Protection Of Trade Secrets – Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Important Questions

Protection Of Trade Secrets – Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Important Questions

Question 1.
The TRIPS agreement provides protection to trade secrets. Elucidate.
The TRIPS Agreement under Article 39 protects trade secrets in the form of “undisclosed information”. The protection must apply to information that is secret, which has commercial value because it is secret and that has been subject to reasonable steps to keep it secret. The Agreement does not require undisclosed information to be treated as a form of property, but it does require that a person lawfully in control of such information must have the possibility of preventing it from being disclosed to, acquired by, or used by others without his or her consent in a manner contrary to honest commercial practices.

“Manner contrary to honest commercial practices” includes breach of contract, breach of confidence and inducement to breach, as well as the acquisition of undisclosed information by third parties who knew, or were grossly negligent in failing to know, that such practices were involved in the acquisition. The Agreement also contains provisions on undisclosed test data and other data whose submission is required by governments as a condition of approving the marketing of pharmaceutical or agricultural chemical products which use new chemical entities. In such a situation the Member government concerned must protect the data against unfair commercial use. In addition, Members must protect such data against disclosure, except where necessary to protect the public or unless steps are taken to ensure that the data are protected against unfair commercial use.

Question 2.
What is a trade secret? How are trade secrets protected?
A trade secret is any kind of information that is secret and not generally known in the relevant industry giving the owner a benefit over competitors. In other words, any information which can be used in business and is sufficiently valuable to afford an actual or potential economic benefit over others is a trade secret. Trade secret includes formulas, patterns, methods, programs, techniques, processes or compilations of the information providing a competitive edge. Trade secrets are not protected by any law as a registered trademark or a patent. Article 39 of the TRIPS agreement protects trade secrets in the form of ‘undisclosed information’ and provides a uniform mechanism for the international protection of trade secrets.

These are protected by a variety of civil and commercial means. Any other person (including employees) with the potential to come to know the secret is asked to sign a confidentiality and/or non-disclosure agreement. Infringement or infringement of these agreements generally entails financial penalties.
In India, the only remedies available for the protection of trade secrets are civil or equitable remedies for a breach of confidence cause of action. They include:

  • an award of the injunction “preventing the third party from disclosing the trade secrets,” and “confidential and proprietary information,” and;
  • In the case of “for any losses suffered due to disclosure of trade secrets.” The court may order any damages or compensation to be given to the plaintiff. The court may also order the party at fault to “deliver up” such materials.

Question 3.
(b) Article 1 (2) of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) states that intellectual property shall include protection of undisclosed information. Discuss India’s National IP Rights Policy for the future of Trade Secrets in India.
Article 39 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights provides that member nations must ensure that natural and legal persons have the “possibility” of preventing such information, within their control, from being disclosed, acquired, or used by others without their consent, in a manner contrary to honest commercial practice. It can be inferred that the “possibility” referred to implies that trade secrets should be accorded protection within the legal system and not necessarily in the IP legislative framework of the member nation.

The 1989 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) discussion paper on India establishes that trade secrets cannot be considered IP rights, because the fundamental basis of an IP right rests in its disclosure, publication, and registration, while trade secrets are premised on secrecy and confidentiality. The paper goes on to state that the observance and enforcement of secrecy ) and confidentiality should be governed by contractual obligations and the provisions of appropriate civil law, not by Intellectual Property (IP) laws. On May 12, 2016, India approved the National IP Rights Policy, which has seven objectives.

One of these objectives is to ensure an effective legal and legislative framework for the protection of IP rights. The steps to be taken towards achieving this objective include the identification of important areas of study and research for future policy development; one such area identified was the protection of trade secrets. In a discussion paper on IP rights at the subsequent US-India Trade Policy Forum held on October 20, 2016, in New Delhi, India’s representatives noted that India protects trade secrets through a common-law approach and reiterated the country’s commitment to the strong protection of trade secrets. It was agreed that a toolkit would be prepared for industry, especially small to medium-sized enterprises, to highlight applicable laws and policies that may enable businesses to protect their trade secrets in India.

A training module on trade secrets for judicial academies may also be considered. A further study of various legal approaches to the protection of trade secrets will also be undertaken in India. At present, Indian trade secrets law is a judiciary-made law, based on the principle of equity and common law actions against breach of confidence, with the jurisprudence as a whole revolving around an employee’s obligations and duties towards the employer regarding confidential information gained during the course of employment. Indian jurisprudence regarding- trade secrets is unclear on a number of important aspects, including:

  • the scope of damages in the case of a breach of confidential information;
  • theft of trade secrets by business competitors; and
  • procedural safeguards during court litigation.

Further, in the absence of a specific trade secrets law, the courts have ruled in favor of the proprietor of information as literary work as defined under copyright law. The recent creation of the National IP Rights Policy has raised hopes for the enactment of a trade secrets law, being this is one of the objectives of the policy.

It can be safely deduced that India requires exclusive legislation on Trade Secrets and Confidential Protection. It will not only boost the future of Intellectual Property in India but also do wonders on the economic front. A country like India is supplicating now in its own mind for legislation that will supplant the non-existing legislation on trade secrets. The initiative taken by the rest of the world in relation to the legislation on trade secrets should jolt India out of its slumber in order to be abreast with the world.

Question 4.
What is a trade secret? How are trade secrets protected?
The trade secret is any business information withheld from public knowledge in order to gain a competitive edge ever other companies. It has been stated that any information that can be used in the operation of a business or other enterprise and that is sufficiently valuable to afford an actual or potential economic advantage over a trade secret. The trade secret is expected to be treated in such a way that it is not available to others (public on competitors) unless obtained by theft or by improper acquisition. Thus, trade secret depends on three factors :

  1. It is not generally known to the relevant portion of the public;
  2. Confers some sort of economic benefit on its holders; and
  3. It is the subject of reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy.

Examples of trade secrets are:

  • formula
  • pattern
  • idea
  • process
  • physical device.

The measures to protect trade secrets are:

  1. To make sure that a limited number of people know the secret and that, all those who do, are well aware that it is confidential information.
  2. Signing confidentially agreements with business partners whenever disclosing confidential information.
  3. Including confidentiality agreements within employees’ contracts. Under the law of many countries, however, employees owe confidentiality to their employer even without such agreements. The duty to maintain confidentiality on the employer’s secrets generally remains even after the employee has left the employment.

Question 5.
Enumerate the measures that a company should take to protect trade secrets/confidential business information.
Every company should take some important measures to protect its trade secrets. They are as follows :

  1. Technical information / research and development;
  2. proprietary technology information
  3. formulas
  4. compounds
  5. prototypes
  6. processes
  7. laboratory notebooks
  8. experiments and experimental data
  9. analytical data
  10. calculations
  11. drawings – all types
  12. diagrams – all types
  13. design data and design manuals
  14. R & D reports – all types
  15. R & D know-how and negative know-how
  16. Production / process information
  17. Proprietary information concerning production/process etc.

Question 6.
What are the factors that need to be taken into consideration while determining information used by a Company is a trade secret?
There are six factors that need to be taken into consideration while determining whether information owned or used by a company is a trade secret in terms of the necessary level of security to ensure adequate protection of those trade secrets These are :

  1. The extent to which the information is known outside the company.
  2. The extent to which the information is known by employees and others involved in the company.
  3. The extent of measures taken by the company to guard the secrecy of the information.
  4. The value of the information to the company and the competitors.
  5. The expenditures by the company in developing the information.
  6. The ease or difficulty with which the information could be properly acquired or duplicated by others

CS Professional Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Notes


The Protection Of Plant Varieties And Farmers ’ Rights – Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Important Questions

The Protection Of Plant Varieties And Farmers ’ Rights – Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Important Questions

Question 1.
(c) Farmers in developing countries particularly in India are very confused and do not understand the concept of intellectual property right. Some people are misguiding them and creating panic and rumour that the patent law will prevent them to use seeds for cultivation. If you are an I PR expert how you will clear farmers’ doubt about the patent law that it will not affect their livelihood and still they can use the seeds for cultivation as usual.
The law on the subject is contained in the Protection of Rant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 where under the concept of Plant Breeders’ Rights has been provided legal sanction/authority. There is undoubtedly a need to provide incentives to the Plant Breeders who are engaged in the creative work of research which sustains agricultural progress through returns on investments made in research and to persuade the researchers to share the benefits of their creativity with society.

The issue of enacting a law relating to Plant Varieties Protection and Farmers’ Rights in India assumed importance particularly in the wake of the TRIPS agreement under WTO which seeks to promote effective protection of Intellectual Property Rights in all fields of technology. Article 27 of the TRIPS Agreement defines “Patentable subject matter” and requires member countries to provide for the protection of plant varieties whether by patenting or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof.

With a view to providing for the establishment of an Authority to give an effective system of protection of the rights of plant breeders and farmers, and to encourage the development of new varieties of plants and to give effect to the provisions of TRIPS Agreement, the Parliament enacted the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act, 2001. The Act seeks to stimulate investment for research and development both in the public and private sectors for the development of new plant varieties by ensuring appropriate returns on such investments. It also seeks to facilitate the growth of the seed industry in the country through domestic and foreign investment to ensure the availability of high-quality seeds and planting material to Indian farmers.

It also recognizes the role of farmers as cultivators and conservers and the contribution of traditional, rural and tribal communities to the country’s agro-biodiversity by rewarding them for their contribution through benefit sharing and protecting the traditional rights of the farmers. The Act also provides for the setting up of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Authority to promote and develop new varieties of plants and promote the rights of the farmers and breeders.

Considering the above, it is not correct to say that the Patent Law prohibits the Farmers from using seeds (for cultivation) which are not a subject matter of grant of a right under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act, 2001. In fact, the law is meant to provide protection to the farmers’ rights over the inventions that they are able to come up with and disclose them for the benefit of the common public at large.

Question 2.
(a) Company ABC is a biotechnology-related company. It created a new organism by doing genetic manipulation with the traditional existing organism. Advice on the patentability of such genetic manipulation.
In 1972, Anand Chakrabarty, a microbiologist, researcher to the General Electric Company filed a patent application in relation to a bacterium from the genus pseudomonas containing therein, at least two stable energy-generating plasmids, each of the said plasmids providing a separate hydrocarbon degradative pathway. It was a man-made, genetically engineered bacterium capable of breaking down multiple components of crude oil. It was asserted that because of this property, which is possessed by no naturally occurring bacteria, the invention could treat oil spills.

The patent claims were of three types:

  • process claim for the method of producing the bacteria
  • claims for an inoculum comprised of a carrier material floating on water such as straw and the new bacteria, and
  • claims to the bacteria itself.

The Patent Examiner allowed the claims to fall into the first two categories but rejected the claim for bacteria. The decision rested on two grounds:

  • That microorganisms are products of nature, and
  • That as living things, they are not patentable subject matter.

Later, the Patent Office Board of Appeals reiterated the examiner’s decision on the ground that micro-organisms do not fall within the ambit of patentable subject matter since they are living things. Besides the Court of Custom and Patent Appeals emphasized that this issue was not whether the claimed bacterium was living or inanimate but whether it constituted an invention made by human intervention.

The Court reaffirmed that the bacterium was not a handiwork of nature rather it was Charabarty’s own invention. The four statutory categories of inventions, which can be granted patents are processed, the machine, manufacture and composition of matter. Hence, on the question as to in which category would the invention fall. The Supreme Court held that Genetically Engineered oil-consuming bacterium could be categorized either as the composition of matter or manufacture.

The court read the term manufacture in accordance with its dictionary definition, to mean the production of articles for use from raw or prepared materials by giving to these materials, new forms, qualities, properties or combinations whether by hand labour or by machinery. The court obviously turned back to the legislative intent of the drafters of the US Patent Act to ascertain the rationale behind using general and broad terminology “any composition of matter” or “manufacture.”According to the court, this selection of broad language suggested that the drafters’ goal was to stimulate innovation in a wide range of then-unknown technologies and scientific fields, a goal that would be frustrated if Congress was repeatedly required to amend the statute so as to explicitly delineate new categories of patentable inventions.

The court observed that the legislative history of the Patent Act connotes that .* the patentable subject matter includes “anything under the sun that is made by man.” Chakrabarty simply shuffled genes, changing bacteria that already existed. The widest interpretation by the court, let the broadest amplitude to patentability to the living subject matter. After this historic decision, the US biotech industry flourished and numerous patents have been granted on human-made higher life forms such as transgenic crops, mice, fish, cows etc.

TRI Ps supported the argument for patenting of microorganisms in Article 27.3 of TRIPs. It excludes two specific classes of subject matter from patentability:

  1. Diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods for the treatment of human and animal; and
  2. Plants and animals other than microorganisms and essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals other than no biological and microbiological processes.

TRIPS permit patenting of the microorganism but do not define microorganism leaving member states to formulate their own standards relating to it. Indian Patent Act, 1970 through its Section 3 allows the patenting of microorganism and microbiological processes to be patentable. Hence, India does not allow patenting of microorganisms already in nature, but genetically modified versions of the same microorganism that result in enhancement of its called efficacies are patentable.

Question 3.
Write a short note on the constitution of Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority.
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights, Authority and Registry. The provisions under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers-Rights Act, 2001 on the subject of Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights, Authority and Registry’ are contained in Chapter II (Sections 3 to 13) of the ActvTbe relevant provisions thereof are reproduced herein below:

Section 3 – Establishment of Authority (1):
The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, establish an Authority to be known as the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority for the purposes of this Act. (4) The Authority shall consist of a Chairperson and fifteen members. (5) (a) The Chairperson, to be appointed by the Central Government, shall be a person of outstanding calibre and eminence, with long practical experience to the satisfaction of that Government especially in the field of plant varietal research or agricultural development, (b) The members of the Authority, to be appointed by the Central Government, shall be as follows, namely:-

  1. The Agriculture Commissioner, Government of India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi, ex officio;
  2. The Deputy Director-General in charge of Crop Sciences, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, ex officio;
  3. The Joint Secretary in charge of Seeds, Government of India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi, ex officio;
  4. The Horticulture Commissioner, Government of India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi, ex officio:
  5. The Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, ex officio;
  6. One member not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India to represent the Department – of Biotechnology, Government of India, ex officio;
  7. One member not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India to represent the Ministry of Environment ‘ and Forests, Government of India, ex officio;
  8. One member not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India to represent the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Government of India, ex officio;
  9. One representative from a National or State level farmers’ organisation to be nominated by the Central Government:
  10. One representative from a tribal organisation to be nominated by the Central Government;
  11. One representative from the seed industry to be nominated by the Central Government,
  12. One representative from an agricultural University to be nominated by the Central Government;
  13. One representative from a National or State level women’s organisation associated with agricultural activities to be nominated by the Central Government; and
  14. Two representatives of State Governments on a rotation basis to be nominated by the Central Government. (c) The Registrar-General shall be the ex officio member-secretary of the Authority. (7) The Chairperson shall appoint a Standing Committee consisting of five members, one of whom shall be a member who is a representative from a farmers’ organization, to advise the Authority on all issues including farmers’ rights.

Section 4 – Meetings of Authority:
(1) The Authority shall meet at such time and place and shall observe such rules of procedure in regard to the transaction of business at its meetings including the quorum at its meetings and the transaction of business of its Standing Committee appointed under sub-section (7) of section 3 as may be prescribed.
(2) The Chairperson of the Authority shall preside at the meetings of the Authority. (6) No act or proceeding of the Authority shall be invalid merely by reason of

  • Any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of, the Authority; or
  • Any defect in the appointment of a person acting as the Chairperson or a member of the Authority; or
  • Any irregularity in the procedure of the Authority not affecting the merits of the case.

Section 7 – Chairperson of being Chief Executive:
The Chairperson shall be the Chief Executive of the Authority and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed.

Section 8 – General functions of Authority:
(1) It shall be the duty of the Authority to promote, by such measures as it thinks fit, the encouragement for the development of new varieties of plants and to protect the rights of the farmers and breeders.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the measures referred to in sub-section (1) may provide for

  • The registration of extant varieties subject to such terms and conditions and in the manner as may be prescribed;
  • Developing characterization and documentation of varieties registered under this Act;
  • Documentation, indexing and cataloguing of farmers’ varieties;
  • Compulsory cataloguing facilities for all varieties of plants;
  • Ensuring that seeds of the varieties registered under this Act are available to the farmers and providing for compulsory licensing of such varieties if the breeder of such varieties or any other person entitled to produce such variety under this Act does not arrange for production and sale of the seed in the manner as may be prescribed;
  • Collecting statistics with regard to plant varieties, including the contribution of any person at any time in the evolution or development of any plant variety, in India or in any other country, for compilation and publication;
  • Ensuring the maintenance of the Register.

Section 11 – Power of Authority:
In all proceedings under this Act before the Authority or the Registrar,(a) The Authority or the Registrar, as the case may be, shall have all the powers of a civil court for the purposes of receiving evidence, administering oaths, enforcing the attendance of witnesses, compelling the discovery and production of documents and issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses (b) The Authority or the Registrar may, subject to any rule made in this behalf under this Act, make such orders as to costs as it considers reasonable and any such order shall be executable as a decree of a civil court.

Section 12 – Registry and offices thereof:
(1) The Central Government shall establish, for the purposes of this Act, a Registry which shall be known as the Plant Varieties Registry.
(4) The Authority may appoint such number of Registrars as it thinks necessary for the registration of plant varieties under the superintendence and direction of the Registrar-General under this Act and may make regulations with respect to their duties and jurisdiction.
(7) There shall be a seal of the Plant Varieties Registry.

Section 13 – National Register of Plant Varieties:
(1) For the purposes of this Act, a Register called the National Register of Plant Varieties shall be kept at the head office of the Registry, wherein shall be entered the names of all the registered plant varieties with the names and addresses of their respective breeders, the right of such breeders in respect of the registered varieties, the particulars of the denomination of each registered variety, its seed or other propagating material along with the specification of salient features thereof and such other matters as may be prescribed.

Question 4.
Write a brief note on infringement offences, penalties and procedure.
Infringement, Offences, Penalties and Procedure (Chapter X – Section 64 to 77)
Section 64 – Infringement:
Subject to the provisions of this Act, a right established under this Act is infringed by a person-

(1) who, not being the breeder of a variety registered under this Act or a registered agent or a registered licensee of that variety, sells, exports, imports or produces such variety without the permission of its breeder or within the scope of a registered licence or registered agency without the permission of the registered licensee or registered agent, as the case may be

(2) who uses, sells, exports, imports or produces any other variety giving such variety, the denomination identical with or deceptively similar to the denomination of a variety registered under this Act in such manner as to cause confusion in the mind of general people in identifying such variety so registered.

Section 65 – Suit for infringement, etc:
(1) No suit-(a) for the infringement of a variety registered under this Act; or (b) relating to any right in a variety registered under this Act, shall be instituted in any court inferior to a District Court having jurisdiction to try the suit.
(2) For the purposes of clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1), “District Court having jurisdiction” shall mean the District Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the cause of action arises.

