Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English with Solutions Set 10 are designed as per the revised syllabus.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Set 10 with Solutions

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

  1. 15 Minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
  2. The Question Paper contains THREE Sectians-Reading, Grammar & Writing and Literature.
  3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section – A
Reading Skills (20 Marks)

Question 1.
Read the passage given below. (1 x 10 = 10)
(1) India stands at a unique juncture in its history, with roughly half of its population between the age of 25 to 30. India is poised to become the country with the highest number of young people on the planet in less than five years. Despite attempts by the ruling dispensation to impose monolithic notions of ‘national unity’, India’s diversity remains one of its greatest strengths.

(2) Among the biggest challenges confronting the country’s youth are a broken education system, lack of opportunities for decent jobs and abysmal public healthcare facilities. We are projected to provide the planet dose to one out of five software engineers. However, certain demographers believe we are home to the world’s most undernourished, ill and illiterate in terms of sheer numbers; we have more mobile phones than usable toilets.

(3) Young women and men in India understand that the flip side of diversity is the deep divisions and inequalities that exist. Divisions not only on the basis of age, gender and sexual orientation but also class, ethnicity, region, religion and – last but not the least – the most pernicious system of discrimination of them all, the caste system. In the recent years, however, the gap between the rich and the poor has widened and placed India among the most unequal countries in the world.

(4) For the first time, in a country of 1.3 billion people, there are around one billion SIMs. It is safe to assume that in most part of urban India, there are more SIMs than human beings. The Internet has transformed human society in a way few could have imagined a decade and half ago. The Internet was meant to be ‘a universal commons’ (like the air we breathe) that would not just inform but also educate the ordinary citizens.

What has changed in the last 25 years is that the Internet has come to be dominated by a few giant conglomerates who want to control what we read, hear and watch. These corporates are clubbed together under the acronym FAAAAN – Facebook (including WhatsApp), Amazon, Apple, Alphabet (the holding company of Google), Alibaba and Netflix.

(5) For people of India, the biggest challenge while accessing the Internet is to distinguish between truth and falsehood, fake news and even between misinformation and disinformation – information is deliberately disseminated for political or commercial reasons despite being, untrue aka

(6) Young Indians must realise that, by law, hate speech that propagates intolerance among groups is not freedom of expression. It’s interpretation, of course, along with the reasonable restrictions to the right to free speech, is up for debate. In the recent months, the manner in which people have been lynched based.

on rumours circulated on WhatsApp groups is particularly horrifying and deplorable. This is clearly a law and order problem; the law agencies seem ill-equipped to handle violent mobs. The problem is not medium of communication but that which is communicated. Don’t shoot the messenger, fix the problem.

(7) It is worth repeating the analogy about what information in the digital age signifies: The World Wide Web has become akin to a surgeon’s scalpel that can heal and also kilL The’sharp knife that can remove a diseased part of a human body to make it healthy or the scalpel that is misused to maim and murder.

Young Indians in different walks of life have to constantly evaluate and negotiate both the power of information in strengthening freedom and the shocking threats to freedom, life and livelihood. The relationship is a complex one – but then we are living in an increasingly complex world. At the same time, some things are simple and incontrovertible. The youth will m determine the future.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
(A) When the author mentions that India stands at a unique juncture in its history with roughly half of its population between the age of 25 to 30, the author intends to say that …………….. [1]
The youth will determine the future of India.

(B) “Certain demographers believe we are home to the world’s ……………… mobile phones than usable toilets.” Pick the option in which the meaning of the word ‘home’ is NOT the same as it is in the’ passage.
(a) The church itself was frequently the home of anchorite.
(b) He sat down in a chair, and stretched out his legs, with an air of being at home.
(c) Nothing of this kind was ever seen before in the home of animal species.
(d) India is home to lakhs of persons with disability. [1]
(b) He sat down in a chair, and stretched out his legs, with an air of being at home.
Explanation: The meaning of ‘home’ in the passage is a place where we Live and can relax. In (a) home means a place, (c) means place of animals and (d) means place where one can live. Hence, (b) is correct.

(C) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the correct sequence of the information delivered to the readers about various concerns.
(I) Mindful young Indians
(II) Fake news
(III) India’s diversity
(IV) Net neutrality
(V) Average Indian population
(VI) Major challenges in India
(a) (I), (V), (III), (VI), (IV).
(b) (I), (V), (VI), (IN). (IV), (II)
(C) (V), (VI), (III), (IV), (II), (I)
(d) (V), (III), (VI), (IV), (II), (I) [1]
(c) (V), (V), (II), (IV), (I), (I)
Explanation: The first concern is average Indian population, major challenges in India, India’s diversity, net neutrality, fake news and mindful young Indians. Hence, (c) is correct.

(D) The author says that the most pernicious system of discrimination of them all, is the caste system. What does the term ‘pernicious’ mean? [1]

(E) Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the following:
(a) India is at a unique juncture in the history, were the internet has transformed human society in a way few could have imagined a decade and half ago.
(b) The internet has transformed human society in a way few could have imagined a decade and half ago. The Internet was meant to be ‘a universal commons’ (like the air we breathe) that would not just inform but also educate the ordinary citizens.
(c) The young Indians are the decision maker for the Hiture of the nation, which is constantly dealing with socially, politically and economically diverse issues in the digital era.
(d) In India, the internet has come to be dominated by a few giant conglomerates who want to control what young Indians read, hear and watch. The problem is not medium of communication but that which is communicated. [1]
(c) The young Indians are the decision maker for the future of the nation, which is constantly dealing with socially, politically and economically diverse issues in the digital era.
Explanation: The central idea of the passage is that the I ndian youth is constantly facing social, political and economic issues. In such a scenario the Indian youths have to act as the decision maker of the nation. Hence, (c) is correct.

