Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes

For enrichment of vocabulary, following should be kept in mind.
Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 3

Choice of Words:
It should be according to them:

  • Range of your vocabulary
  • Audience to whom you are communicating with
  • Type of communication
  • Message you intend to convey
  • Certain words to be used in a particular context only
  • Regional differences in language or Connotation

Note: Tips for choosing right word are:

  • Use of simple language
  • Use of language on the basis of field i.e. Jargon
  • Avoiding the use of superfluous words/verbosity.

These are the group of words which are similar in the sound but they differ in their meaning as well as spelling.
Following are the examples of Homonyms

  • Elicit: Draw out
    Illicit: unlawful.
  • Refuge: Place of shelter from Danger
    Refuse: not to accept, decline
  • Root: (basics, core)
    Route: (way)
    Rout: (Completely defeated forced to flee)

Words nearly having the same meaning are called synonyms.
Some examples of synonyms are:

Word Synonyms
Audacious bold, daring
Cogent Valid, convincing
Effete exhausted, worn-out
Morbid Morose, sickly

A word opposite or contrary in meaning to another word is called antonym.
Some examples of Antonyms are:
Word Antonyms
Curiosity Indifference
Flattery Criticism
Oral Written

Single Word For Group of Words:
Explaining the group of words in a single word helps to enrich vocabulary.
For e.g.:
One who perform gymnastic feats, Acrobat
One who does not believe in the existence of god Atheist

Grammar and its Usage:
Part of grammar concerned with changes in the form of words by internal modification is known as accidence.
Syntax refers to the manner In which these words can be arranged in form of a sentence.

Parts of Speech in English:

  • Noun
  • Pronoun
  • Adjective
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Interjections

Part of speech which ¡s used to identify name, place, thing, quality action or animal.
Types of nouns are:

  • Common Noun – e.g. – bank, shop etc.
  • Proper Noun – e.g. – January, Delhi etc.
  • Collective Noun – e.g. – batch, company etc.
  • Abstract Noun – e.g. – Joy, Sorrow, Excitement, Ambition.

Essentials of Good English Notes

Pronouns are those words which are used in place of noun.
Types of Pronoun are:

  • Personal Pronouns
  • Relative Pronouns
  • Possessive Pronouns.

Essentials of Good Ethics and Entrepreneurship English Notes

Adjective is a word which adds meaning to noun or a pronoun.
Compound Adjective: When two or more words are joined with a hyper form a Compound Adjective.
For e.g.: Government Financed project

These are words indicating action verbs comes from Latin Verbum, meaning a word; For e.g.:
Following are the functions performed by Verbs

  • Stating existence.
  • Commanding anyone.
  • Description of activity.

There are two types of Verb:

  1. Helping Verb.
  2. Principal Verb.

Adverbs modify the meaning of verbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions etc.
For e.g.: The CEO is an exceptionally sharp manager.

Preposition is placed before noun to show its relationship with time, place, case etc.
Thumb rule of using prepositions is that the sentence should read well.
For e.g.: Some of the prepositions are:
→ above
→ below
→ beside

Conjunction are the words used to join words or sentences.
For e.g.: and, but, also, both etc.
Using of conjunction in pairs is called as correlative conjunction.
For e.g.: either-or, not only-but also, both and etc.

These are the words used to express emotion of feeling in a sentenŒ
F04 e.g.: Hi! Alas! Oh? etc.

Types of Voices:
There are two types of voices:

  1. Active Voice
  2. Passive Voice

Active Voice is shorter, direct and emphatic.
Passive Voice Is suitable while drafting of legal formulations.

Articles are called the most common determiner.
Two types of Articles are:

  1. Definite Article
  2. Indefinite Article.

Definite Article: It is always particular/specific thus referring to definite person, thing or entity.
For e.g.: The river Ganges.

Indefinite Articles: The indefinite articles are ‘a’ and ‘an’. These articles are not definite, general and are non-specific. For e.g.: She has planted a rose plant.


  • Usage implies the manner in which the native speakers of a language use it.
  • Usage of a particular language is not governed by any grammatical rules.

A set of forms taken by verb to indicate the time of action.
There are twelve types of tenses:

  1. Present
  2. Past
  3. Future
  4. Present perfect progressive
  5. Past perfect progressive
  6. Future perfect progressive
  7. Present Progressive
  8. Past Progressive
  9. Future Progressive
  10. Present perfect
  11. Past perfect
  12. Future perfect

Progressive forms- used to express continuing action.
Perfect tenses – used to convey past action which is continuing up to present moment.

Sentence Construction:
Combination of words in order to form the meaningful sentences Why sentences are Formed?

  • Make a statement
  • Post a Question
  • Give a Command
  • Make an exclamation.

Sentence consists of two parts

  1. Subject
  2. Predicate

Subject: It is that part of sentence which contain the person or thing which performs the action.
Predicate: his that part of sentence which contains the verb. It gives information about the subject.
A phrase is a group of words which does not make sense by itself. It is not a finite verb:
It can be a:

  • Noun
  • Adjectival or
  • Adverbial phrase

A clause is a grammatical unit that includes a predicate, and an explicit or implied subject and expresses a preposition.
There are two types of clause
1. Main clause (Principal statement)
2. Subordinate clause (Rest statements)

Types of sentence
Simple Sentence: It contains one finite verb and can make only one complete statement
Compound Sentence: It is made up of two or more Clauses.
Complex Sentence: It ¡s formed when its main clause is supported by a dependent clause.

