Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

For enrichment of vocabulary, following should be kept in mind.
Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 3

Choice of Words:
It should be according to them:

  • Range of your vocabulary
  • Audience to whom you are communicating with
  • Type of communication
  • Message you intend to convey
  • Certain words to be used in a particular context only
  • Regional differences in language or Connotation

Note: Tips for choosing right word are:

  • Use of simple language
  • Use of language on the basis of field i.e. Jargon
  • Avoiding the use of superfluous words/verbosity.

These are the group of words which are similar in the sound but they differ in their meaning as well as spelling.
Following are the examples of Homonyms

  • Elicit: Draw out
    Illicit: unlawful.
  • Refuge: Place of shelter from Danger
    Refuse: not to accept, decline
  • Root: (basics, core)
    Route: (way)
    Rout: (Completely defeated forced to flee)

Words nearly having the same meaning are called synonyms.
Some examples of synonyms are:

Word Synonyms
Audacious bold, daring
Cogent Valid, convincing
Effete exhausted, worn-out
Morbid Morose, sickly

A word opposite or contrary in meaning to another word is called antonym.
Some examples of Antonyms are:
Word Antonyms
Curiosity Indifference
Flattery Criticism
Oral Written

Single Word For Group of Words:
Explaining the group of words in a single word helps to enrich vocabulary.
For e.g.:
One who perform gymnastic feats, Acrobat
One who does not believe in the existence of god Atheist

Grammar and its Usage:
Part of grammar concerned with changes in the form of words by internal modification is known as accidence.
Syntax refers to the manner In which these words can be arranged in form of a sentence.

Parts of Speech in English:

  • Noun
  • Pronoun
  • Adjective
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Interjections

Part of speech which ¡s used to identify name, place, thing, quality action or animal.
Types of nouns are:

  • Common Noun – e.g. – bank, shop etc.
  • Proper Noun – e.g. – January, Delhi etc.
  • Collective Noun – e.g. – batch, company etc.
  • Abstract Noun – e.g. – Joy, Sorrow, Excitement, Ambition.

Essentials of Good English Notes

Pronouns are those words which are used in place of noun.
Types of Pronoun are:

  • Personal Pronouns
  • Relative Pronouns
  • Possessive Pronouns.

Essentials of Good Ethics and Entrepreneurship English Notes

Adjective is a word which adds meaning to noun or a pronoun.
Compound Adjective: When two or more words are joined with a hyper form a Compound Adjective.
For e.g.: Government Financed project

These are words indicating action verbs comes from Latin Verbum, meaning a word; For e.g.:
Following are the functions performed by Verbs

  • Stating existence.
  • Commanding anyone.
  • Description of activity.

There are two types of Verb:

  1. Helping Verb.
  2. Principal Verb.

Adverbs modify the meaning of verbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions etc.
For e.g.: The CEO is an exceptionally sharp manager.

Preposition is placed before noun to show its relationship with time, place, case etc.
Thumb rule of using prepositions is that the sentence should read well.
For e.g.: Some of the prepositions are:
→ above
→ below
→ beside

Conjunction are the words used to join words or sentences.
For e.g.: and, but, also, both etc.
Using of conjunction in pairs is called as correlative conjunction.
For e.g.: either-or, not only-but also, both and etc.

These are the words used to express emotion of feeling in a sentenŒ
F04 e.g.: Hi! Alas! Oh? etc.

Types of Voices:
There are two types of voices:

  1. Active Voice
  2. Passive Voice

Active Voice is shorter, direct and emphatic.
Passive Voice Is suitable while drafting of legal formulations.

Articles are called the most common determiner.
Two types of Articles are:

  1. Definite Article
  2. Indefinite Article.

Definite Article: It is always particular/specific thus referring to definite person, thing or entity.
For e.g.: The river Ganges.

Indefinite Articles: The indefinite articles are ‘a’ and ‘an’. These articles are not definite, general and are non-specific. For e.g.: She has planted a rose plant.


  • Usage implies the manner in which the native speakers of a language use it.
  • Usage of a particular language is not governed by any grammatical rules.

A set of forms taken by verb to indicate the time of action.
There are twelve types of tenses:

  1. Present
  2. Past
  3. Future
  4. Present perfect progressive
  5. Past perfect progressive
  6. Future perfect progressive
  7. Present Progressive
  8. Past Progressive
  9. Future Progressive
  10. Present perfect
  11. Past perfect
  12. Future perfect

Progressive forms- used to express continuing action.
Perfect tenses – used to convey past action which is continuing up to present moment.

Sentence Construction:
Combination of words in order to form the meaningful sentences Why sentences are Formed?

  • Make a statement
  • Post a Question
  • Give a Command
  • Make an exclamation.

Sentence consists of two parts

  1. Subject
  2. Predicate

Subject: It is that part of sentence which contain the person or thing which performs the action.
Predicate: his that part of sentence which contains the verb. It gives information about the subject.
A phrase is a group of words which does not make sense by itself. It is not a finite verb:
It can be a:

  • Noun
  • Adjectival or
  • Adverbial phrase

A clause is a grammatical unit that includes a predicate, and an explicit or implied subject and expresses a preposition.
There are two types of clause
1. Main clause (Principal statement)
2. Subordinate clause (Rest statements)

Types of sentence
Simple Sentence: It contains one finite verb and can make only one complete statement
Compound Sentence: It is made up of two or more Clauses.
Complex Sentence: It ¡s formed when its main clause is supported by a dependent clause.

Sentence Construction:
Sentence can be constructed using various pattern and structures
Sentence Construction that are based on writing are:

  • Loose Sentences – simple style, closer to spoken form
  • Periodic Sentences difficult to write

Sentence Construction on the basis of length are:

  • Shorter Sentences – easier to write and understand
  • Longer sentence – more prone to grammatical errors.

Spellings and Pronunciation:

  • There is a relationship between a word’s sound and the way it expressed in writing.
  • The same sound is often conveyed through different spellings.

Stress and Rhythms:
A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of a spoken language.
Word can have more than one syllables

  • One Claim
  • Two Confess
  • Three Sacrifice
  • Four Retribution.

Prefixes and Suffixes
It is the affix or addition to the base form or root word coming at the beginning of the sentence.

Group of Prefix:
Prefix falls into a number of distinct groups such as:

  • Supportive
  • Size
  • Opposing
  • Time
  • Negative
  • Number
  • Reversative
  • Status
  • Derivative
  • Class changing
  • Pejorative
  • Miscellaneous

Supporting Prefix: Pro’ is used with the word for favouring /supporting lt Cleaning
Eg- Pro-choice, Pro market, etc.
Opposing Prefixes:
→ It opposed the action denoted by the root word.
→ E.g: Anti (against): anti dote, antibiotic, etc.

Negative Prefixes:
→These are prefixes that denote the absence of distinguishing feature of the root word.
E.g: an (not, lacking) anaesthetic, anaemic, etc.

Reversative Prefixes:
→ it denotes the act of undoing the previous act that the root word denote as being done.
Dis (Reverse of) disqualify, dishonest, etc.

Derivate prefixes –
→ It means removing someone or something Eg: de (depart from) – deplanes, detrain, etc.
Pejorative Prefixes:
→ These express contempt, bad or wrong. Eg: Mis (wrongly) – Misspell, mismanage etc.

There are some other prefixes also like:
Place Prefix → indicates place or situation
Size Prefix → denotes size
Time Prefix → denotes time
Number Prefix → denotes number
Status Prefix → denotes a status
Class Changing Prefix → changes the word class

It is an addition to the end of a word to form a derivative of root word.
Groups of suffix:

  • Noun Suffix
  • Adjective Suffix
  • Verb Suffix
  • Adverb Suffix

Noun Suffix a city – audacity, capacity

  • Verb Suffix – is, ire – modernise, terrorise.
  • Adjective Suffix -. y – massy, funny sleepy.
  • Advert Suffix — wise – clockwise, taxwise

Combination Word:
These are words, elements or combining forms that can be combined with other words that already exist to form new words.
Eg: Macro (large) → Macroeconomics, macro-organism, etc.

The marks, such as full stop, brackets, commas used In writing to separate sentences and their elements and to darify the meaning are called punctuation.

Punctuation also serves other purposes:

  • Introduction of delicate effects
  • Alteration of flow of sentence
  • Highlighting certain words which are necessary for the document

The various punctuations used in English language are:

  • Capital letters
  • Stroke
  • Abbreviation
  • Full stop
  • Ellipsis
  • Space
  • Hyphen
  • Comma
  • Italic


Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 1

Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 2

It is a shortened form of word, phrase or text
It saves time
Eg. TV (Television), MA – Master of Arts.

Choice of presenting it in figure or words depends upon the purpose that one wants to achieve
Eg: ₹ 1.20,000, 50-50%, 3/4th inch, etc.

Idioms and Phrases:
A group of words established by the usage having meaning not deductible from the individual words. Dictionary defines idiom as, “the form of expression peculiar to a language.”
E.g: To turn over a new leaf
To turn trail
To lay waste
To make common cause

A phrase is a group of words, a part of a sentence which does not make a complete sentence but has an independent meaning.
E.g: To be in the doldrums
To be on the wave
To be on the carpet

A short petty saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece advice.
Well begun is half done
Example is better than percept
A fool and his money are soon parted.

Foreign word and Phrases:
English has been borrowed generally Iron’ other languages more from Latin, Greek, French and German. This leads to the formation certain words and phrases.
E.g: ab initio (L) From the beginning
corrigenda (L) a thing to be corrected
Bon voyage (F) have a good journey

Abbreviations form of Latin, French and Roman Word:
shortened form of word or phrase used for simplicity in the place of whole:
Latin Abbreviation: AD, – Anno Domini
German Abbreviation: ren – Renata
French Abbreviation: adj – adjective.

Nature of Management and its Process MCQ Questions

1. Which of the following is not a German Abbreviation:
(a) S.d.
(b) WWE
(c) P.S.
(d) N.N.
(c) P.S.

2. Which of the following is not a Latin Abbreviation:
(a) vs.
(b) a.v.
(c) Bez
(d) i.a.
(c) Bez

3. Which of the following is not a French Abbreviation:
(a) Lit
(b) Ong
(c) U.S.
(d) N.B.
(d) N.B.

4. Which is not a proverb:
(a) Sweet are the uses of adversity
(b) to scatter to the winds
(c) A rose would smell as sweet by any other name
(d) A closed mouth catches no flies
(b) to scatter to the winds

5. What does the Idiom mean To scatter to the winds
(a) To waste
(b) Prove of something
(c) To prejudice another person
(d) To deteriorate badly
(a) To waste.

6. Which word explains the following sentence “To search thoroughly.
(a) Vandal
(b) Genocide
(c) Ransack
(d) Amnesty
(c) Ransack

7. Which word explains the following group of words “Coming at the right time”
(a) Opportune
(b) Benefactor
(c) Quisling
(d) Panacea
(a) Opportune.

8. Find out the antonym of the word “Meager”
(a) Empty
(b) Plentiful
(C) Both (a) or (b)
(d) None of the above
(b) Plentiful

9. A ………………………. sentence contains only one finite verb and can make only one complete statement.
(a) Simplex
(b) Compound
(c) Complex
(d) None of the above
(d) None of the above

10. To transform into a purer or idealised form means.
(a) Sublimate
(b) Ransack
(c) Vandal
(d) Revive
(a) Sublimate

11. The Latin word bonafide” means:
(a) Strange
(b) Good faith
(c) Colleague
(d) None of the above
(b) Good faith

12. BCC stands for:
(a) Blind copy carbon
(b) Before carbon copy
(C) Blind carbon copy
(d) Before copy carbon
(C) Blind carbon copy

13. VAT stands for.
(a) Value Added Tax
(b) Value Addition Tax
(c) Value Abstract Tax
(d) Value Added Text
(a) Value Added Tax

14. Alma mater means:
(a) A school or college which one has to attend
(b) A public apology
(C) Preliminary matter
(d) None of the above
(a) A school or college which one has to attend

15. The proverb “To rob peter to, pay paul” means:
(a) Things take time to complete and to mature
(b) To harm one person in order to benefit the other
(c) You judge a man’s worth by his others
(d) A man is judged by sort of friends he has.
(b) To harm one person in order to benefit the other

16. WWW stands for:
(a) World wide web
(b) Wide word web
(c) Web worldwide
(d) None of the above.
(a) World wide web

17. Agnostic means:
(a) One who perform gymnastic frets
(b) The action of attacking with provocation
(c) Science of production, transmission
(d) None of the above.
(d) None of the above.

18. There are several pairs or groups of words that are similar but are different in spelling and meaning.
(a) Antonyms
(b) Homonyms
(c) Synonyms
(d) None of the above.
(d) None of the above.

19. It is used to construct word to Darity meaning. It links words to form compound word.
(a) The Hyphen (-)
(b) Comma (,)
(c) Full stop (.)
(d) None of the above.
(a) The Hyphen (-)

20. An ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning is:
(a) Jargon
(b) Pedantry
(c) Verbosity
(d) Vocabulary.
(a) Jargon

21. Identify the correctly spelt word:-
(a) Occasion
(c) Occasion
(b) Occasion
(d) Occasion
(a) The correct spelling among the following option is occasion.

22. The abbreviation ‘E&OE’ stands for:-
(a) Errors and Omitted Errors
(b) Expected and Omitted errors
(c) Errors and Omissions excepted
(d) Exceptions and omissions encountered.
(c) The Abbreviation ‘E & OE’ stands for Errors and Omission Excepted as this abbreviation is used in Invoices or any document related to figures.

23. The proverb “apparel often proclaims the man” means –
(a) Clothes are everything
(b) You judge a man’s worth by his clothes
(c) Apparels are expensive
(d) None of the above.
(b) The proverb “ apparel often proclaims the man” means that you judge a man’s worth by his clothes. This means that man’s status can be judged by his dressing sense and his attitude.

24. Fax is the abbreviation of:-
(a) Fascimile
(b) Fascile
(c) Fascicle
(d) Fiscal
(a) Fax is the abbreviation of Fascimile.

25. What does the idiom ‘to split hairs’ mean?
(a) Argue on major points
(b) Argue on minor points
(c) Not to argue
(d) Brainstorming
(b) The idiom “to split hairs’ means to argue on minor points.

26. …………………………………. Taj Mahal is situated in Agra. Fill in the blank using
(a) One who gives friendly help
(b) One who performs gymnastic feats
(c) An expert judge in the matter of taste
(d) A member of royal family of taste
(c) The Taj Mahal is situated in Agra.

27. ‘Expired’ is a synonym of –
(a) Illegal
(b) Lapsed
(c) Dishonoured
(d) Matured
(b) The Synonym of expired is “Lapsed”.

28. Who is called a ‘Connoisseur’?
(a) One who gives friendly help
(b) One who performs gymnastic feats
(c) An expert judge in the matter of taste
(d) A member of royal family of taste
(c) Connoisseur is a person who is an expert judge in the matter of taste.

29. A word opposite to another word
(a) Antonym
(b) Synonym
(c) Homophones
(d) Idiom
(a) A word opposite to another word is called an Antonym.

30. ………………….. err is human, ……………………………. forgive is divine
(a) One
(b) To
(c) Into
(d) From
(b) To err is human To forgive is divine

31. The passive voice of the sentence ‘I killed a snake’ is –
(a) I have killed a snake
(b) A snake is killed
(c) A snake was killed by me
(d) A snake has been killed by me.
(c) The passive voice of the sentence ‘I killed a snake’ is “A snake was killed by me”.