(F) We can control the circulation of false news / rumours through digital platforms by ………………. [1]
checking the authenticity of what is being communicated
Explanation: False news and rumours can be controlled by keeping a check on the authenticity of what is being communicated.

(G) Does the following statement agree with the information given in the passage? According to the passage, for the people of India, the biggest challenge while accessing the Internet is the inability to differentiate between true and fake news; shows that people of India need to be conscientious.
True: if the statement agrees with the information.
False: if the statement contradicts with information.
Not Given: if there is no information on this. [1]

(H) Pick the option showing the CORRECT use of the word ‘incontrovertible’.
(a) The bike he rode on the road trip to Leh-Ladakh is incontrovertible.
(b) The CCTV footage provided incontrovertible evidence that he was at the scene of the crime.
(c) Incontrovertible debates are made since past fifty years on the size of this ancient catastrophe.
(d) The Encyclopaedia on the facts of British War are sometimes incontrovertible. [1]
(b) The CCTV footage provided incontrovertible evidence that he was at the scene of the crime.
Explanation: Incontrovertible means indispu-table. The CCTV footage gave correct evidence. Hence, (b) is correct.

(I) Pick the option which correctly states what DOES NOT includes in the understanding of flip side of democracy.
(a) Deep divisions
(b) Inequalities
(c) Reservations
(d) Discriminations [1]
(c) Reservations
Explanation: The flip side of democracy involves deep divisions, inequalities and discriminations. Hence, (c) is correct.

(J) The authors recommendation to young Indians in determining the future of the nation is dependent on ………………. [1]
individual’s discretion
Explanation: The discretion of young Indians will help determine the future of the nation.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Set 10 with Solutions

Question 2.
Read the passage given below: (1 x 10 = 10)
(1) Conflict between people takes the form of assertiveness, aggression and violence. It is fuel led by many factors including greed, selfishness, desire, jealousy, envy, fear, hate, and lust for power. From the perspective ofyogic philosophy, these fuels for conflict are all caused by our clouding of our perception called ‘avidya’. Because of ‘avidya’ we do not recognise our true spiritual kinship with other people, and we are prone to experience those fuels of conflict.

These fuels are widely varied, but have one commonality; experience of any of these emotions or desires is done from ‘ the T perspective. People who feel these emotions want more or less of something for themselves, as compared to what they see in other people. These people do not identify with others but feel separated from them, left out or isolated.

(2) Two powerful tools exist to reduce the effect of these “fuels” within ourselves: cultivating the right attitude, and behaving in constructive ways. Some of us feel envious or jealous when we see another who is happy, successful or content. We may feel disgust or even hatred at the sight of a drifter or a drug addict We need a change in attitude, a change that will help us purify our minds and become more peaceful.

We should practise being pleased when we see someone who is happy. We should try to be compassionate towards those in misery, and be joyful to see the virtues of another. In cultivating this attitude, we become more accepting of the world and more peaceful towards others. Non-possessiveness can be practised, as can contentment.

(3) Our behaviour- how we act – includes both how we treat others, and how we treat ourselves. To become satisfied in our lives and more peaceful in our treatment of others, we should practice non-violence, truthfulness and non-stealing. These qualities help us become happier in our lives and less aggressive towards others. We should decide what is proper here. Practising meditation is also known to reduce stress and increase happiness.

(4) A study was conducted to examine how meditation frequency (fromdaily to non-practice) is related to greater happiness, and how dispositional mindfulness and self-compassion could be mediating this relationship. Correlations analyses were conducted for the frequency of meditation practice, dispositional mindfulness (FFMQ), self-compassion(SCS-SF) and happiness (PHI).

The results from the data collected by 365 participants through survey showed that the mind-fulness and self-compassion scales were positively and significantly correlated with the happiness measure. Furthermore, as expected, frequency of meditation was positively and significantly correlated with the mindfulness scales, the self-compassion scales and happiness.

Frequency of mediation Happiness
Mindfulness scales
Observing .445** .387**
Describing .210** .398**
Acting with awareness .137** .347**
Non-judging .327** .391**
Non-reactivity .442** .499**
FFMQ total score .441** .555**
Self-compassion scales
Self-kindness .377** .598**
Common humanity .344** .558**
Mindfulness .421** .546**
SCS total score .424** .630**
Happiness .222** ..

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
(A) Complete the given statement. According to the passage, ‘I’s’ perspective is associated with ………………. [1]
Explanation: The point of view of ‘I’ is associated with isolation.