Section 66 – Relief in a suit for infringement:
(1) The relief which a court may grant in any suit for infringement referred to in section 65 includes an injunction and at the option of the plaintiff, either damages or a share of the profits.
(2) The order of injunction under sub-section (1) may include an ex pane injunction or any interlocutory order for any of the following matters, namely:–

  • discovery of documents;
  • preserving of infringing variety of documents or other evidence which are related to the subject matter of the suit,
  • attachment of such property of the defendant which the court deems necessary to recover damages, costs or other pecuniary remedies which may be finally awarded to the plaintiff.

Section 67 – Opinion of scientific adviser:
(1) When the court has to form an opinion upon any question of fact or a scientific issue, such court may appoint an independent scientific adviser to suggest it or to inquire into and report upon the matter to enable it to form the desired opinion.
(2) The scientific adviser may be paid such remuneration or expenses as the court may fix. Offences, Penalties and Procedure

Section 68 – Prohibition to apply denomination of (25 of 1961) registered variety:
(1) No person other than the breeder of a variety registered under this Act or a registered licensee or a registered agent thereof shall use the denomination of that variety in the manner as may be prescribed.
(2) A person shall be deemed to apply the denomination of a variety registered under this Act who-

  • applies it to the variety itself; or
  • applies it to any package in or with which the variety is sold, or exposed for sale, or had in possession such package for sale or for any purpose of trade or production; or
  • places, encloses or annexes the variety which is sold, or exposed for sale, or had in possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or production, in or with any package or other thing’ to which the denomination of such variety registered under this Act has been applied; or
  • uses the denomination of such variety registered under this Act in any manner reasonably likely to lead to the belief that the variety or its propagating material in connection with which it is used is designated or described by the denomination; or
  • in relation to the various uses such denomination in any advertisement, invoice, catalogue, business letter, business paper, price list or other commercial document and such variety is delivered. to a person in pursuance of a request or order made by reference to the denomination as so used.

(3) A denomination shall be deemed to be applied to a variety whether it is woven in, impressed on, or otherwise worked into, or annexed or affixed to, such variety or to any package or other thing.

Section 69 – Meaning falsely applying to denominate of (25 of 1961) registered variety:
(1) A person shall be deemed to falsely apply the denomination of a variety registered under this Act who, without the assent of the breeder of such variety,

  • applies such denomination or a deceptively similar denomination to any variety or any package containing such variety;
  • uses any package bearing a denomination which is identical with or deceptively similar to the denomination of such variety registered under this Act, for the purpose of packing, filling or wrapping therein any variety other than such variety registered under this Act.

(2) Any denomination of a variety registered under this Act falsely applied I as mentioned in sub-section (1), is in this Act referred to as false denomination.

(3) In any prosecution for falsely applying a denomination of a variety registered under this Act the burden of proving the assent of the breeder of such variety shall lie on the accused.

Section 70 – Penalty for applying false denomination, etc.:
(1) Any person who-
(a) applies any false denomination to a variety; or
(b) indicates the false name of a country or place or false name and address of the breeder of a variety registered under this Act in the course of trading such variety, shall unless he proves that he acted, without intent to defraud, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three months but which may extend to two years, or with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees, or with both. Section 71 – Penalty for selling varieties to which false denomination is applied, etc.: Any person who sells, or exposes for sale, or has in his possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or production of any variety to which any false denomination is applied or to which an indication of the country or place in which such variety was made or produced or the name and address of the breeder of such variety registered under this Act has been falsely made, shall unless he proves

(a) that have taken all reasonable precautions against committing an offence against this section, he had at the time of the commission of the alleged offence no reason to suspect the genuineness of the denomination of such variety or that any offence had been committed in respect of indication of the country or place in which such variety registered under this Act, was made or produced or the name and address of the breeder of such variety;

(b) that, on-demand by or on behalf of the prosecutor, he gave all the information in his possession with respect to the person from whom he obtained such variety; or

(c) that otherwise he had acted innocently, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to two years, or with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees, or with both.

Section 72 – Penalty for falsely representing (25 of 1961) variety as registered:
Whoever makes any representation with respect to the denomination of a variety or its propagating material or essentially derived variety or its propagating material not being a variety or its propagating material or essentially derived variety or its propagating material registered under this Act, to the effect that it is a variety or its propagating material or essentially derived variety or its propagating material registered under this Act or otherwise represents any variety, or its propagating material, or essentially derived variety or its propagating material not registered under this Act to the effect that it is registered under this Act shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term, which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to three years, or with fine which shall not be less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees, or with both. Section 73 – Penalty for a subsequent offence.-

Whoever, having already been convicted of an offence under this Act is again convicted of such offence shall be punishable for the second and for every subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but which may extend to three years, or with fine which shall not be less than two lakh rupees but which may extend to twenty lakh rupees, or with both.

Section 74 – No offence in certain cases:
The provisions of this Act relating to offences shall be subject to the right created as recognised by this Act and no act or omission shall be deemed to be an offence under the provisions of this Act if such act or omission is permissible under this Act. Section 75 – Exemption of certain persons employed in the ordinary course of business: Where a person accused of an offence under this Act proves that in the ordinary course of his employment, he has acted without any intention to commit the offence and having taken all reasonable precautions against committing the offence charged, he had, at the time of the commission of the alleged offence, no reason to suspect the genuineness of the act so charged as an offence and on demand made by or on behalf of the prosecutor, he gave all the information in his possession with respect to the persons on whose behalf the offence was committed, he shall be acquitted.

Section 76 – Procedure where the invalidity of registration is pleaded by the accused:

(1) Where the offence charged under this Act is in relation to a variety or its propagating material or essentially derived variety or its propagating material registered under this Act and the accused pleads that the registration of such variety or its propagating material or essentially derived variety or its propagating material, as the case may be, is invalid and the court is satisfied that such offence is prima facie not tenable, it shall not proceed with the charge but shall adjourn the proceedings for three months from the date on which the plea of the accused is recorded to enable the accused to file an application before the Registrar under this Act for the rectification of the Register on the ground that the registration is invalid.

(2) If the accused proves to the court that he has made such application within the time so limited or within such further lime as the court for sufficient cause allow, the further proceedings in the prosecution shall stand stayed till the disposal of such application for rectification.

(3) If within a period of three months or within such extended time as may be allowed by the court, the accused fails to apply to the Registrar for rectification of the Register, the court shall proceed with the case as if the registration were valid.

(4) Where before the institution of a complaint of an offence referred to in sub-section (1), any application for the rectification of the Register concerning the registration of the variety or its propagating material or essentially derived variety or its propagating material, as the case may be, in question on the ground of invalidity of such registration has already been properly made to and is pending before the Registrar, the court shall stay the further proceedings in the prosecution pending the disposal of the application aforesaid and shall determine the charge against the accused in conformity with the result of the application for rectification.

Section 77 – Offences by companies:
(1) If the person committing an offence under this Act is a company, the company as well as every person in charge of, and responsible to, the company for the conduct of its business at the time of the commission of the offence shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly:

Question 5.
Write a short note on farmer rights.
Farmers’ Rights (Chapter Vi – Section 39 to 46) Section 39 – Farmer’s rights: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act,-

(i) A farmer who has bred or developed a new variety shall be entitled for registration and other protection in like manner as a breeder of a variety under this Act;

(ii) The farmers’ variety shall be entitled to registration if the application contains declaration as specified in clause (A) of sub-section (1) of section 18;

(iii) A farmer who is engaged in the conservation of genetic resources of landraces and wild relatives of economic plants and their improvement through selection and preservation shall be entitled in the prescribed manner for recognition and reward from the Gene Fund: Provided that material so selected and preserved has been used as donors of genes in varieties registrable under this Act;

(iv) A farmer shall be deemed to be entitled to save, use, sow, re-solve, exchange, share or sell his farm produce including seed of a variety protected under this Act in the same manner as he was entitled before the coming into force of this Act: Provided that the farmer shall not be entitled to sell branded seed of a variety protected under this Act.

For the purposes of clause (iv), “branded seed” means any seed put in a package or any other container and labelled in a manner indicating that such seed is of a variety protected under this Act.

(2) Where any propagating material of a variety registered under this Act has been sold to a farmer or a group of farmers or any organisation of farmers, the breeder of such variety shall disclose to the farmer or the ‘ group of farmers or the organisation of fanners, as the case may be, the expected performance under given conditions, and if such-propagating material fails to provide such performance under such given conditions, the farmer or the group of farmers or the organisation of fanners, as the case may be, may claim compensation in the prescribed manner before the Authority and the Authority, after giving notice to the breeder of the variety and after providing him an opportunity to file an opposition in the prescribed manner and after hearing the parties, may direct the breeder of the variety to pay such compensation as it deems fit, to the farmer or the group of farmers or the organisation of farmers, as the case may be.

Question 6.
Mention the provisions related to ‘Plant Varieties Protection Appellate Tribunal.
Plant Varieties Protection Appellate Tribunal (Chapter VIII-Sections 54 to 59) Section 54 – Tribunal:
The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, establish a Tribunal to be known as the Plant Varieties Protection Appellate Tribunal to exercise the jurisdiction, powers and authority conferred on it by or under this Act.

Section 55 – Composition of Tribunal:
(1) The Tribunal shall consist of a Chairman and a such number of Judicial Members and Technical Members as the Central Government may deem fit to appoint.

(2) A Judicial Member shall be a person who has for at least ten years held a judicial office in the territory of India or who has been a member of the Indian Legal Service and has held a post in Grade-ll of that Service or any equivalent or higher post for at least three years or who has been an advocate for at least twelve years.

(3) A Technical Member shall be a person who is an eminent agricultural scientist in the field of plant breeding and genetics and possesses experience of at least twenty years to deal with plant variety or seed development activity, or who has held the post in the Central Government or a State Government dealing with plant variety or seed development equivalent to the Joint Secretary to the Government of India for at least three years and possesses special knowledge in the field of plant breeding and genetics.

(4) The Central Government shall appoint a Judicial Member of the Tribunal, to be the Chairman thereof.

(5) The Central Government may appoint one of the Members of the Tribunal to be the senior member thereof.

(6) The senior Member or a Member shall exercise such of the powers and perform such of the functions of the Chairman as may be delegated to him by the Chairman by a general or special order in writing.

(7) Every such appeal shall be preferred by a petition in writing and shall be in such form and shall contain such particulars as may be prescribed.

Section 57 – Orders of Tribunal:
(1) The Tribunal may, after giving both the parties to the appeal an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders, thereon as it thinks fit.

(2) The Tribunal may, at any time within thirty days from the date of the order, with a view to rectifying the mistake apparent from the record, amend any order passed by it under sub-section (1), and make such amendment if the mistake is brought to its notice by the appellant or the opposite party.

(3) In every appeal, the Tribunal may, where it is possible, hear and decide such appeal within a period of one year from the date of filing of the appeal.

(4) The Tribunal shall send a copy of any order passed under this section to the Registrar. ,

(5) The orders of the Tribunal under this Act shall be executable as a decree of a civil court.

Section 58 – Procedure of Tribunal:
(1) The powers and functions of the Tribunal may be exercised and discharged by Benches constituted by the Chairman of the Tribunal from among the Members thereof.

(2) A Bench shall consist of one Judicial Member and one Technical Member.

(3) If the Members of a Bench differ in opinion on any point, they shall state
the point or points on which they differ, and the case shall be referred to the Chairman for hearing on such point or points by one or more of the other Members and such point or points shall be decided according to the opinion of the majority of the Members who have heard the case, including those who first heard it.

(4) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Tribunal shall have the power to regulate its own procedure and the procedure of Benches thereof in all matters arising out of the exercise of its powers or the discharge of its functions, including the places at which the Benches shall hold their sittings.

(5) The Tribunal shall, for the purpose of discharging its functions, have all the powers which are vested in the Registrar under section 11, and any proceeding before the Tribunal shall be deemed to be a judicial proceeding within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 and for the purpose of section 19G of the Indian Penal Code, and the Tribunal shall be deemed to be a civil court for all the purposes of section 195 and Chapter XXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.

(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Act or in any other law for the time being in force, no interim order (whether by way of injunction or stay or any other manner) shall be made on, or in, any proceedings relating to an appeal unless

  • copies of such appeal and of all documents in support of the plea for such interim order are furnished to the party against whom such appeal is made or proposed to be made; and
  • opportunity is given to such a party to be heard in the matter.

Section 59 – Transitional provision.- Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, till the establishment of the Tribunal under section 54, the Intellectual Property Appellate Board established under section 83 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 shall exercise the jurisdiction, powers and authority conferred on the Tribunal under this Act subject to the modification that in any Bench of such Intellectual Property Appellate Board constituted for the purposes of this section, for the Technical Member referred to in sub-section (2) of section 84 of the said Trade Marks Act, the Technical Member shall be appointed under this Act and he shall be deemed to be the Technical Member for constituting the Bench under the said sub-section (2) of section 84 for the purposes of this Act.

Question 7.
Discuss the Procedure of surrender and revocation of certificate.
Surrender and Revocation of Certificate (Chapter V – Sections 33 To 38) Section 33 – Surrender of certificate of registration:
(1) A breeder of a variety registered under this Act may, at any time by giving notice in the prescribed manner to the Registrar, offer to surrender his certificate of registration.

(2) Where such an offer is made, the Registrar shall notify in the prescribed manner every registered agent or registered licensee relating to such certificate.

(3) Any of such agent or licensee may, within the prescribed period after such notification, give notice to the Registrar of his opposition to the surrender and where any such notice is given, the Registrar shall intimate the contents of such notice to the breeder of such variety.

(4) If the Registrar is satisfied after hearing the applicant and all the opponents, if desirous of being heard, that the certificate of registration may properly be surrendered, he may accept the offer and by order revoke the certificate of registration.

Section 34 – Revocation of protection on certain grounds:
Subject to the provisions contained in this Act, the protection granted to a breeder in respect of a variety may, on the application in the prescribed manner of any person interested, be revoked by (he Authority on any of the following grounds, namely:

  • that the grant of the certificate of registration has been based on incorrect information furnished by the applicant;
  • that the certificate of registration has been granted to a person who is not eligible for protection under this Act;
  • that the breeder did not provide the Registrar with such information, documents or material as required for registration under this Act;
  • that the breeder has failed to provide an alternative denomination of the variety which is the subject matter of the registration to the Registrar in the case where the earlier denomination of such variety provided to the Registrar is not permissible for registration under this Act;
  • that the breeder did not provide the necessary seeds or propagating material to the person to whom a compulsory licence has been issued under section 47 regarding the variety in respect of which registration certificate has been issued to such breeder;
  • that the breeder has not complied with the provisions of this Act or rules or regulations made thereunder;
  • that the breeder has failed to comply with the directions of the Authority issued under this Act;
  • that the grant of the certificate of registration is not in the public interest Provided that no such protection shad be revoked unless the breeder is given a reasonable opportunity to file an objection and of being heard in the matter.

Section 35 – Payment of annual fees and forfeiture of registration in default thereof:

(1) The Authority may, with the prior approval of the Central Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, impose a fee to be paid annually, by every breeder of a variety, agent and licensee thereof registered under this Act determined on the basis of benefit or royalty gained by such breeder, agent or licensee, as the case may be, in respect of the variety, for the retention of their registration under this Act.

(2) If any breeder, agent or licensee fails to deposit the fee referred to in sub-section (7) imposed upon him under that sub-section in the prescribed manner up to two consecutive years, the Authority shall issue notice to such breeder, agent or licensee and on service of such notice if he fails to comply with the direction in the notice, the. Authority shall declare all the protection admissible under the registration certificate issued to such breeder or agent or licensee forfeited.

(3) The arrears of fee imposed under sub-section shall be deemed to be the arrears of land revenue and shall be recoverable accordingly.

Section 36 – Power to cancel or change registration and to rectify the Register:

(1) On an application made in the prescribed manner to the Registrar by any person aggrieved, the Registrar may make such order as he may think fit for cancelling or changing any certificate of registration issued under this Act on the ground of any contravention of the provisions of this Act or failure to observe a condition subject to which such registration certificate is issued.

(2) Any person aggrieved by the absence or omission from the Register of any entry, or by any entry made in the Register without sufficient cause, or by any entry wrongly remaining on the Register, may apply in the prescribed manner to the Registrar and the Registrar may make such order for making, expunging or varying the entry as he may think fit.

(3) The Registrar may, in any proceeding under this section, decide any question that may be necessary or expedient to decide in connection with the rectification of the Register.

(4) The Registrar on his own motion may, after giving notice in the prescribed manner to the parties concerned and after giving them an opportunity of being heard, make any order referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2).

CS Professional Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Notes

Geographical Indications – Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Important Questions

Geographical Indications – Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Important Questions

Question 1.
Who are the beneficiaries of the registration of geographical indications? (5 marks)
As per Section 11 of the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999, registered proprietors of geographical indication like any association of persons, producers, organization, or. authority established by or under the law is the beneficiaries of geographical indications. The Applicant has to be a legal entity and should be representing the interest of producers of the goods applied for. Any such organization or association that is not that of the producers may have to prove that they represent the interest of producers. Any Applicant Authority also has to prove that they represent the interest of producers.

Question 2.
Explain the criminal remedies in case of infringement, piracy, or falsification of Gl under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act,1999?
A registered geographical indication is infringed by a person who, not being an authorized user thereof uses such geographical indication by any means in the designations or presentation of goods that indicates or suggests that such goods originate in a geographical area other than the true place of origin of such goods in a manner which misleads the persons as to the geographical origin of such goods. Hence the infringement of registered G.l. occurs if a person:

  1. Uses the G.l. on the goods or suggests that such goods originate in a geographical area other than the true place of origin of such goods in a manner which misleads the public; or
  2. Uses the G.l. in a manner that constitutes an act of unfair competition; or
  3. Uses another G.l. to the goods in a manner, which falsely represents to the public that the goods originate in the territory, region, or locality in respect of which such registered G.l. relates.

Chapter VIII of the Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 lays down provisions regarding certain offenses, Penalties and the Procedure to be followed thereof.

The legislature has taken a strong view of the cases of infringement, piracy, falsification, misrepresentation and has made them penal offenses under the Act. The chapter apart from listing penalties for the above-mentioned offenses also details the penalty and procedure to be followed in the prosecution of such offenses.

The following are the acts deemed as offenses:
In the context of offenses, what constitutes the meaning of “applying geographical indication has been dealt with in section 37 and the expression geographical indication has been defined in Section 2 (1) (e).
Section 38 lists two kinds of offenses namely:-

(1) Falsifying a Gl and
(2) Falsely applying a Gl.

  • The penalty for falsification of GIs and the circumstances in which a person applies false Gl are enumerated in Section 39.
  • Selling goods to which false Gl is applied as outlined in Section 40,
  • Enhanced Penalty for subsequent convictions for the offenses of falsifying, falsification of GIs, or selling goods with false GIs.
  • Falsely representing a Gl as registered as listed in Section 42. Misrepresenting the Gl as registered, which has not been actually registered is made an offense.