32. Who is philanthropist?
(a) One who gives friendly help
(b) One who is master of his words.
(c) One who is dissatisfied and inclined to rebel
(d) One who seeks to promote the welfare of others especially by donating money for good causes.
(d) Philanthropist: One who seeks to promote the welfare of the others especially donating money for good cause.

33. Which one of the following is a definite article and is always specific?
(a) The
(b) A
(c) An
(d) None of the above.
(a) The is a definite article and is always specific.

34. Which one of the following is used to enclose certain contents which the writer sets out apart so that the flow of the sentence is not interrupted?
(a) Brackets
(b) Quotation marks
(c) Comma
(d) Colon
(a) Brackets are used to enclose certain contents which the writer sets out a part so that flow of the sentence is not interrupted.

35. Which of the following is an example of present indefinite tense?
(a) I went to office yesterday,
(b) I go to office every day
(c) I had been to office
(d) 1 am going to office
(b) Example of present Indefinite tense is I go to office every day.

36. Which one of the following is the antonym of the word ‘bankrupt’?
(a) Solvent
(b) Despair
(c) Expensive
(d) All of the above
(a) Antonym of word bankrupt is Solvent.

37. What is meant by ‘abinitio’?
(a) List of additions
(b) From the Origin
(c) From the beginning
(d) According to value
(c) Meaning of word ‘ab Initio is “from the beginning”.

38. The expression ‘to formally put an end to’ means –
(a) Abolish
(b) Abandon
(c) Excerpt
(d) None of the above
(a) Meaning of the sentence is ‘to formally put an end to’ is to Abolish.

39. The Latin word ‘Bona file means —
(a) Stranger
(b) In good faith
(c) Colleague
(d) None of the above
(b) Latin word ‘Bona Fide’s means “In good faith”.

40. A person chosen by disputing parties to settle their differences is called —
(a) Agent
(b) Partner
(c) Arbitrator
(d) Owner
(c) A person chosen by disputing parties to settle their differences is called an Arbitrator.

41. The apostrophe (‘) is used to – ;
(a) Denote possession and other kinds of relationship
(b) Introduce direct speech
(c) Join words and sentences
(d) Point out the reader’s attention forward.
(a) The apostrophe (‘). is used to Denote possession and other kinds of relationships.

42. The object in the sentence ‘Ram opened the door’ is –
(a) Ram
(b) Opened
(c) The
(d) Door
(d) The Object in the sentence ‘Ram opened the door’ is door. Object is described as a noun in sentence. Hence, Object is the “door”.

43. The process by which green plants prepare their own food is known as
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Symbiosis
(c) Perspiration
(d) Biochemistry
(a) The process by which green plants prepare their own food is known as Photosynthesis.

44. One who calculates insurance and annuity premium is known as –
(a) Investor
(b) Insurer
(c) Actuary
(d) Atheist
(c) One who calculates insurance and annuity premium is known as Actuary.

45. What does the prefix ‘poly’ in the word polygon denotes?
(a) Huge
(b) Smalt
(c) Many
(d) Single
(c) Prefix ‘poly’ in the word polygon denotes Many.

46. Which one of the following prefixes express contempt, disapproved, bad or wrong?
(a) Status Prefix
(b) Derivative prefix
(c) Pejorative prefix
(d) Piarie prefix
(c) Pejorative prefix express contempt disapproved bad on wrong.

47. Which one of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
(a) I will be going to school
(b) I go to school daily
(c) I will go to school yesterday
(d) I goes to school
(b) ‘I go to school daily’ is a grammatically correct sentence.

48. Which one of the following is grammatically correct?
(a) I bought three dozen bananas
(b) I bought three dozen bananas
(c) I bought three dozens banana
(d) I bought three dozen banana.
(b) The sentence “I bought three dozen bananas” is grammatically correct.

49. Don’t worry we are prepared ……………………… anything. Which one of the following is the correct preposition to fill in the blank space?
(a) By
(b) From
(c) To
(d) For.
(d) Don’t worry we are prepared for anything is the correct preposition.

50. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called:
(a) Panacea
(b) Concrete
(c) Numismatics
(d) Philistine.
(a) A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called Panacea.

51. Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other student of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance we may say:
(a) Ram is an intelligent student of his class
(b) Ram is more intelligent student in his class
(c) Ram is the most intelligent student of his class
(d) Ram is one of the more intelligent boys of his class.
(c) Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other student of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance, we can say that – Ram is the most intelligent student of his class.

52. The quality of expressing much in few words is known as:
(a) Exigency
(b) Brevity
(c) Apprises
(d) None of the above.
(b) The quality of expressing much in few words is known as Brevity. It means saying something in brief.

53. The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as:
(a) Shed
(b) Yard
(c) Cold storage
(d) Hangar.
(d) The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as Hangar.

54. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as:
(a) Benefactor
(b) Philanthropist
(c) Collaborator
(d) Ornithologist.
(b) A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as philanthropist.

55. The Latin phrase mutatis mutandis stands for:
(a) With the necessary changes
(b) A way of doing something
(c) A deadlock
(d) Privilege entails responsibility.
(a) The Latin phrase mutatis mutandis stands for-with the necessary changes.

56. The term ‘subjudice’ means:
(a) Not to be considered by judiciary
(b) Under judicial consideration
(c) Prohibited by law
(d) None of the above.
(b) The term ‘Subjudice’ means under judicial consideration.

57. WhIch one of the followings grammatically correct?
(a) I bought three dozens bananas
(b) I bought three dozen bananas
(c) boi.ight three dozens banana
(d) I bought three dozen banana.
(b) The sentence “1 bought three dozen bananas” is grammatically correct.

58. Don’t worry we are prepared anything. Which one of the following is the correct preposition to till-in the blank space?
(a) By
(b) From
(c) To
(d) For.
(d) Don’t worry we re prepared for anything is the correct preposition.

59. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called:
(a) Panacea
(b) Concrete
(c) Numismatics
(d) Philistine.
(a) A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called Panacea.

60. Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other student of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance we may say:
(a) Ram is an intelligent student of his class
(b) Ram is more intelligent student In his class
(c) Ram is the most intelligent student of his class
(d) Ran, is one of the more intelligent boys of his class.
(c) Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other student of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance, we can say that – Ram is the most intelligent student of his class.

61. The quality of expressing much in few words is known as:
(a) Exigency
(b) Brevity
(c) Apprises
(d) None of the above.
(b) The quality of expressing much in few words is known as Brevity. It means saying something in brief.

62. The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as:
(a) Shed
(b) Yard
(c) Cold storage
(d) Hangar.
(d) The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as Hangar.

63. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as:
(a) Benefactor
(b) Philanthropist
(c) Collaborator
(d) Ornithologist.
(b) A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as philanthropist,

64. The Latin phrase mutatis mutan djs stands for:
(a) With the necessary changes
(b) A way of doing something
(c) A deadlock
(d) Privilege entails responsibility.
(a) The Latin phrase mutatis mutandis stands for-with the necessary changes.

65. The term ‘subjudice’ means:
(a) Not to be considered by judiciary
(b) Under judicial consideration
(c) Prohibited by law
(d) None of the above.
(b) The term ‘Subjudice’ means under Judicial Consideration.

66. Which of the following is main function of an Apostrophe (’)?
(a) To point the reader’s attention forward
(b) To separate two or more independent clauses
(c) To denote possession and other kinds of relationship
(d) To link contracting statements.
(c) The main function of an Apostrophe (‘) is

  • To denote possession and other kinds of relationships.
  • Contraction of words.

67. Which of the following is a definite article?
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) All of the above.
(c) ‘The’ is the definite article and is always specific referring to a definite or only thing person or entity. It is also used to indicate specificity and uniqueness.

68. Which of the following is passive voice of “Shahjahan built Taj Mahal”?
(a) Taj Mahal is built by Shahjahan.
(b) Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.
(c) Taj Mahal was build by Shahjahan.
(d) Taj Mahal built by Shahjahan.
(b) Passive voice of “Shahjahan built Taj Mahal” is “Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.”

69. Which of the following is grammatically correct?
(a) A snake was kill by me.
(b) You are request to come daily.
(c) Company Secretaries are also known as governance professionals.
(d) Mahesh is more intelligent student of the class.
(c) Grammatically correct statements are as follows –

  • A snake was killed by me.
  • You are requested to come daily.
  • Mahesh is the most intelligent student of the class.

Thus, option C is grammatically correct.

70. ‘To play second fiddle’ means –
(a) To play the violin
(b) To meddle with something
(c) To take a subordinate part
(d) To cheat.
(c) ‘To play second fiddle means-to take a subordinate part.

71. means incapable of making mistakes.
(a) Intelligent
(b) Infallible
(c) Incongruous
(d) Indispensable.
(b) Infallible means incapable of making mistakes.

72. The meaning of Latin phrase ab initio is –
(a) From the origin
(b) From the beginning
(c) From the middle
(d) From the ages.
(b) The meaning of Latin phrase ‘ab Initio is ‘from the beginning’.

73. Opposite of word “Absolute”
(a) Complete
(b) Limited
(c) Present
(d) All of the above.
(b) The opposite of word “Absolute” is “Limited”. Hence, option (b) is correct.

74. Correct definition of noun is:
(a) It indicates some action
(b) It indicates some quality
(c) It is the name of any person, place or thing
(d) None of the above.
(c) The correct definition of noun is : “Noun is the name of any person, place or thing”. Hence, option (c) is correct.

75. ……………………. is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships.
(a) Full stop
(b) Comma
(c) Hyphen
(d) Apostrophe
(d) An apostrophe is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships. For e.g.: It was the Court’s order.

76. Choose the correct spelling:
(a) Occasion
(b) Occasion
(c) Occasion
(d) Occasion
(b) The correct spelling of the word is “occasion” Thus option (b) is correct.

76. Advise is a ……………… .
(a) Noun
(b) Verb
(c) Conjunction
(d) Preposition.
(b) Advise is a verb because verb indicates action. Advise offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone. For e.g.: “I advised him to go home”.

77. What are these: principal – principle, Acess – excess etc.
(a) Synonyms
(b) Antonyms
(c) Homonyms
(d) None of the above.
(c) “Principal-Principle”, “Access-Excess” etc. are Homonyms because these are several pairs or groups of words that are similar in sound but are different in spelling and meaning. Thus, option (c) is correct.

78. Write the full form of Ph. D:
(a) Philosophy Doctor
(b) Philosophie Doctor
(c) Philosophiae Doctor
(d) None of the above
(c) The full form of Ph. D. is Philosophiae Doctor which means Doctor (or Doctorate) of Philosophy.
Thus option (d) is correct.

79. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called:
(a) Panacea
(b) Concrete
(c) Numismatics
(d) Philistine
(a) A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called panacea. Thus option (a) is correct.

80. Meaning of the word ‘to take a leap in the dark?
(a) not to be reckless and impulsive
(b) take an action i.e. risked in the hope that it is correct.
(c) to fall in the dark
(d) to get a ray of hope.
(b) The word, “to take a leap in the dark” means to take an action i.e., risked in the hope that it is correct.
Thus option (b) is correct.

81. Who recognised the need of first small car in India?
(a) Maruti
(b) Santro
(c) Reliance
(d) Tata Nano
(a) Maruti recognized the need of first small car in India.

82. What is the meaning of word ‘Thrive’?
(a) Prosper
(b) Bold
(c) Flourish
(d) Both (a) & (c)
(d) Thrive means to prosper and flourish. Thus answer is both (a) and (c).

83. How many syllables are there in two words:- satisfaction and satictation?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(d) A syllable is a minimum rhythmic sound of spoken language thus, the words – satisfaction and satiation have four syllables.

84. ‘To flag a dead horse’ means:
(a) To make something less effective
(b) To be accepted satisfactorily
(c) Waste one’s energies on a lost cause
(d) To prejudice another person
(d) “To flog a dead horse” means “to prejudice another person”.

85. ‘Exempli Gratia is a:
(a) Latin word
(b) French word
(c) Greek word
(d) None of the above
(a) ‘Exempli Gratia’ is a Latin word.

86. The quality of expressing much in few words is known as:
(a) Exigency
(b) Brevity
(c) Apprises
(d) None of the above.
(b) The quality of expressing much in few words is known as Brevity. It means saying something in brief.

87. What is the meaning of Audacious?
(a) Bold
(b) Strong
(c) Weak
(d) None of the above
(a) Audacious means bold.

88. If a sentence contains only one finite verb, t Is called.
(a) Complex sentence
(b) Compound sentence
(c) Simple sentence
(d) Paragraph
(c) Simple sentence contains one finite verb and can make only one complete statement.

89. Which of the following is the abbrevíate of Latin abbreviation-e.g.
(a) Exempli Gratia
(b) Exam gratia
(c) Exam gratia
(d) Example granted.
(a) An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or a phrase that could also be written out in full. The abbreviate of Latin word-e.g. stands for example gratia.

90. Which of the following is the meaning of the word Audacious.
(a) Weak
(b) Bold
(c) Scared
(d) Joy
(b) Meaning of the word: “Audacious” – Bold, daring

91. It is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships and contractions of:
(a) Comma
(b) The Hyphen
(c) An Apostrophe
(d) Full stop.
(c) ‘Apostrophe’ (’) is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships. Eg. This is Walters’ Book’.

92. identify the correct spelling:
(a) Occasion
(b) Occasion
(c) Occasion
(d) Occasion
(c) Correct spelling is “Occasion”.

93. “Out of the frying pan into the fire” means:
(a) It is easy
(b) From one kitchen to another
(c) From one trouble to another bigger trouble
(d) From one place to another.
(c) Proverb:
“Out of the frying pan into the fire” means from one trouble to another big trouble.

94. Which of the following is the meaning of the word “fastidious”?
(a) foolish
(b) funny
(c) fussy
(d) dead.
(c) Fastidious = Fussy

95. A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of a spoken language. How many syllables are there in retribution, satisfaction & transatlantic?
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) One.
(a) A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of spoken language. For example, there is only one syllable in name me etc., two in confess and four in satisfaction and transatlantic.

96. What is meant by ‘abinitio’?
(a) From the beginning
(b) From the end
(c) According to value
(d) List of additions.
(a) “Ab initio” means from the beginning.

97. Which of the following is the meaning of the phrase ‘To mind one’s Ps and Q’s?
(a) Mind one’s own behaviour
(b) III treatment
(c) To be punctiliously careful about one’s speech or behaviour
(d) To be careful.
(a) To mind one’s P’s and Q’s (to be punctiliously careful about ones speech or behaviours): The manager suspects his chief clerk of dishonesty, and if the clerk does not mind his P’s and Q’s, he will soon find himself out of job.

98. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the word “manifestation”?
(a) Using or showing judgement
(b) Level of worthiness
(c) Outward or perceptible indication
(d) Lasting for an indefinitely long time.
(c) Manifestation = outward or perceptible indication.

99. It is used to link words to form a compound word:
(a) Slash
(b) Full stop
(c) Hyphen
(d) Comma.
(c) Hyphen is usually used to link words to form a compound word for example get-together, hand-picked.

100. Which of the following is the meaning of the word idiom:
(a) Join words or even sentences conveying related ideas
(b) The shortened form of a word, phrase or text
(c) A literal translation of two – word combination
(d) None of the above.
(c) A group of word established by the usage having meaning not deductible from the individual word. A literal transaction of two-word combination is called idiom.

102. What is the meaning of “Audacious”:
(a) Bold
(b) Strong
(c) Weak
(d) All are applicable
(a) Meaning of audaciousness is Bold.