(B) Pick the options that lists statements that are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
(I) The fuels that originate conflict among people are all caused by the clouding of our perception called ‘avidya’.
(II) Cultivating right personality and behaving in co-curricular ways are two powerful tools to reduce the effect of these “fuels” within ourselves.
(III) Meditation helps to reduce stress and increase happiness.
(IV) The results of the study conducted revealed the correlation of the happiness index with self-care and love.
(a) (II) and (III)
(b) (III) and (IV)
(c) (II) and (IV)
(d) (IV) and (I) [1]
(c) (II) and (IV)
Explanation: II and IV are incorrect as cultivate right attitude reduces the effect of conflict and the study revealed that happiness is correlated with meditation practice. Hence, (c) is correct.

(C) The word ‘contentment’ as used in paragraph 2, means the same as ……………….. [1]
Explanation: The word ‘contentment’ means satisfaction in paragraph 2.

(D) Based on the graphical representation, choose the option that correctly states the depiction of the positive correlation of the two variables – mindfulness and self-compassion scales with happiness measures.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Set 10 with Solutions 1
(a) Fig. (I)
(b) Fig. (II)
(c) Fig. (III)
(d) Fig. (IV) [1]
(a) Option (I)
Explanation: The positive correlation of the two variables is when both are rising. Hence, (a) is correct.

(E) Complete the given sentence.
“These fuels are widely varied, but have one commonality.” What is ‘one commonality’ the author is referring to ……………….
(a) Egocentrism
(b) Avidya
(c) Possessiveness
(d) Discontentment [1]
(a) Egocentrism.
Explanation: The author is referring to egocentricism.

(F) Based on the findings of the research, mentioned in the paragraph 4 of the passage, choose the option that lists the statements that are TRUE.
(I) Mindfulness and self-compassion are the two variables that mediate the relationship between happiness and the frequency of meditation.
(II) Higher mindfulness and self-compassion results in greater happiness.
(III) Higher frequency of meditation results in greater happiness.
(IV) The frequency of meditation increases with the increase in mindfulness and self-compassion.
(a) (I) and (II)
(b) (III) and (IV)
(c) (I) and (III)
(d) (I) and (IV) [1]
(c) (I) and (III)
Explanation: Mindfulness and self-compassion are the two variables that mediate the relationship between happiness and the frequency of meditation. Higher frequency of meditation results in greater happiness. Hence, (c) is correct.

(G) Does the following statement agues with the information given in the passage?
Based on data representation in Table 1, FFMQ Total Score contributes the most in happiness measure.
True: if the statement agrees with the information.
False: if the statement contradicts with information.
Not Given: if there is no information on fies. [1]
Explanation: SCS Total score contributes most in happiness measure i.e. 630., not FFMQ total score.

(H) In the study conducted, the reaction of the 365 participants reveal that
self-compassion scales are …………………. with happiness measures. [1]
Positively corrected.
Explanation: The reaction of the 365 participant’s reveals that self-compassion scales are positively correlated with happiness measures.

(I) Which of the following statements is NOT substantiated by information in paragraph 3?
(a) In an order to stay happy and stressless, one should practice meditation.
(b) The qualities of non-violence, truthfulness and non-stealing helps ones to become happier and less aggressive towards others.
(c) To practice satisfaction and peace in life, one should follow non-violence, truthfulness and stealing.
(d) How we act includes, how we treat others as well as how we treat ourselves. [1]
(c) To practice satisfaction and peace in life, one should follow non-violence, truthfulness and stealing.
Explanation: There is information about following non violence, truthfulness and stealing to practice satisfaction and peace in life in the paragraph 3. Hence, (c) is correct.

(J) According to the Table 1 of the survey, which is the option that correctly displays the correlation of self-compassion scales with
(I) Frequency of Meditation Practice and
(II) Happiness Measures
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Set 10 with Solutions 2
(a) Option (I)
(b) Option (II)
(c) Option (III)
(d) Option (IV)
(a) Option (I)
Explanation: The correlation of self compassion scales with frequency of meditation practice and happiness measures is when happiness is more and meditation practice is only little less as in option (a). Hence, (a) is correct.

Section – B
Creative Writing Skills (20 marks)

Question 3.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following:
Analysis, using appropriate format and fluency, appropriacy of style and tone.
You are Sudhir/Sudha, Secretary of the Cultural Society of Bishop Cotton School, Pune. You are planning to organise a charity cultural program. Write a notice inviting names of students who are willing to participate for the same. Draft the notice, with all details in not more than 50 words.
As a head boy/girl of the school, draft a notice in not more than 50 words on the session to be conducted by the health volunteers of the school for the students on the precautions required for COVID-19 in the premises. You are Ved/Vedika Agrawal, Springdales School, Junagarh. [5]
Bishop Cotton School, Pune
21st November, 20XX
Charity Cultural Program
This is to inform all the students that the school is going to organize a charity cultural program for the weaker section of the society in the times of pandemic. Those who are interested to participate in the same may give their names to their respective class teachers. For further details, contact the undersigned.
Secretary of the Cultural
Springdales School, Junagarh
25th April, 20XX
A Health Session on COVID-19 Precautions
All the students of the school are hereby in-formed that a health session is to be conducted by the health volunteers of the school on the precautions to be taken for COVID-19 in the school premises. The session will be held on 27th April, 20XX at 10:00 am. For further queries, please contact the undersigned.
Ved/Vedika Agrawal
Head boy/girl