Sentence Construction:
Sentence can be constructed using various pattern and structures
Sentence Construction that are based on writing are:

  • Loose Sentences – simple style, closer to spoken form
  • Periodic Sentences difficult to write

Sentence Construction on the basis of length are:

  • Shorter Sentences – easier to write and understand
  • Longer sentence – more prone to grammatical errors.

Spellings and Pronunciation:

  • There is a relationship between a word’s sound and the way it expressed in writing.
  • The same sound is often conveyed through different spellings.

Stress and Rhythms:
A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of a spoken language.
Word can have more than one syllables

  • One Claim
  • Two Confess
  • Three Sacrifice
  • Four Retribution.

Prefixes and Suffixes
It is the affix or addition to the base form or root word coming at the beginning of the sentence.

Group of Prefix:
Prefix falls into a number of distinct groups such as:

  • Supportive
  • Size
  • Opposing
  • Time
  • Negative
  • Number
  • Reversative
  • Status
  • Derivative
  • Class changing
  • Pejorative
  • Miscellaneous

Supporting Prefix: Pro’ is used with the word for favouring /supporting lt Cleaning
Eg- Pro-choice, Pro market, etc.
Opposing Prefixes:
→ It opposed the action denoted by the root word.
→ E.g: Anti (against): anti dote, antibiotic, etc.

Negative Prefixes:
→These are prefixes that denote the absence of distinguishing feature of the root word.
E.g: an (not, lacking) anaesthetic, anaemic, etc.

Reversative Prefixes:
→ it denotes the act of undoing the previous act that the root word denote as being done.
Dis (Reverse of) disqualify, dishonest, etc.

Derivate prefixes –
→ It means removing someone or something Eg: de (depart from) – deplanes, detrain, etc.
Pejorative Prefixes:
→ These express contempt, bad or wrong. Eg: Mis (wrongly) – Misspell, mismanage etc.

There are some other prefixes also like:
Place Prefix → indicates place or situation
Size Prefix → denotes size
Time Prefix → denotes time
Number Prefix → denotes number
Status Prefix → denotes a status
Class Changing Prefix → changes the word class

It is an addition to the end of a word to form a derivative of root word.
Groups of suffix:

  • Noun Suffix
  • Adjective Suffix
  • Verb Suffix
  • Adverb Suffix

Noun Suffix a city – audacity, capacity

  • Verb Suffix – is, ire – modernise, terrorise.
  • Adjective Suffix -. y – massy, funny sleepy.
  • Advert Suffix — wise – clockwise, taxwise

Combination Word:
These are words, elements or combining forms that can be combined with other words that already exist to form new words.
Eg: Macro (large) → Macroeconomics, macro-organism, etc.

The marks, such as full stop, brackets, commas used In writing to separate sentences and their elements and to darify the meaning are called punctuation.

Punctuation also serves other purposes:

  • Introduction of delicate effects
  • Alteration of flow of sentence
  • Highlighting certain words which are necessary for the document

The various punctuations used in English language are:

  • Capital letters
  • Stroke
  • Abbreviation
  • Full stop
  • Ellipsis
  • Space
  • Hyphen
  • Comma
  • Italic


Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 1

Essentials of Good English – Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes 2

It is a shortened form of word, phrase or text
It saves time
Eg. TV (Television), MA – Master of Arts.

Choice of presenting it in figure or words depends upon the purpose that one wants to achieve
Eg: ₹ 1.20,000, 50-50%, 3/4th inch, etc.

Idioms and Phrases:
A group of words established by the usage having meaning not deductible from the individual words. Dictionary defines idiom as, “the form of expression peculiar to a language.”
E.g: To turn over a new leaf
To turn trail
To lay waste
To make common cause

A phrase is a group of words, a part of a sentence which does not make a complete sentence but has an independent meaning.
E.g: To be in the doldrums
To be on the wave
To be on the carpet

A short petty saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece advice.
Well begun is half done
Example is better than percept
A fool and his money are soon parted.

Foreign word and Phrases:
English has been borrowed generally Iron’ other languages more from Latin, Greek, French and German. This leads to the formation certain words and phrases.
E.g: ab initio (L) From the beginning
corrigenda (L) a thing to be corrected
Bon voyage (F) have a good journey

Abbreviations form of Latin, French and Roman Word:
shortened form of word or phrase used for simplicity in the place of whole:
Latin Abbreviation: AD, – Anno Domini
German Abbreviation: ren – Renata
French Abbreviation: adj – adjective.

Nature of Management and its Process MCQ Questions

1. Which of the following is not a German Abbreviation:
(a) S.d.
(b) WWE
(c) P.S.
(d) N.N.
(c) P.S.

2. Which of the following is not a Latin Abbreviation:
(a) vs.
(b) a.v.
(c) Bez
(d) i.a.
(c) Bez

3. Which of the following is not a French Abbreviation:
(a) Lit
(b) Ong
(c) U.S.
(d) N.B.
(d) N.B.

4. Which is not a proverb:
(a) Sweet are the uses of adversity
(b) to scatter to the winds
(c) A rose would smell as sweet by any other name
(d) A closed mouth catches no flies
(b) to scatter to the winds

5. What does the Idiom mean To scatter to the winds
(a) To waste
(b) Prove of something
(c) To prejudice another person
(d) To deteriorate badly
(a) To waste.

