) Change the narration of the following sentence bg choosing the correct option.
The leader said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is mg proud privilege to talk to gou this morning.”
(a) Addressing the audience the leader said that it was his proud privilege to talk to them that morning
(b) The leader addressed the audience that it is mg proud privilege talking to them that morning.
(c) The leader spoke to the Ladies and Gentlemen that it was his proud privilege to talk to them that morning.
(d) The leader told the Ladies and Gentlemen that it is mg proud privilege to speak to them that morning. [1]
(a) Addressing the audience the leader said that it was his proud privilege to talk to them that morning

(L) Change the narration of the following sentence bg choosing the correct option.
A teacher sags, “A country cannot be peaceful until good education is provided to each child.”
(a) A teacher sags that a country could not be peaceful until good education is provided to each child.
(b) A teacher sags that a country cannot been peaceful until good education was provided to each child.
(c) A teacher sags that a country cannot peaceful until good education will be provided to each child.
(d) A teacher sags that a country cannot be peaceful until good education is provided to each child. [1]
(d) A teacher sags that a country cannot be peaceful until good education is provided to each child. [1]

Question 4.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
Taking help from the advertisement given below, write a letter to the editor of a national daily showing your concern at the outdated education system which has not helped in creating more jobs in India. Also suggest some measures to make the education system more meaningful and job-oriented. You are Mohan/Mohini. (120 words)
No Vocational Training! No Jobs!
Nation needs to come up with updated education system that focuses on jobs and skill training for a better India. Come sign the petition with us.
Social networking sites have become the latest fad among school-going children. The craze has a very bad impact on youngsters. Considering its gravity, you want to express your concern by writing a letter to the editor of Hindustan Times in about 120 words. You are Nitin/Nutan of H. No. 123/8, Sant Nagar, New Delhi – 110065. [5]
12, Kamla Lotia College
20th March, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times New Delhi
Subject: Importance of Job-oriented Education
Respected Sir/Madam
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper, I want to highlight that the education system in India needs to be revised. Our education system is not job-oriented as it contains more theoretical knowledge than practical. It needs to be revised according to today’s requirements. Also, more emphasis should be paid on the practice of the given theory for proper implementation of the knowledge learned. Most of the educational institutions are failing to fulfill the anthem of education.

Our present education system is merely a continuation of the western system introduced during the colonial era. It is highly in favour of academics. The old practices and traditions of the British era continue till today. School education provides a little or no vocational and technical training. The results are quite unproductive. Our educated young men and women do not get meaningful employment. Hence, their frustration finds outlets in oppositions and violence towards the government It doesn’t augur well for the nation and its youth.

We have to wake up in order to catch up with the rest of the world. For this, it is necessary to maintain a desirable education system that would mould and equip the students to catch up with the changes of this modern world. The Government and the concerned educationists must revise the education system from new and meaningful angles. Vocational and technical education and training should be made an essential part of high-school education.

I hope the government and the educationists will rise up to the occasion and give a new definition and direction to our outdated education system, for
ensuring jobs for the students.
Yours sincerely
123/8, Sant Nagar
New Delhi – 110065
20th March, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times New Delhi
Subject : Craze for social networking sites among youngsters
Respected Sir/Madam,
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper, I want to highlight my concern about teenagers.
growing interest in social networking. Social media is the rage today – you are bullied if you can’t keep up with it. From pings and chat windows to pokes and emoticons, everything exists to bring people closer. It helps to learn new things, exchange ideas, hone networking skills and develop new perspectives.
As dark and light yin and yang, there is also a flipside to social media. Its vastness defies control on the scope of information. Such a situation can lead to children reaching dangerous or graphic websites. Cyberbullying is another growing trend. It can have dangerous and potentially fatal effects. Australia suffers from a large number of suicides caused by cyberbullying.
Similarly, spending too much time on it can often lead to social media addiction, which can affect the ability to develop strong interpersonal relationships. Teenagers are at a vulnerable age and the avalanche of information can be overwhelming. The only solution to this is vigilant parents who must ensure moderate use of social media, ensuring that it is a boon and not a bane.
Yours faithfully
Nitin / Nutan

Question 5.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
With the help of the given flowchart, write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words on ‘Rising Prices’.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 7 with Solutions 2
World Economic Forum carried out a survey to identify the cause for the poor economic growth of our country.
Read the following excerpt taken from an article published by them online:
“A holistic approach in higher education based on knowledge, skill and value is required for our nation to become a global talent leader.” Write a paragraph in 120 words on your interpretation of the data and what steps must be taken to help change India’s economic growth and make it a developed country. [5]

Use of Talent in India
1.4% enrolment rate in vocation training
8.7% gap in mean years of schooling between rich and poor
3.3% share of GDP invested in education
36% female labour force participation

Rising Prices – Out of Reach
Life of a poor man is never easy but the past few years have been even more difficult. The prices of staple food items have been rising steeply. The table shows a comparative study of prices over three years.