103. It links words to form compound word:
(a) The comma
(b) Full stop
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) The Hyphen.
(d) Hyphen helps in forming compound words. Example: ex-partner.

104. Meaning of Idiom “to build castles in the air”:
(a) daydreaming
(b) To win favours by gifts
(c) To have to humiliate oneself
(d) To issue a challenge.
(a) Meaning of idiom ‘to build castles in the air’ is daydreaming.

105. Advice is a ………………………… .
(a) Article
(b) Verb
(c) Noun
(d) Pronoun
(c) Advice is a noun and the end-sound is ‘s’.

106. What do you understand by ‘one strikes while iron is hot:
(a) To extend
(b) To take immediate advantage of an opportunity
(c) To fall into a trap
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(b) The meaning of ‘One strikes while iron is hot is to take immediate advantage of an opportunity.

107. What do you understand by ‘esprit de corps’?
(a) Team spirit
(b) Animating spirit
(c) Group of people accompanying
(d) All are applicable.
(b) The meaning of french phrase ‘Esprit de corps’- The animating spirit of a particular group like a regiment.

108. Idioms “to make amends”:
(a) To change
(b) Make up for a wrongdoing
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above.
(b) The meaning of Idiom ‘to make amends’ is to compensate or make up for a wrongdoing.

109. It is used to link words to form a compound word.
(a) Hyphen
(b) Full Stop
(c) Slash
(d) Comma.
(a) Hyphen is used to link words to form a compound word. It is used between words to clarify meaning. The use of hyphens varies in different places.

110. Which of the following is the full form of Latin abbreviation i.e.?
(a) Idest
(b) Ist
(c) That is
(d) Iest.
(a) The full form of i.e. the latin abbreviations is “modest” “which means that is more precisely”. It is commonly used to refine a general statement or provide additional information.

111. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the idiom “To keep the wolf from the door”?
(a) To be silent about one’s intentions
(b) To discourage something
(c) To keep away extreme poverty and hunger
(d) To get into difficulty.
(c) The meaning of the idiom, “To keep the wolf from the door” is to keep away extreme poverty and hunger.

112. Which of the following is the opposite of the word “Bold”?
(a) Unlimited
(b) Timid
(c) Outrageous
(d) Limited.
(b) “Timid” is the opposite of the word “Bold” Antonym is a word opposite or contrary in meaning to another word.

113. The part of speech that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action is known as:
(a) Noun
(b) Adverb
(c) Pronoun
(d) Adjective.
(a) The part of speech that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action is known as noun. It is one of the eight classes of part of speech in English.

114. Which of the following is not true about jargon?
(a) Jargon should be preferred in formal communication
(b) Jargon is the language special to science, technology, art trade or a profession.
(c) Jargon can be military jargon, political jargon, management jargon etc.
(d) Private jargon should be avoided in general communication.
(d) Jargon: Means a language that is unique to particular field, science or profession. There is for instance legal jargon, political jargon, military jargon. Jargon should be avoided in general communication.

115. It is used to link words to form a compound word:
(a) Comma
(b) Hyphen
(c) Slash
(d) Full stop.
(b) Hyphen: It is used between words to clarify meaning. It also links words to form a compound word.
The use of hyphen varies in different places; therefore there are no complete set of rules that can be applied to use of hyphen.

116. “A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance”, is the meaning that the concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to the word:
(a) Tense
(b) Noun
(c) Pronoun
(d) Verb
(a) “A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time and sometimes the continuance or completeness of the action in relation to the time of the utterance” is the meaning that the concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to the word “TENSE”. The word ‘tense’ comes from latin word tempus, meaning time.

117. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the idiom “To Cry over spilt/spilled milk?
(a) Daydreaming
(b) Try to flatter
(c) To discourage something
(d) To Complain about things that cannot be changed.
(d) To cry over spilt/spilled milk: (To complain about things that cannot be changed) Eg: We have failed to build up a sizeable total against England’s first innings meagre total. It is no use crying over spilt milk now.

118. “A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance” is the meaning that the Concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to the word.
(a) Tense
(b) Pronoun
(c) Verb
(d) Noun
(a) “A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance”; is the meaning that the Concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to the word ‘Tense’. The word tense comes from Latin word tempus, meaning time. Hence, we may define Tense as that form of a verb which shows the time and the state of an action or event.

119. The word “Advice” is a ………………… .
(a) Noun
(b) Article
(c) Preposition
(d) Verb.
(d) Advise: Advice is a verb and the end sound is-z.
Eg:- My father advised me to work hard.

120. The french abbreviation “adj” means:
(a) Adverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Adjourn
(d) Adjunct.
(b) adj.: Adjective. Hence, option b is correct.

121. Which of the following is the meaning of the idiom “cut off with a shilling”?
(a) To lose respect
(b) To reject, to throw aside
(c) To give someone a mere trifle in the will
(d) To depreciate.
(c) Cut off with a shilling (to give someone a mere trifle in the will) Eg: The father was so angry with the son over his marriage that he cut him off with a shilling.

122. It is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships and contractions of words:
(a) A full stop
(b) A comma
(c) An Apostrophe
(d) A hyphen
(c) An Apostrophe (’) is used

to denote possession and other kinds of relationships.
Eg: This is Walter’s book.

contractions of words.
Eg: It was the Court’s order.

Isn’t (is not) it a great day?
Can’t (cannot) you come today?
O’er (over) the hills.

Possession and other kinds of relationship.

123. It is a morpheme (minimal meaning language unit) added at the end of a word to form a derivative:
(a) Suffix
(b) Interjection
(c) Conjunction
(d) Prefix
(a) Any word added at the end of a word to form a derivative is called a suffix.

124. The part of speech that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing or action is known as:
(a) Adverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Pronoun
(d) Noun
(d) Noun is a name of a person, place or thing or action or animal.

125. FtSVP is the abbreviation of the French words repondez sil Vons plait and means:
(a) Reply if you please
(b) Please come
(c) Please
(d) Invitation
(a) The French abbreviation means Reply if you please.

126. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the Indian “To get the upper hand or to get the better of’?
(a) To become someone’s responsibility
(b) To be defeated in every contest
(c) To Prevail over
(d) To urge on
(c) ‘To get the Upper hand or to get the better off means to get into a stronger position than someone else so that you are controlling the situation.

127. Which of the following is the meaning of the word ‘Insidious’?
(a) Funny
(b) Innocent
(c) Cunning
(d) Foolish
(c) Insidious – proceeding in subtle way with harmful effects.

128. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called:
(a) Panacea
(b) Concrete
(c) Numismatics
(d) Philistine
(a) One word for remedy of all disease or difficulties is called Panacea.

129. Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other students of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance we may say:
(a) Ram is an intelligent student of his class
(b) Ram is more intelligent student in his class
(c) Ram is the most intelligent student of his class
(d) Ram is one of the more intelligent boys in his class.
(c) Ram is the most intelligent boy in the class because he scored overall 99% in the class and no one can do this.

130. The quality of expressing much in few words is known as:
(a) Exigency
(b) Brevity
(c) Apprises
(d) None of the above.
(b) Brevity is the most important quality of business letter which means quality of expressing much in few words.

131. The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as:
(a) Shed
(b) Yard
(c) Cold storage
(d) Hangar
(d) The place where Airplane is housed Is known as Hangar.

132. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as:
(a) Benefactor
(b) Philanthropist
(c) Collaborator
(d) Ornithologist
(b) Person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating Money is known as Philanthropist and person who don’t seeks to promote welfare of poor is Misanthropist.

133. The Latin phrase mutatis mutandis stands for:
(a) With the necessary changes
(b) A way of doing something
(c) A deadlock
(d) Privilege initials responsibility
(a) Mutuatis Mutandis stands for with the necessary changes.

134. The term ‘subjudice’ means:
(a) Not to be considered by judiciary
(b) Under judicial consideration
(c) Prohibited by law
(d) None of the above.
(b) The term ‘Subjudice’ means under judIcial consideration.

135. ……………………. are those that denote the meaning of removing something or depriving something or someone.
(a) Reversative Prefix
(b) Pejorative Prefix
(c) Time Prefix
(d) Derivative Prefix
(d) Derivative Prefix are those that denote the meaning of removing something or depriving something or someone.

136. To build castle in the air means
(a) Looking backwards
(b) Daydreaming
(c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(b) To build castle in the air means Daydreaming.

137. Which punctuation is used to separate sentences
(a) Comma
(b) Full stop
(c) Hyphen
(d) Space
(d) Space is used to separate words, sentences, etc.

138. “To Play Second Fiddle” means –
(a) To play with violin
(b) To meddle with something
(c) To take a subordinate part
(d) To cheat
(c) To Play Second Fiddle” means – To take a subordinate part

139. …………………. means incapable of making mistakes.
(a) Intelligent
(b) Infallible
(c) Incongruous
(d) Indispensable.
(b) ‘infallible’ means incapable of making mistakes.

140. The meaning of Latin phrase ab initio is –
(a) From the origin
(b) From the beginning
(c) From the middle
(d) From the ages.
(b) ab initio- from the beginning.

141. Which of the following is main function of an Apostrophe (‘)?
(a) To point the readers attention forward
(b) To separate two more independent clauses
(c) To denote possession and other kinds of relationship
(d) To link contracting statements.
(c) Apostrophe (‘) main function – To denote possession and other kinds of relationship.

142. WhIch of the following is a definite article?
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) All of the above
(c) ‘The’ is used to denote a particular noun and is a definite article.

143. Which of the following is passive voice of Shahjahan built Taj Mahal?
(a) Taj Mahal is built by Shahjahan.
(b) Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahari
(c) Taj Mahal was build by Shahjahari.
(d) Taj Mahal built by Shahiahan.
(b) ‘Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan is a passive statement.

144. Which of the following is grammatically correct?
(a) A Snake was kill by me.
(b) You are requested to come daily
(c) Company Secretaries are also known as governance professionals.
(d) Mahesh is more intelligent student of the class
(c) Company Secretaries are also known as governance professionals Is absolutely grammatically correct.

145. ‘Advice’ is:
(a) Pronoun
(b) Article
(c) Noun
(d) None
(c) Honionyms are several pairs or groups of words have similar sound. For example –
Advice – Advice
Where; Advice is a noun the end sound is – s.
Advice is a verb and end sound is – z.

146. ‘To keep the wolf from the door’:
(a) To bring to sudden end
(b) To unite in order to achieve a shared aim
(c) To keep away extreme poverty & hunger
(d) To make a great fuss about a trifle.
(c) Keep the wolf from the door means have enough money to avert hunger or starvation (used hyperbolically).

147. What contains home truth as well as universal truth?
(a) Proverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Verb
(d) Phrases.
(a) Proverbs contains home truths as well as universal truths. Naturally, therefore, they are translatable so far as their meaning goes from one developed language to another. For eg. – Well begun is half done”.

CS Foundation Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

Controlling – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

Controlling – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

Koontz and O’Donnell gave the following definition, “The managerial control implies the measurement of accomplishment against the standards and the correction of deviation to assure attainment of objectives according to plans.”

Concept of Controlling:
“Control is the process of bringing about conformity of performance with planned action.” ~ Dale Henning

  • In common parlance, the word control means to check or verify, to regulate or to curb or to restrain.
  • Controlling is to ensure that the actions move in accordance with the plans.
  • Its main purpose is to check the deviations and take corrective action that is necessary.
  • Like the planning function, controlling is also an all-pervasive function and performed at all the levels in the organization.
  • Control is directly related to planning.
  • Control depends and contributes to all other functions of management.
  • Remedial action of controlling may result in alteration of plans, change in the organizational structure, modification in the staffing process, or change in the process and techniques of direction.

Characteristics of Control:
1. It is forward-looking:

  • A manager can take corrective action only on matters relating to future events.
  • Whatever has been done in the past cannot be controlled.
  • It is usually preventive as it tends to minimize losses and wastages.
  • A manager applies the advantages of previous experience to future conditions.

2. It is a continuous activity:
There should always be a cross-check or control between actual and planned performance. So that the deviations can be corrected in time.

3. Purpose of controlling is positive:

  • It plays a positive role for both the organization and the individual.
  • Control on the individual implies checking their activities so that the common goals are accomplished.
  • Control on the organization means to ensure that only planned activities take place.
  • At individual level the purpose of control is to make individuals give up a part of their independence so that common goals of objectives may be accomplished.

4. Controlling exist at every level of management activity :
It is the function of every manager – from chairman of BOD to first-line supervisor. Top management is involved in exercising strategic control, middle management concentrates on tactical control and operational control is the responsibility of supervisory management.

Importance of Control:
1. Helps in decentralizing authority: It helps the management to speed up the process of decision making without losing their control.

2. Increases managerial ability: It helps the managers to react prudently towards situations with risk and uncertainty; especially in areas of customer demand, government regulations by developing control system managers are better able to monitor specific activities and react quickly to significant changes in the environment. This facilitates organization viability in the face of environmental uncertainty of change.

3. Ensures optimum use of valuable resources: Controlling is necessary to ensure optimum utilization so that the results are achieved with least cost and few untoward consequences.

4. Facilitates coordination: Control and coordination are co-extensive. Where control is required to achieve the goals it is only through coordinated activities that one can make it possible control pulls together all the devise and multiple threads of organized activities & weave them into unified system to achieve predetermined goals.

5. It structures the human behaviour:

  • Control brings orders, discipline amongst the employees and improves their outlook towards the organization.
  • It reduces diversity and brings unity in their performance.

6. Fosters organizational efficiency and effectiveness:
Efficient control system helps in achieving organizational efficiency & effectiveness by focusing on crucial areas of performance & control is related to internal & external dimensions of the organization and include:

  • fixing responsibility for performance
  • motivating people for better performance
  • effective dealing with uncertainty
  • eliminating wasteful expenditure.

7. Controlling acts as a final link in the functional chain of management activities.

Control Process
1. Establishing Standards: Standards are the criteria based on which a performance can be measured. It can be a:

  • Tangible or Specific Standard, or (e.g. – production of 200 units per day)
  • Intangible or Abstract Standard (e.g. – to be the most preferred employer)

2. Measurement of Actual Performance against the Standards:

  • The next step is to check the actual performance. This is done not just to detect a mistake but also to predict future problems.
  • In practice, for some activities standards cannot be developed and also there are some performances which are difficult to measure.
  • Performance must be measured in units similar to those in which standards are expressed.
  • Thus, the manager should only concentrate on significant deviations whenever they occur.

3. Corrective Action:

  • In case of discrepancy between actual output and planned output, some corrective action is required.
  • It can be due to controllable or uncontrollable factors. The following are important phases of corrective action:

(A) Operation Phase: it involves the following steps:

  • Thorough investigation of the cause of deviation.
  • Taking actions for correcting the situation.
  • Prompt direction for correction in accordance with the decisions.
  • Close supervision of the corrective action to ensure that it is moving in accordance with the plan and is effective.

(B) The Administrative Phase:

  • Carrying out further investigation for determining the factors that are responsible for the deviation.
  • Ascertaining whether disciplinary actions are required as per the situation. Creative planning to prevent recurrence of the situation.
  • And lastly making a plan to prevent the recurrence of the situation.

4. Follow Through:

  • The corrective action must always be checked to ensure its compliance.
  • Specific procedures must be established and the responsibility should be clearly assigned to carry out the corrective action.
  • The superior must watch whether the subordinate is applying what he had learnt in the training program to the actual work situation.