6. Which word explains the following sentence “To search thoroughly.
(a) Vandal
(b) Genocide
(c) Ransack
(d) Amnesty
(c) Ransack

7. Which word explains the following group of words “Coming at the right time”
(a) Opportune
(b) Benefactor
(c) Quisling
(d) Panacea
(a) Opportune.

8. Find out the antonym of the word “Meager”
(a) Empty
(b) Plentiful
(C) Both (a) or (b)
(d) None of the above
(b) Plentiful

9. A ………………………. sentence contains only one finite verb and can make only one complete statement.
(a) Simplex
(b) Compound
(c) Complex
(d) None of the above
(d) None of the above

10. To transform into a purer or idealised form means.
(a) Sublimate
(b) Ransack
(c) Vandal
(d) Revive
(a) Sublimate

11. The Latin word bonafide” means:
(a) Strange
(b) Good faith
(c) Colleague
(d) None of the above
(b) Good faith

12. BCC stands for:
(a) Blind copy carbon
(b) Before carbon copy
(C) Blind carbon copy
(d) Before copy carbon
(C) Blind carbon copy

13. VAT stands for.
(a) Value Added Tax
(b) Value Addition Tax
(c) Value Abstract Tax
(d) Value Added Text
(a) Value Added Tax

14. Alma mater means:
(a) A school or college which one has to attend
(b) A public apology
(C) Preliminary matter
(d) None of the above
(a) A school or college which one has to attend

15. The proverb “To rob peter to, pay paul” means:
(a) Things take time to complete and to mature
(b) To harm one person in order to benefit the other
(c) You judge a man’s worth by his others
(d) A man is judged by sort of friends he has.
(b) To harm one person in order to benefit the other

16. WWW stands for:
(a) World wide web
(b) Wide word web
(c) Web worldwide
(d) None of the above.
(a) World wide web

17. Agnostic means:
(a) One who perform gymnastic frets
(b) The action of attacking with provocation
(c) Science of production, transmission
(d) None of the above.
(d) None of the above.

18. There are several pairs or groups of words that are similar but are different in spelling and meaning.
(a) Antonyms
(b) Homonyms
(c) Synonyms
(d) None of the above.
(d) None of the above.

19. It is used to construct word to Darity meaning. It links words to form compound word.
(a) The Hyphen (-)
(b) Comma (,)
(c) Full stop (.)
(d) None of the above.
(a) The Hyphen (-)

20. An ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning is:
(a) Jargon
(b) Pedantry
(c) Verbosity
(d) Vocabulary.
(a) Jargon

21. Identify the correctly spelt word:-
(a) Occasion
(c) Occasion
(b) Occasion
(d) Occasion
(a) The correct spelling among the following option is occasion.

22. The abbreviation ‘E&OE’ stands for:-
(a) Errors and Omitted Errors
(b) Expected and Omitted errors
(c) Errors and Omissions excepted
(d) Exceptions and omissions encountered.
(c) The Abbreviation ‘E & OE’ stands for Errors and Omission Excepted as this abbreviation is used in Invoices or any document related to figures.

23. The proverb “apparel often proclaims the man” means –
(a) Clothes are everything
(b) You judge a man’s worth by his clothes
(c) Apparels are expensive
(d) None of the above.
(b) The proverb “ apparel often proclaims the man” means that you judge a man’s worth by his clothes. This means that man’s status can be judged by his dressing sense and his attitude.

24. Fax is the abbreviation of:-
(a) Fascimile
(b) Fascile
(c) Fascicle
(d) Fiscal
(a) Fax is the abbreviation of Fascimile.

25. What does the idiom ‘to split hairs’ mean?
(a) Argue on major points
(b) Argue on minor points
(c) Not to argue
(d) Brainstorming
(b) The idiom “to split hairs’ means to argue on minor points.

26. …………………………………. Taj Mahal is situated in Agra. Fill in the blank using
(a) One who gives friendly help
(b) One who performs gymnastic feats
(c) An expert judge in the matter of taste
(d) A member of royal family of taste
(c) The Taj Mahal is situated in Agra.

27. ‘Expired’ is a synonym of –
(a) Illegal
(b) Lapsed
(c) Dishonoured
(d) Matured
(b) The Synonym of expired is “Lapsed”.

28. Who is called a ‘Connoisseur’?
(a) One who gives friendly help
(b) One who performs gymnastic feats
(c) An expert judge in the matter of taste
(d) A member of royal family of taste
(c) Connoisseur is a person who is an expert judge in the matter of taste.

29. A word opposite to another word
(a) Antonym
(b) Synonym
(c) Homophones
(d) Idiom
(a) A word opposite to another word is called an Antonym.

30. ………………….. err is human, ……………………………. forgive is divine
(a) One
(b) To
(c) Into
(d) From
(b) To err is human To forgive is divine

31. The passive voice of the sentence ‘I killed a snake’ is –
(a) I have killed a snake
(b) A snake is killed
(c) A snake was killed by me
(d) A snake has been killed by me.
(c) The passive voice of the sentence ‘I killed a snake’ is “A snake was killed by me”.

32. Who is philanthropist?
(a) One who gives friendly help
(b) One who is master of his words.
(c) One who is dissatisfied and inclined to rebel
(d) One who seeks to promote the welfare of others especially by donating money for good causes.
(d) Philanthropist: One who seeks to promote the welfare of the others especially donating money for good cause.