Question 3.
Geographical indications are the new WTO compatible measure to protect well-known traditional knowledge and established trade name. Discuss with reference to Alphonso mango case.
Alphanso Mango from Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, and other adjoining areas in Maharashtra, finally got the status (and thus the legal protection) of a Geographical Indication (Gl) Tag. A Geographical Indication or a Gl is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to their origin. Such a name conveys an assurance of quality and distinctiveness which is essentially attributable to its origin in that defined geographical locality. Darjeeling Tea, Mahabaleshwar Strawberry, Blue Pottery of Jaipur. Banarasi Sarees and Tirupati Laddus are some of the GIs.

Gl products can benefit the rural economy in remote areas, by supplementing the incomes of artisans, farmers, weavers, and craftsmen. Our rural artisans possess unique skills and knowledge of traditional practices and methods, passed down from generation to generation, which needs to be protected and promoted. Recently, Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Suresh Prabhu, launched the logo and tagline for the Geographical Indications (Gl) of India and said that the Gl will give the rightful share in the intellectual property to the artisan and the place of origin of the product. He emphasized that it’s an area of strength and optimism for India, whereby the Gl tag has given protection to a large number of hand-made and manufactured products, especially in the informal sector.

The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion has also taken several initiatives in this regard and is actively involved in the promotion and marketing of GIs with a vision to enhance the horizon, both socially and economically for Gl producers.

The king of mangoes, Alphonso, better known as ‘Hapus’ in Maharashtra, is in demand in domestic as well as the international markets not only for its taste but also for pleasant fragrance and vibrant color. It has long been one of the world’s most popular fruits and is exported to various countries including Japan, Korea, and Europe. New markets, such as the USA and Australia have been recently opened up for it. The first product to get a Gl tag in India was the Darjeeling tea in 2004 and there are a total of 325 products from India that carry this indication/recognition.

Question 4.
(b) Texas-based Rice Tec Inc. claimed that their invention pertains to a novel breed of rice plants and grains therefore UPSTO granted the patent on ‘Basmati Rice Lines and Grains’ in September 1997 after three years of examination and accepted all the 20 claims put forward by Rice Tec Inc. What was the consequence when India challenge the patent and why patent granted to three hybrid varieties Bas 867, RTI 1117 and RT.1121.
In the case of a patent granted to Rice Tec Inc., an American private company based in Texas, India challenged the grant of patent in the US. Basmati rice, sought-after for its fragrant taste, was developed by Indian farmers over hundreds of years, but the Texan company Rice Tec obtained a patent for a cross-breed with American long-grain rice. Rice Tec was granted the patent on the basis of aroma, elongation of the grain on cooking, and chalkiness. Although, the Indian government filed 50,000 pages of scientific evidence to the US Patents and Trademarks Office, insisting that most high-quality basmati varieties already possess these features. The US Patent and Trademarks office accepted the petition and will re-examine its legitimacy.

The patent – granted only in the US – provided Rice Tec control over basmati rice production in North America. Farmers had to pay a fee to grow the rice and were not permitted to plant the seeds to grow the following year’s crops. India feared the patent may severely damage exports from its own farmers to the US. India has also objected to Rice Tec calling the rice ‘basmati’, insisting the name should be used only for rice grown in the Basmati region of India. The Indian government claimed like status for basmati rice as that granted to Champagne, Cognac, and Scotch whisky.

A team of agricultural scientists screened several research papers, reports, and proceedings of seminars, conferences, symposia, journals, newspapers, and archives for relevant supporting information to establish the existence of prior art in this area in India.

The documentary evidence against the claim Nos. 15, 16, and 17 of the company for novelty were so strong that Rice Tec had to withdraw these claims. The company further withdrew 11 claims. Hence, only five of Rice Tec’s original 20 claims survived the Indian challenges. The patent granted simply gives three hybrid varieties Bas 867 RT 1117 and RT 1121. The new rice has nothing to do with basmati. Importantly, none of the claims granted by the patent pertain to basmati rice as a generic category. Also, the Rice Tec. application was for a patent and not for basmati as a trademark, so there is no question of Rice Tec getting exclusive rights to use the term basmati. The patent granted, Hence, neither prevents Indian Basmati from being exported to the US nor puts it at a disadvantage in the market.

Question 5.
Kalyan is a non-profit statutory trust in Andhra Pradesh situated in salubrious surroundings in a rural area. Employing about 14,000 persons, Kalyan produces a special kind of puri using resources peculiar to the area and adopting cooking skills particular to the area. The cooks preparing the puri had developed culinary skills, whose descent could be traced to their ancestors over more than 500 years. Villagers and even outsiders visiting the area savor the special taste of the puri and even get addicted to it. Kalyan is also under the obligation to administer and maintain the trust property and to cater to the needs of the cooks and workmen. Puri is offered at subsidized rates to the customers and has gained a great reputation and distinctiveness over a long period.

Kalyan applied for the registration of geographical indication (GI) for its puri under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 (the Act). After following the procedure laid down, the Registrar of Geographical Indications granted registration sought by Kalyan in its favor. In doing so, the procedural formalities contemplated under the said Act and Rules made thereunder were strictly adhered to and the genuineness of the product {puri) was verified by duly appointed experts. The product was classified as ‘foodstuff under the Act. Kalyan, thus, became the registered proprietor.

At the time of the grant of Gl to puri, there were no objections from anyone when the matter was published in the Gl Journal. Thus, there was no pre¬grant opposition to the grant of Gl to puri. But yet, after the grant of Gl, one large foodstuff dealer filed a rectification application alleging that granting of Gl tag for pur/contravened Section 11(1) of the Act and Rules made thereunder and that the said geographical indication was prohibited for registration under Section 9(a) of the Act.

Further, the rectification applicant alleged that there was no industrial purpose served by the grant and that granting a monopoly to a single producer would defeat the very purpose for which the Act was brought into force. Section 11 of the Act refers to ‘any association of persons or producers or any organization or authority established by or under any law for the time being in force representing the interest of producers of the concerned goods and therefore a single producer was not entitled to the grant of Gl. Moreover, the applicant claimed that puri was like any other similar puri made throughout the country and hence the use (consumption) of puri by customers would likely deceive or cause confusion attracting Section 9(a) of the Act. It was prayed by the applicant that the grant of Gl to puri be removed from the Register of Geographical Indications.

Furthermore, the rectification applicant opposed the grant of Gl to puri on the ground that it did not fall under the definition of goods in Section 2(1 )(f) of the Act.

Kalyan (respondent) objected to the locus standi of the applicant stating that the rectification applicant was in no way offended by the registration and that he never objected when the matter was published in the Gl journal before the Registrar of Gl granted the registration to puri. Kalyan contended that the term ‘producers’ mentioned in Section 11 of the Act represents both singular and plural. Interpretation of the term should be done in the light of Section 13(2) of the General Clauses Act, 1897. Producers would include a single producer. Further, the respondent argued that it had the. inherent statutory and equitable rights to fence its intellectual prop^fty. The geographical indication registration was acquired to make the public aware of the Gl tag granted to puri produced by the trust (Kalyan) and to protect them from unauthorized sales. The product was rightly classified, as foodstuff under section 2(1 )(f) of the Act.

Kalyan further opposed the rectification application on the ground that Section 9(a) of the Act prohibited the registration of Gl which would be likely to deceive or cause confusion and that in the case of puri, there was no such confusion and misleading the public. On the other hand, the rectification applicant failed to explain how the registered product would cause confusion. Kalyan argued that the essence of Gl was not only to protect the interest of manufacturers but also that of consumers who were willing to pay more for a genuine product. The legislative intent was to protect the interest of the producers and general public from imitation and consequently with puri having a well-known reputation, the producer (Kalyan) was having every right to fence the product by getting eligible intellectual property protection.

The Registry of Geographical Indications sent notice to both parties. The rectification applicant led no evidence nor did he produce any document, in his favor.

Based on the above, answer the following questions:
(1) Whether the rectification applicant has the locus standi to institute the rectification proceedings against the registered geographical indication puri? Whether the rectification applicant is an aggrieved person?

(2) Whether there was any violation of Section 11 of the Act, in particular with reference to puri being produced by a single producer, Kalyan, and whether puri falls under the definition of ‘goods’ as per Section 2(1 )(f) of the Act?

(3) Whether the rectification applicant had established its case for rectification, particularly in the light of Section 9(a) of the Act?

(1) The respondent/registered proprietor (Kalyan) had raised its preliminary objections regarding the maintainability of the rectification application challenging the locus standi of the applicant. Under section 27(1 j of the Gl Act, 1999 read with Rule 65 of the Rules made thereunder, an aggrieved person alone has the right to file a rectification application with the Registrar or the Appellate Board, as the case may be. The section, in particular, authorizes only ‘an aggrieved person, to apply for canceling or varying the registration of a geographical indication on the ground of any contravention or failure to observe the condition entered on the register in relation thereto by the holder of the Gl. A person cannot file a rectification application challenging the registration of Gl unless he can prove his grievances on account of the registration. In the present case, the rectification. the applicant failed to establish as to how he was prejudiced by the registration of the Gl. On the other hand, it is the duty of the rectification applicant to set out fully the. nature of his interest in the registered product.

The rectification applicant was unsuccessful in satisfying the tribunal on this issue of his interest towards the registered Gl. From the averments made in the rectification application, it is apparent that the rectification applicant is a third party and not involved in the same trade or manufacturing a similar Gl product. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that the applicant “lacks standing” to bring an action of this nature and has also failed in proving his locus standi to seek rectification in the registered Gl. The issue is not in favor of the rectification applicant on the ground that he is not an aggrieved person and also not having any interest in the registered Gl.

(2) It has been alleged in the rectification application that Sections 11(1) and 2(1 )(f) of the Act and Rules made thereunder was violated in the grant of Gl to Kalyan, raising an issue that the respondent was the sole producer of the product and therefore, it does not fall within the ambit of Section 11(1). Under section 11(1) of the Act, any association of persons or producers or any organization or authority established by or under any law for the time being in force representing the interest of the producers of the goods may make an application for Gl registration. The respondent/registered proprietor is a statutory trust in the State of Andhra Pradesh and therefore falls within the scope of Section 11 (1) of the Act read with Section 2(1 )(k) thereof, as a ‘person’ and ‘producer’ and the said entity is entitled to make an application for Gl registration for any product subject to proving that it represents the interest of producers of the particular product.

The rectification applicant mentioned that granting of Gl tag to Puri contravened the essential condition for grant of Gl under section 11 (1) of the Gl Act. It further alleged that there was no industrial purpose served by the grant and that such grant shall result in monopoly to a single producer. According to the rectification applicant, Kalyan, being a single producer was not entitled to the grant of Gl and that each and every person involved in the manufacturing of the product is deemed to be a producer of the product and that Puri is not manufactured by the efforts of a single person. It is a product emerging from the effort of employees of Kalyan and Kalyan represents the producers under section 11 (1) of the Act.

The terms ‘producers’ mentioned in Section 11(1) of the Act includes both its singular as well as the plural form. The interpretation of the term should be done in the light of Section 13(2) of the General Clauses Act, 1897 and thus read in that context Kalyan is eligible to apply for Gl registration for its Puri under section 11 (1) of the Act.

The rectification applicant has questioned the classification of Puri as goods under section 2(1 )(f) of the Act. The said section defines ‘Goods’ as ‘any agricultural, natural or manufactured goods or any goods of handicraft or of industry and includes foodstuff. Thus in terms of the said definition, Puri falls within the definition of ‘Goods’ under section 2(1 )(f) of the Gl Act.

(3) Section 9(a) of the Act prohibits the registration of a Gl which would be likely to deceive or cause confusion. In the case of Puri, there is no such confusion or deception of the public. The facts of the case also show that the rectification applicant failed to explain how the registered product will cause confusion in the mind of the public. The essence of the grant of right over Gl is not only to protect the interest of manufacturers but also that of the consumers who are willing to pay more for a genuine product. The legislative intent is to protect the interests of the producer as well as the general public from any imitation of the product. Puri has a well-known reputation and the producer has every right to fence the product by getting eligible Intellectual property protection.

Regarding the applicant’s contention that production of Puri and grant of Gl for Puri shall serve no industrial purpose for which the Act was brought into force, carries no force, as it is evident from the facts of the case that Puri was being manufactured by a large workforce and was therefore serving an industrial purpose. As the skills involved were unique and particular to the place of origin (the area where the trust is located and the area where the culinary skills of the cooks exist having descended from their ancestors), grant of Gl to Puri was done only after following the procedure established by law and after the genuineness of the product was verified by duly appointed experts. Gl is granted to an applicant only after he satisfies the requirements of Section 11 (1) of the Act. The Act does not prohibit the grant of monopoly in respect of a product; rather the intent is to grant the protection to a Gl in order to protect the interest of the manufacturer as also the customers against non-genuine products.

Therefore, it can be safely concluded that the rectification applicant has failed to establish his claim for rectification.

Question 6.
Read and analyze the case study and answer the questions given at the end :
India is the world’s largest producer of tea, with a total production of 846 million kgs in the year 2002, supplying about 31 percent of the world’s favorite hot drink. Among the teas grown in India, Darjeeling tea offers distinctive characteristics of quality and flavor, and also has a global reputation for more than a century. Broadly Speaking, there are two factors that have contributed to such an exceptional and distinctive taste, namely geographical origin and processing, Darjeeling tea has been cultivated, grown, and produced in tea gardens in a well-known geographical area – the Darjeeling district in the Indian State of West Bengal – for over one and a half centuries. The tea gardens are located at elevations of over 2000 meters above mean sea level.

Even though the tea industry in India lies in the private sector, it has been statutorily regulated and controlled by the Ministry of Commerce since 1933 under various enactments culminating in the Tea Act, 1953. The tea Board of India (Tea Board) was set up under this Act. A major portion of the annual production of Darjeeling tea is exported, the key buyers being Japan, Russia, the United States, United Kingdom, and other European Union (EU) Countries such as France, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Efforts made by the Tea Board to ensure the supply of genuine Darjeeling tea In order to ensure the supply and genuine Darjeeling tea, a compulsory system of certifying the authenticity of exported Darjeeling tea was incorporated into the Tea Act, 1953 in February 2000. The system makes it compulsory for all the dealers in Darjeeling tea to enter into a license agreement with the Tea Board of India on payment of an annual license fee. The terms and conditions of the agreement provide, inter alia, that the licensees must furnish .information relating to the production and manufacture of Darjeeling tea and its sale, through auction or otherwise.

The Tea Board is thus able to compute and compile the total volume of Darjeeling tea produced and sold in the given period. No blending with teas of other origin is permitted. Certificates of origin are then issued for export consignments under the Tea (Marketing and Distribution Control) Order, 2000, read with the Tea Act, 1953. Data are entered from the garden invoices (the first point of movement outside the factory) into a database and the issue of the Certificate of Origin authenticates the export of each consignment of Darjeeling tea by cross-checking the details. The customs authorities in India have instructed, by circular, all customs checkpoints to check for the certificates of origin accompanying the Darjeeling tea consignments and not to allow the export of any tea as ‘Darjeeling’ without this certificate. This ensures the sale-chain integrity of Darjeeling tea until consignments leave the country.

Legal Protection at Domestic Level Certification Trade Marks Registration
In order to provide legal protection in India, Tea Board registered the “‘Darjeeling logo’ and also the word ‘Darjeeling’ as Certification Trade Marks (CTMs) under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (now the Trade Marks Act, 1999).

Gl Registration
The Tea Board has also applied for the registration of the words ‘Darjeeling’ and ‘Darjeeling logo’ under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 (the Act) which. came into force with effect from 15th September 2003, in addition to the CTMs mentioned above.

Under the Act:
(1) No person shall be entitled to institute any proceeding to prevent or recover damages for the infringement of unregistered geographical indications.

(2) A registration of geographical indications shall give to the registered proprietor and all authorized users whose names have been entered in the register the right to obtain relief in respect of infringement of the geographical indications. However, authorized users alone shall have the exclusive right to the use of the geographical indications in relation to the goods in respect of which the geographical indications are registered.

(3) A registered geographical indication is infringed by a person who, not being an authorized user thereof,

  • Uses such geographical indications by any means in the designation or presentation of goods that indicates or suggests that such goods originate in some other geographical area other than the true place of origin of the goods in a manner which misleads the public; or
  • Uses any geographical indications in such a manner which constitutes an act of unfair competition including passing off in respect of registered geographical indications; or
  • Uses another geographical indication to the goods which, although literally true as to the territory, region, or locality in which the goods originate, falsely represents to the public that the goods originate in the region, territory, or locality in respect Of which such registered geographical indications relate.

(4) The purpose of the Global Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 is to create a public register, and

(5) The Act confers public rights.
Status of registration of Global Indications (Gl):
The Registration of the marks applied for by the Tea Board has not yet been granted. The Registrar has, however, after examining the application for registration filed by the Tea Board advertised for any expression of opposition. It is only after considering opposition if any, that the Registrar may decide to register the Gl of the Tea Board. Reasons for Gl protection at domestic level and export markets The reasons for the need for additional protection for Glover and above the

CTM has been set out by the chair of the Tea Board as follows :

  • When CTM registration is not accepted in a jurisdiction where protection is sought, for example, France for Darjeeling;
  • Because Gl registration is necessary to obtain reciprocal protection of a mark mandate under EU Regulation 2081/92; and
  • Registration gives clear status to a Gl, indicating a direct link with geographical origin.

Quite apart from the aforesaid reasons the Act in India has also been enacted in order to comply with its obligation under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects, of’ Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which requires WTO members to enact appropriate implementation legislation for Gl.

Steps were taken at the international level

1. Registration of Darjeeling tea and logo:
In order to protect ‘Darjeeling’ and ‘Darjeeling logo’ as Gl, the Tea Board registered the mars in various countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Egypt, United Kingdom, and some other European countries, as a trademark/CTM. In this context, it is relevant to note that on 3rd August 2001 the UK Trade Registry granted registration of the word ‘Darjeeling’ as of 30th March 1998 under the UK Trade Marks Act, 1994. The United States has also accepted the application of the Tea Board for the registration of ‘Darjeeling’ as a CTM in October 2002.

2. The appointment of the International Watch Agency:
In order to prevent misuse of ‘Darjeeling’ and the logo, the Tea Board has since 1998 hired the services of Compumark, a worldwide watch agency. Compumark is required to monitor and report to the Tea Board all cases of unauthorized use and attempted registration. Pursuant to Compumark’s appointment, several cases of attempted registrations and unauthorized use of ‘Darjeeling’ and Darjeeling Logo have been reported.

3. The assistance of overseas buyers:
In order to ensure the supply of genuine Darjeeling tea, the Tea Board has sought the help of all overseas buyers, sellers, and Tea Councils and Associations insofar as they should insist on certificates of origin to accompany all export consignments of Darjeeling tea.

Local and external players and their roles
The Tea Board, the sole representative of tea producers in India, is responsible for the implementation of the government’s regulations and policies. It is vested with the authority to administer all stages of tea cultivation, processing, and sale (including the Darjeeling segment) through various orders issued by the government. It works in close co-operation with the Darjeeling Planters Association, which is the sole producers’ forum for Darjeeling tea. Both the Tea Board and the Darjeeling Planters Association (DPA) have been involved at various levels in protecting and defending the Darjeeling tea’ and ‘Darjeeling logo’. The primary objects are

  • to prevent misuse of the word ‘Darjeeling’ for tea sold worldwide;
  • to deliver the correct product to the consumer;
  • to enable the commercial benefit of the equity of the brand to reach the Indian tea industry and ultimately the plantation worker;
  • to achieve an international status similar to champagne or Scotch whisky in terms of both brand and equity and governance/ administration.