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Set 10 with Solutions

Question 4.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following:
Analysis, using appropriate format and fluency, appropriacy of style and tone.
You are Farah, living at 3, Saket Colony, Mohali. You decide to hold a dinner party to congratulate your grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary. Draft a formal invitation in not more than 50 words to all family members to attend a grand dinner at home.
You are Amit/Amita. You have received an invitation from your friend Mr Rakesh Singh to attend his job promotion party. Write a reply in not more than 50 words declining the invitation. [5]
Saket Colony Mohali
01th March, 20XX
Dear Uncle/ Aunt
On the auspicious occasion of the Golden Wedding Anniversary of my grandparents, I invite you to be a part of the special dinner at my residence. The dinner is scheduled to be on 18th March at 8:30 pm.
Thank you
Yours affectionately
Abc colony Thane
4th March, 20XX Mr Rakesh Singh Link street New Delhi
Subject : Declining Invitation Dear Friend
Thank you for your kind invitation to the job promotion party. I am grateful for the same and so excited for your success but unfortunately, I am not able to attend the party as I have some urgent work to do. Please accept my best wishes.
Yours Lovingly Amit/Amita

Question 5.
Attempt ANY ON E of the following:
Analysis, using appropriate format and fluency, appropriacy of style and tone.
You are Apoorva Sharma, 12 street, Indore. You have seen an advertisement in ‘The Deccan’ for the post of a crafts teacher in Blooms Public School, Indore. Apply with complete bio-data for the same to the principal of the school in not more than 120-150 words.

Crafts Teacher Wanted Crafts/Art teacher required; should have served in a school earlier. Practical/ theoretical Knowledge of Art. Salary inclusive of PF. Apply with a bio- data | addressed to the Principal, Blooms Public, Indore
You are a resident of Embassy Woods, Bangalore. Due to the work on Metro construction, the road outside your society has been dug up. This has resulted in disruption of telephone lines and also made moving out of the society is difficult. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a newspaper, highlighting the inconvenience caused and how it has affected your business. You are Veena/Vinod. [5]
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Set 10 with Solutions 3
12 street
1st May, 20XX
The Principal
Blooms Public School
Sub : Application for the Post of Crafts Teacher Dear Sir/Ma’am,
In response to your advertisement in the ‘The Deccan’ dated 28th April 20xx, I wish to be considered for the post of Crafts teacher in Blooms Public School. I have done the ‘Art n Craft’ course for elementary classes from a reputed college of Arts in Mumbai.
If selected, I promise to provide the best knowledge of Arts and Craft to the elementary students in the school
I am enclosing my biodata, along with my certificates in this letter.
I hope to receive a positive response from you
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Apoorva Sharma
Enclosure : Bio-data
Name: Apoorva Sharma
Father’s Name: Mr. Aditya Sharma
Date of Birth: 10th December, 1990
Age: 30 years
Sex: male
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Indian
Educational Qualifications: (i) B.A. (Home Science) from B.G. College, Indore
(ii) Arts n Craft’ course from Janki, College, Indore
Experience: Fresher
Languages known: English & Hindi
Hobbies: Painting, Travelling & Playing
Permanent Address: 12 street , Indore
Contact No.: 9825678XXX
References: (i) Prof. Armaan Jain
B.G. College, Indore
(ii) Dr. B.M. Gupta
Janki College, Indore
C 767, Embassy Woods
24th March, 20XX
The Areas Supervisor
BSNL office
Subject: The lackadaisical attitude of telephone department towards the concerns of customers
Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your kind notice the lackadaisical attitude of the telephone department towards the concerns of customers. I am a resident of C-767m Embassy Woods, Ulsoor and I operate a tele-marketing office from home, but for the past month my work has taken a hit as the telephones are not working.

As part of the Metro work, the road in front of my house has been dug up, which has resulted in disconnection of my telephone lines. This has had an adverse effect on my business. The BSNL were informed and they did inspect the site, but since then, no action has been taken.

I have been running from pillar to post to get the department to do the needful. Such casual and laid back approach from the public department is unacceptable. I sincerely hope that through your paper, the telephone department will look into the matter and expedite the repair work at the earliest.
Yours truly

Question 6.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following:
Analysis, using appropriate format and fluency, appropriacy of style and tone.
Your school recently hosted the Annual School Fest, Zephyrs, which was a great success. The next morning, however, you were appalled to see wrappers, papers and cups littered all around the ground. As the discipline captain Divyansh/ Devanshi, you decide to address the school assembly on the topic of cleanliness. Write an article in 120-150 words.

  • Annual festival in school
  • Dustbins placed but not used
  • Keeping surrounding clean is everybody’s responsibility
  • Heavy fine levied on littering

NGO, ‘Kare for Life’, recently conducted a three day symposium in your school on the importance of organ donation and how it needs to be made mandatory in order to save lives. Write a report in 120-150 words giving details of the symposium with the help of the given cues. The report will be published in your school magazine. You are Rita/Raman.

  • Life is a precious gift
  • Symposium inaugurated by the state health minister
  • Symposium targeted youth for educating about ‘organ donation’ [5]

Importance of Cleanliness
By Divyansh/Divyanshi,
After a successful Annual Fest in school, students should celebrate that success. However, the sight that greet us oftern make us want to hang our heads in shame.