33. Which one of the following is a definite article and is always specific?
(a) The
(b) A
(c) An
(d) None of the above.
(a) The is a definite article and is always specific.

34. Which one of the following is used to enclose certain contents which the writer sets out apart so that the flow of the sentence is not interrupted?
(a) Brackets
(b) Quotation marks
(c) Comma
(d) Colon
(a) Brackets are used to enclose certain contents which the writer sets out a part so that flow of the sentence is not interrupted.

35. Which of the following is an example of present indefinite tense?
(a) I went to office yesterday,
(b) I go to office every day
(c) I had been to office
(d) 1 am going to office
(b) Example of present Indefinite tense is I go to office every day.

36. Which one of the following is the antonym of the word ‘bankrupt’?
(a) Solvent
(b) Despair
(c) Expensive
(d) All of the above
(a) Antonym of word bankrupt is Solvent.

37. What is meant by ‘abinitio’?
(a) List of additions
(b) From the Origin
(c) From the beginning
(d) According to value
(c) Meaning of word ‘ab Initio is “from the beginning”.

38. The expression ‘to formally put an end to’ means –
(a) Abolish
(b) Abandon
(c) Excerpt
(d) None of the above
(a) Meaning of the sentence is ‘to formally put an end to’ is to Abolish.

39. The Latin word ‘Bona file means —
(a) Stranger
(b) In good faith
(c) Colleague
(d) None of the above
(b) Latin word ‘Bona Fide’s means “In good faith”.

40. A person chosen by disputing parties to settle their differences is called —
(a) Agent
(b) Partner
(c) Arbitrator
(d) Owner
(c) A person chosen by disputing parties to settle their differences is called an Arbitrator.

41. The apostrophe (‘) is used to – ;
(a) Denote possession and other kinds of relationship
(b) Introduce direct speech
(c) Join words and sentences
(d) Point out the reader’s attention forward.
(a) The apostrophe (‘). is used to Denote possession and other kinds of relationships.

42. The object in the sentence ‘Ram opened the door’ is –
(a) Ram
(b) Opened
(c) The
(d) Door
(d) The Object in the sentence ‘Ram opened the door’ is door. Object is described as a noun in sentence. Hence, Object is the “door”.

43. The process by which green plants prepare their own food is known as
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Symbiosis
(c) Perspiration
(d) Biochemistry
(a) The process by which green plants prepare their own food is known as Photosynthesis.

44. One who calculates insurance and annuity premium is known as –
(a) Investor
(b) Insurer
(c) Actuary
(d) Atheist
(c) One who calculates insurance and annuity premium is known as Actuary.

45. What does the prefix ‘poly’ in the word polygon denotes?
(a) Huge
(b) Smalt
(c) Many
(d) Single
(c) Prefix ‘poly’ in the word polygon denotes Many.

46. Which one of the following prefixes express contempt, disapproved, bad or wrong?
(a) Status Prefix
(b) Derivative prefix
(c) Pejorative prefix
(d) Piarie prefix
(c) Pejorative prefix express contempt disapproved bad on wrong.

47. Which one of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
(a) I will be going to school
(b) I go to school daily
(c) I will go to school yesterday
(d) I goes to school
(b) ‘I go to school daily’ is a grammatically correct sentence.

48. Which one of the following is grammatically correct?
(a) I bought three dozen bananas
(b) I bought three dozen bananas
(c) I bought three dozens banana
(d) I bought three dozen banana.
(b) The sentence “I bought three dozen bananas” is grammatically correct.

49. Don’t worry we are prepared ……………………… anything. Which one of the following is the correct preposition to fill in the blank space?
(a) By
(b) From
(c) To
(d) For.
(d) Don’t worry we are prepared for anything is the correct preposition.

50. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called:
(a) Panacea
(b) Concrete
(c) Numismatics
(d) Philistine.
(a) A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called Panacea.

51. Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other student of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance we may say:
(a) Ram is an intelligent student of his class
(b) Ram is more intelligent student in his class
(c) Ram is the most intelligent student of his class
(d) Ram is one of the more intelligent boys of his class.
(c) Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other student of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance, we can say that – Ram is the most intelligent student of his class.

52. The quality of expressing much in few words is known as:
(a) Exigency
(b) Brevity
(c) Apprises
(d) None of the above.
(b) The quality of expressing much in few words is known as Brevity. It means saying something in brief.

53. The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as:
(a) Shed
(b) Yard
(c) Cold storage
(d) Hangar.
(d) The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as Hangar.

54. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as:
(a) Benefactor
(b) Philanthropist
(c) Collaborator
(d) Ornithologist.
(b) A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as philanthropist.

55. The Latin phrase mutatis mutandis stands for:
(a) With the necessary changes
(b) A way of doing something
(c) A deadlock
(d) Privilege entails responsibility.
(a) The Latin phrase mutatis mutandis stands for-with the necessary changes.

56. The term ‘subjudice’ means:
(a) Not to be considered by judiciary
(b) Under judicial consideration
(c) Prohibited by law
(d) None of the above.
(b) The term ‘Subjudice’ means under judicial consideration.

57. WhIch one of the followings grammatically correct?
(a) I bought three dozens bananas
(b) I bought three dozen bananas
(c) boi.ight three dozens banana
(d) I bought three dozen banana.
(b) The sentence “1 bought three dozen bananas” is grammatically correct.