The Tea Board assumed the role of the complainant in making and filing an opposition or other legal measures whenever cases of unauthorized use or attempted or actual registration of Darjeeling and Darjeeling logo was brought to its notice. Such legal measures and generally taken where negotiation is filed. For instance, in February 2000 in Japan, the Tea Board filed an opposition against Yutaka Sang yo Kabushiki Kaisa of Japan for registration of the trademark ‘Darjeeling Tea’ with the map of India, the International Tea KK of Japan for registration of Darjeeling Women device in Japan underclass 30/42 (tea, coffee, and cocoa) and against Mitsui Norin KK for the use in advertising of the ‘Divine Darjeelin’ logo. These opposing parties defended the invalidation action filed against them.

Some disputes relating to Darjeeling tea have been settled through negotiation undertaken by the Tea Board of India with the foreign companies concerned with the help of their respective governments. Thus, the Tea Board with the help of the Indian Government continues to negotiate with France at various levels over the activities of the French trademark authorities. Moreover BULGARI, Switzerland agreed to withdraw the legend ‘Darjeeling’ Tea fragrance for men’ pursuant to legal notice and negotiations.

In one of the cases in France, the Tea Board put the applicant Comptoir des Parfums (which advertised in March 1999) on notice, and drew its attention to the prior rights and goodwill in the name of Darjeeling as the Gl for tea, requiring it to withdraw its application voluntarily, Based on the correspondence, the applicant consented to the amendment of all specifications of goods by the addition of ‘all those goods being made of Darjeeling tea or recalling the scent of Darjeeling tea’. The amendment proposed by the applicant was found by the examiner to be descriptive of the goods in question.

‘The Tea Board of India feels that a partnership with the buyers in the major consuming countries such as Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom would be the only long term solution to the problem of possible passing off’. However, it strongly opposes any attempt at individual registration in the case of private labels or their misuse in specific overseas jurisdictions. Challenges faced and the outcome The Tea Board has faced a series of hurdles, challenges, and difficulties in the protection and enforcement of the word ‘Darjeeling’ and of the Darjeeling logo. Some of the major challenges faced by the Tea Board’s effort to protect ‘Darjeeling’ and the Darjeeling logo in Japan, France, Russia, the United States, and other countries are given below :

(i) Unauthorized use and registration of Darjeeling Tea and logo in Japan In the first case the Tea Board filed an invalidation action against International Tea KK, a Japanese company, over the registration of the Darjeeling logo mark, namely, Darjeeling Women ‘serving tea/coffee/coca/soft drinks/fruit juice’ in the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) on 29,h November 1996 with the trademark registration number 3221237. The impugned registration was made notwithstanding the registration in Japan of the identical Darjeeling logo mark by the Tea Board, with the trademark registration number 2153113, dated 31st July 1987.

The Tea Board also filed a non-use cancellation action. On 28th August 2002, the JPO Board of Appeal held that the pirate registration was invalid because it was contrary to public order and morality. With regard to the Tea Board’s non-use cancellation action, the JPO decided that International Tea KK had not furnished sufficient evidence to substantiate its use of registration and thereby allowed the appeal of the Tea Board.

In the second case, the Tea Board opposed the application for ‘Divine Darjeeling’ in class 30 (Darjeeling tea, coffee, and cocoa produced in Darjeeling, India) filed by Mitsui Norin KK of Japan advertised on 29th February 2000. The opposition was mainly on three grounds, namely

  • ‘Divine’ is a laudatory term and accordingly the mark for which protection is sought is mere “Darjeeling1, which is clearly non-distinctive;
  • ‘Divine Darjeeling’ is misleading insofar as ‘coffee and cocoa produced in Darjeeling’ are concerned, all the more so because the district of Darjeeling does not produce coffee or cocoa;
  • Darjeeling tea qualifies as a geographical indication under international conventions including TRIPS and ought to be protected as such in Japan, a member of TRIPS.

The JPO Opposition Board dismissed the invalidation action filed by the Tea Board of India primarily on the ground that the marks ‘Divine Darjeeling’ as a whole was not misleading or descriptive of the quality of goods. However, the non-use cancellation action succeeded, because the registered proprietor was not able to place on record adequate evidence to prove the use of the mark in Japan.

In yet another case, the Tea Board brought an invalidation action against the Japanese trademark registration of ‘Darjeeling tea’ with a map of India in class 30 by Yutaka Sangyo Kabushiki Kaisa, on the ground that the registration was contrary to public order and morality. This action was rejected on the ground that ‘the written English characters “Darjeeling tea” and the map of India for the goods of Darjeeling tea are used as an indication of the origin and quality of Darjeeling tea and will not harm the feelings of the Indian people’. However, the non-use cancellation action filed by the Tea Board succeeded, because the registered proprietor was not able to place on record sufficient evidence to prove the use of the mark in Japan.

A perusal of these decisions reveals that the JPO did not decide the contention of the Tea Board relating to the TRIPS Agreement, which requires WTO members to provide the legal means to prevent the use of a Gl for goods originating in a geographical area other than the true place of origin in a manner which misleads the public to constitute an act of unfair competition. Indeed, non-disposal of the argument that the procedural guidelines of WTO be followed dilutes the effect of the TRIPS Agreement.

Other instances of defending Gl against developed countries
(1) France:
While the Indian system protects French GIs, France on the other hand does not extend similar or reciprocal protection to Indian GIs. Thus French law does not permit any opposition to an application for a trademark similar or identical to a Gl if the goods covered are different from those represented by the Gl. The owner of the Gl can take appropriate judicial proceedings only after the impugned application has proceeded to registration.

The net effect of such a provision has been that despite India’s protests, Darjeeling has been misappropriated as a trademark in respect of several goods in class 25, namely, clothing, shoes, and headgear. The French Examiner – even though he found evidence in favor of the Tea Board of India (i) on sufficient proof of use of ‘Darjeeling’ tea in France, and (ii) that the applicant had slavishly copied the name Darjeeling in its application – held that the respective goods ‘clothing, shoes, headgear’ and ‘tea’ are not of the same nature, function and intended use,.produced in different places and sold through different networks.

The Examiner also held that even if the applicant has slavishly copied the Tea Board’s Darjeeling logo (being the prior mark), the difference in the nature of the respective goods is sufficient to hold that the applicant’s mark may be adopted without prejudicing the Tea Board’s rights in the name ‘Darjeeling’.

In another case, the Tea Board opposed the application against the advertised marks for Darjeeling in classes 5, 12, and 28 by Dor Francois Marie in France. The French Examiner rejected the Tea Board’s opposition and held that the respective goods did not (i) have the same nature, function, and intended use; and (ii) share the same distribution circuits. However, he held that although the applicant’s mark constituted a partial reproduction of the Tea Board’s prior figurative registration for the Darjeeling logo, the designated goods lacked similarity to that of the Tea Board’s prior marks, and the logo, therefore, may be used as a trademark without prejudicing the prior rights of the Tea Board.

(2) Russia:
The Tea Board filed an application for unauthorized use by a company of the word ‘Darjeeling’. This application was objected to on the ground of conflict with an earlier registration of the identical word by a company named ‘Akotus’. The Russian Patent Office overruled the objection and accepted the application of the Tea Board for the word ‘Darjeeling’.

(3) United States:
The Tea Board is opposing an application filed by its licensee in the United States to register’Darjeeling nouveau’ (‘nouveau’ is the French for ‘new’) relating to diverse goods and services such as clothing, lingerie, Internet services, coffee, cocoa and so on in respect of first flush Darjeeling tea. The registration application is under consideration even though ‘Darjeeling’ is already registered under US CTM law.

(4) Other Countries:
In several cases, the Tea Board opposed attempted registration and unauthorized use of the word ‘Darjeeling’ in Germany, Israel, Norway, and Sri Lanka before the Patent Office of the country concerned.

Costs of Protection and enforcement for the Industry and the Government
Another major challenge faced by the Tea Board relates to legal and registration expenses, costs of hiring an international watch agency, and fighting infringements in overseas jurisdictions.

Thus during the last four years, the Tea Board has spent approximately US$ 2,00,000 for these purposes. This amount does not include administrative expenses including the relevant personnel working for the Tea Board, the cost of setting up monitoring mechanisms, software development costs, and so forth. It is not possible for every geographical indication right holder to incur such expenses protection. Further, like overseeing, monitoring, and implementing Gl protection, the high cost of taking legal action can prevent a country from engaging a lawyer to contest the case, however genuine and strong the case may be. Moreover, a lack of expertise in the proper handling of highly complex legal language is another challenge to be met.

Lessons for Others
The Tea Board appears to be not satisfied with the policy as well as the approach of the patent authority in Japan and France. In order to deal with the situations described above, India, along with several other member countries of the WTO, wants to extend the proposed register for Gl to include products or goods, other than wines and spirits, which may be distinguished by the quality, reputation or other characteristics essentially attributable to their geographical origin.

The main advantage would be to develop a multilateral system of notification and registration of all geographical indications. In this connection, a joint “paper has recently been submitted to the TRIPS Council. The Doha Ministerial Declaration under Paragraphs 12 and 18 also provides a mandate for the issue of providing a higher level of protection to GIs to products other than ‘wines and spirits’ to be addressed by the TRIPS Council. According to the Tea Board, (i) extension of protection under Article 23 for products other than wines and spirits in required where no legal platform exists to register a Gl or a CTM which is a TRIPS obligation, for example, Japan; (ii) once the scope of protection is extended it would not be necessary to establish the credentials/reputation of a Gl before fighting the infringement of similar ‘types’, ‘styles’, or ‘look-alikes’, and (iii) additional protection would rectify the imbalance created by the special protection of wines and spirits.

The experience in defending Gl in France, the United States, and Japan further strengthen the Tea Board’s perspective on the subject. Despite registration of ‘Darjeeling’ as a Gl in France, the Tea Board was unsuccessful in defending it because French law does not permit any opposition to an application for a trademark, similar or identical to a Gl. Likewise, India’s efforts to protect Darjeeling’ in Japan did not succeed because the prefix ‘Divine’ has not gained currency in the Japanese language. From the experiences described above, it is felt that it is high time to evolve a rule that no application for registration of a Gl of the same or similar goods or products or even similar type, style, or look-alike already registered in that country be ordinarily entertained by the competent authority of the country concerned.

Further, the Gl status and apprehended or actual violation of Gl should be published at both domestic and international levels. Moreover, adequate steps should be taken to evolve rules and procedures for Gl or CTM registration in all the member countries of the WTO. This would prevent conflict to a great extent. Finally* a vigilance cell should be established to check the violation and misuse of the Gl of any product.
Questions :
(1) How does ‘Darjeeling Tea’ satisfy the criteria of geographical indications under the Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999?
Why was a compulsory system of certifying the authenticity of exported Darjeeling Tea incorporated into the TEA ACT, 1953 in 2000?
(2) In case the Government of India is interested to protect the ‘Darjeeling Tea’ under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, how can an application be filed, and what should be the contents of the application? Explain in the context of the case study.
(3) Elaborate on the unauthorized use and registration of Darjeeling Tea and logo in Japan and defending Gl against developed countries.
(d) What was Doha Ministerial Declaration under Paragraphs 12 and 18 and what did Tea Board experience in defending Gl in France, the USA, and Japan?
(4) What are the initiatives taken by the Tea Board of India to ensure geographical indications (Gl) protection to ‘Darjeeling Tea ‘? What measures would you suggest to pave way for enhanced protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in the context of ‘Darjeeling Tea’?
(1) The term “Geographical Indication” is defined in Section 2(1 )(e) of the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 as: “Geographical Indication, in relation to goods, means an indication which identifies such goods as agricultural goods, natural goods or manufactured goods as originating, or manufactured in the territory of a country, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or another characteristic of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and in the case where such goods are manufactured goods one of the activities of either the production or of processing or preparation of the goods concerned takes place in such territory, region or locality, as the case may be.”

In the case of Darjeeling Tea, the key features which make it eligible to be granted registration and thus protected under the Gl Act, 1999 are:

  • It offers distinctive characteristics of quality and flavor.
  • It has had a global reputation for more than a century.
  • It has been cultivated grown and produced in tea gardens in a well-known geographical area — the Darjeeling district in the Indian State of West Bengal for over one and a half centuries.
  • It has tea gardens which are located in the district of Darjeeling at elevations of over 2000 meters above sea level.

In order to ensure the supply of genuine Darjeeling tea, a compulsory system of certifying the authenticity of exported Darjeeling tea was incorporated into the Tea Act, 1953. in the month of February 2000. The system made it compulsory for all the dealers of Darjeeling tea to enter into a license agreement with the Tea Board of India on payment of an annual license fee. The terms and conditions of the agreement provide, inter alia, that the licensees must furnish information relating to the production and manufacture of Darjeeling tea and its sale, through auction or otherwise. The Tea Board is thus able to compute and compile the total volume of Darjeeling tea produced and sold in the given period. No blending with teas of other origin is permitted.

Certificates of origin are then issued for export consignments under the Tea (Marketing and Distribution Control) Order, 2000, read with the Tea Act, 1953. Data is entered from the garden invoices (the first point of movement outside the factory) into a database, and the issue of the certificate of origin authenticates the export of each consignment of Darjeeling tea by cross-checking the details. Furthermore, the Customs Authorities under their circular has made it mandatory to check at each checkpoint the Certificate of Origin in respect of each Darjeeling Tea Consignment. Thus, ensuring the sale-chain integrity of Darjeeling Tea until the consignment leaves the country.

(2) Filing of Application

  • An application for the registration of a Geographical Indication by the Government of India can be made in triplicate in Form Gl – 1(A) for a single class and in Gl -1 (C) for multiple classes.
  • A Convention Application shall be made in triplicate in Form Gl -1 (B) for a single class and in Gl.-1 (D) for multiple classes. ‘
  • Power of Attorney, if required.
  • The application shall be signed by the applicant or his agent.
  • The application is to be made to the Registrar of Geographical Indications.

Contents of Application
As provided in Section 11 of the Gl Act, 1999, an application for registration of a Gl should include the requirements and criteria for processing a Gl application as specified below:

  • A statement as to how. the geographical indication serves to designate the goods as originating from the concerned territory of the country or region;
  • The class of goods to which the GI shall apply;
  • The geographical map of the territory or locality in which goods originate or are manufactured;
  • The particulars of appearance of the geographical indication;
  • Particulars of the producers;
  • An affidavit of how the applicant claims to represent its interest in the Gl;
  • The standard benchmark for the use or other characteristics of the Gl;
  • The particulars of special characteristics;
  • Textual description of the proposed boundary;
  • The growth attributes in relation to the Gl pertinent to the application;
  • Three certified copies of the map of the territory, region, or locality;
  • Particulars of special human skill involved, if any;
  • Full name and address of the association of persons or organization seeking registration;
  • Number of producers; and,
  • Particulars of inspection structures, if any, to regulate the use of the Gl. [Rule 32].

On receipt of the application, a number is allotted. Thereafter, the examiner scrutinizes the application to check whether it meets the requirements of the Gl Act and the Rules. Deficiencies, if any, found through a preliminary examination would be communicated by the Examiner to the Applicant. The deficiencies need to be complied with, the time limit mentioned in the communication. [Rule 31] Upon compliance with the deficiencies, the Registrar shall ordinarily constitute a Consultative Group of experts (not more than seven representatives) to ascertain the correctness of the particulars furnished in the Statement of Case.

The Consultative Group is chaired by the Registrar of Geographical Indications. [Rule 33] After issuance of the Examination Report, submissions of the applicant would be considered. If no further objection is raised, the application would be accepted and published (within three months of acceptance) in the Geographical Indications Journal. [Rule 34 & Rule 38] After advertisement of a Geographical Indication in the Geographical Indications Journal, any person may within three months oppose the registration of an application for G I. This period may be extended by a period, not exceeding one month, by making an application to the Registrar along with the prescribed fee. Such an application for extension shall be filed before the expiry of the period of three months. The Notice of Opposition shall be filed only before the Registrar of Geographical Indications at Chennai. [Section 14, Form GI-2]

(3) In a case, the Tea Board had filed an invalidation action against International Tea KK, a Japanese Company, over the registration of the Darjeeling logo mark, namely, Darjeeling women ‘serving tea/coffee/coca/soft drinks/fruit juice1 in the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) on 29lh November 1996 with the trademark registration number 3221237. The impugned registration was made notwithstanding the registration in Japan of the identical Darjeeling logo mark by the Tea.1 Board of India, with the trademark registration number 2153713, dated 31st July 1987. The headboard had also filed a non-use cancellation action. On 28th August* 2002, the JPO Board of Appeal had held that the pirate registration was invalid because it was contrary to public order and morality. With regard to the Tea Board’s non-use cancellation action, the JPO decided that International Tea KK had not furnished sufficient evidence to substantiate its use of registration and thereby allowed the appeal of the Tea Board.

In another case, the Tea Board had filed its opposition in respect of an application for registration of ‘Divine Darjeeling’ under class 30 (Darjeeling Tea, Coffee and Cocoa product in Darjeeling, India) filed by Mitsui Norin KK of Japan advertised on 29th February 2000. The grounds of opposition were:

  • ‘Divine’ is a laudatory term and accordingly the mark for which protection is sought is mere ‘Darjeeling’, which is clearly non-distinctive;
  • ‘Divine Darjeeling’ is misleading insofar as ‘coffee and cocoa’ products in Darjeeling’ are concerned, all the more so because the district of Darjeeling does not produce coffee or cocoa;
  • Darjeeling tea qualifies as a geographical indication under international conventions including TRIPS and ought to be protected as such in Japan, a member of TRIPS.

The Opposition application filed by Tea Board was however dismissed by the JPO Opposition Board stating that the mark ‘Divine Darjeeling’ as a whole was not misleading or descriptive of the quality of goods. In yet another case, the Tea Board brought an invalidation action against the act of trademark registration of ‘Darjeeling tea’ with the map of India in class 30 by a Japanese company, Yutaka Sangyo Kabushiki Kaisa, on the ground that the registration was contrary to the public order and morality. The action was however rejected on the ground that ‘the written English characters ‘Darjeeling tea’ and ‘Map of India’ for the goods of Darjeeling tea are used as an indication of the origin and quality of Darjeeling tea and will not harm the feelings of the Indian People’. However, the non-use cancellation action filed by Tea Board succeeded, because the registered proprietor was not able to place on record sufficient evidence to prove the use of the mark in Japan.

A perusal of these decisions reveals that the JPO did not decide the contention of the Tea Board of India relating to the TRIPS Agreement, which requires WTO members to provide the legal means to prevent the use of a Gl for goods originating in a geographical area other than the true place of origin in a manner which misleads the public to constitute an act of unfair competition. Indeed, non-disposal of the argument that the procedural guidelines of WTO be followed dilutes the effect of the TRIPS Agreement.