Though, there are dustbins placed at strategic points, but students still miss them. The basic problem is our mindset. Keeping the surroundings clean is everyone’s responsibility. We always complain about Indian cities being dirty and municipal corporation not doing its job properly. But, we are the ones who make the surroundings dirty.

At school, we think the job of keeping the school clean is not ours, but the job of the housekeeping staff. Things must change and the change must begin today. The school management must plan to propose heavy fines and also make mandatory ‘shramdaan’ for all students found culprit in the same. Students should pledge to keep schools clean and also motivate others to do the same.
Give life – After Life
By Raman, XII A
Life is a precious gift and it is our duty to ensure that we not only cherish it, but also do everything within our power to share it with others. In order to educate and spread the importance of ‘Gift life’ a three day symposium was held by NGO,’ Kare for Life’ in the school premises. Parents, teachers, senior students of the school, along with four other schools participated in the same.

The symposium was inaugurated by the state health minister, Mr B Sriramulu. Speaking on the occasion, he hailed the wonderful step being taken by the school and also lauded the work being done by the NGO.

The symposium targeted the youth by, explaining the importance of donating organs. A talk on the process and the importance of filling in organ donation forms followed. The forms were distributed by student volunteers. The duly filled forms were put in boxes which were labelled.

More awareness should be created on such an important issue and hopefully all human beings will think of bestowing a gift of life to others who are less fortunate or who need the gift.

Section – C
Literature (40 marks)

Question 7.
Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE of the two given by answering the questions that follow: (1 x 6 = 6)
Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin last
Friday morning,

I saw my mother, beside me, doze, open mouthed,
her face ashen like that of a corpse
and realised with pain that she was as old as
she looked
but soon put that thought away,
and looked out at Young Trees sprinting,
the merry children spilling out of their homes.
(A) The phrase ‘ashen like that of the corpse’ refers to ……………… [1]
Explanation: The phrase shows the state of the mother when the writer saw her. Her face was pale, fear stricken or ash-like just a corpse. Her face showed extreme shock, fear or illness.

(B) Pick the option in which the meaning of the word ‘spilling’ is the same as it is in the passage.
(a) I was walking so fast, that I was con-tinuously spilling my drink.
(b) He opened the bags, spilling all its contents on the table.
(c) He fumbled with the milk bottle and a cup, spilling it a little.
(d) In the meantime, keep that crowd out there from spilling in here. [1]
(b) In the meantime, keep that crowd out there from spilling in here.
Explanation: In the passage, the word ‘spilling’ means to move quickly. In (a) spilling means to overflow, (b) means to fall, (c) means to accidently flow. Hence, (d) is correct.

(C) In context to the poem, the phrases, ‘young tree sprinting’ and ‘merry children spilling’ evokes the feeling of:
(a) Youth
(b) Old-age
(c) Happiness
(d) Calmness [1]
(a) Youth
Explanation: The phrases evoke the feeling of youth as children and trees are young. Hence, (a) is correct.

(D) Identify the figure of speech used in the sentence, ‘ …….and realised with pain that she was as old as she looked’. [1]
Explanation: Simile involves the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more clear. Here, the mother is said to be as old as she looked.

(E) By ‘but soon put that thought away’, the poet means that she …………………
(a) Ignored her mother
(b) Diverted her mind
(c) Forgot about what she was thinking
(d) Wanted to think about some important topics [1]
(b) diverted her mind
Explanation: In the car, when the poet looked at her mother, she had a lot of negative thoughts about the wellness of her mother. So, to avoid that, she diverted her mind by looking outside the car. Hence, (b) is the right answer.

(F) Which word from the extract means the same as ‘elated’?
(a) Ashen
(b) Doze
(c) Sprinting
(d) Merry [1]
(d) merry
What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity.
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with death.
(A) The phrase, “I want no truck with death” refers to:
(a) To avoid for time being
(b) To keep quiet and let it pass
(c) To tolerate and crib later
(d) To refuse to associate or deal with [1]
(d) To refuse to associate or deal with
Explanation: In the phrase, the poet wants to say that silence does not mean a complete association with death. In fact, it should be a moment of speculation and introspection. Hence, (d) is correct.

(B) Identify the figure of speech in the phrase, “Life is what it is about.” [1]
Explanation: Parallelism means when two or more elements of a sentence have the same grammatical structure.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Set 10 with Solutions

(C) In the extract, what emotions of poet evoke when he talks about death?
(a) Fright
(b) Sadness
(c) Threat
(d) Confused [1]
(c) Threat
Explanation: The poet wants everyone to be quiet for a while but he doesn’t want them to become lazy or threaten themselves with death. Hence, (c) is correct.

(D) The poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’ by Pablo Neruda has been written from the point- of-view of
(a) Environmentalist
(b) Feminist
(c) Social activist
(d) Linguist [1]
(a) Environmentalist
Explanation: ‘Keeping Quiet’ is a peace poem. He wants everyone to count till twelve and remain quiet while he leaves. He wants to be harmless to the human beings, animals and environment. Hence, (a) is correct.