Limitation of controlling :

  • Difficulty in setting Quantitative Standards: It becomes difficult to compare any plan with actual if it is not quantitative in terms of measurement.
  • No control on external factors: There is no control over external factors (i.e. technology updates government policies, customer preferences etc.)
  • Resistance from employees: Employees may resist to control since it curbs their freedom.
  • Costly affair: Control is expensive in terms of time, effort which are costly (maybe construct the efficiency of the organisation).

Essentials of a Good Control System
1. Feedback:

  • This is the essence of controlling. Any manager responsible for controlling needs information how much effective his control is. This is the process of adjusting the future actions based upon the information about the past performance.
  • This information is known as feedback which can be formal or informal.
  • Formal feedback can be in the form of financial statements, statistical analysis etc., whereas informal feedback can be through personal contact, informal discussions, etc.
  • Even the fastest data i.e., real-time information will not result in automatic correction of deviations from plans.

2. Control should be objective: It should be definite and objective. Impartial appraisal of work performance must be done in order to make employees respond favourably, it should not be a matter of Subjective Discrimination.

3. Prompt Reporting of Deviations: Managers should be able to provide the information as soon as possible so that failures can be avoided.

4. Forward-Looking: An ideal control system should be able to detect the errors much before they occur i.e. it should be self-correcting and forward-looking. A manager should therefore structure system in a way so that deviations are predicted well in time and corrective action can be initiated before substantial deviation occurs.

5. Flexibility:
Control system should be made under a flexible plan and must be able to adapt itself to the changing business conditions. Control should remain workable under dynamic business conditions includes the failure of control system itself.

6. Organizational Suitability: Flow of control information should be consistent with organization structure employed.

7. It should be economical and easy to understand:

  • It should be cost-effective, i.e. the cost of installation and maintenance should justify its benefits. :
  • The control system must be developed keeping in mind the qualification and expertise of the executives who have to use it.
  • Thus complex charts, statistical analysis may not serve as a good control device unless its meaning is properly understood by such executives.

8. Strategic point control: –

  • Management should not try to control all factors.
  • More importance must be given to more strategic areas and deviations so that management is not involved with less important problems.
  • Efficient control system discriminates between important & unimportant factors and through it makes the system more effective and less costly.

9. Control should suggest corrective actions: Effective control system must indicate deviations and suggest timely actions to be taken.

10. Control should be worker focused: Control is required on people Handing material resources for producing certain work results. This enables the management to make the people directly accountable. It results in higher productivity. Control system should be worker focused rather than the work or Job oriented one.

11. Simple to understand: While launching a control system, it must notify that it should be very efficient as well as simple so that its benefits and drawbacks are easily understandable.

Relationship between Planning and Controlling
1. Planning is looking ahead whereas controlling is looking back, since planning involves deciding in advance about the course of action to be taken in future and controlling is checking whether plans are properly implemented, hence backwards-looking.

2. Planning is done on the basis of past experience and then future course of action is decided.

3. Controlling attempts to improve work performance in future.

4. Koontz, O’Donnell and Weihrich remark, “Every objective, every goal of many planning programmes, every policy, every procedure and every budget become standards against which actual or expected performance might be measured.”

5. Controlling is a postmortem of events which have already taken place.

Traditional Control Techniques:
1. Budgetary Control:

Budget refers to a statement of anticipated inflows and expected outflows expressed numerically.

ICMA of England & Wales defines it as – “a financial and/or qualitative statement prepared prior to a defined period of time of the policy to be pushed during that period for the purpose of attaining a good objective.”

ICMA of England & Wales defines budgetary control as “the establishment of objectives relating to the responsibilities of executives to the requirements of a policy and the continuous comparison of actual with budgeted results, either to secure by individual action the objective of that policy or to provide a basis for its revision.”

(d) It involves the following steps:

  • Determination of objectives to be achieved like higher profits, better financial position, etc.
  • Noting the steps necessary to achieve the objectives.
  • Translating the course of action into monetary terms.
  • Constant comparison of the actual performance with the budgeted performance.

(e) Types of Budgets:

  • Sales budget
  • Production budget
  • Purchase budget
  • Capital expenditure
  • Administrative budget expenses
  • Research and Development Budget
  • Cash budget

Master budget

  • Master budget is a budget which combines all other budgets in a summary form.
  • The various functional budgets are the components of Master Budget.

Summary plan is divided into:

  • forecast income statement
  • forecast balance sheet

(f) Purposes of Budgeting:
According to Koontz and O’ Donnel, “Budget correlates planning and allows authority to be delegated without loss of control.”

Means of coordination: Budgeting is also used for coordinating the activities of various divisions of a business.

To control cost: Budgets help the management to know separately the cost of each element and exercise effective control over it.

To increase efficiency: When a production budget is separately prepared, progress and efficiency of production can be determined.

To encourage research and development: Thorough analysis of deviations particularly of key factors provide a sound basis for research and development.

To develop an organised procedure for planning: Budget requires planning and also acts as an instrument for planning. It involves forecasting or projecting a future course of action.

Basis for control: Budget lays down objectives, goals and standards of the company in objective terms. It helps in analysing the deviations, and also suggest corrective actions.

To determine capital requirements: Budget helps in computing financial flows at different levels of all operations in a company.

To increase utility of cost records: Budget involves considerable use of cost records, thus increasing their utility. A master budget is frequently prepared to combine all other budget in a summary form.

(g) Benefits of Budgeting:

  • It helps the management to make comparisons between diverse things by converting them into common numerical terms.
  • Wastage and losses are avoided.
  • The excess expenditure can be scrutinized before it is incurred.
  • Management by exception is possible.
  • Targets for-profits are set up and then corrective action is taken for any deviation. Thus, it ensures profit planning.
  • Standard against which their performance is supposed to be judged is well known.
  • Lesser overlapping and nothing will be left undone.
  • If budgets are based on measured dynamism, firm would be able to grow at a faster rate.

2. Standard Costing:

  • Expenses related with every activity are recorded and then compared with budgeted costs.
  • Suitable action is taken where any deviations are found.

3. Ratio Analysis:

  • Ratio analysis is the relationship between various elements of financial statements expressed in mathematical terms.
  • It helps to understand the profitability,^liquidity and solvency of a firm.

4. Statistical Control: In order to find out the. .cause of deviations comparison of various ratios, averages and percentages of statistical data are undertaken. Statistical reports compiled after the analysis are presented in the forms of charts or graphs which helps in visualizing the trends and weaknesses in the respective areas of operation and necessary remedial steps are suggested.

5. Breakeven Analysis:

  • It is a point of no-profit no-loss
  • It acts as a basis for future performance
  • It determines the minimum level where the firm should operate

6. Internal Audit:

  • It refers to the regular and independent appraisal of the accounting, financial and other operations of a business.
  • It is done by the staff generally called as internal auditors.
  • But this method is limited to the integrity of accounts and assets only Modern Control Techniques / Non-Traditional Techniques.

1. Zero Base Budgeting: This technique was introduced by Peter Pyhrr of US in 1970. The following are the steps under this approach:

  • The managers at all the levels have to define the objectives of each programme of activity.
  • It requires additional time and effort during its initial year.
  • They then prepare the alternative spending plan known as decision.

packages which are:

  • One involving expenditure of (say) 20% below the present level of expenditure or the minimum expenditure which will permit the programme to continue meaningfully.
  • another package indicating resources in terms of men, materials and money which will be needed to continue at the present level of performance and objectives.
  • and a third package indicating what could be achieved, if additional funds were available to the extent (of say) 10% or more. The executives at the next higher level have to consolidate these decision packages and rank them in order of priorities. This is an effective technique for continuous evaluation of all the activities.

2. Network Analysis:
1. Critical Path Method (CPM):

  • Developed by Walker of Dupont.
  • Under this technique, a project is broken into different activities and their relationship is determined.
  • These relationships are shown with the help of a network diagram. This network can be used for the optimum use resources and time.
  • This approach is based on the assumption that the time taken by an activity is proportional to the magnitude of resources allocated to them.

(e) This approach has the following advantages:

  • It identifies critical areas and pays more attention to these areas:
  • Wastage of time, money and energy is avoided.
  • Achievement of clearly defined project objectives is made easy.
  • Provide an analytical approach to the ‘achievement o project objectives which are clearly defined.

2. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT):

  • It helps in planning, monitoring and controlling of projects.
  • It is directed towards dynamic management of projects.
  • It uses probability and linear programming for planning the activities.
  • Probability helps to estimate the timing of various activities, whereas linear programming is used to maximize the profit of various activities.
  • PERT technique is used in construction of ships, buildings etc.

It specifies techniques and procedures to assist project manager in:-

  • PlannIng schedules and costs.
  • Determining time and cost status,
  • Forecasting manpower skill requirements,
  • Predicting schedule slippages and cost overruns,
  • Developing alternate time-cost plans,
  • Allocating resources among tasks.
Management Audit financial Audit
1. It looks into the past, present and future. It is concerned with verification and confirmation of current financial data.
2. Covers areas of managing on asset potential, capacity utilization, executive evaluatlon etc. it is mainly concerned with financial records and results of company’s operation for the year.
3. Rights and çiuties are not clearly defined: Clearly defined rights and duties of the company auditors.
4. Maybe undertaken by the management itself. It is conducted by an independent qualified auditor.

Appraisal Areas Under Management Audit:
The American Institute of Management has identified 10 categories consists of ten categories of appraisal areas:
1. Economic Function: This Indudes appraising the public value of the company in relation to different groups like consumers, employees, etc.

2. Corporate Structure: The effectiveness of the corporate structure appraised.

3. Health of Earnings: It determines the extent to which the company earning profits.

4. Service to Shareholders: The company’s service to the shareholder in terms of minimum risk, maximum return etc. is determined.

5. Research and Development: This Is evaluated In terms of the participation by the company in developing research policies and developing new and economical ways of doing things.

6. DIrectorate Analysis: This involves the evaluation of

  • The quality of each director and his contribution to the company.
  • The extent to which directors work as a team, and
  • Whether they act as a trustee for the organization.

7. FIscal Policies: This means appraising the effective utilization of company’s funds.

8. Production Efficiency: It Includes the appraisal of material and machines.

9. Sales Vigour: It evaluates the extent to which sales have been realized, development of sales personnel and the extent to which present sales policies will help the mçagement to realize future sales potential.

10. Executive Evaluation: The quality of executives and their management philosophy should be evaluated separately. Three personal qualities essential for business leaders are ability, industry and integrity.

Relationship between planning and controlling:
these are balled the siamese twins of management. planning facilitates controlling and controlling facilitates planning

11. Planning Is looking ahead and controlling is looking back:
critical evaluation:
Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back the view of planning and controlling expressed in the statement though true, is incomplete. Planning is no doubt a forward-looking activity as it involves deciding In advance the organization’s objectives, strategies, major plans, policies & programmes and forecasting the future events as also likely their impact on the organization.

Controlling is backwards-looking activity as it involves checking whether the plans are properly implemented, their results achieved and the deviations corrected.
However, description of the processes and purposes of planning and controlling though correct, is certainly not complete, planning is not merely forward-looking as it is also based on past experiences, controlling is not merely a looking back exercise. By identifying deviations and initiating corrective steps, controlling attempts to improve performance in future. The whole exercise of looking back is meant to improve work performance in future.

Nature of Management and its Process MCQ Questions

1. A manager can control the past as well as take action for future.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly true, partly false
(d) None of the above
(b) False

2. Which function involves constant revision and analysis of standards resulting from deviations?
(a) Controlling
(b) Directing
(c) Organizing
(d) Planning
(a) Controlling

3. Control presupposes the existence of and
(a) Policies and Procedures
(b) Objectives and Policies
(c) Goals and Plans
(d) Strategy and Goals.
(c) Goals and Plans.

4. Control Is a function to ensure and maintain coordination throughout the organization.
(a) Wider
(b) Vital
(c) One-step
(d) Continuous
(c) Goals and Plans

5. ……………….. and are two important phases under corrective action.
(a) Operation and administrative
(b) Establishing goals and standards
(c) Measurement of performance and their comparison
(d) Measurement of. performance and follow-through
(a) Operation and administrative

6. Ideal control is self-correcting and forward-looking.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly true partly false
(d) None of the above
(a) True

7. The traditional control techniques are:
(a) Budgetary Control and CPM
(b) PERT and CPM
(c) Zero Base Budgeting and Management Audit
(d) Budgetary Control and Standard Costing
(d) Budgetary Control and Standard Costing.

8. provides the yardstick for measurement of performance essential for effective control.
(a) Standard Costing
(b) Internal Audit
(c) Budgetary Control
(d) None of the above.
(c) Budgetary Control.

9. Efficient control system discriminates between important and unimportant activities.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly true partly false
(d) None of the above
(a) True

10. Traditional control focuses on scientific methods whereas non-traditional control are based more on non-scientific methods.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly true partly false
(d) None of the above
(b) False.

11. Through analysis of provide a sound Isis for research and development.
(a) Budgeted goals
(b) Key factors
(c) Production costs
(d) Plans
(b) Key factors.

12. …………………… provides basis for collective actions to be taken to improve future performance.
(a) Internal Audit
(b) Standard Costing
(c) Break-Even Analysis
(d) Statistical Control
(c) Break-Even Analysis

13. Zero base budgeting can be used more meaningfully In those areas where a direct relationship exists between the expenditure on an activity and its benefits to the enterprise.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly true partly false
(d) None of the above
(a) True

14. Under method project is broken down into different activities.
(a) Critical Path Method
(b) Project evaluation and review technique
(c) Zero Base Budgeting
(d) Management Audit
(a) Critical Path Method

15. provides framework for treating a wide range of project management problems.
(a) Critical Path Method
(b) Zero Base Budgeting.
(c) Project evaluation and review technique
(d) None of the above
(c) Project evaluation and review technique

16. and are called the siamese twins of management.
(a) Planning and Organizing
(b) Co-ordination and Co-operation
(c) Directing and Controlling
(d) Planning and Controlling
(d) Planning and Controlling.

17. Which one is the final link in the functional chain of management activities.
(a) Direction
(b) Planning
(c) Controlling
(d) Co-ordination
(c) Controlling

18. Which one presupposes the existence of goal and plans
(a) Planning & Controlling
(b) Planning
(c) Organisation
(d) Controlling
(d) Controlling

19. Amongst an of these which one is not a characteristic of controlling
(a) Controlling is forward-looking
(b) Controlling is positive
(c) Controlling is negative
(d) Contro
(c) Controlling is negative.

20. Control is a one-step process.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly true
(d) Partly false
(a) True

21. Which of these characteristics involves actual and planned performance.
(a) Continuous activity
(b) Forward-looking
(c) Positives
(d) Management at every level.
(a) Continuous activity

22. Controlling serves a positive purpose at this level:
(a) Organizational level
(b) Individual level
(c) Both (a) &( b)
(d) None of the above
(c) Both (a) &( b)

23. Which management should go in for decentralization authority.
(a) Middle
(b) Low
(c) Top
(d) Both (a) & (b)
(c) Top

24. Which is largely geared towards highlighting needed behaviour and discouraging unwanted behaviour.
(a) Organisation
(b) Planning
(c) Direction
(d) None of these
(d) None of these.

25. …………………… are important process of management,
(a) Direction
(b) Controlling
(c) Coordination
(d) Planning.
(c) Coordination

26. In the backwards-looking activity which is not involved,
(a) Forecasting the future
(b) Deviation
(c) Planning
(d) None of these
(a) Forecasting the future

27. In the forward-looking activity which is not involved,
(a) Deviations are corrected
(b) Planning
(c) Direction
(d) None of these
(a) Deviations are corrected.