Indian Legal System protects French GIs, while France on the other hand does not extend similar or reciprocal protection to Indian GIs. Thus, French law does not permit any opposition to be made to an application for registration of a trademark similar or identical to a Gl if the goods covered are different from those represented by the G I. The owner of the Gl can take appropriate judicial action only after the impugned application has proceeded for registration. The net effect of such a provision has been that despite India’s protests, ‘Darjeeling’ has been misappropriated as a trademark in respect of several goods in class 25, namely, clothing, shoes, and headgear in France. The French Examiner — even though he found evidence supporting the case made out by the Tea Board of India:

  • On sufficient proof of use of ‘Darjeeling’ tea in France, and
  • That the applicant had slavishly copied the name ‘Darjeeling’ in its application – held that the respective goods falling in the category of ‘clothing, shoes, headgear’ and ‘tea’ respectively are not of the same nature, function and intended use, produced in different places and sold through different networks.

The Examiner also held that even if the applicant has slavishly copied the Tea Board’s Darjeeling logo (being the prior mark), the difference in the nature of the respective goods is sufficient to hold that the applicant’s mark may be adopted without prejudicing the Tea Board’s rights in the name ‘Darjeeling’.

The Tea Board had filed an application for unauthorized use by a company of the trademark ‘Darjeeling’. This application was objected to on the ground of conflict with an earlier registration of the identical word by a company named ‘Akorus’. The Russian Patent Office overruled the objection, and accepted the application of the Tea Board of India for the use of the trademark ‘Darjeeling’. United States: In a case, the Tea Board was opposing an application filed by its licensee in the United States to register ‘Darjeeling nouveau’ (‘nouveau’ is the French for ‘new’) relating to diverse goods and services such as clothing, lingerie, Internet services, coffee, cocoa and so on in respect of first flush Darjeeling tea. The registration application is under consideration even though ‘Darjeeling’ is already registered under US CTM law.

Other Countries:
Quite apart from the above, in several cases, the Tea Board of India opposed attempted registration and unauthorized use of the word ‘Darjeeling’ in Germany, Israel. Norway and. Sri Lanka before the Patent Office of the country concerned. (d) Paragraphs 12 and 18 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration relate to the extension of the additional protection for Geographical Indications to products other than ‘Wines’ and Spirits. According to paragraphs 12 and 18 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration and the decision of the Trade Negotiation Committee (TNC) of 1st February 2002, the issue of ‘extension’ of the protection of Geographical Indications for ‘Wines’ and ’Spirits’ to Geographical Indications for other products shall be addressed in the regular meetings of the TRIPS Council on a priority basis. Paragraphs 12 and 18 thus provide a mandate for the issue of “providing a higher level of protection to GIs to products other than ‘wines and spirits’ to be addressed by the TRIPS Council”. According to the Tea Board,

(i) Extension of protection under Article 23 for products other than wines and spirits is required where no legal platform exists to register a Gl or a CTM which is a TRIPS obligation, for example, Japan;
(ii) Once the scope of protection is extended it would not be necessary to establish the credentials/reputation of a Gl before fighting the infringement of similar ‘types’, ‘styles’, or look-alikes’; and”
(iii) Additional protection would rectify the imbalance created by the special protection of Wines and Spirits.
Despite the registration of ‘Darjeeling’ as a Gl in France, the Tea Board was unsuccessful in defending it because French law does not permit any opposition to an application for a trademark, similar or identical to a Gl. Likewise, India’s efforts to protect ‘Darjeeling’ in Japan did not succeed because the prefix ‘Divine’ has not gained currency in the Japanese language.

It is felt that it is high time to evolve a rule that no application for registration of a Gl of the same or similar goods or products or even similar type, style or look-alike already registered in that country be – ordinarily entertained by the competent authority of the country concerned Further, the Gl status and apprehended or actual violation of Gl should be published at both domestic and international levels. Moreover, adequate steps should be taken to evolve rules and procedures for Gl or CTM registration in all the member countries of the WTO. This would prevent conflict to a great extent. Finally, a vigilance cell should be established to check the violation and misuse of the Gl of any product.

(e) The Tea Board of India took the following initiatives to ensure Geographical Indication (Gl) Protection to ‘Darjeeling Tea’:
(i) The Compulsory system of certifying the authenticity of exported Darjeeling tea. With this, it has made it compulsory for all the dealers in Darjeeling tea to enter into a license agreement with the Tea Board of India.
(ii) The Tea Board registered the ‘Darjeeling logo’ and also the word ‘Darjeeling’ as Certification Trade Marks (CTMs) under the (Indian) Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (now the ‘Trade Marks Act, 1999’).
(iii) The Tea Board of India has also applied for the registration of the words ‘Darjeeling’ and ‘Darjeeling logo’ under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.
(iv) In order to protect ‘Darjeeling’ and ‘Darjeeling logo’ as a Gl, the Tea Board of India registered the marks in various countries.
(v) The Tea Board hired the services of a worldwide agency COMPUMARK, to check and prevent the misuse of the ‘Darjeeling’ and Darjeeling logo. For example, a company called Bulgari’ from Switzerland agreed to withdraw its application to use the tag ‘Darjeeling Tea fragrance for- men’. Several such cases were settled through negotiations.

(vi) The Tea Board has sought the help of all overseas buyers, sellers, and Tea Council and Associations to insist on Certificates of Origin to accompany all export consignments of Darjeeling tea. To protect against the violations of its Intellectual Property Rights, an organization should ensure the protection of its trade secrets in a foreign country also. Every company has to take certain important and crucial measures to ensure the protection of its trade secrets.

It may be prudent for the companies to conduct an intellectual property audit to identify the protectable business information. This will help the companies to assess the value of the information useful for their business. The intellectual property audit is the starting point for the development of a trade secrets protection program.

Once the audit is complete, the next step is to determine the appropriate level of security necessary to protect different types of trade secrets. If a trade secret is well protected, there is no term of protection. Trade secret protection can, in principle, extend indefinitely and in this respect offers an advantage over patent protection, which, lasts only for a specified period.

The Tea Board of India feels that a partnership with the buyers in the major consuming countries such as Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom would be the only long-term solution to the problem of possible passing off.’ However, it strongly opposes any attempt at individual registration in the case of private labels or their misuse in specific overseas jurisdictions. Governments of several countries working together have a prominent role to play in resolving disputes. Recently, India and the United States have led the way in this regard by establishing “an annual high-level Intellectual Property (IP) Working Group with appropriate decision making and technical-level meetings as a part of the trade policy forum.” Similarly, India could look at treaties like the Hague Treaty on Industrial Designs to strengthen its IPR regime.

In the context of protection of any misuse or wrongful use of ‘Darjeeling Tea’ or any deceptively similar trade name or mark which is applied to a product not belonging to that region which holds a right over it under the Gl Act, 1999, it is necessary that a concerted effort be made by all the nations as also the concerned International Organizations, especially the TRIPS, to ensure that there is no violation committed in their respective territory of the rights of others.

Question 7.
What is a geographical indication? How is a geographical indication different from a trademark? List out the examples of possible Indian Geographical Indications?
The geographical indications are the indications that identify a good as originating in the territory or a region or a locality where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristics of the good is attributable to its geographical origin.

According to section 2 (e) “Geographical Indication” in relation to goods, means an indication which identifies such goods as agricultural goods, natural goods, or manufactured goods as originating or manufactured in the territory of a country or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality reputation or another characteristic of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and in the case where such goods are manufactured goods, one of the activities of either the production or of processing or preparation of the goods concerned takes place in such territory, region or locality, as the case may be. The difference between geographical indication and trademark are as follows:

Geographical Indication Trade Mark
It denotes that the product originates from a particular place, which has a reputation for certain characteristics attributable to that place of production or manufacture. It is a mark used by an enterprise in relation to goods or services to distinguish them from those of others.
It represents a common heritage of the community of producers in the geographical region or locality, whose products share the same qualities and characteristics, so that geographical indication may be used by all the producers engaged in their production in that region or locality It is proprietary in nature, with exclusive right on the owner to use the mark.

Examples of possible Indian geographical indications are:

  1. “Darjeeling” for tea of Indian origin;
  2. “Kanjeevqram Silk” denotes that product from Kanjeevaram in Southern India;
  3. “Benaras Silk” indicating products of Indian origin.

Other examples are:

  1. Kolhapur Chappals,
  2. Agra Petha,
  3. Kota Masuria,
  4. Bikaneri Bhujia etc.

When is a registered geographical indication said to be infringed? Can a registered geographical indication be assigned, transmitted, etc?
According to Section 22, a registered geographical indication is said to be infringed by a person who, not being an authorized user thereof geographical indication by any means in the designations of presentation of goods that indicates or suggest that such goods originate in a geographical area other than the true place of origin of such goods in a manner good; or which misleads the persons as to the geographical origin of such goods; or uses any geographical indication in such manner which constitutes an act of unfair competition including passing off in respect of registered geographical ‘indication.

“Act of unfair competition” means any act of competition contrary to honest practices in industrial or commercial matters.

No, a registered geographical indication cannot be assigned, transmitted, etc. A geographical indication is a public property belonging to the producers of the concerned goods. It shall not be the subject matter of assignment, transmission, licensing, pledge, mortgage, or such other agreement. However, when an authorized user dies, his right devolves on his successor in title.

Question 8.
Who can apply for the registration of a geographical indication? What is the benefit of registration of geographical indications? Who is a registered proprietor of a geographical indication?
As per Section 11 of the act, an application for registration of a geographical indication may be made by,

  1. any association of persons or producers or any organization or authority established by or under any law for the time being in force;
  2. who must be representing the interest of the producers of the concerned goods; and
  3. desirous of registering a geographical indication in relation to such goods.

The benefits of registration of geographical indication are:

  • Registration gives to the registered proprietor and its authorized users, the legal right to the exclusive use of the geographical indication;
  • It also gives the right to obtain relief in case of its infringement. Exclusion of unauthorized persons from misusing geographical indications would ensure that genuine products of -the rightful producers are marketed.

Any association of persons, producers, organization, or authority established by or under the law can be a registered proprietor of the company. Their name should be entered in the Register of the geographical indication as registered proprietor for the geographical indication applied for.

What is the prohibition of registration of certain geographical indications?
Section 9 of the Act prohibits the registration of certain geographical indications. They are as follows:

  1. The use of which would be likely to deceive or cause confusion;
  2. The use of which would be contrary to any law for the time being in force;
  3. Which comprises or contains scandalous or obscene matter;
  4. Which comprises or contains any matter likely to hurt the religious susceptibilities of any class or section of the citizens of India;
  5. Which would otherwise be disentitled to protection in a Court;
  6. Which are determined to be generic names or indications of goods and are, therefore, not or ceased to be protected in their country of origin, or which have fallen into disuse in that country;
  7. Which although literally true as to the territory, region, or locality in which the goods originate but falsely represent to (he persons that the goods originate in another territory, region, or locality, as the case may be shall not be registered as a geographical indication.

It may be noted that “Generic names or indications”, in relation to goods means the name of a good which, although relates to the place or the region where the goods were originally produced or manufactured has lost its original meaning and has become the common name of. such goods and serves as a designation for or indication of the kind, nature, type, or other property or characteristic of the goods.

CS Professional Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Notes

Copyrights – Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Important Questions

Copyrights – Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Important Questions

Question 1.
State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are, true or false.
(v) Under the Copyright Act, 1957 moral rights are available to the authors
even after the economic rights are assigned. September 29, 2016

  • Under the Copyright Act, 1957 moral rights are available to the author even after the economic rights are assigned.
  • Under section 57 of the Act an author of the copyrighted work can restrain or claim damages in respect of any distortion mutilation of the work or any other action in relation to the said work which would be prejudicial to his honor or reputation.
  • These rights can be exercised even after the assignment of the copyright.
  • They can be enforced by an action for breach of contract or confidence, a suit for defamation, or passing off as the case may be.

Question 2.
With reference to the relevant legal enactments, write short notes on the following:
(vi) International copyright.
Copyright work may not be limited to the territory of India only. Section 40 authorizes the Central Government to extend copyright protection to foreign works.

Section 41 provides that work made or published by certain International organizations is granted Copyright protection in India. “Accordingly, Government of India enhances the scope of copyright protection bypassing the copyright order under which copyright protection was granted to certain International organizations.

Question 3.
With reference to the relevant legal enactments, write short notes on the following :
(v) Term of copyright
In the case of copyright, the author of a work of art or any other work in respect of which copyright exists, is granted an exclusive right to make, copies or reproduce the subject matter for a certain period.

  • The period or term of copyright is defined under sections 22 to 29 of the Copyright Act, 1957
  • The term of copyright can be expressed by means of the following table:
Copyright in relation to Term of copyright
  • Literary work
  • Artistic work
  • Dramatic work
  • Musical work
Life of author +60 years more
  • Anonymous work
  • Photographs
  • Cinematographic film
  • Sound Recordings
  • Government work
60 years from the end of the year in which, the work was first published
  • Broadcasts made by broadcasting organization
25 years from the end of the year in which the broadcast was first made

Question 4.
Attempt the following:
(iv) What are the requisites for conferring copyright protection to works of international organizations?
Answer :
The conditions which must be satisfied are:

  1. At the time of making the first publication of the work, there should not be any copyright in the work in India.
  2. The work must be published under the control of an international organization.
  3. If the work is published under an agreement with the author, such agreement should not reserve the author any copyright in the work or any copyright in the work should belong to the organization.

Question 5.
The attempt of the following:
(iii) Mention the remedies for infringement of copyrights under the Copyright Act, 1957.
The owner whose rights are infringed have the following remedies

  • The owner can apply for an injunction.
  • The owner can claim loss of damages.
  • The owner of the copyright can initiate proceedings for the possession of infringing copies.

Question 6.
(a) Do the following amount to infringement under the Copyright Act, 1957? Give reasons in brief:

  1. Prof. Ajay recited in public an extract from a poem by Rabindranath Tagore.
  2. ABC, Publishers published a compilation of speeches of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former Prime Minister, delivered in public without permission.
  3. A newspaper publishes a copy of the masterpiece painting of Ganesh Pyne while carrying a story on his death.
  4. A book is not available in India. A librarian makes 10 copies of the book for the use of the public library.
  5. A magazine reproduces an article on a political topic by Kuldip Nayar.

(1) Reciting-a poem of Rabindranath Tagore by Prof. Ajay will not amount to infringement under Section 52 of the Copyright Act, 1957 if Prof. Ajay does not claim that poem as his own.

(2) ABC Publishers published a compilation of speeches of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former Prime Minister, delivered in public without permission is the amount to infringement under the Copyright Act, 1957.

(3) Publishing a masterpiece painting of Ganesh Pyne by a newspaper while carrying a story on his death is not amount to infringement under Copyright Act, as it only represents the work of the deceased.

(4) A maximum of three copies of the book can be taken by a librarian for the library if a book is not available in India. In the above case, a librarian makes 10 copies of the book for the use of the public library which is an infringement of the Copyright Act.

(5) A magazine reproduced an article on a topic by Kul. deep Nayar amounts to infringement under the Copyright Act, 1957 if the prior permission has not been taken.

Question 7.
How is computer software protected in India?
(1) Modern society relies heavily on computer technology. Without software, a computer cannot operate. Software and hardware work in tandem in today’s information society. Intellectual property protection of software is crucial not only for the software industry but for other businesses as well.

(2) Indian Patent Act offers patent protection to products or processes (if they satisfy various requirements of patentability) as long as they do not fall under non-patentable subject matter. Sections 3 and 4 of the Indian Patent Act specify a list of subject matter that is not patentable, in particular, “a mathematical or business method or a computer program per se or algorithms” is of specific importance to software innovation.

(3) The Indian Patent Law does not contain any specific provision regarding the protection of computer software. Computer software on the other hand is protected by copyright as applicable to literary and aesthetic works. A computer program is therefore dealt with as a literary work and the law and practice in relation to literary works will apply to computer programs.

(4) The Indian Patent Act, as of now, excludes only ‘computer programs perse’ from patentability. The issue of whether computer programs tied to certain hardware can be patented is a controversial one. Still, an invention shall not become unpatentable in India merely because it was implemented with software.

(5) The definition of “Literary work” under section 2 (o) of the Copyright Act, 1957, includes computer programs, tables, and compilations including computer databases. Like the unauthorized copying of literary works, unauthorized copying of computer programs also attracts the same legal consequences under copyright law.

Question 8.
(b) Microsoft develops software applications. Thus, it is the ‘author’ with the copyrights. When you buy the Microsoft software, what is purchased, is it the software or is it license to use the software?

  1. What are the rights of the user? Can they be transferred?
  2. Does the user have the right to free updated versions of the software?
  3. If the price of a particular application is too high for the Indian consumers, what is the recourse with the Indian government to help the users in getting it at a low price?

(1) The user has a right/license to use the software and the user has rights only as a licensee of the copyright holder. These types of software are known as proprietary software. These rights are defined in the sale agreement or end-user license agreement or software license agreement. The right to use the software can be transferred from one person to another as per the sale agreement or end-user license agreement. or software license agreement.

(2) Generally, a licensee is not allowed free updates of the software. He may be given updates at a concessional rate but it is not a matter of right. The government of India can ask for a compulsory license if the price is too high for the Indian consumer. Royalty must, however, be paid to Microsoft in the case of compulsory license.

Question 9.
Copyright is a ‘bundle of rights. Elucidate.
Copyright is not a single right, rather it consists of a bundle of different rights in the same work.
It confers on its owners the rights to:

  • To reproduce the work
  • To issue copies of the work to the public
  • To perform the work in public
  • To communicate the work to the public
  • To make any translation of the work
  • To make any adaptation of the work
  • To make any cinematograph film or sound recording in respect of the work
  • To prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work.

In addition to the above rights which the holder of the copyright enjoys in respect of his work, he is also entitled to protect any other person from any of the above-mentioned rights without his assent. Further following moral rights are also enjoyed by the author or the copyright holder.

  • The right of Publication
  • The right of Paternity
  • The right of Integrity

Question 10.
What is ‘Artistic Work’? Can artistic work be registered as a design under the Designs Act, 2000?
An ‘artistic work’ is defined in Section 2(c) of the Copyright Act, 1957 as follows:
‘Artistic work means:’

  1. A painting, a sculpture, a drawing (including a diagram, map chart, or plan), an engraving or a photograph, whether or not any such work possesses artistic quality;
  2. A work of architecture; and
  3. Any other work of artistic craftsmanship.

It includes a graphic work, photograph, sculpture, or collage, with “graphic work” further defined to include paintings, drawings, diagrams, maps, charts, plans, engravings, etchings, lithographs, woodcuts, or similar. The definition of a “photograph” excludes stills from a film but includes slides, negatives, and microfilm. Architectural works (including buildings of any kind), and works of artistic craftsmanship, such as jewelry or pottery, are also included. Copyright subsists in all of the above, regardless of artistic quality or craftsmanship. Courts in India have time and again recognized that creations of nature can be protected as copyrighted artistic works. For instance, the famous Panda logo of the World Wildlife Federation and the Crocodile logo of the famous French clothing brand, Lacoste, have been recognized as protected artistic works by the Delhi High Court.