(E) ‘What I want should not be confused with total inactivity.’ What does the poet want?
(a) Deep sleep
(b) Peaceful environment
(c) Non-violence
(d) Introspection [1]
(d) introspection

(F) The term from the extract which means the same as ‘perplexed’ is ………………… [1]

Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE of the two given by answering the questions that follow. (1 x 4 = 4)
Sometimes I think grand central is growing like a tree, pushing out new corridors and staircases like roots. There’s probably like a tree, pushing out new corridors way under the city right now, on its way to Times Square, and maybe another to Central Park. And maybe – because for so many people through the years Grand Central has been an exit, a way of escape how the tunnel I got into… But I never told my psychiatrist friend about that idea.
(A) What kind of a person does Charley seem to be from the given extract?
(a) philosophical
(b) fantasizing
(c) funny
(d) empathizing [1]
(b) fantasizing
Explanation: Charley has many theories about the tunnel he found. This implies he was an imaginative or a fantasizing person. So, option (b) is the correct answer. Options (a), (c) and (d) are not correct since there is no evidence in the extract for them.

(B) The Grand Central Station was ‘an exit and an escape’ for many people through the years. This is because ………………
(a) people leave and return to the city through this train station.
(b) people enter New York City through the Grand Central.
(c) travelling by itself is a way to escape the grind of life.
(d) of the beauty and grandeur of the Grand Central Station. [1]
(b) travelling by itself is a way to escape the grind of life.
Explanation: People travel for many reasons, one of which is to escape the grind of life. People use the Grand Central in this sense as an exit and an escape. So, option (c) is the correct answer. Options (a), (b) and (d) are all factual responses not inferential ones. Hence, they are incorrect.

(C) The ‘tunnel’ in this extract is portrayed as a ……………….. [1]
gateway into the past.
Explanation: The tunnel leads into the Grand Central in the 1890s so, it is a gateway into the past. Thus, option (a) is the correct answer. Options (b), (c) and (d) are incorrect since they are cannot be inferred from the text.

(D) Why didn’t Charley tell his psychiatrist friend about this idea?
(a) He was afraid that his job would be at stake if he shared these thoughts.
(b) He was afraid that his friend would not approve of his imaginings.
(c) He was afraid that his wife Louise would not like these thoughts.
(d) He was afraid that his psychiatrist friend would find this interesting. [1]
(d) He was afraid that his psychiatrist friend would find this interesting.
Explanation: Charley was afraid of what his psychiatrist friend might think. In fact, he might find it very interesting and analyse something from it. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer. The text shows no evidence for options (a), (b) and (c). Thus, they are incorrect.
They did not try to hide what they said from the ears ofHana as she stood arranging the day’s flowers in the veranda near by, and she knew they spoke on purpose that she might hear. That they were right she knew too in most of her being. But there was another part of her which she herself could not understand.
(A) Pick out the option that lists Hana’s feelings in the extract.
(1) Sorrow
(2) Hatred
(3) Fear
(4) Anger
(5) Confusion
(6) Sympathy
(a) (1), (3), (4)
(b) Only (3)
(c) (2), (5), (6)
(d) Only (5) [1]
(d) only 5
Explanation: In the given extract, Hana was confused. Hence, (d) is the correct answer.

(B) They were not trying to hide anything from Hana. This was to ………………….. [1]
express their dislike for her and her husband’s actions.
Explanation: They weren’t trying to hide anything from Hana to express their dislike for her and her husband’s actions.

(C) What were they right about?
(a) Their pride in their master.
(b) Their disgust for the prisoner.
(c) Their reaction to their master’s act.
(d) Their concern for their children. [1]
(c) Their reaction to their master’s act.

(D) Choose the option that is correct based on the given statements.
(1) Hana cannot defy her husband and is loyal to him till the end.
(2) Hana was angry on her servants for ‘ their behavior.
(a) Statement (1) is true but (2) is false.
(b) Statement (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) Both statements (1) and (2) are true,
(d) Both statements (1) and (2) are false. [1]
(a) Statement 1 is true but 2 is false.
Explanation: Statement 1 I true but 2 is false as Hana was not angry on her servants for their behaviour. Hence, (a) is the correct answer.

Question 9.
Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE of the two given by answering the questions that follow: (1 x 6 = 6)
Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Wachter, who was there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me, ‘Don’t go so fast, bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of timell thought he was making fun of me, and reached M. Hamel’s little garden all out of breath. Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street, the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, with our m hands over our ears to understand better, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table.

But now it was all so still! I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; but, of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning. Through the window. I saw my classmates, already in their places, and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. I had to open the door and go in before everybody.
(A) Identify the figure of speech used in the sentence, ‘everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning.’ [1]
Explanation: Here, quietness has been compared with the silence of a Sunday morning.

(B) Which style, from those given below, is being used by Mr. Watcher, the
blacksmith when he says, “Don’t go so fast, bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time!”
(a) Sarcastic
(b) Dramatic
(c) Suggestive
(d) Humour [1]
(c) Suggestive
Explanation: Mr. Watcher is suggesting not to go so fast. Hence, (c) is correct.

(C) The author reached M. Hamel’s little garden all out of breath. The phrase ‘all out of breadth’ signifies that the author:
(a) was very scared when he reached.
(b) reached in a very clumsy manner.
(c) reached in a great confusion as there was no bustle.
(d) reached in a hurried manner. [1]
(d) reached in a hurried manner.
Explanation: You feel out of breath when you do a vigorous physical activity. Here the author reached in a hurried manner. Hence, (d) is correct.

