Number Puzzles and Games

Number Puzzles and Games is a complicated topic in playing with numbers chapter. For solving each puzzle game, you must know the logic behind it and you should be smart enough. Playing with numbers and puzzle games will improve your skills and knowledge in math. So, check out the different types of puzzles and detailed steps to solve them.

Students can find the detailed steps, example questions on the games number puzzles concept that helps you to solve the questions easily. Have a look at the below sections and follow them.

Number Puzzles Definition

Number puzzle is a mathematical concept that has numbers from 1 to 9 and they must be placed in a grid of cells based on the condition given in the question. The best example of a number puzzle is Sudoku.

Types of Number Puzzles

The below-mentioned list are the types of number puzzles.

  • Cross Number: It is a puzzle similar to a crossword, but the entries in it are numbers, not words.
  • Sudoku: It is an excellent way to develop logical skills while having fun, and you can enjoy it while solving it. No math or no guess is needed to solve these questions.
  • Math Riddle: It will help kids to exercise the brain and improve creativity and logical reasoning.
  • Brain Teasers: Brain teasers are a type of puzzle, they come in various forms often represented as a question, activity riddle. It required little extra brain to solve.
  • Jigsaw Puzzle: These puzzles are simple, and helps you to build skills like visual reasoning, short-term memory, special awareness, and logical thinking.
  • Yohaku Puzzles: These focus on additive and multiplicative thinking and you can become more efficient by recalling certain facts as well as develop problem-solving skills.
  • Magic Triangle: You have to place the numbers on the magic triangle based on the conditions provided.

Step by Step Procedure to Solve Sudoku

The simple and easy steps to complete the sudoku game are listed here. Go through and follow the instructions carefully to solve difficult puzzles like sudoku in a fraction of seconds.

  • Let us take a 9 x 9 table.
  • You have to enter 1 to 9 numbers on each row and each column.
  • Each grid has only one number.
  • There should be no repetition of numbers on the row or column.

Examples of Number Puzzles and Games

Example 1:

Insert the eight four-digit numbers in the 4 × 4 grid, four reading across and four reading down.

{ 5 4 1 7, 8 6 2 1, 1 2 3 5 , 9 1 3 2, 6 1 9 3, 2 7 3 5, 3 7 5 1, 1 4 7 6, 6 5 2 8}


Given set of numbers are { 5 4 1 7, 8 6 2 1, 1 2 3 5 , 9 1 3 2, 6 1 9 3, 2 7 3 5, 3 7 5 1, 1 4 7 6, 6 5 2 8}

At the first grid enter the numbers which have the common digit at the thousand’s place which are (6 1 9 3, 6 5 2 8).

Next enter the numbers wither from rows or columns.

After completing entering numbers in all the grids.

Check out once all numbers are numbers or not.

6 5 2 8
1 4 7 6
9 1 3 2
3 7 5 1

Example 2:

Find the value of A in the following image?


+ A

+ A

= B A


In this case, A is a number its three times sum is a number and itself. Therefore, the sum of two A’s should be 0. Then the possibilities of A will be either 0 or 5.
If A = 0, then the total will be 0, so B = 0.
But is not possible. Because two different alphabets represent different numbers.
If A = 5, then
A + A + A = 5 + 5 + 5 = 1 5
So, B = 1, A = 5

Example 3:

Complete the magic square given below so that the sum of the numbers in each row or in each column or along each diagonal is fifteen.


The total of each row or each column or diagonal is 15.

So, unfilled number in the second column is 15 – (1 + 5) = 15 – 6 = 9

Number at third row, third column is 15 – ( 6 + 5) = 15 – 11 = 4

Number at the first column, third row is 15 – (9 + 4) = 15 – 13 = 2

Number at first row, second column is 15 – (2 + 6) = 15 – 8 = 7

Number at first row, third coloumn is 15 – (6 + 1) = 15 – 7 = 8

Number at second row, third coloumn is 15 – (7 + 5) = 15 – 12 = 3