The rising prices mean that most of the food is beyond the common man’s reach. Since the table shows wholesale prices, their market rate must be more than double. When basic necessities cost so much, how is the common man supposed to feed his family? When parents cannot feed their children, they are malnourished and their growth is adversely affected.

In a country where rice, dal and chapati are staple foods, the skyrocketing prices mean that the poor cannot afford even one square meal There needs to be a system where the prices are regulated and those who sell them at inflated prices should be dealt with severity.
India – The Reason of Lagging Behind
The World Economic Forum conducted a survey to analyse the reasons behind India being a developing nation. The results reveal its reason and also of the inability to tap available talent. The leading cause could be the very low enrolment rate i.e., 1.4% of the students in vocational courses, possibly due to dismal interest in this area.

The burgeoning gap in the education between the rich and the poor is also a deterrent in cultivating talent which can be used to boost the economy. With only 3.3% of the share of GDP being invested in education, India also does not invest enough in developing means to harness talent. Gender bias too comes into play with only 36% of the female participation in the labour force.

It is time that the education policy is to be refined and reforms are to be introduced to ensure that talent is identified and honed to elevate India’s position as a developed country.

Section – C
Literature (40 Marks)

Question 6.
Attempt ANY ONE of the extracts given. (5 x 1 = 5)
The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said: “God: Of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho.” (Letter to God)
(A) ‘The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it’. State the reason behind it. as ………………….. [1]
as he wanted to read how Lencho felt on receiving the money
Explanation: The postmaster was eager to read the letter as he thought that Lencho would have felt nice on receiving the money and he is happy.

(B) From the options given below, identify the tone of Lencho’s second letter
(a) gratitude
(b) happiness
(c) desperation
(d) anger [1]
(d) anger

(C) Choose the reason why only seventy pesos reached Lencho. as …………….. [1]
as post office employees could only manage to collect seventy

(D) Why did Lencho feel the following?
“But don’t send it to me through the mail”.
(a) he didn’t trust the post offce employees
(b) he wanted to receive it at his home
(c) he wanted nobody to know about it
(d) he wanted it through his friend [1]
(a) he didn’t trust the post office employees
Explanation: Lencho thought that the post office employees had earlier stolen thirty pesos. So, the next time, he didn’t want God to send it through the post. Hence, (a) is the right answer.

(E) Select the option that can replace the term ‘crook’.
(a) real
(b) honest
(c) hard working
(d) untrustworthy [1]
(d) Untrustworthy
I made up a bed for him in a warm loose box next to the one where the other dogs slept. For two days I kept an eye on him, giving him no food but plenty of water. At the end of the second day he started to show some interest in his surroundings and on the third he began to whimper when he heard the dogs in the yard.

When I opened the door, Tricki trotted out and was immediately engulfed by Joe, the greyhound, and his friends. After rolling him over and thoroughly inspecting him, the dogs moved off down the garden. Tricki followed them, rolling slightly with his surplus fat (Triumph of Surgery)
(A) Tricki was engulfed by Joe and his friends.
This means that Tricki was ………………… by. [1]
grouped around
Explanation: The term ’engulfed’ means to be surrounded by something or someone.

(B) ‘rolling slightly with his surplus fat.’ What does this mean with reference to Tricki?
(a) moving sluggishly
(b) rolling over, not walking
(c) moving playfully
(d) moving in anger [1]
(a) moving sluggishly

(C) Choose the CORRECT combination of who made a bed for whom.
(a) Mrs. Pumprey – Staff
(b) Mrs. Pumphrey – Tricki
(c) Staff – James
(d) James – Tricki [1]
(d) James – Tricki

(D) The other dogs left Tricki alone. Choose the correct option.
(a) Tricki did not respond to them in any way.
(b) Tricki did not want their company.
(c) Tricki chased them away.
(d) Tricki was annoyed at them. [1]
(a) Tricki did not respond to them in any way
Explanation: It is clear from the extract that when the other dogs inspected Tricki, he did not give them any response. So, the dogs went away Leaving him alone. Hence, (a) is the right answer.

(E) Select the reason why the doctor gave Tricki no food and water for two days.
(a) to take a revenge from him
(b) to punish him
(c) to control his extra fat
(d) to make him weak [1]
(c) to control his extra fat

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 7 with Solutions

Question 7.
Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given (5 x 1 = 5)
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree (Dust to Snow)
(A) State the CORRECT rhyme scheme of the stanza. [1]
Explanation: The rhyming words in the stanza are ‘crow-me’ and ‘snow-tree’.

(B) Which of the following options is ‘hemlock tree’ related to?
(I) negativity
(II) positivity
(III) spring season
(IV) winterland
(V) autumn season
(a) (I) and (III)
(b) (II) and (V)
(c) (IV) and (V)
(d) only (I) [1]
(d) only (I)
Explanation: The hemlock tree is often related to negative reference by people. Hence, (d) is the right answer.

(C) The ‘Dust of snow’ is referred to as ……………… [1]
Explanation: ‘Dust of snow’ refers to the snowflakes that fell on the poet.

(D) Select the term that can NOT replace the term to ‘shook’.
(a) rigid
(b) shake
(c) tremble
(d) shiver
(a) rigid
Explanation: The term ’shook’ means to shake. Here, options (b), (c) and (d) are all similar to ‘shook’ while (a) rigid means to be stilL Hence, (a) is the right answer.

(E) Which of the following option is NOT related to the extract?
(a) The crow shook the branch of the tree.
(b) The snowflakes fell on the poet.
(c) The poet slipped on the fresh snowflakes.
(d) It was a hemlock tree. [1]
(c) The poet slipped on the fresh snowflakes.
Explanation: It is clear from the extract that options (a), (b) and (d) are true while (c) is not true as it is nowhere mentioned in the poem. Hence, (c) is the right answer
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice. (Fire and Ice)

(A) ‘To say that for destruction ice Is also great’.
What other thing is ‘also’ great to destroy the world, according to the poet? [1]
Explanation: According to the poet, ice is ‘also’ great to perish the world twice like ‘fire’.

(B) Which of the following emotion, does NOT relate to ‘ice’?
(a) greed
(b) indifference
(c) cold-heartedness
(d) love [1]
(d) love

(C) Identify the CORRECT option that represents the feelings of ‘ice’.
(a) jolly
(b) stern
(c) wild
(d) lenient [1]
(b) stern
Explanation: The symbol of ice in the poem, shows no ‘sympathy’ toward the weak. It shows hate and rejection. Hence, (b) is the right answer.

(D) Select the option that can replace the term ‘suffice’.
(a) angry
(b) brave
(c) available
(d) fulfill [1]
(d) fulfill

(E) Choose the emotion that does NOT go with ‘hate’.
(a) vengeance
(b) jealousy
(c) anger
(d) sympathy [1]
(d) sympathy

Question 8.
Answer ANY FOUR questions in 40-50 words each. (4 x 3 = 12)
(A) Using evidence from the chapter ‘Mijbil the Otter’, explain how the air hostess was “the queen of her kind”? [3]
(B) Comment on the tone of Kisa Gotami when she said, “Pray tell me, sir; who is it?” [3]
(C) Justify why Amanda wishes to be an orphan. [3]
(D) In what way does the fog spread over the harbour and the city? [3]
(E) Mandela set out some ‘ideals’ for the future of South Africa in his speech. What were these ‘ideals’? [3]
(A) The airhostess was indeed ‘the queen of her kind’. She was cooperative and sympathetic towards Maxwell. She even suggested Maxwell that he could take the pet out of the box and keep on his knees. Also, when Mijbil created havoc on the flight, she asked Maxwell to be on his seat as she would search Mijbil and bring it back to him.

(B) Kisa Gotami was in great shock and disbelief that her only son was dead. She wasn’t ready to admit the fact of his death. So, she went from person to person to get help in getting her dead son back to life. While asking a person who can help her, she was full of shock and pain.

(C) Amanda is fed up of the speaker’s continuous nagging and restrictions. She feels caged in her room with no freedom to do anything. So, she wishes herself to be an orphan child who roams on the street alone, leaving imprints on the soft dust by her bare feet.

(D) The fog came to the harbour at the city as stealthily as a cat It makes no noise like a cat doesn’t make any noise with its padded feet. The fog spreads over the harbour and the city and settles over it only for sometime. From there, it rises high and moves away to settle somewhere else.