28. Which function improves work performance in future?
(a) Planning
(b) Direction
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) Controlling
(d) Controlling

29. Function which is named, as forward-looking or looking back,
(a) Planning
(b) Organization
(c) Direction
(d) Controlling
(d) Controlling.

30. Planning and Controlling ……………………….. each other.
(a) Do not complete
(b) Substitute
(c) Reinforce
(d) None of these
(c) Reinforce

31. Zero base budgeting was first introduced by:
(a) Peter Players
(b) Koontz
(c) O Donnell
(d) None of these
(a) Peter Players

32. Zero base budgeting was introduced in which year.
(a) 1980
(b) 1970
(c) 1956
(d) 1979
(b) 1970

33. Which network technique for management control was developed by Walker of Despot to reduce time-periodic maintenance.
(a) PERT
(b) Critical path method
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(b) Critical path method

34. Critical path method relation are shown with the help of diagram known as:
(a) Network diagram
(b) Line diagram
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) Flow chart
(a) Network diagram

35. PERT involves basic network technique which includes:
(a) Planning
(b) Monitoring
(c) Controlling
(d) Both (a ) &(b)
(d) Both (a ) &(b)

36. PERT uses ……………. and …………….. for planning and controlling the activities.
(a) Probability
(b) Linear programming
(c) Both (a) &(b)
(d) Planning.
(c) Both (a) &(b).

37. Statutory audit is known as:
(a) Standard Audit
(b) Financial Audit
(c) InternalAudit
(d) Management Audit.
(b) Financial Audit.

38. Which audit looks towards the past, present and future:
(a) Financial Audit
(b) Management Audit
(c) Internal Audit
(d) Standard Audit
(b) Management Audit

39. Which audit is largely concerned with financial records and results of company:
(a) Standard Audit
(b) Management Audit
(c) Financial Audit
(d) Internal Audit
(c) Financial Audit

40. The full form of AIM.
(a) American Institute of Management
(b) Accounting Institute of Management
(c) Audit Institute of Management
(d) None of these
(a) American Institute of Management

41 .Which one is not an appraisal area of Management Audit.
(a) Economic Function
(b) Basis for Control
(c) Health of Earning
(d) Sales Figures Management
(b) Basis for Control

42. Exercising control over day-to-day operation of the enterprises for the purpose of executing budget is known as:
(a) Standard Costing
(b) Budgetary Control
(c) Internal Audit
(d) Network Analysis.
(b) Budgetary Control

43. This technique helps in finding out the activ ity of profitable:
(a) Standard Costing
(b) Budgetary Control
(c) Statistical Control
(d) Internal Audit
(a) Standard Costing.

44. Which analysis is a point of no profit no loss.
(a) Network Analysis
(b) Break Even
(c) Financial Ratio
(d) Standard Costing
(b) Break Even.

45. Which one is not an essential of good Control System.
(a) Forward looking
(b) Feedback
(c) Corrective action
(d) Flexible.
(c) Corrective action.

46. Which one of these is not a traditional method of controlling,
(a) Budgetary Control
(b) Standard costing
(c) Merit-Rating
(d) Break-even analysis
(c) Controlling is to ensure that the actions move in accordance with the plans. A variety of tools and techniques have been developed and used for the years for purposes of managerial control. Some of these techniques are termed as traditional and others as modern. The main traditional control devices are:

  • Budgetary Control
  • Standard Costing
  • Financial Ratio Analysis
  • Internal Audit
  • Break-even Analysis
  • Statistical Control.

Thus, Merit Rating is not a traditional method of controlling.

47. Which one of the following is not correct about control?
(a) Control is forward looking
(b) Control suggests corrective actions
(c) Control is one time activity
(d) Control is exercised as per organisational authority.
(c) The main characteristics of controlling are:

  • Controlling is forward looking.
  • Controlling exists at every management level.
  • Controlling is a continuous activity.
  • Controlling suggests corrective action.
  • Control is exercised as per organisational authority.

Thus, control is not a one time activity.

48. Which one of the following is considered as non-traditional control technique?
(a) Internal audit
(b) Break-even analysis
(c) Zero-base budgeting
(d) Financial ratio analysis
(c) Traditional devices focus on non-scientific methods, whereas non-traditional devices are based on more of scientific methods and are more accurate. Some of non-traditional (modem) control devices are:

  • Zero base budgeting
  • Network analysis
  • CPM- Critical Path Method
  • PERT- Programme Evaluation and Review Technique.
  • Management Audit.

49. Which one of the following is known as technique of controlling?
(a) Margin of safety
(b) Margin of Contribution
(c) Break-even analysis
(d) P/v Ratio.
(c) Various techniques of controlling are:

  • Budgetary Control
  • Standard Costing
  • Financial Ratio Analysis
  • Internal Audit
  • Break-Even Analysis
  • Statistical Control Non Traditional
  • Zero Base Budgeting
  • Network Analysis
  • CPM- Critical Path Method
  • PERT- Programme Evaluation and Review Technique
  • Management Audit.

50. In which country the zero base budgeting was first evolved?
(a) Japan
(b) USA
(c) India
(d) China
(b) Zero base budgeting is a new approach to budgeting which was first introduced by Peter Pyhrr in 1970 in the United States. It is defined as an operative planning and budgeting process. Which requires each manager to justify his entire budget in detail from scratch and shifts the burden of proof to each manager to justify why he should spend any money at all.

51. The concept of ‘zero base budgeting’ was introduced in 1970 by:
(a) Joseph L. Massie
(b) Lester R. Bittel
(c) Peter Pyhrr
(d) Peter F. Drucker.
(c) Zero base budgeting is a new approach to budgeting and it was first introduced by Peter Pyhrr in 1970 in the United States. It is defined as an operative planning and budgeting process which requires each manager to justify his entire budget in detail from scratch and shifts the burden of proof of each manager to justify why he should spend any money at all.

52. Which one of the following is called the Siamese twins of management?
(a) Planning and organizing
(b) Co-ordination and co-operation
(c) Directing and controlling
(d) Planning and controlling.
(d) Planning and controlling are closely linked to each other, therefore they are called Siamese twins of management. Effective planning facilitates controlling and controlling facilitates planning.

53. Which one of the following control techniques provides basis for collective actions to be taken to improve future performance?
(a) Internal audit
(b) Standard costing
(c) Break-even analysis
(d) Statistical control.
(c) Break even Analysis is point of ‘No Profit No loss’. It can be used as a control device as it proves a basis for collective actions to be taken to improve future performance.

54. The traditional control techniques’are ………………………… .
(a) Budgetary control and CPM
(b) PERT and CPM
(c) Zero base budgeting and management audit
(d) Budgetary control and standard costing.
(d) Traditional control techniques are:

  • Budgetary control
  • Standard Costing
  • Financial Ratio Analysis
  • Internal Audit
  • Break Even Analysis
  • Statistical Control

Thus, Budgetary Control and Management Audit are the traditional controlling techniques.

55. …………………………. is the process of adjusting future actions based upon information about past performance.
(a) Control
(b) Organisational suitability
(c) Feedback
(d) Network Analysis.
(c) Feedback is the process of adjusting future action based upon information about the past performance. Hence option (c) is correct.

56. …………………………….. is the relation between various elements of financial statements expressed in mathematical terms.
(a) Ratio Analysis
(b) Management Audit
(c) Internal Audit
(d) PERT.
(a) Ratio Analysis is the relation between various elements of financial statements expressed ¡n mathematical terms. it helps to understand profitability, liquidity and solvency of a firm.

57. Which network technique includes planning, monitoring and controlling?
(a) CPM
(b) Zero-Base Budgeting
(c) PERT
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(c) Programme Evaluation and Review Technique [PERT] is an important technique in the field of project management. It involves basic network technique which includes planning, monitoring and controlling of projects.

58. In which situation, control function is most required ?
(a) Decentralisation
(b) Centralisation
(c) Planning
(d) Organising
(b) In Centralisation, the management exercises maximum control on all activities; hence, the level of control required is maximum.

59. ……………………………. and are called the Siamese twins of management.
(a) Planning and organising
(b) Co-ordination and co-operating
(c) Directing and controlling
(d) Planning and controlling.
(d) Planning and controlling are closely linked to each other, therefore they are called Siamese twins of management. Effective planning facilitates controlling and controlling facilitates planning.

60. Orderly synchronization of group efforts, so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose is?
(a) Planning
(b) Organising
(c) Controlling
(d) Co-ordination
(d) Co-ordination is the orderly synchronization of group efforts so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common purpose.

61. Managers always use these for performance standards during the Control process
(a) Employee opinions
(b) Standards given in books
(c) Generic performance on the basis of their intuition
(d) Goals created during the planning process.
(d) Managers uses goals created during the planning processes for performance standards during the control process. It must be measured in units similar to those in which standards are expressed.

62. Management audit has a:
(a) Down orientation
(b) Future orientation
(c) Past orientation
(d) Top orientation.
(c) Management Audit may be defined as the systematic and dispassionate examination, analysis and appraisal of management of overall performance. Management Audit signifies critical assessment of management of the enterprise from the broadest possible point of view. Such an audit looks to the past, to historical records of past performance. Option (c) past orientation is correct answer.

63. Zero based budgeting was first introduced in:
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Japan
(d) USA
(d) Zero Based budgeting is a new approach to budgeting which was first introduced by Peter Pyhrr in 1970 in the United States.

63. Which of the following is the correct meaning of word “Appraisal” in the context of management?
(a) Frequent guidance
(b) Unified command
(c) The act of estimating performance
(d) To illustrate.
(c). Appraisal’ in the context of management is the act of estimating the performance.

64. A major part of the controlling function of management is to ………………. .
(a) Correct performance problems
(b) Structure an Organisation
(c) Formulate strategies
(d) Set standards.
(a) A major part of the controlling function of management is to correct performance problems.

65. Which of the following is a single-use plan containing expected results in numerical terms?
(a) Budget
(b) Policies
(c) Procedures
(d) Rules.
(a) A Budget is a single use plan containing expected results in numeric terms.

66. A household that cuts back, on supermarket spending and going over budget on its food budget, is using the budget tool as a (n).
(a) Planning tool
(b) Controlling tool
(c) Leading tool
(d) Organising tool.
(b) Budgeting is one of the most important of controlling devices. Control represents the most widely known use for budgeting. Budget is used as a controlling tool commonly.

67. Zero – Base Budgeting was first introduced in:
(a) Japan
(b) India
(c) China
(d) USA
(d) Zero base budgeting was.first introduced by Peter Pyhrr in 1970 in the United States.

68. Co-ordination and Controlling exists are at:
(a) Same level
(b) Different level
(c) Intersect
(d) Siamese Twins
(a) Controlling and co-ordination exist at same level. Control and Coordination are important processes of management. Control keeps all activities and efforts within their fixed boundaries and makes them to move toward common goal through co-ordinated activities.

69. A corn pany looks at its expenses and finds that its payment to treelancers increased significantly over the past few months, exceeding the budget by 25 percent This is an example of ……………………… .
(a) using a budget foc planning
(b) using data to confirm a budget
(C) justifying expenses with a budget
(d) usinq a budget for monitoring and controlling.
(c) The company finds that its payment to freelancers increased exceeding the budget by 25%. This is an example of justifying expenses with the budget which altogether justice the inflow and the outflow of the company.

69. Which of the following best defines standard” in relation t0 estaiisning controls?
(a) Unbased Evaluation
(b) Parallel Association .
(c) Performance Target
(d) Rival Strategies.
(c) Performance targets best define ‘standard’ in relation to establishing controls. Standards are the norms against which performance is measured to find out its results. This requires measuring the work in terms of control standards.

70. In general, the greater the distance between the home office of a global company and its branch, the ……………… .
(a) Less formalised the control
(b) Less automated the Control
(c) More formalised the control
(d) Control would be irrelevant.
(a) In general, the greater the distance between the home office of a global company and its branch, the less formalised the controls as it may create problems in regulating the activities losing ultimate control over the goals and standards, of the organisation.

71. According to experts, the primary hindrance to a firms productivity is its inability to ……………….. .
(a) Utilize funds available
(b) Use government subsidy
(c) Use advanced controls
(d) Acquire and maintain human capital.
(c) According to experts, the primary hindrance to a firm’s productivity is its inability to use advanced controls. It affects people who handle material resources for producing certain work results.

72. Pubic Investment in a company is generally in the form of:
(a) Savings Account
(b) Shares, Debentures and Deposits
(c) Purchase of goods
(d) Dividend.
(b) Public investment in a company is generally in the form of shares, debentures and deposits which is a good source of generating funds.

73. Which Of the following defines a liquidity ratio?
(a) Revenue in relation to investment
(b) Total debt in relation to total assets
(c) Current assets in relation to current liabilities
(d) Amount of sales in relation to cost to produce.
(c) Liquidity Ratio are the ratios that measure the ability of a company to meet its short term debt obligation. These ratios measure the ability of a company to pay off its short term liabilities when they fall due.

74. After a thorough company wide self-examination, company Y decides to set up work teams. This is an example of ………. .
(a) An external change causing an internal change
(b) An internal change causing an external change
(c) An internal change causing another internal change
(d) An external change causing another external change.
(c) Company wide self examination is an internal change. Deciding to set up work teams is also an internal change. Therefore, such activities are internal change causing another internal change.

75. Controlling is the ………………… in the management process.
(a) Final step
(b) Low important step
(c) First step
(d) Most important step
(a) Management process includes:

  • Planning
  • Organising
  • Staffing
  • Directing
  • Controlling

Thus, controlling follows other managerial functions. It is a continuous process and by forcing events to conform to plans, it becomes intimately connected with planning.

76. Zero Base Budgeting was first introduced in:
(a) USA
(b) Japan
(c) India
(d) China.
(a) Zero based budgeting is a new approach to budgeting, which was first introduced by Peter Pyhrr in 1970 in the United States (US).

77. Controlling compares ……………………….. to see if goals are being achieved.
(a) Planned performance to standard performance
(b) Standard performance to ideal performance
(c) Actual performance to competitor performance
(d) Actual performance to planned performance.
(a) Control is not a one-step process but a continuous one. It involves constant revision and analysis of standards resulting from the deviations between aètuai and planned performance. Hence, option a is correct.

78. Which institute has defined a budget as “ a financial and/or quantitative statement prepared prior to a defined period of time of the policy to be pushed during that period for the purpose of attaining a good objective”?
(a) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of England
(b) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of’England and Wales
(c) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Scotland
(d) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Wales.
(b) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of England and Wales defines a budget as a financial and! or quantitative statement prepared prior to a defined period of time of the policy to be pushed during that period for the purpose of attaining a good objectiver.

79. Which of the following is a logical and sequential order of completing a non-routine work?
(a) Efficiency analysis
(b) Planning and control.analysis
(c) Satiation analysis
(d) Network analysis.
(d) Network analysis is a technique for planning and controlling complex projects and for scheduling the resources required on such products. It achieves this aim by analyzing the component parts of a project and assessing the sequential relationships between each event. The results of this analysis are represented diagrammatically as a network of interrelated activities.

80. A technique that helps change agents to deal with change is:
(a) Manipulation
(b) Co-optation
(c) Education and communication
(d) Threats to employees.
(c) Education & Communication: One of the best ways to overcome resistance to change is to educate people about the change effort beforehand. Up-front communication and education helps employees see the logic in the change effort. This reduces unfounded and incorrect rumors concerning the effects of change in the organization.