(D) “M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm.” This means, M. Hamel was:
(a) feeling active.
(b) feeling agitated.
(c) feeling frightened.
(d) feeling annoyed. [1]
(b) feeling agitated.
Explanation: M. Hamel was angry that is why he was walking up and down with his iron ruler under his arm. Hence, (b) is correct.

(E) Which word in the extract means same as ‘unanimously’? [1]

(F) ‘Teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table’. Choose the word that can replace the underlined word in the given line.
(a) Breaking
(b) Scratching
(c) Filing
(d) Hitting [1]
(d) hitting
It was late in December. Darkness was already descending over the forest. This increased the danger, and increased also his gloom and despair. Finally, he saw no way out and he sank down on the ground, tired to death, thinking that his last moment had come. But just as he laid his head on the ground, he heard a sound a hard regular thumping.

There was no doubt as to what that was. He raised himself. “Those are the harhfner strokes from an iron mill”, he thought “fhisre must be people nearby”. He summoned alt his strength, got up, and staggered in the direction of the sound.
(A) The darkness and the danger in the forest is symbolized to character’s feeling of gloomy and despair. This is an example of ……………… [1]
Explanation: Personification is where non-living objects are described to seem like people. Here, darkness and danger in the forest has been described to explain the feelings of sadness and despair.

(B) How did the character felt when he said, “There must be people nearby.”
(a) Frightened
(b) Hopeful
(c) Confident
(d) Confused [1]
(b) Hopeful
Explanation: The character is hopeful as he expects someone to be nearby. Hence, (b) is correct.

(C) The phrase ‘last moment had come’ refers to:
(a) Extreme tiredness
(b) Inability to think further
(c) Death
(d) Hopelessness [1]
(c) Death
Explanation: The phrase refers to death as it is the last moment of life. Hence, (c) is correct.

(D) Read the lines below and. identify the figure of speech.
“Late in December. Darkness already descending.
Increased the danger and the feeling of despair.
He saw no one out, tired to death, sank down.”
(a) Personification
(b) Alliteration
(c) Hyperbole
(d) Parallelism [1]
(b) Alliteration
Explanation: Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. Here, the letter ‘d’ has been repeated. Hence, (b) is correct.

(E) Choose the word from the extract that can SUBSTITUTE the word ‘spreading down’. [1]
(c) descending

(F) Which of the following word DOES NOT mean ‘summoned’?
(a) Gathered
(b) Collected
(c) Stacked up
(d) Released [1]
(d) released
Explanation: The word ‘summoned’ here, means to gather up a thing or an emotion. Options (a), (b) and (c) means the same while (d) does not. Hence, (d) is the right answer.

Question 10.
Attempt ANY FIVE out of the six questions given below, in 40-50 words each. (5 x 2 = 10)
(A) What does Kamala Das feel when she is driving with her mother towards the airport, in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty- six’? [2]
(B) Justify the ‘childish longing’ that the poet refers to in the poem ‘A Roadside Stand’ [2]
(C) “All of a sudden, Franz started valuing his teacher M. Hamal”.
Comment on the given statement with reference to the chapter ‘The Last Lesson’. [2]
(D) How has the poet conveyed the effect of the weight of matrimony has on Aunt Jennifer? [2]
(E) What does the narrator mean by “miles away from, it metaphorically” in ‘The Lost Spring’? [2]
(F) ‘The man would benefit if he did nothing and kept quiet’. State a reason why the poet says so. [2]
(A) The poet, Kamala Das, is filled with sadness and in the rip of her childhood fear. The fear is that she would lose her mother. Seeing her mother look pale and old, she experiences pain and agony and foreboding that she might lose her mother forever.

(B) The poet in the poem ‘A Roadside Stand’, calls the desire of the poor rural people of the countryside to get some city money from the urban people as ‘childish longing’. He feels that this desire of the rural people is just a childish thing as it goes in vain.

(C) The news that he would soon be separated from his teacher makes Franz realize that he has taken his teacher for granted and M Hamel suddenly gains immense importance in his life. The pride that the teacher displays in his country and language and the fact that he tries to instill the same pride in his students increases Franz’s respect and makes the teacher appear tall in stature.

(D) With marriage, Aunt Jennifer has lost her identity and independence. Her husband controls her completely. Her attempt at embroidery is also symbolic of her attempt to express her desire for freedom. Even that is done under constant fear of being found out.

(E) Seemapuri is a slum where people survive in a primitive state without basic amenities, which is a stark contrast to the advanced metropolitan city of, Delhi. Thus, metaphorically, it is a world away but geographically close to Delhi.

(F) If man kept quiet and did not involve himself in doing anything, then he would introspect. Only then will he realise the harm he had caused to mankind and the need of strengthening his relationships.

Question 11.
Attempt ANY TWO out of the three questions given below in 40-50 words: (2 x 2 = 4)
(A) In the chapter ‘The Third Level’, what convinces Charley that he is in the old world of the last century? [2]
(B) The Maharaja decided to get married all of a sudden. Support this statement with a rationale from the chapter ‘The Tiger King’. [2]
(C) About 650 million years ago, Gondwana was separated into smaller Landmasses. State a reason why. [2]
(A) Charley is convinced that he has somehow reached the old world because men and women are dressed like they used to in the late nineteenth century, with men sporting different types of beards, sideburns and moustaches. The brass spittoons, open flame as Lights, and a very small Currier & Ives locomotive, all confirmed the belief that he is somehow transported to the past.