The requirement of originality, therefore, would not bar copyright in an artistic work such as a painting or a drawing embodying a creation of nature, such as an animal Or a bird, because the originality of the work would be judged on the basis of the manner in which such a creation of nature is depicted arid not the idea of the creation of nature itself.

‘Artistic Work’ cannot be registered under the Design Act. Such work is registerable under Copyright Act in India. Design includes features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament, or composition of lines or colors applied to v any article in two or three-dimensional form, or both, by any industrial process or means – whether manual, mechanical or chemical, separate or combined- which in the finished article appeal to and are judged solely by the eye. This definition excludes any mode of construction or anything which in its substance is a merely mechanical device. It also excludes any trademark or property mark as well as any artistic work is protected under the Copyright Act. The Delhi High Court observed in the case of Microfibres Inc. v. Girdhar and Co. that artistic work can be divided into original artistic work and commercial/industrial manifestation of such artistic work such as design derived from and founded upon the original artistic work.

In the latter case, the work should be registered as a design under the Design Act. Whereas the original art. work can acquire protection under the Copyright Act as an artistic work or else the protection under the Design Act qua the product created from the artistic work when industrially applied. ‘Artistic Work’ cannot be registered under the Designs Act, 2000. Such work is registerable under Copyright Act only.

Question 11.
A law journal copy-edited a court judgment. It sought copyright by establishing the amount of skill, labor, and capital put in the inputs of the copy-edited judgment. It was contested on the ground that judicial pronouncements are in the public domain and that their publication does not infringe copyright. Will the law journal succeed in its copyright of a copy-edited judgment? Give reasons in support of your answer
A matter having similar facts was decided by the Supreme Court in the case titled Eastern Book Company & Others, vs. D.B. Modak & Another. [Appeal (civil) 6472 of 2004, D/12/12/2007 (A.I.R. 2008 Supreme Court 809,810)]. As per the judgment, the judicial pronouncements of the Apex Court would be in the public domain and its reproduction or publication would not infringe the copyright law. That being the position, the copy-edited judgments would not satisfy the requirement of being a work which is to be protected by the copyright law merely by establishing some amount of skill, labor, and capital put in the inputs of the copy-edited judgments since the original or innovative thoughts contained in the judgment carrying the creativity are completely excluded from being subject to copyright.

Accordingly, original or innovative thoughts are necessary to establish copyright in the authors1 work. The principle that where there is a common source the person relying on it must prove that he actually went to the common source from where he borrowed the material, employing his own skill, labor and brain and he did not copy, would not apply to the judgments of the Courts because there is no copyright in the judgments of the Court unless so made by the Court itself. To secure a copyright for the judgments delivered by the Courts, it is necessary that the labour, skill and capital invested should be sufficient to communicate or impart to the judgment printed in some journal some quality or character which the original judgment did not possess and which differentiates the original judgment from the printed one.

The Copyright Act is not concerned with the original idea but with the expression of thought., Copyright has nothing to do with originality or literary merit. Copyrighted material is that what is created by the author by hi own skill, labour and investment of capital, may be it is a derivative work which gives a flavor of creativity. The Copyright work which comes into being should be original in the sense that by virtue of selection, co-ordination or arrangement of pre-existing data contained in the work, a work somewhat different in character is produced by the author.

To claim copyright in a compilation, the author must produce the material with exercise of his skill and judgment which may not be creativity in the sense that it is novel or non-obvious, but at the same time it is not a product of mere labour and capital. The derivative work produced by the author must have some distinguishable features and flavor to raw text of the judgments delivered by the’Court. The trivial variation or inputs put in the judgment would not satisfy the test of copyright of an author.

Adding, in the copy-edited ve.rsion the cross-citations to the citation(s) already given in the original text; adding names of cases and cross-citations .,,where only the citation of the case is given; adding citation and cross-citations where only name of the case is given; inserting citation in case history where only the title and year of the impugned/ earlier order is given; presenting in their own style the cases when they are cited repeatedly in the judgment; providing precise references to the quoted matter in the judgment by giving exact page and paragraph number as in the original case source/treatise/reference material; adding margin headings to quoted extracts from statutes/rules, etc.,

when they are missing from the original text of the judgment; adding the number of the Section/ Rule/Article/Paragraph to the extract quoted in the original text; adding the names of Judges on whose behalf opinion given; adding ellipsis” “to indicate breaks in quoted extract; supplying the matter inadvertently missed in quoted extracts in the original text of the judgment; changing the text as per corrigenda issued, etc., does not give the Law Journal Copyright in the copy-edited judgment.

Question 12.
(b) Several unpublished Ph.D. dissertations and television documentaries are lying idle in the university library. A publishing house is interested to publish unpublished Ph.D. dissertations in the form of books and reproduce this television documentary but the problem is copyright. Can the publishing house apply for a compulsory license for these academic resources like a compulsory license for patented drugs?
The law on this particular point can be ascertained from the language of section 31 and section 31A of the Copyright Act, 1957. Section 31 of the Copyright Act, 1957 provides that:

If at any time during the term of copyright in any work which has been published or performed in public, a complaint is made to the Copyright Board that the owner of copyright in the work (a) has refused to re-publish dr allow the re-publication of the work or has refused to allow the performance in public of the work, and by reason of such refusal the work is withheld from the public; or

(b) has refused to allow communication to the public by broadcast of such work or in the case of a sound recording the work recorded in such sound recording, on terms which the complainant considers reasonable, the Copyright Board, after giving to the owner of the copyright in the work a reasonable opportunity of being heard and after holding such inquiry as it may deem necessary, may, if it is satisfied that the grounds for such refusal are not reasonable, direct the Registrar of-Copyrights to grant to the complainant a license to republish the work, perform the work in public or communicate the work to the public by broadcast, subject to payment to the owner of the copyright of such compensation and subject to such other terms and conditions as the Copyright Board may determine.

Compulsory License in Unpublished or Published Works Further, section 31A of the Copyright Act, 1957 provides that: Where, 1 in the case of any unpublished work or any work published or communicated to the public and the work is withheld from the public in India-, the author is dead or unknown or cannot be traced, or the owner of the copyright in such work cannot be found, any person may apply to the Copyright Board for a license to publish or communicate to the public such work or a translation thereof in any language. Section 31A further provides that before making an application to the Copyright Board, the applicant is required to publish his proposal in one issue of a daily newspaper in the English language having circulation in the I major part of the country and where the application is for the publication of f ( a translation in any language, also in one issue of any daily newspaper in that language.

The section continues to lay down that the Copyright Board after holding such inquiry as may be prescribed, direct the Registrar of Copyrights to grant to the applicant a license to publish the work or a translation thereof in the language mentioned in the application subject to the payment of such royalty and subject to such other terms and conditions as the.Copyright Board may determine, and thereupon the Registrar of Copyrights shall grant the license j to the applicant in accordance with the direction of the Copyright Board.

In the facts of the present case, generally, the ownership over the dissertation belongs either to the University or the Student itself (if agreed to , by the University). The publishing house is thus not entitled to approach the Copyright Board asking for grant of a compulsory license to publish the work, at the first instance. It has to first approach the Copyright Owner / Holder ‘ seeking its permission for such publication/republication. However, if later it is found that the Copyright owner/holder is unreasonable in withholding or refusing to grant its consent for such publication or re-publication of the work, then a case can be made out before the Copyright Board who shall consider and decide the matter on its own merits.

Question 13.
(b) Rajesh is a poet and maintains a blog ‘’. He occasionally published his work on websites. He claims copyright infringement due to google’s alleged copying and distributing one of his works. Google defend and said that it is using an automated program called Googlebot. The program creates an index of the work available on the internet. The program created a cached version of the site. The cached version was then included in the search result of the google search engine. One clicks on the link to the cached version, the user can view a snapshot of the page as it appears at The time the Googlebot is found on site. Advise is there any copyright violation of Rajesh?
Caching involves the storage of an entire site or another complete set of materials for a source for later use. It is a process used by internet browsers of storing “browsed” material in the browser computers’ RAM or cache memory.

The purpose of caching is to speed up repeated access to data and to reduce network congestion resulting from repeated downloads of data. Caching is an efficient tool. It is something that a browser programmer does independently of the user. Cached copies are incidents of using the browser program. Section 52 (1)(c) of the Copyright Act, 1957 deals with caching and categorize this as fair dealing.

‘Transient or incidental storage of a work or performance for the purpose of providing electronic links, access or integration, where such links, access or integration has not been expressly prohibited by the right holder unless the person responsible is aware or has reasonable grounds for believing that such storage is of an infringing copy:

Provided that if the person responsible for the storage of the copy has received a written complaint from the owner of copyright in the work, complaining that such transient or incidental storage is an infringement, such person responsible for the storage shall refrain from facilitating such access for a period of twenty-one days or till he receives an order from the competent-court refraining from facilitating access and in case no such order is received before the expiry of such period of twenty-one days, he may continue to provide the facility of such access.1

There is no case of direct infringement on the part of Google since the entire process of displaying the search results and then viewing the cached page was a non-volitional act on •the part of Google. It must be mentioned that ‘safe harbour1 provisions relating to copyright infringement always mention that there can be no liability if the act was an automated process and not volitional.

In the given case, the reproduction of copyright work is happening due to caching memory which is essentially a technical nature of the computer. Hence, it falls under fair dealing.

In the case of Field v. Google, Blake Fields, who is an attorney and a poet, published certain poems on his blog. Google, in the course of indexing this blog, created a cached copy of his poems. In September of 2004, he filed a copyright infringement suit against Google claiming that caching of his poem “Good Tea” involved the unauthorized copying and distribution of his work. He claimed that when Google served, and users clicked on the cached copy of his poems, Google was not only ‘distributing’ unauthorized copies of his work, but ‘creating’ an unauthorized copy as well. It is also relevant to note that Field registered his poems with the Copyright Office before publishing them on his website and he did not employ the feature that prevented Google from caching his website.

The court framed two issues to decide the matter:

  1. Does the creation of a cached copy constitute unauthorized copying?
  2. When Google serves the cached copy to the user as a search result, does it amount to unauthorized distribution? The court found that no copyright infringement had occurred and delivered the judgment under the following broad heads:

Direct Infringement:
There was no direct infringement since the entire process starting from the display of search results and the subsequent viewing of the cached page — was a non-volitional act on the part of Google. This is consistent with the prevailing law on intermediary liability, which states that service providers cannot be held liable if the allegedly infringing act was an automated process. Bear in mind that Field did not accuse Google of infringement for creating the cached copy in the first instance or that users who viewed the cached copy were violating his copyright, and therefore Google was thereby liable for secondary infringement. The field appears to have taken the most tenuous defense — that the ‘creation of new copies’, when a user clicked the cached link, constituted copyright infringement.

Question 14.
Anand, the news reporter on behalf of the print media newspaper WORLDNEWS approach Alexander for his comments on the Indian foreign policy after the surgical strike of Indian force against Pak Sponsored terrorism. Alexander assured him to provide a piece of article written by him instead of the interview due to paucity of time. His Article was critical of the role of Pakistan and China on terrorism issues. Subsequently, he sends the article to Anand, which he submits to the WORLDNEWS as an editorial article after making certain corrections. The edited version of the article is soft on China for its role in international terrorism.

Based on the above facts answer the following questions :

  1. Who owns the copyright on the given piece of the article?
  2. Is there any violation of the rights of the author of the copyrighted work?

(1) In copyright, the Author and owners are two separate personalities. As per Section 17 of the Copyright Act. 1957. The author becomes the owner of his copyright work. Although, this is subject to the provisions of the Act. If the author creates a work during the course of employment under the contractual obligation of any creative work, then in the absence of any contrary conditions, the employer will be the owner of the work owing to the Contract of employment.

Although, if the contract of employment is not in between the creator and the owner of the publication, then the copyrighted work belongs to the author and owner of the work. For instance, Sectional provides that where a work is made by the author in the course of his employment by the proprietor of a newspaper, magazine, or a periodical, under a contract of service or apprenticeship for the purpose of publication in a newspaper, magazine or periodical, the said proprietor, in the absence of any agreement to the contrary will be the first owner of the copyright in the work in so far as it relates to the publication of the work in any newspaper, magazine or similar periodical or to the publication of the work for the purpose of being so published.

Except in such cases, the author will be the first owner of the copyright in the work. In VT Thomas vs. Malaysia Manorama Co Ltd, it was held that in the case of termination of the employment, the employee is entitled to the ownership of the copyright in the works created subsequently and the former employer has no copyright over the subsequent work so created. It is based on this distinction between employees and the freelancers that the Court, in this case, recognized authorship of the content and form of the cartoon series in favor of the freelancer Thomas.

There thus exists disparity in the rights over the copyright of a freelancer who contributes to a periodical and an employee who creates original work in course of his employment under a contract of service. In the present case, Alexander has written an article not in the capacity – of the employee but as independent of such contractual obligations. Therefore, he remains the author and owner of the copyrighted work. WORLD NEWS or Reporter Anand cannot be the author or owner of the creative work published.

(b) There exists no copyright in news or facts or information, as the same is neither created nor have they originated with the author of any work, which embodies these facts. Facts may be discovered and discovery of facts cannot be given the protection of copyright.

The protection of copyright is afforded only when a fact or event or information or material is applied to create a form of work, literary or otherwise. When there is no copyright in news, there can be no infringement of an original Idea’ either, copyright may exist in the manner of expressing it. That being the position, any edited piece of work that had an established amount of skill, labor and capital put as inputs would amount to innovative thoughts and creation of the editor.

Copyrighted material is that what is created by the author by his own skill and labor. The news element in the information reporting current events contained in the literary production is not the creation of the writer but is a report of matters that ordinarily let us put in different words, it is the history of the day. They can never be copyrighted and are part of the public domain available to every person. Accordingly, there is no violation of the rights Alexander.

Question 15.
(c) Do the following acts constitute an infringement of copyright. under the Copyright Act, 1957 :

  1. Making or publishing a painting, drawing, engraving, or photograph of a work of architecture.
  2. Reproduction of a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work in the form of a cinematographic film.
  3. Reconstruction of a building or structure in accordance with the architectural drawings or plans by reference to which the building or structure was originally constructed.
  4. Making of any sound recording or visual recording for the private use of the person making such recording, or solely for the purposes of bona fide teaching or research.
  5. Making translation of a literary work.

(1) According to Section 52 of the Copyright Act, 1957 making or publishing a painting, drawing, engraving, or photograph of a work of architecture does not constitute any sort of infringement of copyright.

(2) As per the provisions of the Copyright Act 1957 reproduction of any type of literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work in form of cinematographic film is considered an infringement of copyright.

(3) According to Section 52 of the Copyright Act,1957 reconstruction of a building or structure in accordance with the architectural drawings or plans by reference to which the building was originally constructed does not fall within the purview of infringement.

(4) As per the provisions enlisted under Section 52 of the Copyright Act, 1957 there is no infringement in case sound recording or visual recording is used for private purposes or in course of bonafide teaching or research.

(5) Yes, making the translation of any form of literary work will fall within the ambit of infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act, 1957.

Question 16.
(a) TV stations in Chennai and Mumbai published weekly TV guides covering their programs exclusively and claimed copyright protection. Arch TV Guide wanted to publish a comprehensive guide of TV programs of both the stations but was prevented by TV stations, Chennai and Mumbai on the ground of copyright infringement. By preventing this, the TV stations sought to ensure that third parties did not reproduce their program listing.

Arch TV Guide complained to the Competition Commission of India (CCI) citing the Competition Act, 2002, and arguing that the TV stations, Chennai and Mumbai were indulging in an anti-competitive practice of refusal to deal. The TV stations drew the attention of the CCI to Section 3(5) of the Competition Act, 2002 and argued that the said section did not restrict the right of any person to restrain any infringement of or to impose reasonable conditions, as may be necessary for protecting any of the rights conferred upon them under IPR statutes.

TV stations, Chennai and Mumbai contended that Section 3(5) of the Competition Act, 2002 provided protection of their IPR, namely, copyright and prayed that the CCI should restrain. Arch TV Guide from publishing the comprehensive guide. Arch TV Guide urged that the said the anti-competitive practice should not be condoned while providing protection to IPRs, in this case, copyright. It prayed that it may be allowed to publish the comprehensive guide in customers’ interest and public interest, available In light of the facts provided if you were the CCI, what would be your decision?
(1) In terms of Section 3 (5) of the Competition Act, 2002, only those restrictions on freedom of competition inherent in the protection of IPR could be permitted. Refusal of the TV stations based on their reliance on copyright provisions prevents the creation of a new product (Arch TV Guide’s) for which there is customer demand.

(2) The TV stations by such refusal to deal excluded competition in the market. Section 3 (5) of the Competition Act, allows only ‘reasonable conditions’ for protecting IP Rights. If unreasonable conditions exist in a situation, they fall under the ambit of the Competition Act and such ‘unreasonable conditions’ cannot be condoned in offering protection of IP Rights. Copyright of the TV stations Chennai and Mumbai cannot be protected in the light of their refusal to allow Arch TV Guide to publishing the comprehensive guide, which would be in the interests of customers and the public. Consequently, Arch TV Guide should be allowed to publish the comprehensive guide.

Question 17.
Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end:
The plaintiff, Polymer India Ltd., is a leading manufacturer and distributor of quality products made using plastic molding technology. Its products include toys, school furniture, and playground equipment. The plaintiff is also the registered proprietor of the trademark ‘PLAY’ since 25th August 2005.

The plaintiff sued eight defendants namely Playwell Impex Pvt. Ltd., Mayank, Ms. Meenakshi, Pawan, Vishal, Darshan, R.P. Associates, and Funko India who are involved in the manufacture and distribution of similar products. The plaintiff claimed relief of permanent injunction to restrain the defendants from infringing its copyright, common law rights in designs, and passing off of deceptively similar products. An ex parte ad interim injunction was granted to the plaintiff by a Court vide its order dated 7th August 2015 and the goods of the defendants were seized by the Court Commissioner appointed vide the same order.
The plaintiff’s contentions are:

• That the product? of the plaintiff are unique and conceptualized individually, which involves the study of the market, preparation of the drawings, drawing a feasibility report, preparation of a new color scheme, finalization of dimensions, etc.

• That the defendant Playwell Impex Private Ltd. is engaged in the business of manufacture, distribution, and sale of toys in collusion with the other defendants including R.P. Associates who was earlier the distributor of plaintiff’s products, and Darshan, who is an ex-employee of the plaintiff. The defendant Playwell Impex Pvt. Ltd. has launched a range of toys that are identical and deceptively similar to the toys made by the plaintiff and is thereby passing off its goods as those of the plaintiff, infringing the bundle of intellectual property rights of the plaintiff in its products.

• That the toys manufactured and sold by the defendants under the brand FUNKO are a substantial re-production and colorable imitation of the products of the plaintiff.

• That there is a clear distinction between an original artistic work and a design derived from it for industrial application on a product. The original art work which may be used to industrially produce the designed article would fall within the meaning of artistic work defined under section 2(c) of the Copyright Act, 1957 and would be entitled to copyright protection as defined under section 2(d) of the Designs Act, 2000.