81. When a budget is used for controlling it provides ……………….. against which resource consumption can be compared.
(a) qualitative Standards
(b) quantitative Standards
(c) flexible Standards
(d) non numerical Standards.
(b) Budget is a method of controlling and in this, quantitative standards are set for comparing with the resource consumption.

82. To identify a problem, a manager ……………….. .
(a) Uses institution to see that things don’t look right
(b) Compares one set of standards or goods to a second set of standards or goods
(c) Compares the current state of affairs with some standard or good
(d) Looks for top management.
(c) A Manager compares current situation with the standards to identify a problem.

83. Which of the following is not an objective of management audit?
(a) Improve the profit earning capacity
(b) Controlling the operations
(c) Identifying the grey area in operations
(d) Presenting findings to shareholders of the company.
(d) Presentation of finding to shareholder is not the objective of management audit, it is a part of statutory audit.

84. The control process in an organization starts with …………………. .
(a) measuring performance
(b) evaluating performance
(c) comparing performance to standard
(d) establishing standards
(d) Control Process-

  • Establishing Good and Standard
  • Measurement of Actual performance
  • Evaluating performance
  • Comparison
  • Follow through process.

85. The Concept of zero base budgeting was introduced in 1970 by:
(a) Joseph L.’ Massie
(b) Lester R. Bittel
(c) Peter Pyhrr
(d) Peter F. Drucker
(c) Concept of Zero base budgeting was introduced by Peter Pyhrr in 1970 in the United States. It is defined an operative planning and budgeting process which requires such manager to justify his entire budget in detail from scratch (hence Zero base).

86. Which one of the following is called the siamese twins of management?
(a) Planning and Organizing
(b) Co-orcnation and Co-operation
(c) Directing and Controlling
(d) Planning and Controlling
(d) Planning and Controlling are closely linked to each other. These are called Siamese twins of Management.

87. The Traditional Control techniques are:
(a) Budgetary Control and CPM
(b) PERT and CPM
(c) Zero base budgeting and Management audit
(d) Budgetary control and Standard costing
(d) Techniques of Control are of two types :

  1. Traditional techniques.
  2. Modern techniques.

Traditional Techniques are :

  • Budgetary Control
  • Standard Costing
  • Financial Ratio Analysis
  • Internal Audit
  • Break-Even Analysis.
  • Statistical Control

Modern Techniques of Control are :

  • Zero Base Budgeting
  • Network Analysis
  • Management Audit.

88. Operating Analysis is ………………….. .
(a) Transactional Analysis
(b) Security Management
(c) Risk Management
(d) None of these
(d) Operation Analysis is designed to add value by transforming input into useful outputs. There has no connection or relation between Operating Analysis and Transaction analysis/ or any other specific management.

89. CPM Stands for ……………….. .
(a) Critical Programme Method
(b) Crucial Path Methodology
(c) Critics Programme Management
(d) Critical Path Method.
(d) CPM: Critical Path Method is an important network technique for management control to reduce time for periodic maintenance.

90. Steps to controlling functions:
(a) Establishing Goals and Standards
(b) Corrective Actions to be taken
(c) Measure the actual performance against standards
(d) Follow-through
(i) A-B-C-D
(ii) C-B-D-A
(iii) A-C-B-D
(iv) D-C-B-A

Controlling function:

  • Establishing goals and standards .
  • Measure the actual performance against established standards
  • Corrective Action to be taken
  • Follow-through.

91. ………………….. is the relation between various elements of financialstatements expressed in mathematical terms.
(a) Ratio Analysis
(b) Management Audit
(c) Internal Audit
(d) PERT
(a) ‘Ratio Analysis’ is the relation between various elements of financial statements expressed in mathematical terms.

92. Which one is not a traditional control techniques:
(a) PERT & CPM
(b) Management audit
(c) Standard costing
(d) Break-even analysis
(a) Despite the never technique of planning and control, some of the traditional techniques are still very popular because of their special significance and continuing utility.
They are as under-

  • Budgetary control
  • Standard costing
  • Financial Ratio Analysis
  • Break Even Analysis
  • Statistical Control.

93. The process of adjusting future action based upon information in past:
(a) Decision making
(b) Feedback
(c) Follow though
(d) Control
(b) Feedback is the process of adjusting future action based upon the information about past performance. It is based upon interdependence of different parts of a system.

CS Foundation Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

Nature of Management and its Process – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

Nature of Management and its Process – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

→ Concept of Management:

  • Origin of management is from a Greek word ‘NOMOS’
  • It denotes not only functions but also the people who discharge these functions.
  • Management is a vital function which is concerned with all the aspects of working of an enterprise.
  • It is the art of getting things done.
  • It is concerned with human being whose behaviour is unpredictable.

→ Ever since people have began forming groups to achieve individual goals, management has become the essence of coordinating the individual efforts It denotes not only a special position and rank but also a discipline and field of study.

→ Definition of Management

  • Koontz and O’Donnell: “Getting things done through and with people”.
  • Henry Fayol: “to manage is to forecast, and to plan, to organize, to command, and to coordinate”.
  • Hicks: “the process of getting things done by the people and through the people”.
  • Haimann: “Management is the process of getting things done through people and directing the efforts of individuals towards a common objective”.

→ For-Profit Organisations: (Businesses)

  • Since businesses tend to develop their employees (human assets) in the pursuit of financial goals (profits), they benefit society by creating both material and human wealth.
  • Material wealth is usually in the form of financial profit.
  • And human wealth through the professional development of their employees.

→ Not-For-Profit Organisations: (Institutions):

  • Not-for-Profit businesses create both material and human wealth.
  • But profits are used for a charitable purposes.
  • Typically, institutions such as charities, provide physical and emotional support for the disadvantaged and less fortunate members of society.

→ They help them by:

  • Managing their problems
  • Creating learning opportunities
  • Helping children grow and develop
  • Healing the sick
  • Providing stability and sense of belonging.

→ Adding Value:
Managers may add value to the wealth-creating process of the business or institution by:

  • Changing a part of the company’s strategy.
  • Finding a more effective way of marketing products.
  • Initiating the redesign of manufacturing process.
  • Developing and implementing a more effective approach to customer service.
  • Implementing a new organisation structure for the organisation and leading employees in the change process.
  • Selecting and developing the most competent employees as part of succeeding planning strategy and so forth.

→ Management Performance:
Management is the process of getting things done by coordinating the activities of people throughout an organisation.
Nature of Management and its Process – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 1

→  Efficiently:
Means in the least time and least cost. It is usually measured as output by input.

Efficiently –Nature of Management and its Process – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 2
Both inputs and output may be measured in units of quantity, money or time.

It means doing the right things to a required standard of quality.

→ Objectives of Management:

  • Management should provide an environment whereby the maximum output can be extracted from an individual.
  • Achieving Maximum Output with Minimum Efforts: Human’ financial and material resources can be combined in such a manner that it results in reduction of various costs.
  • Optimum Use of Resources: This leads to increase in efficiency which can be obtained by reducing spoilage, wastage and breakage which in turn leads to saving of time, effort and money which is essential for the growth & prosperity of any enterprise.
  • Maximum Prosperity: This means smooth and coordinated functioning of the enterprise, which ensures good working conditions, suitable wage system, incentive plans and higher profits to the employer.
  • Human’ Betterment and Social Justice: Through increased productivity and employment, management ensures better standards of living and justice through its uniform policies.

→ Importance of Management:

  • Achieving Group Goals: Management directs group efforts towards achievement of pre-determined goals. It converts disorganized resources of men, machines, money, etc. into useful enterprise. These resources are coordinated, directed and controlled in such a manner that enterprises work towards attainment of goals.
  • Optimum Utilization of Resources: This is possible by selecting its best possible alternate use in the industry from out of various uses. If employees & machines are producing their maximum, there would be no under-employment of any resources.
  • Reduces Costs: Proper planning yields minimum inputs into maximum output. The best combination of physical, human and financial resources also results into the cost reduction.
  • Establishes Sound Organisation: To attain this objective, management must establish effective authority-responsibility relationship. All jobs should be clear to everyone, which means right job for the right person.
  • Establishes Equilibrium: It enables the organisation to survive in the changing environment. To accomplish this, the initial coordination of the organisation must be changed with the change in external environment.

→ Prosperity of Society: Efficient management leads to:

  • Better economic production
  • Welfare of people
  • Avoid wastage of scarce resources
  • Improved standard of living
  • Increase in profit.

→ Management – Science or Art:

  • Science may be defined as a body of knowledge, systematized through application of scientific methods in any department of enquiry.
  • Science includes physical sciences which have exactness in their nature and also social sciences which is based on unpredictable human behaviour.
  • Management can then be described as a variable growing science if compared with the nature of exact physical sciences.
  • Management is still a growing science.
  • Management has now a theoretical base.

→ Features of Management as a Science:

  • Inexact science, deals with complex human behaviour
  • Developing science.
  • Inter-Disciplinary Science-learns freely from other disciplines, such as economics, sociology and psychology.

→ Management as an Art:

  • The function of art is to effect change or accomplish goals by deliberate efforts.
  • Practical application of theoretical knowledge is reflected in art. In this sense, management is an art as well.
  • Management principles involves skills to work out situations. This element is so important for executives that some authorities regard management to be essentially an art.

→ Features of Management as en Art:

  • Process involves use of know-how and skills.
  • Directed towards accomplishment of concrete results.
  • Creating productive situations needed for further improvement.
  • Personalised because every manager has his own approach to problems.
  • Science and art are not mutually exclusive but are complementary.

Theory and practice of management are mutually helpful and go side-by-side for the efficient functioning of any organisation. Thus, science is a body of knowledge while art denotes the mode of practical application of knowledge, hene not mutually exclusive.

→ Management as Profession
Features of Management:

  • Systematic body of knowledge.
  • Need for learning and proper organisation.
  • Entry restricted on the basis of examination or education.
  • Dominance of service motive.

Except for restricted entry, management qualifies all other tests of a profession.

  • Backed by a systematic body of knowledge.
  • Many management principles have been developed which need proper learning and education.
  • Management of today must be creative rather than adoptive and be conscious of its ethical and social responsibilities to the society.
  • Professional management consultants are both growing in number and quality.

→ Reasons of Raising Management to the status of distinct profession:

  • Growing administrative complexities.
  • Emergence of the corporate form of organisation.
  • Separation of ownership from management.
  • Development of an organized body of systematic knowledge.

→ Management Functions
Henry Fayol is also known as ‘Founder of Modern Management Theory’, grouped the elements of management into 5 managerial functions and 6 activities:

Elements/Functions are

  1. Planning
  2. Leading
  3. Controlling
  4. Organising
  5. Co-ordinating

→ Activities are

  • Technical
  • Commercial
  • Financial
  • Security
  • Accounting
  • Managerial

Top management spend more time in planning, the middle level on organizing and lower level concerned with directing Luther Gulick gave the word POSDCORB using initial letters of management. P-Planning, 0-organising, S-staff ing, D-directing, co-ordinating, fIR- Reporting, B-Budgeting

→ Reporting is a part of control function:
Budgeting represent both planning and controlling Newmann and Summer classified managing process as function of:

  • Organising
  • Planning
  • Leading
  • Controlling

→Management Functions

Deciding in advance what is to be done, how and when it will be done. Projecting the future course of action, Helps to bridge the gap between present and future.

Planning process comprises of:

  • Objectives
  • Policies
  • Procedures
  • Rules
  • Programmes
  • Budget
  • Strategies

Is the fundamental function, all other functions of management are greatly influenced by planning process.
Top management spend more time in planning, middle level in organising, lower-level manager in directing. Organising: Problem of organising arises only when group efforts are involved.

→ It consists of the following steps:

  • Determine activities of organisation keeping in view its objectives
  • Classify activities into groups for purpose of division.
  • Assignment of these group of activities to individuals.
  • Delegate & fix authority & responsibility to carry out assigned duties.
  • Coordinate activities and authority relations throughout the organization.

Thus, organising is concerned with orderly assemblage of human and material resources.

3. Leading: Management is efficient in climbing the ladder of success;
leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” – Stephen R. Covey

Leading consists following steps:

  • Outlining a vision of what can be achieved.
  • Focusing on interpersonal relationships.
  • Motivate and inspire employees to perform better.
  • Improve employees job performance
  • Lead to innovation
  • Ensure the accomplishment of tasks on time and corresponding with the required policies.

4. Control:
Good control system should suggest corrective measures so that negative deviations do not occur.
Control is closely related to the planning job of the manager.

Important steps are:

  • Measurement of actual performance against standards and recording deviations. It should not be viewed as the post mortem of past achievement and performance.
  • Analyzing and probing the reasons for such deviation.
  • Fixing responsibility in terms of person responsible for negative deviations.
  • Correction of employee performance so that group goals and plans can be achieved.
    Feedback can be of great use in this regard.

Nature of Management and its Process – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 3

→ Theory of Scientific Management:

  • Federick Taylor is known as Father of Scientific Management.
  • He suggests the ‘one best way3 of doing each task.
  • Scientific management movement was hailed as a ‘second industrial revolution’.

→ Four principles of Scientific Management:

  1. ‘Develop a science’ for each element of work:
    It refers to analyse workflows, improve the economic efficiency (providing test breaks) and labour productivity.
  2. Scientifically select, train, teach and develop workers to heir them reach their full potential:
    Taylor instructs to hire ‘first class’ workers on the basis of their aptitude to do a job well and also train them.
  3. Cooperate with employees to ensure Implementation of scientific management:
    Taylor emphasised Viet the interest of employer and employees must be same (not antagonist), that prosperity for the employee cannot exist for many years unless it is accompanied by the prosperity for the employees and vice versa.
  4. Principle of Scientific Management was to divide the work and the responsibility equally between management and workers: Taylor said, “Almost every act of workman should be preceded one or more preparatory acts of the management which enable him to do his work better and quicker than he otherwise could.”

→Development of Management Theory:
Principles of Management:
Various management principles given by different authors are as follows:
Frederick Taylor: Popularly known as lather of scientific management. He began his career as an apprentice in small machine shop and rose to the level of engineer. His writing reflects the practical wisdom and work experience. His main concern was management a shop level and he was mainly concerned with efficiency of workers are managers at production level. Public criticism and opinions compelled him to appear before the special congressional committee hearings in 1912.

The major principles of his scier1titíc management can be summarised as below:
Henry Laurence Gantt: “Task and Bonus Plan” rask and Bonus Plan: A wage incentive plan in which high task efficiency is maintained by providing a percentage bonus as a reward for production in excess of standard.

→ Principles from Scientific Management Times:
rime approach is developed by Frank Bunker Gilbreth & his wife, Lillian Moller Gilbreth, They emphasised the importance of giving greater attention to minute details of work and also developed the principles o motion economy, intended to eliminate redundant motions and produce rhythm by scientific development of essential motions.

→ Bureaucracies & Corporations: Max Weber:
Maximilian Karl Emil “Max” Weber (1864-1920) proposed the idea of bureaucracies at a time when promotion to prominent position of authority was based on who you knew (politics), who you were (heredity) or traditions.

Bureaucracy is the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, expertise or experience Fairness as oppose to favouritism.

→ The main principles of bureaucratic management are as follows:

  • Qualification-based hiring: Employees are hired on the basis of their technical training or educational background.
  • Merit-based promotion: Promotion is based on experience or achievement.
  • Chain of command: Official hierarchy of authority who is in charge of whom and whose permission must be asked.
  • Division of Labour: Task, responsibilities & authority are clearly divided & defined.
  • Impartial application of Rules & procedures: Rules and procedures apply to all members of the organisation as well as top to bottom without any liberty.
  • Recorded in writing: All administrative decision, acts, rules or procedures will be recorded in writing.
  • Managers separate from Owners: The owners of an organisation should not manage or supervise the organisation.