58. Don’t worry we are prepared anything. Which one of the following is the correct preposition to till-in the blank space?
(a) By
(b) From
(c) To
(d) For.
(d) Don’t worry we re prepared for anything is the correct preposition.

59. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called:
(a) Panacea
(b) Concrete
(c) Numismatics
(d) Philistine.
(a) A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called Panacea.

60. Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other student of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance we may say:
(a) Ram is an intelligent student of his class
(b) Ram is more intelligent student In his class
(c) Ram is the most intelligent student of his class
(d) Ran, is one of the more intelligent boys of his class.
(c) Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other student of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance, we can say that – Ram is the most intelligent student of his class.

61. The quality of expressing much in few words is known as:
(a) Exigency
(b) Brevity
(c) Apprises
(d) None of the above.
(b) The quality of expressing much in few words is known as Brevity. It means saying something in brief.

62. The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as:
(a) Shed
(b) Yard
(c) Cold storage
(d) Hangar.
(d) The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as Hangar.

63. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as:
(a) Benefactor
(b) Philanthropist
(c) Collaborator
(d) Ornithologist.
(b) A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as philanthropist,

64. The Latin phrase mutatis mutan djs stands for:
(a) With the necessary changes
(b) A way of doing something
(c) A deadlock
(d) Privilege entails responsibility.
(a) The Latin phrase mutatis mutandis stands for-with the necessary changes.

65. The term ‘subjudice’ means:
(a) Not to be considered by judiciary
(b) Under judicial consideration
(c) Prohibited by law
(d) None of the above.
(b) The term ‘Subjudice’ means under Judicial Consideration.

66. Which of the following is main function of an Apostrophe (’)?
(a) To point the reader’s attention forward
(b) To separate two or more independent clauses
(c) To denote possession and other kinds of relationship
(d) To link contracting statements.
(c) The main function of an Apostrophe (‘) is

  • To denote possession and other kinds of relationships.
  • Contraction of words.

67. Which of the following is a definite article?
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) All of the above.
(c) ‘The’ is the definite article and is always specific referring to a definite or only thing person or entity. It is also used to indicate specificity and uniqueness.

68. Which of the following is passive voice of “Shahjahan built Taj Mahal”?
(a) Taj Mahal is built by Shahjahan.
(b) Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.
(c) Taj Mahal was build by Shahjahan.
(d) Taj Mahal built by Shahjahan.
(b) Passive voice of “Shahjahan built Taj Mahal” is “Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.”

69. Which of the following is grammatically correct?
(a) A snake was kill by me.
(b) You are request to come daily.
(c) Company Secretaries are also known as governance professionals.
(d) Mahesh is more intelligent student of the class.
(c) Grammatically correct statements are as follows –

  • A snake was killed by me.
  • You are requested to come daily.
  • Mahesh is the most intelligent student of the class.

Thus, option C is grammatically correct.

70. ‘To play second fiddle’ means –
(a) To play the violin
(b) To meddle with something
(c) To take a subordinate part
(d) To cheat.
(c) ‘To play second fiddle means-to take a subordinate part.

71. means incapable of making mistakes.
(a) Intelligent
(b) Infallible
(c) Incongruous
(d) Indispensable.
(b) Infallible means incapable of making mistakes.

72. The meaning of Latin phrase ab initio is –
(a) From the origin
(b) From the beginning
(c) From the middle
(d) From the ages.
(b) The meaning of Latin phrase ‘ab Initio is ‘from the beginning’.

73. Opposite of word “Absolute”
(a) Complete
(b) Limited
(c) Present
(d) All of the above.
(b) The opposite of word “Absolute” is “Limited”. Hence, option (b) is correct.

74. Correct definition of noun is:
(a) It indicates some action
(b) It indicates some quality
(c) It is the name of any person, place or thing
(d) None of the above.
(c) The correct definition of noun is : “Noun is the name of any person, place or thing”. Hence, option (c) is correct.

75. ……………………. is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships.
(a) Full stop
(b) Comma
(c) Hyphen
(d) Apostrophe
(d) An apostrophe is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships. For e.g.: It was the Court’s order.

76. Choose the correct spelling:
(a) Occasion
(b) Occasion
(c) Occasion
(d) Occasion
(b) The correct spelling of the word is “occasion” Thus option (b) is correct.

76. Advise is a ……………… .
(a) Noun
(b) Verb
(c) Conjunction
(d) Preposition.
(b) Advise is a verb because verb indicates action. Advise offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone. For e.g.: “I advised him to go home”.

77. What are these: principal – principle, Acess – excess etc.
(a) Synonyms
(b) Antonyms
(c) Homonyms
(d) None of the above.
(c) “Principal-Principle”, “Access-Excess” etc. are Homonyms because these are several pairs or groups of words that are similar in sound but are different in spelling and meaning. Thus, option (c) is correct.

78. Write the full form of Ph. D:
(a) Philosophy Doctor
(b) Philosophie Doctor
(c) Philosophiae Doctor
(d) None of the above
(c) The full form of Ph. D. is Philosophiae Doctor which means Doctor (or Doctorate) of Philosophy.
Thus option (d) is correct.

79. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called:
(a) Panacea
(b) Concrete
(c) Numismatics
(d) Philistine
(a) A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called panacea. Thus option (a) is correct.

80. Meaning of the word ‘to take a leap in the dark?
(a) not to be reckless and impulsive
(b) take an action i.e. risked in the hope that it is correct.
(c) to fall in the dark
(d) to get a ray of hope.
(b) The word, “to take a leap in the dark” means to take an action i.e., risked in the hope that it is correct.
Thus option (b) is correct.

81. Who recognised the need of first small car in India?
(a) Maruti
(b) Santro
(c) Reliance
(d) Tata Nano
(a) Maruti recognized the need of first small car in India.

82. What is the meaning of word ‘Thrive’?
(a) Prosper
(b) Bold
(c) Flourish
(d) Both (a) & (c)
(d) Thrive means to prosper and flourish. Thus answer is both (a) and (c).

83. How many syllables are there in two words:- satisfaction and satictation?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(d) A syllable is a minimum rhythmic sound of spoken language thus, the words – satisfaction and satiation have four syllables.

84. ‘To flag a dead horse’ means:
(a) To make something less effective
(b) To be accepted satisfactorily
(c) Waste one’s energies on a lost cause
(d) To prejudice another person
(d) “To flog a dead horse” means “to prejudice another person”.

85. ‘Exempli Gratia is a:
(a) Latin word
(b) French word
(c) Greek word
(d) None of the above
(a) ‘Exempli Gratia’ is a Latin word.

86. The quality of expressing much in few words is known as:
(a) Exigency
(b) Brevity
(c) Apprises
(d) None of the above.
(b) The quality of expressing much in few words is known as Brevity. It means saying something in brief.

87. What is the meaning of Audacious?
(a) Bold
(b) Strong
(c) Weak
(d) None of the above
(a) Audacious means bold.

88. If a sentence contains only one finite verb, t Is called.
(a) Complex sentence
(b) Compound sentence
(c) Simple sentence
(d) Paragraph
(c) Simple sentence contains one finite verb and can make only one complete statement.

89. Which of the following is the abbrevíate of Latin abbreviation-e.g.
(a) Exempli Gratia
(b) Exam gratia
(c) Exam gratia
(d) Example granted.
(a) An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or a phrase that could also be written out in full. The abbreviate of Latin word-e.g. stands for example gratia.

90. Which of the following is the meaning of the word Audacious.
(a) Weak
(b) Bold
(c) Scared
(d) Joy
(b) Meaning of the word: “Audacious” – Bold, daring

91. It is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships and contractions of:
(a) Comma
(b) The Hyphen
(c) An Apostrophe
(d) Full stop.
(c) ‘Apostrophe’ (’) is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships. Eg. This is Walters’ Book’.

92. identify the correct spelling:
(a) Occasion
(b) Occasion
(c) Occasion
(d) Occasion
(c) Correct spelling is “Occasion”.

93. “Out of the frying pan into the fire” means:
(a) It is easy
(b) From one kitchen to another
(c) From one trouble to another bigger trouble
(d) From one place to another.
(c) Proverb:
“Out of the frying pan into the fire” means from one trouble to another big trouble.

94. Which of the following is the meaning of the word “fastidious”?
(a) foolish
(b) funny
(c) fussy
(d) dead.
(c) Fastidious = Fussy

95. A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of a spoken language. How many syllables are there in retribution, satisfaction & transatlantic?
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) One.
(a) A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of spoken language. For example, there is only one syllable in name me etc., two in confess and four in satisfaction and transatlantic.

96. What is meant by ‘abinitio’?
(a) From the beginning
(b) From the end
(c) According to value
(d) List of additions.
(a) “Ab initio” means from the beginning.

97. Which of the following is the meaning of the phrase ‘To mind one’s Ps and Q’s?
(a) Mind one’s own behaviour
(b) III treatment
(c) To be punctiliously careful about one’s speech or behaviour
(d) To be careful.
(a) To mind one’s P’s and Q’s (to be punctiliously careful about ones speech or behaviours): The manager suspects his chief clerk of dishonesty, and if the clerk does not mind his P’s and Q’s, he will soon find himself out of job.

98. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the word “manifestation”?
(a) Using or showing judgement
(b) Level of worthiness
(c) Outward or perceptible indication
(d) Lasting for an indefinitely long time.
(c) Manifestation = outward or perceptible indication.

99. It is used to link words to form a compound word:
(a) Slash
(b) Full stop
(c) Hyphen
(d) Comma.
(c) Hyphen is usually used to link words to form a compound word for example get-together, hand-picked.

100. Which of the following is the meaning of the word idiom:
(a) Join words or even sentences conveying related ideas
(b) The shortened form of a word, phrase or text
(c) A literal translation of two – word combination
(d) None of the above.
(c) A group of word established by the usage having meaning not deductible from the individual word. A literal transaction of two-word combination is called idiom.

102. What is the meaning of “Audacious”:
(a) Bold
(b) Strong
(c) Weak
(d) All are applicable
(a) Meaning of audaciousness is Bold.

103. It links words to form compound word:
(a) The comma
(b) Full stop
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) The Hyphen.
(d) Hyphen helps in forming compound words. Example: ex-partner.

104. Meaning of Idiom “to build castles in the air”:
(a) daydreaming
(b) To win favours by gifts
(c) To have to humiliate oneself
(d) To issue a challenge.
(a) Meaning of idiom ‘to build castles in the air’ is daydreaming.

105. Advice is a ………………………… .
(a) Article
(b) Verb
(c) Noun
(d) Pronoun
(c) Advice is a noun and the end-sound is ‘s’.

106. What do you understand by ‘one strikes while iron is hot:
(a) To extend
(b) To take immediate advantage of an opportunity
(c) To fall into a trap
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(b) The meaning of ‘One strikes while iron is hot is to take immediate advantage of an opportunity.

107. What do you understand by ‘esprit de corps’?
(a) Team spirit
(b) Animating spirit
(c) Group of people accompanying
(d) All are applicable.
(b) The meaning of french phrase ‘Esprit de corps’- The animating spirit of a particular group like a regiment.

108. Idioms “to make amends”:
(a) To change
(b) Make up for a wrongdoing
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above.
(b) The meaning of Idiom ‘to make amends’ is to compensate or make up for a wrongdoing.

109. It is used to link words to form a compound word.
(a) Hyphen
(b) Full Stop
(c) Slash
(d) Comma.
(a) Hyphen is used to link words to form a compound word. It is used between words to clarify meaning. The use of hyphens varies in different places.

110. Which of the following is the full form of Latin abbreviation i.e.?
(a) Idest
(b) Ist
(c) That is
(d) Iest.
(a) The full form of i.e. the latin abbreviations is “modest” “which means that is more precisely”. It is commonly used to refine a general statement or provide additional information.

111. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the idiom “To keep the wolf from the door”?
(a) To be silent about one’s intentions
(b) To discourage something
(c) To keep away extreme poverty and hunger
(d) To get into difficulty.
(c) The meaning of the idiom, “To keep the wolf from the door” is to keep away extreme poverty and hunger.

112. Which of the following is the opposite of the word “Bold”?
(a) Unlimited
(b) Timid
(c) Outrageous
(d) Limited.
(b) “Timid” is the opposite of the word “Bold” Antonym is a word opposite or contrary in meaning to another word.

113. The part of speech that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action is known as:
(a) Noun
(b) Adverb
(c) Pronoun
(d) Adjective.
(a) The part of speech that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action is known as noun. It is one of the eight classes of part of speech in English.

114. Which of the following is not true about jargon?
(a) Jargon should be preferred in formal communication
(b) Jargon is the language special to science, technology, art trade or a profession.
(c) Jargon can be military jargon, political jargon, management jargon etc.
(d) Private jargon should be avoided in general communication.
(d) Jargon: Means a language that is unique to particular field, science or profession. There is for instance legal jargon, political jargon, military jargon. Jargon should be avoided in general communication.

115. It is used to link words to form a compound word:
(a) Comma
(b) Hyphen
(c) Slash
(d) Full stop.
(b) Hyphen: It is used between words to clarify meaning. It also links words to form a compound word.
The use of hyphen varies in different places; therefore there are no complete set of rules that can be applied to use of hyphen.

116. “A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance”, is the meaning that the concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to the word:
(a) Tense
(b) Noun
(c) Pronoun
(d) Verb
(a) “A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time and sometimes the continuance or completeness of the action in relation to the time of the utterance” is the meaning that the concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to the word “TENSE”. The word ‘tense’ comes from latin word tempus, meaning time.

117. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the idiom “To Cry over spilt/spilled milk?
(a) Daydreaming
(b) Try to flatter
(c) To discourage something
(d) To Complain about things that cannot be changed.
(d) To cry over spilt/spilled milk: (To complain about things that cannot be changed) Eg: We have failed to build up a sizeable total against England’s first innings meagre total. It is no use crying over spilt milk now.

118. “A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance” is the meaning that the Concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to the word.
(a) Tense
(b) Pronoun
(c) Verb
(d) Noun
(a) “A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance”; is the meaning that the Concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to the word ‘Tense’. The word tense comes from Latin word tempus, meaning time. Hence, we may define Tense as that form of a verb which shows the time and the state of an action or event.

119. The word “Advice” is a ………………… .
(a) Noun
(b) Article
(c) Preposition
(d) Verb.
(d) Advise: Advice is a verb and the end sound is-z.
Eg:- My father advised me to work hard.

120. The french abbreviation “adj” means:
(a) Adverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Adjourn
(d) Adjunct.
(b) adj.: Adjective. Hence, option b is correct.

121. Which of the following is the meaning of the idiom “cut off with a shilling”?
(a) To lose respect
(b) To reject, to throw aside
(c) To give someone a mere trifle in the will
(d) To depreciate.
(c) Cut off with a shilling (to give someone a mere trifle in the will) Eg: The father was so angry with the son over his marriage that he cut him off with a shilling.

122. It is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationships and contractions of words:
(a) A full stop
(b) A comma
(c) An Apostrophe
(d) A hyphen
(c) An Apostrophe (’) is used

to denote possession and other kinds of relationships.
Eg: This is Walter’s book.

contractions of words.
Eg: It was the Court’s order.

Isn’t (is not) it a great day?
Can’t (cannot) you come today?
O’er (over) the hills.

Possession and other kinds of relationship.

123. It is a morpheme (minimal meaning language unit) added at the end of a word to form a derivative:
(a) Suffix
(b) Interjection
(c) Conjunction
(d) Prefix
(a) Any word added at the end of a word to form a derivative is called a suffix.

124. The part of speech that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing or action is known as:
(a) Adverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Pronoun
(d) Noun
(d) Noun is a name of a person, place or thing or action or animal.

125. FtSVP is the abbreviation of the French words repondez sil Vons plait and means:
(a) Reply if you please
(b) Please come
(c) Please
(d) Invitation
(a) The French abbreviation means Reply if you please.

126. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the Indian “To get the upper hand or to get the better of’?
(a) To become someone’s responsibility
(b) To be defeated in every contest
(c) To Prevail over
(d) To urge on
(c) ‘To get the Upper hand or to get the better off means to get into a stronger position than someone else so that you are controlling the situation.

127. Which of the following is the meaning of the word ‘Insidious’?
(a) Funny
(b) Innocent
(c) Cunning
(d) Foolish
(c) Insidious – proceeding in subtle way with harmful effects.

128. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties is called:
(a) Panacea
(b) Concrete
(c) Numismatics
(d) Philistine
(a) One word for remedy of all disease or difficulties is called Panacea.

129. Ram scored overall 99% marks. No other students of his class could do this. On the basis of his performance we may say:
(a) Ram is an intelligent student of his class
(b) Ram is more intelligent student in his class
(c) Ram is the most intelligent student of his class
(d) Ram is one of the more intelligent boys in his class.
(c) Ram is the most intelligent boy in the class because he scored overall 99% in the class and no one can do this.

130. The quality of expressing much in few words is known as:
(a) Exigency
(b) Brevity
(c) Apprises
(d) None of the above.
(b) Brevity is the most important quality of business letter which means quality of expressing much in few words.

131. The place where an aeroplane is housed is known as:
(a) Shed
(b) Yard
(c) Cold storage
(d) Hangar
(d) The place where Airplane is housed Is known as Hangar.

132. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating money is known as:
(a) Benefactor
(b) Philanthropist
(c) Collaborator
(d) Ornithologist
(b) Person who seeks to promote the welfare of poor by donating Money is known as Philanthropist and person who don’t seeks to promote welfare of poor is Misanthropist.

133. The Latin phrase mutatis mutandis stands for:
(a) With the necessary changes
(b) A way of doing something
(c) A deadlock
(d) Privilege initials responsibility
(a) Mutuatis Mutandis stands for with the necessary changes.

134. The term ‘subjudice’ means:
(a) Not to be considered by judiciary
(b) Under judicial consideration
(c) Prohibited by law
(d) None of the above.
(b) The term ‘Subjudice’ means under judIcial consideration.

135. ……………………. are those that denote the meaning of removing something or depriving something or someone.
(a) Reversative Prefix
(b) Pejorative Prefix
(c) Time Prefix
(d) Derivative Prefix
(d) Derivative Prefix are those that denote the meaning of removing something or depriving something or someone.

136. To build castle in the air means
(a) Looking backwards
(b) Daydreaming
(c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(b) To build castle in the air means Daydreaming.

137. Which punctuation is used to separate sentences
(a) Comma
(b) Full stop
(c) Hyphen
(d) Space
(d) Space is used to separate words, sentences, etc.

138. “To Play Second Fiddle” means –
(a) To play with violin
(b) To meddle with something
(c) To take a subordinate part
(d) To cheat
(c) To Play Second Fiddle” means – To take a subordinate part

139. …………………. means incapable of making mistakes.
(a) Intelligent
(b) Infallible
(c) Incongruous
(d) Indispensable.
(b) ‘infallible’ means incapable of making mistakes.

140. The meaning of Latin phrase ab initio is –
(a) From the origin
(b) From the beginning
(c) From the middle
(d) From the ages.
(b) ab initio- from the beginning.

141. Which of the following is main function of an Apostrophe (‘)?
(a) To point the readers attention forward
(b) To separate two more independent clauses
(c) To denote possession and other kinds of relationship
(d) To link contracting statements.
(c) Apostrophe (‘) main function – To denote possession and other kinds of relationship.

142. WhIch of the following is a definite article?
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) All of the above
(c) ‘The’ is used to denote a particular noun and is a definite article.

143. Which of the following is passive voice of Shahjahan built Taj Mahal?
(a) Taj Mahal is built by Shahjahan.
(b) Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahari
(c) Taj Mahal was build by Shahjahari.
(d) Taj Mahal built by Shahiahan.
(b) ‘Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan is a passive statement.

144. Which of the following is grammatically correct?
(a) A Snake was kill by me.
(b) You are requested to come daily
(c) Company Secretaries are also known as governance professionals.
(d) Mahesh is more intelligent student of the class
(c) Company Secretaries are also known as governance professionals Is absolutely grammatically correct.

145. ‘Advice’ is:
(a) Pronoun
(b) Article
(c) Noun
(d) None
(c) Honionyms are several pairs or groups of words have similar sound. For example –
Advice – Advice
Where; Advice is a noun the end sound is – s.
Advice is a verb and end sound is – z.

146. ‘To keep the wolf from the door’:
(a) To bring to sudden end
(b) To unite in order to achieve a shared aim
(c) To keep away extreme poverty & hunger
(d) To make a great fuss about a trifle.
(c) Keep the wolf from the door means have enough money to avert hunger or starvation (used hyperbolically).

147. What contains home truth as well as universal truth?
(a) Proverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Verb
(d) Phrases.
(a) Proverbs contains home truths as well as universal truths. Naturally, therefore, they are translatable so far as their meaning goes from one developed language to another. For eg. – Well begun is half done”.

CS Foundation Business Management Ethics and Entrepreneurship Notes