• That the defendants in their written statement have admitted the e-mail of the defendant Darshan 1o the defendant Playwell Impex Pvt. Ltd. forwarding the brochure of the toys of the plaintiff and therefrom it is. evident that the defendant Playwell Impex Pvt. Ltd. is replicating from the brochure of the plaintiff. The defendants’ contentions are:

• That the drawing in which the plaintiff claims copyright does not constitute a design within the meaning of Section 2(d) of the Designs Act, 2000 and is thus, not capable of being registered under the Act.

• That the plaintiff has no right to claim the protection of design without any’ registration.

• That the plaintiff’s toys which are being manufactured since the year 1992, are not novel and similar products are available in the market for ages.

• That the plaintiff’s products to which the design has been applied have been reproduced by it, more than 50 times by an industrial process.

• That the interim injunction granted is not justified when infringement is not proved.
Questions :

  1. Discuss the relation between the Copyright Act, 1957 and the Designs Act, 2000.
  2. What will be your decision on the interim injunction? Will you confirm or vacate the same? Give reasons.
  3. Is the plaintiff entitled to copyright protection? Can artistic works related to design be protected under the Copyright Act, 1957?
  4. Explain the copyright protection to foreign works in India. What are the conditions for such copyright protection in India?

(1) Section 2 (d) of the Design Act, 2000 defines the term ‘Design’ and expressly excludes “and artistic work as defined in clause (c) of Section 2 of the Copyright Act, 1957″ from its scope. Section 2 (c) of the Copyright Act defines an “Artistic Work” to include any work of artistic workmanship. Hence, an artistic work does not decline within the definition of a Design under the Design Act, 2000. Section 15 of the Copyright Act, 1957 declares that copyright does not subsist under the Act in any design which is registered under the Design Act.

Furthermore, the said section declares that “Copyright in any design, which is capable of being registered under the Design Act, 2000, but which has not been so registered, shall cease as soon a’s any article to which the design has been applied has been reproduced more than 50 times by an industrial process by the owner of the copyright, or, with his license, by any other person.” Reading together the above provisions in the Copyright Act, 1957 and the Design Act, 2000 it may be concluded that artistic work . will not decline within the definition of a Design under the Design Act, 2000, but if it is related to a Design, then they can be protected under the Design Act and not under the Copyright Act, 1957.

(2) In the above case, analyzing the relationship and the interplay between the Copyright Act and the Design Act, the artistic works which are related to a Design can be protected under the Designs Act and not under the Copyright Act. The previous ex parte injunction granted to the plaintiff deserves to be vacated in favor of the defendants. The application of Plaintiff for the interim relief is dismissed. Moreover, the applications made by the defendant for the vacation of the ex parte order and return of its goods are allowed. The goods seized by the Court Commissioner/s shall be forthwith released to the defendants.

(3) Considering the inter-relationship between the Copyright Act, 1957 and the Design Act, 2000, it is appropriate to state that if a design is applied to an article and re-produced for more than 50 times by an industrial process after making a drawing, then the drawing cannot be treated disjunctively from the said design and the copyright cannot be vested in such a drawing. Section 15 (2) of the Copyright Act expressly provides for the end of the said protection, The Design and Copyright law are interrelated by Section 15(2) of the Copyright Act, 1957 and Section 2(d) of the Design Act, 2000. Section 15(1) of the Copyright Act categorically prohibits copyright protection if a design is registered under the Design Act.

Moreover, sub-section 2 of Section 15 states that, if a design is capable of being registered under the Design Act but the same has not been, registered, such design will cease to have copyright protection as soon as an article to which such design is applied is reproduced more than 50 times by an industrial process. Section 2(d) of the Design Act excludes any artistic work as defined in Section 2(c) of the Copyright Act from the definition of ‘design’ under the Design Act, 2000. The plaintiff’s products are manufactured more than 50 times by an industrial process and their design are registrable under the Design Act, 2000. No protection on the basis of copyright can be given to Plaintiff.

(4) As per Section 40 of the Copyright Act, 1957, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, direct that all or any provisions of the Act shall apply in. respect of the work of any foreign country. Indian Copyright law is presently at parity with the international standards as contained in TRIPS. The Copyright Act, 1957 after the amendment made in the year 1999 fully reflects the Berne Convention on Copyrights and the Universal Copyrights Convention, to which India is a party.

India is also a party to the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Rights of Producers of Phonograms and is an active member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and UNESCO. The works of such foreign country are thus protected in India under section 40 of the Copyright Act, 1957, read in conjunction with the International Copyright Order 1999. Under the Copyright Act, 1957 works of foreign authors/owners are accorded the same protection in India to which the Indian citizens are entitled to under the Act.

Conditions for the Copyright Protection of Foreign Work The Copyright Protection to a foreign work is subject to certain conditions which are mentioned below:

(1) That before making an order under this Section in respect of any foreign country (other than a country with which India has entered into a treaty or which is a party to a convention relating to copyright to which India is also a party), the Central Government shall be satisfied that foreign country has made, or has undertaken to make, such provisions if any, as it appears to the Central Government expedient to require for the protection in that country of works entitled to copyright under the provisions of this Act.

(2) That the order may provide that the provisions of this Act shall apply either generally or in relation to such classes of works or such classes of cases as may be specified in the order.

(3) That the order may provide that the term of copyright in India shall not exceed that which is conferred by the law of the country to which the order relates.

(4) That the order may provide that the enjoyment of the rights conferred by this Act shall be subject to the accomplishment of such conditions and formalities if any, as may be prescribed by the order.

(5) That in applying the provisions of this Act as to ownership of copyright, the order may make such exceptions and modifications as appear necessary, having regard to the law of the foreign country.

(vi) That the order may provide that this Act or any part thereof shall not apply to works made before the commencement of the order or that this Act or any part thereof shall not apply to works first published before the commencement of the order.

Question 18.
Read the following case on Copyright Law and answer the questions that follow:
The present case is in relation to a widely publicized Telugu film entitled ‘Sardar Rubber Singh’.This is a film that stars Mr. Savan Kalyan, an actor of considerable renowned in the Telugu film industry known as Tollywood. The movie was scheduled to release on 8th April 2016. From August 2015 Sardar Rubber Singh was widely advertised. The Plaintiffs themselves admit to having seen posters in January 2016 but waited till March 2016 for the trailer. Sardar Rubber Singh is scheduled for release on 8th April 2016. The Suit was filed on 24th March 2016, at the very last minute. Defendant says that Sardar Rubber Singh has been produced with a ? 65 Crore budget. It is scheduled for theatrical release in 2000 screens worldwide and over 600 screens in Hindi. Back-to-back distribution and commercial agreements have been executed with several large cinema chains in India, U.S.-A. and across the world.

The case was filed on behalf of the plaintiff Aitfaaz Khan. Plaintiff alleged infringement in respect of his film ‘Jdbaang’ on two footings. That is a copyright infringement and passing off. Two films were produced by the Plaintiffs Aitraaz Khan. The franchise features. Mr. Balwan Khan was shown as a colorful police officer known as ‘Chulbul Pandey’. The first issue is that the Bulbul Pandey character from the Jabangg films has been infringed by the Defendants in their forthcoming film ‘Sardar Rubber Singh’. This is a sequel to the Defendants-’ hugely successful ‘Rubber Singh’, a remake authorized under a written and undisputed assignment, of the first ‘Jabangg’ film.

In 2009/2010, Plaintiff produced and released the first Jabangg film. The film script, story, screenplay, and dialogue were written by Anubhav Singh, hired by Plaintiff Aitraaz Khan on a commission basis for that purpose. The Plaintiffs created the unique character of Bulbul Pandey, portrayed by Mr. Balwan Khan. This character is described as “a corrupt but fearless police officer”. According to the plaintiff, there are various features that make this character unique they are:

(1) Bulbul Pandey (portrayed by Mr. Balwan Khan) plays a corrupt but fearless police officer. He lives with his family and has a troubled relationship with his stepfather and half-brother. He calls himself “Robin Hood” Pandey.

(2) Bulbul Pandey has his unique, funny, and bizarre way of dealing with rogue elements. The character has developed a unique dance style. The entire character of Bulbul Pandey was that of an endearing, loving, and funny police officer, a spontaneous and peculiar laugh adds charm to his steps. Bulbul Pandey rides a bike in the movie.

(3) Bulbul Pandey wears aviators and has a unique style of tucking the aviators on the back of his collar in the Film.

(4) Bulbul Pandey has a well-built body type, neat close-cut hairdo and handlebar pencil-thin moustache. Though a police officer, he wears a uniform with the top buttons open.

(5) Bulbul Pandey is a very light hearted police officer who dances with the other police officials at the police station. Even his fighting style has comic elements.

The Jabangg film was extremely successful. This uniquely etched character of Chulbul Pandey and it is suggested that this is no ordinary, generic or ‘stock’ police hero. Some two years later on 21st January, 2011, the Plaintiff entered into an agreement with Rameshwara Arts, a proprietary concern of the Savan . Kalyan, for the remake rights of the first Jabangg film.

As per the agreement the Assignee obtained absolute rights for remaking the film in Telugu language only. The Assignee will be having absolute rights to exploit the remade version of the film in Telugu Language only all over the world in all dimensions commercially and non-commercially. As per the agreement the term “Remake Rights” shall mean and included the rights to make a Film based on the Film and/ or

Script but not limited to the following:

(1) The right to remake the Film in Telugu Language and for the Territory based on and using the story line, script, scenes, screenplay, dialogues, characters, picturisation, designs, dramatic work, artistic works and names of the characters, passages, title of the Film or any part thereof etc. of the Film in any manners as Assignee may deem fit the Film or the story line of the Film in any manner Assignee so chooses.

(2) The exclusive right in the intellectual Property of the New Film including but not limited to the Copyright and all other ancillary rights and exclusive rights in the New Film and its underlying works.

(3) Any and all other rights that are incidental to and are necessary for appropriate utilization of the above mentioned rights i.e. (i) and (ii) of this clause. As per the agreement the term “Script” means and includes jointly and severally the story, each script outline treatment, draft, re-write and polish and screenplay of the Film in Hindi with dialogues.

Plaintiffs’ case is that the Rubber Singh character portrayed by Mr. Savan Kalyan is nothing but an avatar of the Bulbul Pandey character portrayed by Mr. Balwant Khan. If Rubber Singh brought into existence a wholly different persona, then surely its creators and owners have the right to further use that character and persona, no matter What any document said. Other than the name, there is no difference, and anyone seeing Rubber Singh on-screen, played by Mr. Savan Kalyan, will believe that he is seeing Bulbul Pandey albeit with a different visage.

Defendant’s contention is that the name was different. The portrayal was different. The stylization was different; The locales were different. So too were his mannerisms, qualities and, most of all, his core value system, his moral compass: where Bulbul Pandey is fearless but corrupt, Rubber Singh is fearless and honest. This was an adaptation developed distinctively. The script or story line underlying Rubber Singh, is said to have been developed by Mr. Savan Kalyan himself, has an independent copyright. Further they informed that the agreement of 21sl January, 2011 relates not to a licence but to an assignment, a very different thing.

The Rubber Singh character for the first Telugu film, though a derivative character, was one that was unique to that particular film. This is reflected by the fact that there is an assignment in perpetuity and with exclusivity. Copyright vested with the Defendants within the meaning of Section 14(a) and (d) respectively of a literary work and a cinematographic film. The rights in the Rubber Singh character are wholly distinct from the rights in the Bulbul Pandey character. The rights in the Rubber Singh character vest in and only in the Defendants.

Defendants claim was not only that the producers had copyright in the cinematography film but that they also owned the rights in the script, and that it was the entirety of all of this material that was assigned. There is also an argument in passing off that any person watching the Rubber Singh film is bound to recognise in the Rubber Singh’s character as portrayed by Defendant Mr. Savan Kalyan, the Bulbul Pandey character portrayed by Mr. Balwant Khan. It is one thing to say that the character first portrayed by Mr. Balwant Khan is now being portrayed as an adaptation by Mr. Savan Kalyan. It is quite another thing to say that the two characters are exact and that anyone seeing Mr. Savan Kalyan’s performance would think and only think of Mr. Balwan Khan’s portrayal of a particular and character and none other.

Again of this conflation of the two personas, and of the Rubber Singh character having no persona of his own, there is no evidence. The Court is of the opinion that both Bulbul Pandey and Rubber Singh wear their uniforms in a casual manner are hardly unique. The Rubber Singh character features a police officer who is both fearless and honest. The Bulbul Pandey in the Jabangg franchise is’just as fearless, on the footing that we all want our heroes to be fearless, but he is at the same time corrupt, a nod to reality but hardly an aspiration. The setting of the two films is different, the Jabangg films are set in North India while the Rubber Singh films are in the Andhra / Telangana region.

There are many other points of distinction too. Basing on the argument advanced and reasons explained in the present case the Bombay High Court is unable to find for the Plaintiffs on either a prima facie or balance of convenience, as a result, the court decline ad-interim reliefs.

  1. Examine the concept of the cinematographic film and mention the right provided to performers under the Copyright legislation.
  2. ‘Computer programs per se not patentable.’ Discuss the patentability of computer programs in India and other jurisdictions. Specify under which law they are protected.
  3. Explain the term infringement of copyright and highlight any six statutory exceptions therein.
  4. Discuss the terms Assignment and licenses, explain the procedure and conditions to be followed while entering into an assignment.
  5. Critically analyze all the provisions and grounds established by the defendant to put his case for infringement of copyright? In whose favor the High Court awarded the judgment.

(1) According to Sec. 2 (f) of Copyright Act, 1957 —
‘Cinematograph Film’ means any work of visual recording and includes a sound recording accompanying such visual recording and ‘Cinematograph’ shall be construed as including any work produced by any process analogous to cinematography including video films. Thus, the term cinematographic film includes a video film which has been recorded in a VCR. [Entertaining Enterprises and Others v. State of Tamil Nadu and Others, AIR 1984 Mad 278] The Bombay High Court in Fortune Films International v. Dev Anand and Others AIR 1979 Born 17, held that in view of the definition of “artistic work”, “dramatic work” and “cinematograph film”, it would appearthatthe Copyright Act, 1957, does not recognize the performance of an actor as ‘work’ which is protected by the Copyright Act.

To overcome the lacuna in the law as pointed out in the aforementioned judgement of the Bombay High Court in relation to the protection of actors, the Act was amended in the year 1994 and a new concept of performer’s rights was introduced into the law. Performer’s Right: Section 38 (as substituted in the year 1994) provides that where any performer appears or engages in any performance, he shall have a special right to be known as the “performer’s right” in relation to such performance. The performer’s right shall subsist until fifty years frorrrthe beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the performance is made.

Exclusive Right of Performer: As per section 38A without prejudice to the rights conferred on authors, the performer’s right which is an exclusive right subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act to do or authorize for doing any of the following acts in respect of the performance or any substantial part thereof, namely:
(a) To make a sound recording or a visual recording of the performance, including-

  • reproduction of it jn any material form including the storing of it in any medium by electronic or any other means;
  • issuance of copies of it to the public not being copies already, in circulation;
  • communication of it to the public;
  • selling or giving it on commercial rental or offer for sale or for commercial rental any copy of the recording;
  • to broadcast or communicate the performance to the public except where the performance is already broadcast.

It may be also be noted that once a performer has, by a written agreement, consented to the incorporation of his performance in a cinematograph film he shall not, in the absence of any contract to the contrary, object to the enjoyment by the producer of the film of the performer’s right in the same film. However, the performer shall be entitled to royalties in case of making of the performances for commercial use.

Moral Right of the Performer
Section 38B of the Act provides that the performer of performance shall, independently of his right after assignment, either wholly or partially of his right, have the right:

(1) To claim to be identified as the performer of his performance except where omission is dictated by the manner of the use of the performance; and

(2) To restrain or claim damages in respect of any distortion, mutilation, or other modification of his performance that would be prejudicial to his reputation. It may be noted that mere removal of any portion of performance for the purpose of editing, or to fit the recording within a limited duration, or any other modification required for purely technical reasons shall not be deemed to be prejudicial to the performer’s reputation.

(b) Modern society relies heavily on computer technology for multiple reasons. Without software technology, computer hardware cannot be operated, and therefore the software and hardware work in tandem in today’s information society. Therefore, considering the heavy reliance placed by different businesses on the i/se of software for its different business purposes the intellectual property protection granted to software becomes not just important but also very crucial to the software industry as well as other industries.

A Software patent is generally defined as a patent that protects some programming technique. The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) has defined a software patent as being a “patent on any performance of a computer realized by means of a computer program.” The intellectual property law protection with respect to computer software has been highly debated both at the national as well as international levels.

The following are the important issues concerning software patents:

  1. Whether software patents should be allowed, and if so, where the boundary between patentable and non-patentable software should lie;
  2. Whether the inventive step and non-obviousness requirement is applied too loosely to software; and
  3. Whether patents covering software discourage, rather than encourage, innovation.

Most countries place limitations on the grant of patents on inventions involving software as the ultimate product. Also, there is no settled definition of a software patent laid down under the law. For instance, U.S. patent law excludes “abstract ideas”, and this has been used to refuse the grant of patent to products involving some software. In Europe, “computer programs as such” are excluded from the phenomenon of the patent. The Patent laws in several countries favor the grant of patent protection for software innovations. Such countries include the USA, Australia, and Singapore, to name a few. However, many other countries, which include India and European nations, have more stringent laws concerning the grant of patent protection to software innovations.

Most of the jurisprudence relating to software patents emanates from the United States, which is considered the cradle of software patents. In the landmark decision of the US Supreme Court in Diamond v. Thehr, (1981), the court ordered the Patent Office to grant a patent on an invention even though computer software was utilized in it. Indian Patent legislation offers patent protection to products and processes (if they satisfy the requirements of patentability) except the non-patentable subject matter laid down in sections 3 and 4 of the Patents Act, 1970. As per section 3(k), it is clearly indicated that ‘a mathematical or business method or a computer program per se or algorithms’ are non-patentable inventions.

One may also refer to the recently released Manual of Patent Office Practice and Procedure (2011) which clarifies ambiguities in respect of patentability. Even the manual does not provide for the patentability of computer software in combination with hardware. The text in the Manual is reproduced below. If the claimed subject matter in a patent application is only a computer program, it is considered as a computer program per se and hence not patentable. Claims directed at computer program products are computer programs per se stored in a computer-readable medium and as such are not allowable. Even if the claims, inter alia, contain a subject matter which is not a computer program, it is examined whether such subject matter is sufficiently disclosed in the specification and forms an essential part of the invention.

In India, Computer Software is protected by the Copyright Law as applicable to literary and artistic works. Computer software on the other hand is protected by copyright as applicable to literary and artistic works. A computer program is therefore dealt with as a literary work and the law and practice in relation to literary works will apply to computer programs. Section 2(o) of the Copyright Act, 1957 lays down that the term ‘literary work’ includes computer programs.