→ Henry Fayol: Popularly known as father of modern management theory;
Published (1916) “Administration Industrielle et Generate” (Industrial and General Administration) No English translation could be available until year 1929. He started his carrier as coal mine engineer in 1860 in french coal mine and was MD (chief executive) from 1883-1918.

(a) He divided all activities of industrial enterprise into the following 6 groups:

  • Technical activities concerning production.
  • Commercial activities of buying and selling.
  • Financial activities to seek optimum use of capital.
  • Accounting activities pertaining to final accounts and costs and statistics.

→ Contributions of Sociologists, and Psychologists:

  • The behaviour a lists says that the study of management should be concerned with human behaviour in organisations and related matters: Organisational effectiveness depend on the quality of relationships among people.
  • Hawthorne experiments (1928-32) conducted by Elton Mayo.
  • Good management requires ability to develop interpersonal competence and support collaborative efforts.
  • Psychologists and sociologists have laid the foundation of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of organisation and management.
  • Psychologists & sociologists have made significant contributions to the behavioural school of thoughts.

→ Systems Approach:

  • A system is a set of things interdependent so as to form a complex unity.
  • This approach defines organisation as a complex whole consisting of mutually interdependent parts which interacts with the environment of which it is a part.

→ There are two types of Systems:

  1. Open Systems
  2. Close Systems

1. Open Systems: An open system approach recognises the dynamic interaction with the environment (i.e. suppliers, labour unions, financial institutions, govt, agencies etc.).

2. Close Systems: A close system does not interact with and is not influenced by the environment in which it operates.

→ Managerial Roles:

  • Henry Mintzberg (1973) published The nature of Managerial work’
  • He characterized the managerial work as “brevity, variety and fragmentation”.
  • – Mintzberg categorises manager’s activities into ten roles.
Managerial Roles
Interpersonal Roles Informational Roles DecIsional Roles
(i) Figurehead (ii) Leader (iii) Liaison
(iv) Monitor (v) Disseminator (vi) Spokesperson
(vii) Entrepreneur (viii) Disturbance handler (ix) Resource Allocator
(x) Negotiator

→ Administration and Management:

Administration Management
1. Concerned with policymaking. Policy implementation
2. Functions are legislative and determinative. Functions are executive and governing.
3. Concerned with planning and organizing. Concerned with motivating and controlling.
4. Normally involves Board of Directors. Involves personnel below the level of Board of Directors.

→ Practically:
Practically, management is as much responsible for planning as is administration.
Administration is a process of laying down broad policies & objectives of the organisation, whereas management directs & guides the operating activities towards relating the objective set forth by former.
It is also said that administration is a function while management is a lower level.
Management includes administrative management (i.e) administration & operative management.

→ Managerial Skills:
Essential skills which every manager needs for doing better management are called as ‘Managerial Skills’.

According to Prof. Katz, “Managerial skills can be technical, human & conceptual.”
Top-level – more conceptual and less technical skills Lower level – more technical and less conceptual.

Human relation skill are equally required by all three level of management.
1. Conceptual Skills:

  • The ability to visualize the organization as a whole.
  • Includes analytical, creative & initiative skills. Helps the managers to identify the problems.
  • Mostly required by top-level managers because they spend more time ¡ri planning, organising and problem-solving.

2. Human Relation Skills:

  • Also known as interpersonal skills.
  • Help the managers to understand, communicate and work with others, and to lead, motivate and develop team spirit.

3. Technical Skills:

  • Helps the managers to use different machines and tools. i.e. improves their ability to perform.
  • Mostly low-level managers require these skills. rasks and Responsibilities of Professional Managers
    A professional manager is an expert, trained and experienced to aptl manage any type of organisation.

→ Qualities of a Professional Manager:

  • Objective, focused & performance-oriented.
  • Help in meeting competitive challenges.
  • Creative and dynamic.
  • Follow management practices based on experience & information.
  • Apply management theories to solve emerging problems.

→ Professional Manager’s Tasks include the following:
1. Providing Direction to the Firm: It means envisioning goals.
Effectively declare what’s possible for the team to achieve and compelling them to accomplish more than they thought.

2. Managing Survival and Growth:

  • Two factors are important for survival & growth, internal and external factors.
  • Internal factors are largely controllable, such as choice technology, efficiency of labour etc.
  • External factors are government policy, changing taste of customers, attitudes & values, increasing competition etc.

3. MaIntaining Firm’s Efficiency: The manager should complete his tasi in an efficient manner. The more output he will produce with given input, greater will be his profit.

4. Meeting the Competition Challenge: Managers must anticipate & prepare for increasing competition.

5. Innovation: It is an ongoing task, necessary for survival in this age of competition.

6. Renewal: Means providing new processes and resources. Renewal also helps the business to survive.

7. Building Human Organisation: Every manager must constantly bol out for people with potential and attract them to join the company.

8. Change Management: It’s the manager’s task to ensure that the change is introduced and incorporated in a smooth manner.

9. Selection of Information Technology: Computers, Internet, Intranet confront the modern manager with the challenge of using the best technology.

10. LeadershIp: “A leader can be a manager, but a manager is no necessary a leader”, says’s Gemmy Allen.

  • It is the persuasion of the person over others to inspire actions for achieving the goals.
  • Involves interpersonal characteristics of a manager’s position that involves communication with team members.

11. Change Management: A manager’s task is to ensure that the change is introduced and incorporated in a smooth manner.

12. Selection of Information Technology: Computers, internet, Intranets, telecommunication and infinite range of software application poses the managers with the challenge of using best technology.

Nature of Management and its Process MCQ Questions

1. The economic environment consists of 3 basic entities:
(a) Households (consumers), firms (producers), and manufacturers.
(b) Producer (firms), Retailer and Consumer.
(c) Households (consumers), firms (producers) and Government (co-ordinator)
(d) None of the above.
(c) Households (consumers), firms (producers) and Government (co-ordinator)

2. Management is originated from the Greek word:
(a) Kiyo
(b) Nomos
(c) Like
(d) None of the above
(b) Nomos

3. defined management as the process of getting things done by and through the people.
(a) Hicks
(b) Koontz and O’Donnell
(c) Henry Fayol
(d) Haimann
(a) Hicks.

4. The combination of human, material and financial resources should result in:
(a) Reduction of cost
(b) Increase in revenue
(c) Greater production
(d) None of the above
(a) Reduction of cost.

5. The efficiency of factors of production can be increased by:
(a) Optimum utilisation of resources
(b) Reducing costs
(c) Good working conditions
(d) None of the above
(a) Optimum utilisation of resources.

6. Management is a and science.
(a) Exact & disciplinary
(b) Inexact and interdisciplinary
(c) Exact and social
(d) None of the above
(b) Inexact and interdisciplinary

7. Management is an art because it involves and …………….. .
(a) Experience and intelligence
(b) Creativity and personalization
(c) Skills and knowledge
(d) None of the above
(b) Creativity and personalization.

8. Management as a profession satisfies all the tests. True or false?
(a) True
(b) Partly True/Partly false
(c) False
(d) None of the above
(c) False

9. Which approach involves making generalizations from case study to establish theories as a useful guide?
(a) Group Behaviour Approach
(b) Decision Theory Approach
(c) Empirical Approach.
(d) Operational Approach
(c) Empirical Approach.

10. Interpersonal behaviour approach is also known as:
(a) Behavioural science, leadership or human relations approach
(b) Behavioural science and decision making approach
(c) Leadership group behaviour approach
(d) None of the above
(a) Behavioural science, leadership or human relations approach.

11. …………………. is the core of management according to decision theory approach.
(a) Leadership
(b) Decision making
(c) Motivation
(d) Planning
(b) Decision making

12. Mathematical approach is closely related to:
(a) Empirical approach
(b) Interpersonal behaviour approach
(c) Operational approach
(d) Decision theory approach
(d) Decision theory approach

13. approach recognizes that the problems faced by managers vary with nature and size of enterprise.
(a) Operational
(b) Group Behaviour
(c) Decision theory
(d) Mathematical approach
(a) Operational.

14. ……………, a french industrialist is known as ‘father of modern management theory.
(a) Luther Gulick
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Newmann & Summer
(d) None of the above.
(b) Henry Fayol

15. Which word did Luther Gulick coin using initial letters of management?
(d) None of the above.

16. True or false: Success on part of executives essentially calls for capability to promote self-appraisal.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly True
(d) None to these.
(b) False

17. ………………….. is a preparatory step and bridges the gap between present and future.
(a) Organising
(b) Staffing
(c) Directing
(d) Planning
(d) Planning.

18. …………….. and …………….. are fundamental aspects of organisation.
(a) Division of work and coordination of their efforts
(b) Delegation of authority & determination of activities
(c) Determination & classification of activities
(d) Delegation of authority & coordination of activities.
(a) Division of work and coordination of their efforts

19. ………………….. function calls for properly motivating, communicating, leading & supervising the subordinates.
(a) Staffing
(b) Organising
(c) Direction
(c) Direction.

20. True or false: If cooperation exists, coordination will automatically follow.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly True
(d) Partly False
(a) True

21. Co-ordination is achieved through understanding of …………………….. relationships.
(a) Interpersonal, (horizontal)
(b) Vertical
(c) Hierarchical
(d) None of the above
(a) Interpersonal, (horizontal).

22. ……………….. is the father of ‘scientific management.
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Frederich Taylor
(c) Luther Gulick
(d) Newmann & Summer
(b) Frederich Taylor.

23. ‘Task and Bonus Plan’ was devised by:
(a) Taylor
(b) Fayol
(c) Newmann & Summer
(d) None of the above
(d) None of the above

24. Authority and responsibility are ………….. .
(a) Co-extensive
(b) Mutually exclusive
(c) Complimentary to each other
(d) None of the above
(a) Co-extensive

25. Management is affected by and in turn, affects the system in which it operates. Thus, it is a system.
(a) Closed
(b) Open
(c) Neither closed nor open
(d) Notice of the above
(b) Open

26. Entrepreneur’s role of a disturbance handler, allocator of resources & negotiator’s role are the roles that the manager has to perform.
(a) Interpersonal
(b) Decisional
(c) International
(d) None of the above
(b) Decisional

27. Functions of administration are & …………… .
(a) Executive & governing
(b) Policy making & implementation
(c) Legislative & determinative
(d) Sustaining & controlling.
(c) Legislative & determinative

28. Managerial skills are classified as ………. & ………… by Katz.
(a) Technical, human & conceptual
(b) Communication, administrative & leadership
(c) Conceptual, technical & leadership
(d) Administrative, decision making & communication.
(a) Technical, human & conceptual.

29. ………………….. is one of the objectives of the management.
(a) Establishing equilibrium
(b) Maximum Prosperity
(c) Prosperity of society
(d) Reducing cost.
(b) Maximum Prosperity

30. It refers to superior-subordinate relations throughout the organisation,
(a) Espirit de corps
(b) Order
(c) Equity
(d) Scalar chain
(d) Scalar chain

31. Management is an ………………….. science.
(a) Exact
(b) Inexact
(c) Flexible
(d) Rigid
(b) Inexact.

32. Management as an Art denotes the mode of:
(a) Body of knowledge
(b) Sociology
(c) Practical application
(d) None knowledge
(c) Practical application.

33. Management fails to qualify the test of Professionalism relating to:
(a) Systematic body of knowledge
(b) Dominance of service motive
(c) Restricted entry
(d) None
(d) None.

34. Which of these provides the organisation with adequate number of competent and qualified personnel at all levels of Management.
(a) Human Resource Management
(b) Planning
(c) Organising
(d) None of the above
(a) Human Resource Management.

35. Which is the ‘last’ Process of Management?
(a) Directing
(b) Planning
(c) Controlling
(d) Organising
(c) Controlling

36. “Maintaining discipline and rewarding effective performance ” comes under.
(a) Human Resource Management
(b) Control
(c) Organising
(d) Directing
(d) Directing.

37. Fayol suggests the following ………………… Principles of the management.
(a) 12
(b) 14
(d) 8
(c) 11
(b) 14

38. According to which Principle, “An employee shall receive orders from one senior only”.
(a) Unity of direction
(b) Unity of command
(c) Discipline
(d) Division of work.
(b) Unity of command.

39. According to which Principle “The need for teamwork and the importance of effective communication is needed”?
(a) Equity
(b) Esprit de corps
(c) Initiative
(d) Remuneration.
(b) Esprit de corps.

40. Psychologist and have made significant contributions to the Trainers Scientists
(a) Mentors
(b) Trainers
(c) Sociologists
(d) Scientists
(c) Sociologists

41. Which managerial skills are also called as ‘design skills’?
(a) Technical skill
(b) Leadership skills
(c) Problem-solving skill
(d) None.
(c) Problem-solving skill.

42. The lower-level managers require more technical skills because they are of the actual operation.
(a) Supervisor
(b) Charge
(c) Incharge
(d) Performer
(c) Incharge

43. Technical, human and conceptual are the types of ………….. .
(a) Technical skills
(b) Managerial skills
(c) Specific
(d) None.
(b) Managerial skills

44. Which of the following is not the task of Professional management,
(a) Innovation
(b) Renewal
(c) Change management
(d) None of these
(d) None of these

45. Administration does the function of:
(a) Policymaking
(b) Implementing Plan
(c) Compromising Plan
(d) None.
(a) Policymaking.

46. Analytical creative and initiative skills comes under which managerial skill.
(a) Technical skills
(b) Leadership skills
(c) Administrative skill
(d) Conceptual skills
(d) Conceptual skills.

47. Conceptual skills are generally needed by:
(a) Top-level management
(b) Lower level management
(c) Middle-level management
(d) Both b & c
(a) Top-level management

48. Which of the following is the third step in the process of organising.
(a) Determination of activities of the
(b) Co-ordination of activities enterprise
(c) Assignment of the groups of activities
(d) Delegation of authority to individuals
(c) Assignment of the groups of activities.

49. Behaviourahst approach was given by:
(a) Elton Mayo
(b) R.C. Dewis
(c) A.H. Maslow
(d) Henry Mintzberg
(a) Elton Mayo.

50. Socialist and Psychologist contribution to behaviouralist approach is given by:
(a) A.H. Maslow
(b) Henry Mintzberg
(c) Me Gregor
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above.

51. Who coined the word POSDCORB about functions of management?
(a) Henry Lawrence Gantt
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Newmann and Summer
(d) Luther Gulick.
(d) Luther Gulick coined the word POSDCORB using the initial letters of Management functions
P Planning
O Organising
S Staffing
D Directing
Co. Co-ordinating
R Reporting
B Budgeting.

52. Management is a/an :
(a) Exact science
(b) Interdisciplinary science
(c) Science as well as are
(d) B & C both.
(d) Management is an interdisciplinary science it draws freely from other disciplines, such as economics, sociology and psychology and the fact is that science is a body of knowledge, while art denotes the mode of practical application of knowledge. Hence, B & C both is correct answer.

53. Who corrected the difficulties of Taylor’s differential piece rate system?
(a) Henry Lawrence Gantt
(b) Henri Fayol
(c) Newmann and Summer
(d) Max Weber
(a) Henry Lawrence Gantt for instance corrected to some extent the difficulties of Taylor’s differential piece rate ‘ system where two rates of wage, one lower and one higher are fixed. Those who fail in attaining the standard, are paid at lower rate and those exceeding the standard or just attaining the standard get higher rate’ by devising a new method known as the “task and bonus plan”.