(B) In the chapter, ‘The Tiger King’, the Maharaja Jung Bahadur decided to get married in order to satisfy his own selfishness of killing a hundred tigers. As all the seventy tigers in his province were already killed, he needed to shoot remaining thirty in a kingdom with a large population of tigers. Hence, he decided to get married so that he can get access to kill tigers.

(C) Gondwana was a large landmass in the ancient times but about 650 million years ago, when the dinosaurs were destroyed and the age of mammals came around, the big landmass shattered into smaller continents, forming the map as we know it today.

Question 12.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following questions in 120-150 words.
“The instructor was finished, but I was not”.
Why Douglas says so in the story ‘Deep
Water’? Elaborate with reference to the text.
‘Imagine that you overheard the following snippet of an interaction between the valet and the housekeeper at the ironmaster’s mansion at the end of the story.
Speaker 1: Trust is a difficult choice, which may or may not be rewarded.
Speaker 2: Yes, indeed. Ms. Willmansson really believed in that fellow, didn’t she?
And he didn’t disappoint. She was so happy reading his letter, oh her tears of joys filled my heart with so much admiration for her. Such a kind, wonderful young lady.
Speaker 1: Absolutely. But I wonder, what if that vagabond had run away with the silver spoons? Would you speak so glowingly of Ms. Willmansson then? Our master’s daughter was a bit too gullible. Wouldn’t you say?
Speaker 2: But she did what was right. That must count for something. It’s Christmas, and she helped that poor man. It didn’t matter what he did. Surely the choice of right and wrong does not depend on the outcome.
Speaker 1: Wouldn’t it? I should jolly well think so.
How would you respond to the questions raised in this conversation in relation to the story? Write your response in the form of an entry in your daily journal [5]
The terrifying and near death experiences developed in Douglas an inherent fear and aversion to water. As a young child, he was almost buried under a large wave, and when he was about ten years old, he was thrown into the deep end of the pool. Both near death experiences mark him and Douglas is in the rip of this fear of water. Despite that he keeps trying to master that fear. He would seize every opportunity to defeat the fear.

He would do canoeing, boating, fishing, although fear often held him captive and he felt paralysed. He realizes that he is missing out on life and that he has allowed his fear to rule him. He engages an instructor to teach him to swim. After months of tireless training, the instructor is convinced that Douglas has mastered the technique of swimming, but Douglas is not content. He wants to triumph over his fear of water, not merely learn to swim.
Dear Diary,
Today, I heard two voices discussing the young mistress’s actions. I think I know who they are but I won’t be revealing them. So, the major point of discussion was that Edla had done wrong by being kind to the peddler without any proof that he deserved it. I think I agree with Edla. One cannot look for proof before bestowing kindness on someone. That would be calculation not kindness. It was Christmas. She helped the peddler in the spirit of Christmas.

Ideally, we should practise radical kindness as the book by Angela Santomero says, “By being kind and charitable, we can change the world much more than by being calculating”. Of course, there will be detractors for any new idea like this. So, I am not surprised that Edla’s father was not all on board with this idea. But in the end, he was proven wrong. The peddler left the money he stole from the old crofter and even left Edla a gift of a rattrap. So, kindness pays in the end.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English Set 10 with Solutions

Question 13.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following questions in 120-150 words.
Dr. Sadao is a brilliant surgeon and a man of ethics and principles. Justify the statement with a rationale.
With reference to the story ‘On The Face of It*, what benefits did Derry reap from his association with Mr. Lamb? Comment. [5]
Dr. Sadao has been depicted as a man of principles even though he does live in to prejudice initially when he sees the American prisoner. He is reminded of the prejudice he had to face in America, but the doctor and human in him wins and he decides to help the prisoner.

He is also a proud Japanese, who feels the need to do the right thing and therefore, informs the General of the presence of the prisoner in his house. The General is ailing and needs Dr. Sadao to treat him, assuring him of help. On the home front, Dr. Sadao faces revolt from his servants but does not back down from his responsibility of saving a life.

Despite the General’s assurance, Dr. Sadao is still apprehensive and wants to protect the prisoner. He decides to help him escape. His humane and thoughtful side comes to the fore when he provides the soldier with everything he might need and also keeps looking out for him.

He ensures that he fulfils his duty as a doctor and as a patriot, without living in to the evils of prejudice and discrimination, making him a man of ethics and principles.
Derry had no association with the outer world till he met Mr. Lamb. His meeting with Mr. Lamb was a turning point in his life. He learnt to Live a respectful Life and also appreciated Mr. Lamb’s attitude and outlook towards people and life. He realised his true worth. Mr. Lamb inspired him to face the world in spite of his disability. Derry’s thinking towards people and life completely changed and he became self confident.

Mr. Lamb successfully infused in him courage and self-determination. He advised him to ignore the comments made by people on his physical impairment and enjoy beauty of life and nature.

That was why Derry went back to Mr. Lamb’s garden in spite of his mother’s refusal. Now, Derry had understood the importance and true meaning of life and understanding himself better than before.