(c) Copyright law confers upon the owner of the work a bundle of rights in respect of reproduction of the work and the other acts which enable the owner to get financial benefits by exercising such rights. If any of these rights relating to the work is carried out by a person other than the owner without the license of the owner or a competent authority under the act, it constitutes an infringement of copyright in the work. Since copyright is granted for a limited period, there will be no infringement if the reproductions of the work or other acts concerned are carried out after the term of the copyright has expired. The exclusive rights conferred on the owner depending on the nature of the work in which copyright subsists. Accordingly, the type of acts that will constitute infringement will also depend on the nature of the work.

Any person who without authorization or assent of the copyright owner, exercises the rights in respect of the work which is the subject matter of copyright, or does anything which is the sole right of the copyright owner, commits an infringement of the copyright (Kartar Singh Gianiv. Ladha Singh & Others, AIR 1934 Lah 777). Thus, if the reproduction of the work is carried out after the expiry of the copyright term the said act will not amount to infringement of copyright. Section 51 of the Copyright Act contemplates situations where copyright in a work shall be deemed to be infringed. As per the section copyright in a work shall be deemed to be infringed: (a) when any person, without a license granted by the owner of the copyright or the Registrar of Copyrights or in contravention of the conditions of a license so granted or of any condition imposed by a competent authority does:

1. Anything for which the exclusive right is conferred upon the owner of the copyright, or

2. Permits for profit any place to be used for the communication of the work to the public where such communication constitutes an infringement of the copyright in the work, unless he was not aware ‘ and had no reasonable ground for believing that such communication to the public would be an infringement of copyright, or

3. When any person: (i) makes for sale or hire or sells or lets for hire, or by way of trade display or offers for sale or hire, or (ii) distributes either for the purpose of trade or to such an extent as to affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright, or (iii) by way of trade, exhibits in public, or (iv) imports into India, any infringing copies of the work. However, the import of one copy of any work is allowed for private and domestic use of the importer. Section 51 clarifies that the reproduction of literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work in the form of a cinematograph film shall be deemed to be an ‘infringing copy.

The principle of conditional grants to proprietary rights in any intellectual property is to promote the public interest. This is universally recognized and incorporated in the intellectual property system. Protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights must:

  1. Be conducive to social and economic welfare;
  2. Safeguard an individual’s fundamental rights; and
  3. Promote commerce, competition, and innovation.

In Copyright Laws exceptions and limitations are provisions which in public interest permit the use of copyrighted works without prior authorization or a license from its owner. Generally, exceptions and limitations to copyright are subject to a three-step test set out in the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Briefly stated, the Berne Convention provides that an exception or limitation to copyright is permissible only if:

  1. It covers special cases
  2. It does not conflict with the normal exploitation of the work; and
  3. It does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.

Statutory Exception
Section 52 (1) Copyright Act contains around 33 categories of exceptions wherein the act committed shall not amount to an infringement of copyright. The objective behind laying down this exception is to promote the public good and thus enable the reproduction of the work for certain public purposes, and for the encouragement of private study, research, and promotion of education.
The list of acts that do not constitute an infringement of copyright is:

(1) A fair dealing with any literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, not being a computer program, for the purposes of-

  • Private or personal use, including research;
  • Criticism or review, whether of that work or of any other work;
  • Reporting of current events and current affairs, including the reporting of a lecture delivered in public;
    The explanation appended therewith further clarifies that storing of any work in any electronic medium including the incidental storage of any computer program, which is not itself an infringing copy for the said purposes, shall not constitute an infringement of copyright.

(2) The reproduction of a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work for the purpose of a judicial proceeding or for the purpose of a report of a judicial proceeding;

(3) The reproduction or publication of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work prepared by the Secretariat of a Legislature or, where the Legislature consists of two Houses, by the Secretariat of either House of the Legislature, exclusively for the use of the members of that Legislature;

(4) The reproduction of any literary, dramatic or musical or artistic work in a certified copy made or supplied in accordance with any law for the time being in force;

(5) The reading or recitation in public of reasonable extracts from a published literary or dramatic work;

(6) The publication is a collection, mainly composed of non-copyright matter, bona fide intended for instructional use, and so described in the title and in any advertisement issued by or on behalf of the publisher, of short passages from published literary or dramatic works, not themselves published for use in which copyright subsists. Provided that not more than two such passages from works by the same author are published by the same publisher during any period of five years.

(7) The reproduction of a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work-

  • by a teacher or a pupil in the course of instruction; or
  • as part of the questions to be answered in an examination; or
  • in answers to such questions;

(8) The performance, in the course of the activities of an educational institution, of a literary, dramatic or musical work by the staff and students of the institution, or of a cinematograph film or sound recordings if the audience is limited to such staff and students, the parents and guardians of the students and persons connected with, the activities of the institution or the communication to such an audience of a cinematograph film or sound recording.

(9) The performance of a literary, dramatic or musical work by an amateur club or society, if the performance is given to a non-paying audience, or for the benefit of a religious institution;

(10) The reproduction in a newspaper, magazine or another periodical of an article on current economic, political,- social or religious topics, unless the author of such article has expressly reserved to himself the right of such reproduction;

(11) The storing of a word in any medium by electronic means by a non-commercial public library, for preservation if the library already possesses a non-digital copy of the work;

(12) The making of not more than three copies of a book (including a pamphlet, sheet of music, map, chart or plan) by or under the direction of the person in charge of a non-commercial public library for the use of the library if such book is not available for sale in India;

(d) The owner of the copyright can transfer his rights to any other person by way of either assignment of the copyright or by issuing licenses. The owner of the copyright in an existing work or the prospective owner of a copyright in a future work may assign to any person the copyright as per sections 18 and 19. Sections 17 and 18 of the Copyright Act, 1957 lay down provisions as to in whom the copyright vests. Section 17 mentions that if a work is done by an author for consideration by a publisher, the copyright in it would normally vest in the publisher subject to any contract to the contrary.

Section 18 states that the owner of the copyright in an existing work or the prospective owner of future work may assign the copyright to any person, either wholly or partially and either generally or subject to limitations and either for the whole of the copyright or any part thereto. Modes of Assignment: Section 19 of the Act provides that an assignment of copyright should be in writing signed by the owner of the copyright or by his duly authorized agent. Mere acceptance of remuneration or delivery of manuscript does not constitute an assignment of copyright. The oral assignment is invalid and ‘it is impermissible in law (K.A. Venugopala Setty v. Dr. Suryakantha U. Kamath AIR 1992 Kar 1).

This section requires that the assignment should be in writing signed by the assignor or by his duly authorized agent. The assignment of copyright should specify the assigned work, rights including and the duration, territorial extent of assignment and the amount of royalty or any other consideration payable to the author or his legal heirs. In case the assignee does not exercise his rights within a period of one year from the date of assignment, the assignment in respect of such rights shall be deemed to have lapsed after the expiry of said period, unless otherwise specified in the assignment. The assignment of copyright in any work contrary to the terms and conditions of the rights already assigned to a copyright society in which the author of the work is a member is void.

The Assignment of copyright in any work to make a cinematograph film does not affect the right of the author of the work to claim an equal share of royalties and consideration payable in case of utilization of the work in any form other than for the communication to the public of the work, along with the cinematograph film in a cinema hall.

Amendment of 2012 to Section 19
Three clauses have been added with respect to the assignment to Section 19 which basically says that royalty has to be paid to the authors whose work has been exploited in a cinematographic film other than by way of exhibition of the film in a cinema hall. This simply means that the authors are entitled to the subsequent royalties which may arise in the course of further exploitation of the film which includes their work. For example, they will also be entitled to a royalty for satellite rights, home video, internet, right, etc. This again strengthens the position of the authors of the work are the actual owners of anything apart from their work in the cinematographic film. The second clause that has been added is for sound recording and is the same as above. What the authors can do is register their work with a copyright society and thereafter license it to whoever they like Licenses.

A license is different from an assignment as the licensee gets certain rights subject to the conditions specified in the license agreement but the ownership of those rights vests solely in the owner of the copyright. On the other hand, in case of an assignment, the assignee becomes the owner of the interest assigned to him. The original owner of the copyright transfers all his/her rights to the assignee and retains none.
A license can be voluntary or compulsory.

Voluntary Licensing
Section 30 of the Indian Copyright. The act defines what is meant by voluntary licensing. According to Section 30 the owner of the copyright in any existing work or the prospective owner of the copyright in any future work may grant any interest in the right by license in writing signed by him or by his duly authorized agent.

Therefore, the copyright owner of any existing work or the prospective owner of any future work can grant any interest in the right by way of a license. However, it has to be borne in mind that in case of future work, the license will come into force only when the work comes into existence. Compulsory Licensing: Compulsory license is the term generally applied to a statutory license to do an act covered by an exclusive right without the prior authorization of the right owner. Compulsory licensing allows for the use of protected (in this case, copyrighted material) without the prior permission of the owner of the right.

(e) In the present problem the defendant put forward the following grounds before the High Court to buttress his case that there is no infringement of copyright:

1. The Plaintiff themselves admitted that they saw the posters of the movie in January 2016 itself but waited till March 2016 for the trailer. Sardar Rubber Singh was scheduled for release on 8th April 2016 and the suit was filed on 24,h March 2016 at the very last » minute. This shows that the plaintiff’s intention was to try to cause loss and damage to the defendant.

2. Plaintiff and Defendant had entered into are agreement whereby the assignee obtained an absolute right to remake the film in Telugu language only. Further, under the agreement, the Assignee was conferred an absolute right to exploit the remade version of the film in the Telugu language only all over the world in all dimensions commercially as well as non-commercially.

3. Defendant’s contended that the name of the movies is different^ the Portrayal is different, the stylization is different, the locales were different and so were his mannerism, qualities and, most of all, his core value system, his moral compass; whereas Bulbul Pandey is fearless and corrupt, Rubber Singh is though fearless but honest. This was an adaptation developed distinctively. The script or the storyline underlying the character of Rubber Singh is said to have been developed by Mr. Sayan Kalyan himself, and thus he has independent copyright over the same. Further, they informed that the agreement of 21st January 2011 relates not to a license but to an assignment which is a very different thing from a mere license.

4. Copyright vested with the Defendants within the meaning of Section 14(a) and (d) respectively of a literary work and a cinematographic film. The rights in the Rubber Singh character are wholly distinct from the rights in the Bulbul Pandey character. The rights in the Rubber Singh character vest in and only in the defendants.

5. Further, the defendants claim that the producers had copyright in the cinematograph film but they also owned the rights in the script and that it was the entirety of all of this material that was assigned.

6. The setting of the two films is different and while the Jabangg films are set in North India the Rubber Singh films are in the Andhra/Telangana region and that there are many other points of distinction too. Taking into account the provisions of the Copyright Act especially with reference to section 14 (a) to (d) and section 17 of the Act, in the present case, the Bombay High Court held that it is unable to find any reason in favor of the Plaintiffs on either a prima facie case or on the test of balance of convenience. As the result, the court refused to grant any ad-interim relief to the plaintiff. Hence the suit was dismissed and the judgment was passed in favor of the defendant.

Question 19.
Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end:
The plaintiff, Super Cassettes Industries, contended before the High Court that the defendant, SCN Sujla Channel, a cable operator in Rajasthan was heavily using songs and film extracts to enhance its viewership. According to the plaintiff, in June 2015, when its executive captured on CD and DVD, the content being broadcast by the defendant, it realized that a major chunk of the content was copyrighted by the plaintiff and was broadcast without its consent.

Prominent examples of such content included such famous songs as Tere Mast Mast do Nain (Dabangg) Dhinkaq Chika (Ready), and Sadi Gali (Tanu Weds Manu). The plaintiff contended that it apprised the defendant of its public performance licensing scheme under which it could legally broadcast the infringing content and also sent it a cease and desist notice in August 2015 by which the defendant was requested to seek the requisite license and pay damages worth ₹ 25 lakhs for the infringement of the plaintiff’s copyright.

Since the defendant did not respond to the notice, the plaintiff contended that the defendant’s conduct fell within the four squares of Section 51 of the Copyright Act and that the plaintiff was entitled to the grant of damages. Since the licensing fee charged by the plaintiff was 18 per month per .household, and the defendant had thousands of connections, the plaintiff argued that it was entitled to damages worth 11 crores in addition to a rendition of accounts of profit and delivery of the infringing tapes.

The Delhi High Court noted that the plaintiff had been able to successfully establish that, since it was the owner of copyright in the concerned content, its rights had been violated by the defendant within the meaning of Section 51 of the Copyright Act. Further, since the defendant did not indicate the names of the author or owner of copyright in the films and sound recordings, broadcast by it, the Court held that it had failed to comply with the statutory command engrafted in Section 52A of the Act. In the light of the fact that the defendant had infringed the plaintiff’s rights in a deliberate and calculated fashion and did not even bother to contest the proceedings instituted by the plaintiff, the Court held that the grant of damages was warranted.

Thereafter, the Court articulated the proposition that the aim of such damages would not only be to penalize the wrongdoer but also to recompense the plaintiff for the loss suffered by it. While the Court acknowledged the fact that the plaintiff’s prayer for the grant of damages has gone unrebutted, it noted that it had not put forth any material that could assist the Court in ascertaining what illegal revenue was earned by the defendant by virtue of the infringing content. Holding that the plaintiff’s rate card which indicated the license fee that it charged cable operators for the broadcast of its content was an indicator of the profits that it could have earned, the Court held that the same could not take the plaintiff’s case very far in light of the fact that its estimate of ₹ 1 crore was founded only upon its bald assertion that the defendant had thousands of customers.

Therefore, the Court asked the plaintiff to put forth cogent and reliable evidence to indicate the amount of compensatory, damages that it was entitled to owing to the defendant’s conduct and asked the defendant to share with the plaintiff its accounts of profits on the basis of which the plaintiff could compute the same. Finally, it granted punitive damages worth 15 lakhs in the interim.

  1. Does the Copyright Act envisage the grant of punitive damages? Does the High Court have a legal basis for granting punitive damages?
  2. Having asked the plaintiff to put forth cogent and reliable evidence to indicate the number of compensatory damages that it was entitled to, was the Court correct in awarding interim damage of ₹ 5 lakhs?
  3. Cite three case laws on grant of damages in IP infringements cases (no need to describe them). What provisions of the Copyright Act apply in the instant case of Super Cassettes?

(1) The Copyright Act does not envisage the grant of punitive damages by way of remedies. There is no specific provision in the Act to award the same. But the Act provides for certain remedies like grant of injunction, damages, and accounts in case there is an infringement of a right. The Court’s award, in this case, lacks the legal basis and is based on the string of precedents in which the Courts have created for themselves this power. The Courts would do well to acknowledge the absence of the jurisprudential basis for the grant of punitive damages, but yet in the interests of the owners of copyright, the Courts may be inclined to tread the path of awarding compensatory damages. At the same time, it is desirable that the Courts should insist on the plaintiff to provide a strong evidentiary basis before granting punitive damages.

The question of whether punitive damages should be awarded requires the consideration of whether the defendant’s misconduct ‘shocks the conscience, and has an element of ‘wilful and wanton disregard’, as punitive damages are known to be awarded only in extremely rare cases. In the case of Time Incorporated vs. Lokesh Srivastava, it was stated by the Honorable Court that, “the time has come when the Courts dealing actions for infringement of trademarks, copyrights, patents, etc. should not only grant compensatory damages but award punitive damages also with a view to discourage and dishearten lawbreakers who indulge in violations with impunity out of lust for money so that they realize that in case they are caught, they would be liable not only to reimburse the aggrieved party but would be liable to pay punitive damages also, which may spell financial disaster for them”.

Recently in the judgment of the Delhi High Court, the Court has fined one firm for software piracy. The suit was filed by Microsoft and Adobe. The firm was found guilty of using pirated software for commercial purposes without adequate licenses. Court has awarded the compensatory and punitive damages of ₹ 10 lakh to the firm. This is the

first-ever judgment by any Indian Court where punitive damages are also awarded. It is desirable that the Courts should insist on the plaintiff to provide a strong evidentiary basis before granting punitive damages,

(2) In the case at hand, the High Court of Delhi has noted that the plaintiff has been able to successfully establish that, since it is the owner of copyright in the concerned content, its rights have been violated by the defendant within the meaning of Section 51 of the Copyright Act. Further, since the defendant did not indicate the names of the author or owner of copyright in the films and sound recordings broadcast by it, the court has held that it had failed to comply with the statutory command engrafted in Section 52A of the Act.

Upon observing that the defendant has indeed infringed the plaintiff’s rights in a deliberate and calculated fashion and did not even bother to contest the proceedings instituted by the plaintiff, the court held that the grant of damages was warranted. Thereafter, the court articulated the proposition that the aim of such damages would not only be to penalize the wrongdoer but also to recompense the plaintiff for the loss suffered by it. There are many valid reasons for the same and is also supported by the case law.

While the Court acknowledged the fact that the plaintiff’s prayer for the grant of damages has gone unrebutted, it noted that it has not put forth any material that can assist the court in ascertaining what illegal revenue was earned by the defendant by virtue of the infringing content. Holding that the plaintiff’s rate card which indicates the license fee that it charges cable operators for the broadcast of its content Is an indicator of the profits that it could have earned, the court held that the same could not take the plaintiff’s case very far founded only upon its bald assertion that the defendant has thousands of customers.

Therefore, the court asked the plaintiff to put forth cogent and reliable evidence to indicate the number of compensatory damages that it is entitled to owing to the defendant’s conduct and asked the defendant to share with the plaintiff its accounts of profits on the basis of which the plaintiff can compute the same. Finally, it granted punitive damages worth ? 5 lakh in the interim in favor of the plaintiff. But, it is difficult to fathom how the Court could have awarded punitive damages while acknowledging the proposition that the plaintiff had failed to establish the number of compensatory damages that it was entitled to. Only after the Court ascertained the actual quantum of the losses suffered by the plaintiff on account of the defendants’ conduct could it use that figure to arrive at the number of punitive damages.

Read More: C Programming Lecture Notes

(3) Case-Law germane to the award of damages in IP Infringement cases are:

  1. Times Inc. v. Lokesh Srivastava, 116 (2005) DLT 599: [2006] 131 , CompCas 198 (Delhi). Decided by High Court of Delhi on 3rd January 2005.
  2. Microsoft v. Kiran and another, 2007 (35) PTC 748 (Delhi): ILR ; (2007) Supp. (5) Delhi 200. Decided by High Court of Delhi on 7th September 2007.
  3. GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals v. Sarath Kumar Reddy G., 234 (2016) DLT 459: MANU/DE/2939/2016 Decided by High Court of Delhi on 2nd November 2016.

The Delhi High Court’s verdict in GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals v. Sarath Kumar Reddy G can serve as a loadstar for the courts faced with a prayer for the grant of damages in IP infringement cases. In that verdict, the Court effectively safeguarded the plaintiff’s interest by J scrutinizing the prayer for the grant of damages by applying the same evidentiary standards that it applied for the grant of other reliefs. The provisions of the Copyright Act applicable in the Super Cassettes case are Sections 51 and 52A thereof.

CS Professional Intellectual Property Rights Laws and Practices Notes