(E) The ‘ideals’ that Mandela set out for the future of South Africa in his speech was to turn the nation into a place that would be devoid of any sort of issues like poverty, deprivation and suffering. He also set out the ideal for the society where there would be no discrimination based on gender or racial origin. People of his nation would live with peace.

Question 9.
Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each. (2 x 3 = 6)
(A) Comment on the tone of Ausable when he said “you gave me quite a start. I thought you were in Berlin. What are you doing here in my room?” [3]
(B) Using evidence from the story ‘The Thiers Story’, explain Hari’s behaviour after he took Anil’s money. [3]
(C) Horace Danby was sure of his success at the Shot over Grange’s robbery. Comment. [3]
(A) When Ausable said the given statement, he was quite shocked. As per Ausable’s information, Max had to be in Berlin for that night, but instead, he appeared in his room out of the blue. This left Ausable in shock and disbelief.

(B) At first, when Hari stole Anil’s money, he quickly moved out the house. He walked briskly and counted the notes to measure how he would use them. After counting the notes, Hari thought that with an amount of 600 rupees that he had stolen from Anil, he could lead a luxurious life like an oil-rich Arab for a week.

(C) Horace Danby had been studying the whole house at the Shot Over Grange so that he could be well-prepared for his robbery. The room, paths and gardens of the house at Shot over Grange was covered in details by him for two weeks. He knew that the family was in London and two servants who lived in the house had gone to watch a movie that afternoon. So, his information made him believe at his success in his robbery.

Question 10.
Answer ANY ONE the following in 100-120 words.
“You Lomovs have had lunacy in your family, all of you”. In the light of this statement by Chubukov, develop a conversation between Natalya and her father if she reminded him of the proposal that Lomov brought for her.
You may begin as:
Natalya: Papa please what are you doing?
He is here for to ask for my hand in marriage. Agree to him on all that he says.
Chubukov: Dear Lord! How can I ………………….
‘During our childhood in Goa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and guide’. Based on your reading of the story ‘Baker of Goa’, evaluate the kind of relation the baker had with the children of Goa. [6]

  • Natalya: Papa please what are you doing? He is here for to ask for my hand in marriage. Agree to him on all that he says.
  • Chubukov: Dear Lord! How can I forget this truth. I must apologize before he changes his mind. But wait he called your mother a ‘hump-back’!
  • Natalya: Papa you must have misheard. He is not that bad. Come on, say sorry to him and shake hands.
    Chubukov: You’re right. I can’t take any risk. You need to get married at the earliest my love.


The baker had a very informal relation with the children of Goa. As the narrator recalled his childhood in the story ‘Baker of Goa’, he described the way the baker would come across as a friend, a guide and a companion to the children. The narrator would wake up with the jingling sound that used to come with the baker’s arrival with a basket of breads and cakes on his head.

As soon as the baker would arrive, the children used to run to him to get the leftover hard bread edges out of which, they used to make the bread bangles. The baker would make the children extremely happy. He would talk and play with them. He would also teach and guide them to behave properly.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 7 with Solutions

Question 11.
Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
Wrong is wrong, even if it is for a good cause. In the light of this statement, develop a conversation between Horace Danby and the real owner of the house at Shot Over Grange.
You may begin as:
Owner: Hey! I don’t care if you are dealing with poverty or anything. What you did is wrong. I am calling the police.
Horace Danby: Listen to me please, I am not ………………….
Half knowledge is dangerous. Critically examine the given statement in reference to the chapter ‘The Book That Saved the Earth’. [6]

  • Owner: Hey! I don’t care if you are dealing with poverty or anything. What you did is wrong. I am calling the police.
  • Horace Danby: Listen to me please, I am not a thief I only need money to buy a premium book. I have a business of my own.
  • Owner : Then why didn’t you purchase the book with your money? I don’t believe you.
  • Horace: I am sorry. I am an avid book reader and my intentions were not wrong. I just wanted to buy an expensive book.
  • Owner : Wrong is wrong. Even if you needed the money to read a book, you have robbed for it and robbery is wrong. The police will be here to arrest you now!

It is indeed true that half knowledge is very dangerous. It is proven in the chapter ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’ when the Martians comes to the Earth and make their perceptions about various things, based on their incomplete half knowledge.

Martians and their leader Think Tank, had the mission to invade the Earth but due to incomplete knowledge they misinterpreted the nursery rhyme book and formed a wrong opinion about the same. They thought that Earthlings are dangerous and could attack Mars anytime.