54. Which one of the following definitions of management is given by Henry Fayol?
(a) Management is to forecast, to plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and control activities of others.
(b) The process of getting things done by the people and for the people
(c) The functions of getting things done through people and directing efforts of individuals towards a common objective.
(d) None of the above.
(a) According to Henry Fayol, management is “to manage is to forecast, and to plan, to organise to command, to co-ordinate and to command”.

55. Who distinguished between ‘principles’ and ‘elements’ of management?
(a) Fredrick Taylor
(b) Newmann and Summer
(c) Henry Fayol
(d) Henry Lawrence Gantt.
(c) Henry Fayol distinguished between principles and elements of
management, using the former for rules and guides, and the element of management for its functions. He grouped these elements into five managerial functions as:
– Planning
– Organising
– Commanding
– Co-ordinating
– Controlling

56. At which level of management hierarchy intellectual skill is the most important & vital?
(a) Lower
(b) Middle
(c) Higher
(d) All of the above.
(c) The top-level managers require more conceptual skills and less technical skills. Thus, intellectual skills are most vital for higher level of management since they have to make plans keeping in mind the whole organisation.

57. Superior – Subordinate theory was given by.
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) V. A. Graicunas
(c) Koontz O’ Donnel
(d) Joseph Jerard.
(a) Henry Fayol gave the 14 principles of management among which one is Scalar chain which refers to superior-subordinate relations. throughout the organisation. It should be short-circuited and not to be carried to the extent it proves detrimental to the business.

58. Which of the following is a concept given by Frederick Taylor?
(a) Division of work
(b) Unity of command
(c) Stopwatch study
(d) None.
(c) Fredrick Taylor gave the following principles and elements of management-

  • Separation of planning and doing.
  • Replacement of old rule of thumb by scientific method.
  • Scientific selection and training of workers.
  • Absolute co-operation between labour and management in work performance.
  • Determining time standard for each job through stopwatch study.
  • Introduction of system of functional foremanship.
  • Differential piece rates of wage payment.

59. Management is concerned with the …………. .
(a) Executive Governing
(b) Implementing planning
(c) Policy implementation
(d) Policy making.
(c) Management is a dynamic process because it keeps on changing with the changes which takes place in environment and as well as a continuous process because it is required until the goal of organisation is achieved. Hence, both the processes are related with management, thus option C is correct i.e. both fat & fb

60. Which theory is known as the core of management?
(a) Operational Approach.
(b) Mathematical Approach.
(c) Group Behaviour Approach
(d) Decision Theory Approach.
(c) Management is a lower level function, it only directs and guides the operations of an organisation towards realizing goals set forth by the administration. Administration is concerned with policy making whereas management is concerned with policy implementation.

61. It is defined as a systematized body of knowledge through application of a scientific method in one department of enquiry.
(a) Science
(b) Management as a science
(c) Only (b)
(d) None of the above.
(d) Decision theory approach is known as the core of management. They concentrate on rational decision making, selection from among possible alternatives of a course of action or policy.

62. Administration is mostly used at of management.
(a) Top level
(b) Lower level
(c) Middle level
(d) All levels.
(a) Science is defined as a systematized body of knowledge through application of a scientific method in one department of enquiry.

63. ‘Getting things done through and with the people is given by:
(a) Koontz and O’Donnell
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Haimann
(d) Hicks.
(a) Administration is a process of laying down broad policies and objectives of the organisation. It is a top-level function. It is mainly concerned with policymaking.

64. Who is the father of Scientific Management?
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Fedrick Taylor
(c) Fedrick Lawrance Cantt
(d) Fedrick Gillbath
(a) Koontz and O’Donnell states that Management means, “Getting things done through and with people”. ‘

65. Which approach involves making generalization from case study to _ establish theories as a useful guide?
(a) Group behaviour approach
(b) Decision theory approach
(c) Empirical approach
(d) Operational approach.
(b) Frederick Taylor is popularly known as the ‘father of scientific management.

66. ‘The process of getting things done by the people and through the people” is given by:
(a) Hick
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Koontz O’Donnell
(d) Haimann.
(c) Scholars belonging to Empirical Approach believed that clear understanding of the management theories can only be developed by the study and analysis of cases and comparative approach. In this approach, they intend to make some generalisations from case study with view to establishing theories as useful guides for future course of action.

67. ‘To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize, to command, to co-ordinate and to command” is given by?
(a) Haimann
(b) Luther Gulick
(c) Newmann and Summer
(d) Henry Fayol.
(a) Hick defines management as “the process of getting things done by the people and through the people.”

68. “Knowhow and skill” are the features of:
(a) Management as a Science
(b) Management as an Art
(c) Management as a Profession
(d) All of the above.
(d) According to Henry Fayol, “to manage is to forecast, and to plan, to organize, to command, to co-ordinate and to command.”

69. Which word did Luther Gulick coin, using the initial letters of management functions?
(d) Luther Gulick coined the word POSDCORB using the initial letters of management functions:
P = Planning
O = Organising
S = Staffing
D = Directing
Co = Co-ordinating
R = Reporting
B = Budgeting

70. The principles of unity of command and unity of direction was given by:
(a) W.F. Taylor
(b) Lyndall Urwick
(c) George Tenny
(d) Henry fayol.
(d) Henry Fayol is popularly known as father of unlearn management theory. He suggested 14 principles of management; which includes Unity of command & Unity of direction.
(a) Some of the essentials of a good advertisement are:

  • It should be targeted to improve sales of product.
  • It should be prepared by professional agencies.
  • It must leave a positive impact over sales.
  • It may be expensive for small enterprises.

71. Which of the following statement is not true?
(a) Advertisements are never targeted to improve sales
(b) Advertisements are prepared by professional agencies
(c) Advertisements make positive impact on sales
(d) Advertisements are expensive.
(d) Henry Fayol, “father of unlearned modern management theory” suggested 14 principles of management.

72. How many principles of management were suggested by Henry fayol?
(a) 13
(b) 16
(c) 12
(d) 14.
(c) According to Katz, “Managerial skills can be technical, human and conceptual”. Hence, option c is correct.

73. Greek work ‘Nomos’ means:
(a) Controlling
(b) Planning
(c) Organizing
(d) Management.
(d) The Greek word ‘nomos’ means Management.

74. Who gave manager’s role three phases:
(a) Frederick Taylor
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Henry Mintzberg
(d) Luther Gulick.
(c) According to Henry Mintzberg, a manager’s work role has three phases:

  1. Interpersonal role
  2. Informational role
  3. Decisional role

75. Technical, human, and conceptual are type:
(a) Specific
(b) Technical Skills
(C) Managerial Skills
(d) All are applicable
(c) Essential skills which every manager needs for doing better management are called as Managerial Skills. Managerial skills are classified as technical, human and conceptual by Katz.

76. The essential skills which every manàger needs for doing better management is known as:
(a) Leadership skills
(b) Teaching skills
(c) Professional skills
(d) Managerial skills.
(d) The essential skills which every manager needs for doing better management are called as Managerial Skills.

77. ‘Luther Gulick coined the term:
(b) POSD
(d) ‘Luther Gulick’ coined the word ‘POSDCORB’ using initial litters of management functions:
(P) – Planning
(O) – Organising
(S) – Staffing
(D) – Directing
(CO) – Co-ordinating
(R) – Reporting
(B) – Budgeting

78. Interpersonal, informational and decisional roles are the three phases of a manager’s work role.. This theory was given by:
(a) Henry Mintzberg
(b) Koontz O’ Donnell
(c) Luther Guhok
(d) Henry Fayol.
(a) According to Henry Mintzberg, a managers work role has three phases which include Interpersonal role, Informational role and decisional role which thereby focuses in contact and dealings with other people, understanding of his organisation and role of initiating change, taking risk and performing role of allocator, negotiator as well.

79. Greek word “Nomos means:
(a) Management
(b) Organising
(c) Controlling
(d) Planning.
(a) The word “management” has its origin from the greek word ‘nomos’ which means management. It involves not only a function but also the people who discharge it. It Is management that provides planning, organization and direction which are necessary for business operations.

80. Which word did Luther Gulick coin, using the initial letters of management functions?
(a) Luther Gulick coined the word POSDCORB using the initial letters of management functions:
Coordinating (Co),
Reporting (R) and
Budgeting (B).

81. Who has defined management as the process of getting things done by the people and through the people?
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Hick
(c) Koontz & O’Donnell
(d) Haimann
(b) Hick defines management as the process of getting things done by the people and through the peopls.

82. Which of the following refers to superior-subordinate relations, throughout the organisation? .
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Equity
(c) Esprit de corp
(d) Order
(a) Scalar Chain: it refers to superior-subordinate relationships throughout the organisation. It should be short circulated and not be carried to the extent that it proves detrimental to the business.

83. Which of the following is not a principle given by Henry Fayol?
(a) Unity of Direction
(b) Unity of Command
(c) Positive Attitude
(d) Division of world.
Fayol observed that the importance of managerial ability increases as one goes up the echelons of management hierarchy. He also emphasised the need for training in management for which development of management theory is essential. On the basis of his experiences and foresight into the field of management, Fayol suggested the following fourteen principles of management. Thus, positive attitude is none of the principles by Fayol.

84. The definition of management Getting things done through and with people’ was given by:
(a) F.W. Taylor
(b) Koontz & O’ Donnell
(c) Luther Gulick
(d) Henry fayol.
(b) Koontz & O’Donnell state that management means, “Getting things done through and with people”. Thus, option b is correct.

85. The fast that Management draws its body freely from other disciplines such as economics, sociology, and psychology makes it:
(a) Interdisciplinary
(b) Science
(c) Profession
(d) Art.
(a) The Stream of Management draws certain aspects from various disciplines. Hence, making it the interdisciplinary science.

86. How many principles of management were suggested by Henry Fayol?
(a) 16
(b) 13
(c) 12
(d) 14
(d) Henry Fayol suggested 14 principles of management.

87. Resolving a conflict can be considered as a part of which of the following function?
(a) Planning
(b) Staffing
(c) Organising
(d) Directing
(b) Staffing or Human Resource Management is a-people centred, pervasive function and thus it also includes resolving of conflict among personnel and worker.

88. Which one of the following acronyms did Luther Gulick coin using initial letters of Management’s Functions?
(c) Luther Gullick coin using initial letters of Management’s functions is
POSDCORB where P- Planning O – Organisation
S – Staffing
R- Reporting

89. Management is an Art because it involves use of:
(a) Experience and Intelligence
(b) Creativity and Personalization
(c) Skills and knowhow
(d) None of the above.
(c) Art means skill development and know-how to tackle situations by techniques. Management is an Art and Science both. Management is an Art because it involves use of skill and know-how to tackle situations by different techniques and it is science because it establishes relation between cause and its results.

90. Who developed the idea of management by objectives (MBO)?
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) William C. Douglas
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Peter F. Drucker
(d) Peter F. Drucker developed the idea of management by objectives 4 (MBO). In his book ‘The Practice of Management in 1954.

91. Who define the management as, “ Getting things done through and with people”?
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Koontz O’ Donnell
(c) Hick
(d) All of these
(b) According to Koontz 6’ Donnell, “Management is an art of getting things done through the people and with the people.”

92. Management is a/an
(a) Science
(b) Art
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these.
(c) Management is a science while drafting strategies or planning and art while executing them, hence it is both science and art as well.

93. Who was given the lower esteem to upper esteem?
(a) Me Groger
(b) Maslow
(c) Elton Mayo
(d) None of these.
(b) Maslow suggest the hierarchy of needs that emphasize the need for self-esteem and self-respect (Esteem needs are the basis of human desires from lower to upper).

94. The principle of “division of work” was given by
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Federick W. Taylor
(c) M.C. Groger
(d) Henry Lawrence Gantt.
(a) 14 Principles of Business Management provided by Henry Fayol are as follows:

  • Division of work
  • Authority and Responsibility
  • Discipline
  • Unity of Command
  • Unity of Direction
  • Subordination
  • Remuneration (viii) Centralisation
  • Scalar Chain
  • Order
  • Equity
  • Stability (xiii) Initiative
  • Esprit De Corps

95. Which principle of management suggest the discipline of team spirit.
(a) Esprit de corps
(b) Scalar chain
(c) Remuneration ‘
(d) ‘Division of work
(a) Esprit de Corps Principle emphasises the need for teamwork and the importance of effective communication in obtaining it.

96. to involves outlining a vision of what can be achieved, focusing on interpersonal relations by communicating with each employee, and motivating and inspiring people to perform better.
(a) Planning,
(b) Organising
(c) Leading
(d) Controlling.
(c) Leading is to involves outlining a vision of what can be achieved, focusing on interpersonal relations by communicating with each employee, and motivating and inspiring people to perform better.

97. Theory X is developed by:
(a) McGregor
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) F.W. Taylor
(d) William Douglas
(a) Theory of X and Theory of Y is developed by Psychologist Dauglas – Me Gregor to explain how managers beliefs about what motivates their people can affect their management style.

98. The Greek word ‘nomos’ means –
(a) Control
(b) Norms
(c) Management
(d) Business
(c) The Greek word ‘Nomos” means ‘Management’ in an ordinary form of english language.

99. Differential piece rate system was devised by –
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Henri Lawrence Gantt
(c) Frederick Taylor
(d) Peter Drucker
(c) Differential Piece Rate System was devised by ‘Frederick Taylor’.

100. Budget preparation is primarily a planning process whereas its administration is a part of –
(a) Implementation
(b) Controlling
(c) Payments,
(d) Approval Process.
3. (b) Budget preparation is a primarily a planning process whereas its administration is a part of ‘Controlling’.

101. Fathers of scientific management is:
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Frederick Taylor
(c) Luther Gulick
(d) Adam Smith.
(b) Frederick Taylor who is popularly known as the Father of Scientific Management. The goal of Frederick Taylor’s (1901) scientific management was to use systematic study to find the “one best way” of doing each task. He gives four principles of management.

102. General and Industrial Management
(a) Luther Gulick
(b) Newman and Summer
(c) Henry Fayol
(d) Frederick Taylor.
(c) As a manager Henry Fayol came to the conclusion that there was a single administrative science application to all types of organisations. In the year 1916, he published his well-known work in French entitled “Administration Industrielle etGenera/e”(industrial and General Administration).

103. What is the Mission Statement of ICSI:
(a) To be a global leader in promoting good corporate governance
(b) Dreamers Dream
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) To develop high calibre professionals facilitates good corporate governament.
(d) Mission Statement of ICSI – “To develop high calibre professionals facilitating good corporate governance” as the mission statement describes the desired future of the business.

104. Which one is the general forces?
(a) Customers
(b) Suppliers
(c) Legal
(d) Investor
(c) General forces which effect the organisation indirectly they are classified as.

  • Socio-cultural and Demographics
  • Technology
  • Economic conditions
  • Ecology and Physical Environment ‘
  • Political and Legal Acronym “STEEP”

105. The word ‘nomes’ has been derived from? ‘
(a) Greek word
(b) French word
(c) Latin word
(d) German word
(a) The word “Management” has its origin in the Greek word “Nomos’ which means ‘Management’.

106. ‘POSDCORB’ is coined by?
(a) Luther Gulick
(b) Koontz O Donnel
(c) Henry Fayol
(d) None of these
(a) Luther Gulick coined POSDCORB using initial letters management functions:
(P) Planning;
(O) Organising;
(S) Staffing;
(D) Directing;
(Co Coordinating;
(R) Reporting;
(B) Budgeting.

CS Foundation Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes