Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English with Solutions Set 5 are designed as per the revised syllabus.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 5 with Solutions

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

  1. 15 Minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
  2. The Question Paper contains THREE Sectians-Reading, Grammar & Writing and Literature.
  3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section – A
Reading Skills (20 Marks)

Question 1.
Read the passage given below. (1 x 10 = 10)
(1) We live in an era where it is difficult to miss fast and junk food and the rise in teenage obesity and related health issues due to it.

(2) During teenage, weight gain is normal but when it goes beyond control, the person becomes obese. Our body requires energy to function, which is derived from the food we eat but when the intake of food becomes more than the amount that the body requires, the excess energy is stored as body fat.

(3) Contemporary lifestyle sees an increasing consumption of junk food, and spending time watching television and playing computer games. Overeating along with lack of physical exercise are the major causes leading to teenage obesity. Large intake of high-calorie food and low-nutrient food leads to unnecessary weight gain. Besides these, obesity can also be genetically inherited where some people have the genetic tendency to burn calories more slowly compared to others. Stress is also a reason for obesity where people resort to overeating to alleviate their stress.

(4) Teenage obesity is growing immensely and has been named an ‘obesity epidemic’.
A number of health issues arise out of it like diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, sleeping disorders, hormonal imbalance, and asthma. Along with these, obesity can also result in psychological problems like low self-esteem due to the constant jeering of peers. Obese teens are more prone to being teased and physically bullied compared to others of their age.

(5) Therefore, it is necessary to control excessive weight gain. Inactivity is the major cause of obesity and regular exercise is the best way to control it. Physical activity like jogging, swimming and playing outdoor games can help to keep one fit. A balanced diet with lots of vegetables, fruit and whole grains is also essential. Junk food and soft drinks should be substituted with lots of vegetables, fruit and whole grains in the diet. Drinking around 8-10 glasses of water also helps to reduce calorie intake.

(6) Parents have an important role in controlling teenage obesity as they should try to set examples by following a healthy diet and leading a healthy lifestyle. A combined effort of the parents and kids can help to control this eating disorder.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the given questions:
(A) According to the author, why is it difficult to miss junk food for teenagers today? [1]
(A) According to the author, it is difficult for the teenagers to miss junk food today due to the contemporary life of teenagers.
Explanation: In the passage, the author clearly says that, ‘Contemporary lifestyle sees an increasing consumption of junk food, and spending time watching television and playing computer games.’

(B) According to the passage, junk food is the major cause of obesity. True/false. [1]
Explanation: It is given in the passage that ‘inactivity’ is the major cause of obesity.

(C) Obese teens are more prone to be bullied. The term ‘prone’ refers to …………………. [1]
Likely or exposed

(D) What is the meaning of the phrase – ‘constant jeering of peers’ in the passage? [1]
To be teased by friend circle

(E) If a teenager follows a good diet, …………………. can still lead him to obesity.
(a) heredity
(b) junk food
(c) bad habits
(d) laziness [1]
(a) heredity

(F) Select the option with the underlined words that can substitute the word ‘alleviate’ (paragraph III).
(a) Sameer had been promoted to the Manager’s position.
(b) The medicine reduced the headache soon.
(c) The teacher was too anaru with the class.
(d) Richa’s marks have been increased
since last complaint made to her parents. [1]
(b) The medicine reduced the headache soon.
Explanation: The term ‘alleviate’ means to decrease or (b) reduce. Options (a), (c) and (d) are wrong as per the meaning of the term. Hence, (b) is the correct answer.

(G) According to the passage, which emotion leads to over-eating in teenagers? [1]
Stress/anxiousness leads to overeating in teenagers.

(H) Select the problems that obesity may lead to, according to the passage.
(1) diabetes
(2) vertigo
(3) high blood pressure and cholesterol
(4) hormonal imbalance
(5) sleeping disorders
(a) (1,(2), (3) and (4)
(b) (3, (4) and (5)
(c) (1,(2) and (5)
(d) (1, (3), (4) and (5) [1]
(d) 1. 3. 4 and 5
Explanation: According to the passage, all (1) , (3), (4) and (5) are the result of obesity while (2) is nowhere mentioned in the passage. Hence, (d) is the right answer.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 5 with Solutions

(I) Which of the following option may make a teenager prone to getting surplus fat?
(a) playing too much of badminton
(b) eating a balanced diet
(c) playing too much of online games
(d) going to a lot of parties [1]
(c) playing too much of online games
Explanation: It is given in the passage that ‘Inactivity is the major cause of obesity’. This means that (c) playing too much of online games which does not involve any physical activity may make a teenager get extra fat. Options (a), (b) and (d) are not a reason for it. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

(J) Identify the tone of the given phrase-
‘Therefore, it is necessary to control excessive weight gain’. [1]
Explanation: The author says that ‘Obese teens are more prone to being teased and physically bullied compared to others of their age’. So, as a concern he wants them to control weight that will also make them healthy.

Question 2.
Read the passage given below. (1 x 10 = 10)
(1) Call it a blessing or a curse of Mother Nature, we have to breathe in over 10,000 litres of air in a day (more than four million litres in a year) to remain alive. By making it essential for life, God has wished that we try to keep the air we breathe clean. Everyone can see the food that is not clean and perhaps refrain from eating it, but one cannot stop breathing even if one can feel the air to be polluted.

(2) Several harmful and noxious substances can contaminate the air we breathe. Generally, much is said and written about outdoor air pollution, most of which is due to vehicular and industrial exhausts. Given the fact that most of us spend over 90% of our time indoors, it is most important to recognise that the air we breathe in at home or in offices can be polluted.

It can be a cause of ill-health. Air pollutants that are generally present in very low concentrations can assume significance in closed ill-ventilated places. The indoor air pollution can lead to allergic reactions and cause irritation to the skin, the eyes and the nose. But as is logical to assume, the brunt of insult by pollutants is borne by the lungs. It can lead to the development of fresh breathing problems, especially in those who have allergic tendencies, or it can worsen the existing respiratory illnesses like asthma and bronchitis.

(3) There can be several sources of indoor air pollution. Tobacco smoke is one of the most important air pollutants in closed places. “Passive smoking” or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) pollution can lead to all the harmful effects of tobacco smoking seen in the smokers in their non-smoking companions. ETS as a health hazard has been unequivocally proven and is also getting social recognition now.

One can occasionally see signs displaying the all-important message: “Your smoking is injurious to my health” in offices and homes. The children of smoking parents are among the worst affected persons. The exposure of young children to ETS leads to increased respiratory problems and hospital admissions as compared to non-exposed children. Several studies, including those done at the PGI, have shown an increased risk of lung cancer among women exposed to passive smoking. ETS also worsens the existing lung diseases like asthma and bronchitis. It may be responsible for the development of asthma in children.

(4) The gases are very toxic in high concentrations as may be encountered during industrial accidents, but even in very minimal amounts, as may be prevalent in homes and offices, they can cause irritation to the skin or the eyes, rashes, headache, dizziness and nausea. Improving the ventilation is an important preventive measure, besides trying to eliminate the source that may not be always feasible. Other indoor pollutants are toxic chemicals like cleansing agents, pesticides, paints, solvents and inferior- quality personal-care products, especially aerosols.

Very old crumbling pipes, boilers, insulation or false roofing can also be important sources. Asbestos is a hazardous product that can cause cancer in humans. It is important to realise that the air we breathe at home may not be clean always and we must try to eliminate the source of pollution. We should give due consideration to ventilation.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer questions.
(A) State 1 reason of air being unhealthy for breathing. (1) ………………… [1]
Several harmful and noxious substances contaminate the air which makes it unhealthy for breathing.

(B) Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) Passive smoking is also dangerous for health.

(2) People who inhale the smoke are prone to get respiratory disease like asthma.
(a) (1) is the result of (2).
(b) (1) is the reason for (2).
(c) (1) is true and (2) is false.
(d) Both (1) and (2) are false. [1]
(b) (1) is the reason for (2).
Explanation: It is clearly given in the passage that “Passive smoking” or “environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) pollution can lead to all the harmful effects of tobacco smoking seen in the smokers in their non-smoking companions.” So, (1) is the reason for (2). Hence, (b) is the right answer.

(C) Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement.
“Your smoking is injurious to my health”
(a) Passive smoking is risky for health.
(b) ‘You’ and T are both humans so pronouns doesn’t matter.
(c) The person’s smoking is not risky for his own health but for us.
(d) Smoking doesn’t affect the smokers but the sniffers. [1]
(a) Passive smoking is risky for health.
Explanation: This phrase is a witty version of ‘Smoking is injurious to health’. By this, people means that ‘smoking’ is also risky for other people who inhale it. Options (b), (c) and (d) are not right as per the phrase. Hence, (a) is the right answer.

(D) According to the studies at PGI, women have shown an increased risk of lung cancer because of …………….. [1]
passive smoking

(E) Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks: The effects of ETS does NOT result in:
(1) asthma
(2) chicken pox
(3) bronchitis
(4) lung cancer
(5) other respiratory diseases
(a) (1), (2) and (5)
(b) (2 and (3)
(c) only (2)
(d) only (5) [1]
(c) only 2
Explanation: While ETS results in diseases like (1), (3), (4) and (5) as stated in the passage, (2) chicken pox are nowhere mentioned in the passage. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 5 with Solutions

(F) List 1 way of how can you lessen Indoor pollutants from intoxicating air?
(1) We can lessen indoor pollutants by ………………. [1]
improving ventilation

(G) Though outdoor pollutants are very harmful for the air but indoor pollutants are riskier for us as ………………
Select the correct option.
(a) we breathe indoors more
(b) outdoor pollutants are temporary
(c) outdoor pollutants are not that harmful
(d) we have immunity against outdoor pollutants [1]
(a) we breathe indoors more
Explanation: It is given in the passage that “most of us spend over 90% of our time indoors”. It is not because of (b), (c) or (d). Hence, (a) is the right answer.

(H) The exposure of young children to FTS leads to increase in migraine problems. (True/false). [1]
Explanation: The exposure of young children to ETS leads to increase in respiratory problems, not migraine problems.

(I) Complete the given analogy correctly with a word from the passage:
Toxic : poisonous :: …………….. : conceivable. [1]

(J) Name 3 indoor pollutants with toxic chemicals.
(1) …………….
(2) …………….
(3) ……………..
Cleansing agents, pesticides and paints are the three indoor pollutants having toxic chemicals.

Section – B
Grammar (10 Marks)

Question 3.
Attempt ANY TEN questions.
(A) Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the passage:
There is no doubt that the present generation belongs to fast food …..(i)……… These include the lack of time of cooking and the ….. (iii) ….. there may be a few plus points of consuming fast food.
(i) (a) due to taste (D)
(b) due to various reasons
(c) due to age
(d) due to families
(b) due to various reasons

(ii) (a) easy availability of fast food
(b) least availability of fast food
(c) no availability of fast food
(d) high availability of fast food [1]
(a) easy availability of fast food

(B) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.
Before this year, I …………….. move out of my parents’ house because I did not have a job.
(a) may not
(b) cannot
(c) should not
(d) could not [1]
(d) could not

(C) Complete the given sentence by choosing the right answer.
But now that I have finished college and have a job, I realise that living at home ………… drive my parents and me crazy.
(a) could
(b) would
(c) should
(d) would have [1]
(b) would

(D) Fill in the gap with correct modal.
Unfortunately, its not too easy to find an apartment in the city. Without an agent, you, ……………. not be able to find all the available listings.
(a) ought to
(b) must
(c) should
(d) might [1]
(d) might

(E) Complete the given statement.
My best friend said, “I ………….. help you move next week”.
(a) will be able to
(b) able to
(c) be able to
(d) must be able to [1]
(a) will be able to

(F) The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. The first one has been done for you.

Error Can’t Correction can
I can’t never forget my P. T. teacher who had for Example
the healthy habit of daily morning walk. He should (i) ……………………. …………………….
get up early and shall go out for a brisk walk. (ii) ……………………. …………………….
Even when he wouldn’t be fit, nothing can stop him (iii) ……………………. …………………….
from going fot it.

(b) Aditi requested Riya to give her a glass of water.
(c) Aditi suggested Riya to give her a glass of water.
(d) Aditi screamed at Riya for giving her water. [1]

Error Correction
(i) should would
(ii) shall would
(iii) can could

(i) Explanation: ‘should’ represents what is to be done while ‘would’ represents what was done. Hence, this is the right answer.

(ii) Explanation: As the person is describing the teachers past routine, ‘would’ will be used. Hence, this is the right answer.

(iii) Explanation: Since the sentence is in the past tense, this is the right answer.

(G) The taxi driver spoke …………….. English. I couldn’t understand him.
(a) many
(b) a little
(c) very little
(d) some [1]
(b) a little
Explanation: When we describe the amount of a language spoken by a person, we use ‘a little’ if the person couldn’t speak much. Hence, (b) is the right answer.

(H) 40% of the country …………….. support the new law.
(a) doesn’t
(b) couldn’t
(c) should
(d) won’t [1]
(a) doesn’t

(I) Excitement, as well as nervousness, …………….. the cause of her jittering.
(a) are
(b) had
(c) is
(d) were [1]
(c) is
Explanation: The sentence uses the phrase ‘as well as’. It combines the words and present it as one. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

(J) Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?
Aditi said to Riya, “Please give me a glass of water.”
(a) Aditi advised Riya to help her.
(b) Aditi requested Riya to give her a glass of water.
(c) Aditi suggested Riya to give her a glass of water.
(d) Aditi screamed at Riya for giving her water.
(b) Aditi requested Riga to give her a glass of water.

(K) Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?
He said to me, “Do you have a paper?”
(a) He told me to have a paper.
(b) He ordered me to have a paper.
(c) He asked me if I had a paper.
(d) He enquired me to have a paper. [1]
(c) He asked me if I had a paper.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 5 with Solutions

(L) We invited …………. friends over to our house for a barbeque.
(a) very little
(b) any
(c) the few
(d) a few [1]
(d) a few
Explanation: To determine a very little number of persons, ‘a few’ is used. Hence, (d) is the right answer.

Creative Writing Skills
(5 x 2 = 10 Marks)

Question 4.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
Social networking sites have become the latest fad among school-going children. The craze has a very bad impact on youngsters. Considering its gravity, you want to express your concern by writing a letter to the editor of Hindustan Times in about 100-120 words.
You are Nitin/Nutan of H. No. 123/8, Sant Nagar, New Delhi – 110065.
You are the manager of Fit & Rne Fitness Club, Gandhi Road, Ernakulam. Write a letter in 100-120 words to Messrs. Pioneer Sports Co., Kochi, placing an order for a minimum of 4 fitness equipments with details. [5]
123/8, Sant Nagar
New Delhi – 110065
20th March, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindustan Times New Delhi
Subject: Craze for social networking sites among youngsters
Respected sir/madam,
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper, I want to highlight my concern about teenagers.
growing interest in social networking. Social media is the rage today – you are bullied if you can’t keep up with it. From pings and chat windows to pokes and emoticons, everything exists to bring “nople closer. It helps to learn new f exchange ideas, hone networking skills and develop new perspectives.
As dark and light, Yin and Yang, there is also a flipside to social media. Its vastness defies control on the scope of information. Such a situation can lead to children reaching dangerous or graphic websites. Cyberbullying is another growing trend. It can have dangerous and potentially fatal effects. Australia suffers from a large number of suicides caused by cyberbullying.
Similarly, spending too much time on it can often lead to social media addiction, which can affect the ability to develop strong interpersonal relationships. Teenagers are at a vulnerable age and the avalanche of information can be overwhelming. The only solution to this is vigilant parents who must ensure moderate use of social media, ensuring that it is a boon and not a bane.
Yours faithfully
Nitin / Nutan
Fit & Fine Fitness Club
Gandhi Road Ernakulam
1st June 20XX
The Manager
Messrs Pioneer Sports Co.
Subject: Order for fitness equipments Dear sir/madam
This is with reference to your letter dated 25th May 20XX giving details of the available products.
We are satisfied with the prices and would like to order the following items:

S. No. Product Number
(1) Go Pro Fitness treadmill 7
(2) Kamachi Multipurpose treadmill 7
(3) Paramount Fitness cycle 2
(4) Precor Elliptical trainers 7
(5) Dumbbells 25,15,10.5 & 2.5 kg 5 pairs each

The following items should be delivered on or before the 20th of June between 3-4 p.m. Please send your executive to help assemble the equipment and also check their working condition. The balance imcunt will be paid within a week of it being u locked via transfer to your account. We hope you will adhere to the terms and conditions agreed upon and provide us with 15% discount on the total amount.
Yours truly
(Manager Messrs Pioneer Sports Co.)

Question 5.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
With the help of the given picture and verbal input, write an analytical paragraph in about 100-120
words on ‘Rising Prices’.

Feb ’18 Feb ’19 Feb ’20 Mar ’20
Groundnut Oil (?/Litre) 85 101 121 121
Rice (/Kg) 20 25 28 30
Flour (/Kg) 18 25 28 35
Toor dal (/Kg) 45 56 69 75

Price as per wholesale
Read the following excerpt from an article in a weekly journal:
“There is a 480% increase in death rate in the last 24 years due to violence. An educated youth is one way to assist efforts to understand crime and reduce violence.”
The given histogram shows the alarming increase in the cases of death due to violence in the recent years.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 5 with Solutions 1
Write an analytical paragraph in 100-120 words on the role of education and youth in establishing peace in society. [5]
Rising Prices – Out of Reach
Life of a poor man is never easy but the past few years have been even more difficult. The prices of staple food items have been rising steeply. The table shews a comparative study of prices over three years.

The rising prices mean that most of the food is beyond the common man’s reach. Since the table shows wholesale prices, their market rate must be more than double. When basic necessities cost so much, how is the common man supposed to feed his family? When parents cannot feed their children, they are malnourished and their growth is adversely affected.

In a country where rice, dal and chapati are staple foods, the skyrocketing prices mean that the poor cannot afford even one square meal. There needs to be a system where the prices are regulated and those who sell them at inflated prices should be dealt with severity.
Youth and Education to Bring Peace
The most important requirement of any society is peace and its two most important tools are youth and education. In a survey conducted recently, it has been found that deaths due to violence has increased exponentially in the last nineteen years. Where the death rate in 1995 was about 2.5, it has jumped to 14.5 in 2019, which is a major cause for concern.

Education and youth can bring the graph in control. An educated and responsible youth will create awareness amongst society about the harms of violence. They can help transform the anti-social elements by educating them. It will help people understand that crime and violence never pay.

Unemployed people get enticed by false promises and indulge in criminal activities. Once educated, they will be able to get jobs and will no longer be led astray by people who incite violence for personal gains.

Section – C
Literature (40 Marks)

Question 6.
Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. (5 x 1 = 5)
Coorgi homes have a tradition of hospitality, and they are more than willing to recount numerous tales of valour related to their sons and fathers. The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army, and the first Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi. Even now, Kodavus are the only people in India permitted to carry firearms without a licence.

The river, Kaveri, obtains its water from the hills and forests of Coorg. Mahaseer – a large freshwater fish – abound in these waters. Kingfishers dive for their catch, while squirrels and langurs drop partially eaten fruit for the mischief of enjoying the splash and the ripple effect in the clear water. Elephants enjoy being bathed and scrubbed in the river by their mahouts.
(A) How is the environment of Coorgi?
(a) mechanically beautiful
(b) traditional and serene
(c) beautiful but dangerous
(d) polluted [1]
(b) traditional and serene
Explanation: Coorg is a place in the lap of mother nature so it is not mechanical. Hence (a) and (d) are opted out. Coorgi has a beautiful and serene environment, which is not dangerous as all the creatures enjoy their lives there. Hence (c) is also not the answer. Coorg homes are traditional. Hence the environment there is traditional. Therefore, (b) is the correct answer.

(B) Choose the option that lists the set of statement that are not true according to the given extract.
(1) Coorgi follows a tradition of hospitality.
(2) Coorg regiment is one of the most famous in the Indian Army.
(3) The river Kaveri takes the water from the hills and forests of Coorg.
(4) Animals enjoy the flora and fauna of Coorg.
(5) Elephants hate being scrubbed by mahouts.
(6) Kodavas carry firearms without a license.
(7) Coorg is a destructive place.
(a) (1) and (2)
(b) (3) and (4)
(c) (5) and (7)
(d) (6) and (5) [1]
(c) (5) and (7)
Explanation: (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6) are given in the passage. The author also tells that Coorg is a place full of nature’s gifts. Such a place can’t be destructive. So (7) is not true. (5) is also not true as given in the passage. Hence the answer here is (c).

(C) Choose the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) & opinions/s (O) of the statements below:
(1) Coorgi is the pride of Indian Army.
(2) Animals can survive were in the freshwater of Coorgi.
(3) Coorgi should be visited with great safety.
(4) Coorgi and its people are highly hospitable.
(a) F – (1), (3), (4) and O – (2)
(b) F – (1), (2), (4) and O – (3)
(c) F – (1), (2), (3) and O – (4)
(d) F – (2), (3), (4), and O – (1) [1]
(b) F – (1), (2), (4) and (O) – (3)
Explanation: From the reading of the passage we know that the Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army (1). Animals love to play in the Coorg’s fresh water (2). Coorgi homes have a tradition of hospitality (4). All these are therefore facts. However (3) can be considered as opinion since there is no evidence of it and such an opinion can be easily formed due to the abundance of wild animals in the area. Hence the answer is (b).

(D) Which word does ‘mischief’ NOT correspond to?
(a) funny
(b) bad behaviour
(c) calmness
(d) naughtiness [1]
(c) calmness
Explanation: ‘Mischief’ word most of the time is used to depict an act that creates troubles but is also humorous or funny. So (a) is not the answer. Mischief many times put someone at unease. Hence (b) is also not the answer. Mischief is naughtiness. Hence (d) is also not the answer. Here the answer is (c). as mischief never creates calmness.

(E) What special privilege has been accorded to the people of Coorg? [1]
They can carry weapons without license.
Explanation: Anyone living in India can buy, carry and keep firearms at their house but only after getting a licence to do so. But only Coorgi can carry weapons without a licence. So (c) is the correct answer.
She remembered how a few days ago their old cow, Lakshmi, had been turned out of the house and sold. “N-n-n-n NO, no-no-no,” she shouted in terror and pulled her hand away from her father’s grip. “What’s the matter with you, you fool?” shouted Ramlal. “I am only talcing you to school.”

Then he told his wife, “Let her wear some decent clothes today, or else wha t will the teachers and the other schoolgirls think of us when they see her?” New clothes had never been made for Bholi. The old dresses of her sisters were passed on to her. No one cared to mend or wash her clothes.

But today she was lucky to receive a clean dress which had shrunk after many washings and no longer fitted Champa. She was even bathed and oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair. Only then did she begin to believe that she was being taken to a place better than her home!
(A) Choose the incorrect option that does not align with the thoughts of the writer.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 5 with Solutions 2
(a) option (1), (b) option (2), (c) option (3), (d) option (4) [1]
(d) option (4)
Explanation: Image (1) shows negligence Bholi had to face due to her looks, Image (2) and (3) shows Bholi getting ready and going to school. All these show her condition and hence are not the answer. Image (4) shows a very well developed school which is not the condition of a village school. Hence (d) is the correct answer.

(B) Why is Bholi reminded of Laksmi the cow?
She was treated in a similar manner before being sold to someone.
Explanation: Bholi was reminded of Lakshmi because her father was dragging her towards school in the same way as he had dragged Lakshmi.

(C) The statement that is true about Bholi, according to passage is:
(a) Bholi was given opportunity to study in convent school.
(b) Bholi was not happy in her house.
(c) Bholi was very happy with her surrounding.
(d) Bholi was considered the most important member of the family. [1]
(b) Bholi was not happy in her house.
Explanation: The primary school was opened by the government so (a) is not true. Bholi wasn’t given much attention at home. So (c) is also not true. Her mother decided to send her to school as she thought that she will not be married so sending her to school would not create any problem in future. Hence (d) is also not true. Bholi was happy that she was being sent to some better place than her home. This shows (b) is true and hence the answer.

(D) Bholi’s dry hair was ‘rubbed’ as it was ……………….. [1]
done to give her a decent look.
Explanation: Bholi was being sent to school just because his father had orders from the tehsildar. Moreover, her father was a government official. He had his own status. His children ought to look nice.

(E) The extract uses the phrases ‘mend or wash her clothes’. Which of the following expressions is incorrect with respect to the word ‘mend’?
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 5 with Solutions 3
(b) Food
Explanation: Mend is used in the sense of repairing. We can mend our shoes, torn clothes and even our relationships (by saying sorry or showing love and care towards others). So (a), (c) & (d) are correct with respect to mend. We cannot in any way mend our food. Hence (b) is the answer.

Question 7.
Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. (5 x 1 = 5)
But if it had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great and would suffice.
(A) What is the synonym for the word ‘perish’ in the given line “But if it had to perish twice.”
(a) decay
(b) die
(c) cold
(d) putrid [1]
(b) die
Explanation: Perish here doesn’t mean decay (a) as it refers to the world and its people. It also doesn’t mean putrid (d) as it refers to the decay of something unpleasant. It also doesn’t refer to cold (c). The word perish here does refer to (b) die as the poet is writing about the reasons how the earth may end and all people will die.

(B) What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza? [1]
a b a b a

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 5 with Solutions

(C) To say that for destruction ice,
Is also great and would suffice.
Why would the ice be sufficient?
(a) To make the world cold.
(b) To make the weather chilly.
(c) To end the world.
(d) To make the earth look blue. [1]
(c) To end the world
Explanation: The poet in this poem has compared the ice to the hate. He says that there is enough hatred in the hearts of the people to end the world. So the answer here is (c).

(D) What would NOT destroy the world?
(a) war
(b) hate
(c) love
(d) desire [1]
(c) love
Explanation: The poet tells us that the world will end due to a war and this war can be because of any two reasons either desires (fire) or hate (ice). So (a), (b) & (d) are not the answer. The answer is (c) because it is the love that keeps the world going.

(E) What causes of destructions does the poet cite?
(1) …………………
(2) ………………..
(1) desire; (2) hate
Explanation: The poet has compared fire to our desires and says it can be the primary reason for the end of the world. And second reason can be hate, which he compares with ice.
But he’s locked in a concrete cell.
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
(A) What is the creature doing inside the cage? [1]
Striding to and fro inside the cage.

(B) What is the statement ‘his strength behind bars’ mean ?
(a) The tiger is strong behind the bars.
(b) The tiger is behind the bars.
(c) The tiger is helpless behind bars.
(d) The tiger is helpless in a cage. [1]
(d) The tiger is helpless in a cage.
Explanation: Although we all know that a tiger is a mighty animal and this poem describes his feeling when he is caged. In these lines, strength describes his might which has become useless as he is caged. So (a), (b) and (c) are not the answers, (d) is the right answer.

(C) The word “strength” DOES NOT have a meaning similar to:
(a) power
(b) happiness
(c) determination
(d) courage [1]
(b) happiness
Explanation: Strength in these lines refers to the freedom, the power of the tiger which is caged. Freedom gives happiness. Hence his happiness is also caged. So (a), (c) & (d) are not the answers. Hence the answer is (b).

(D) “Ignoring visitors”, what does the poet mean by this? [1]
By this, the poet means that it doesn’t matter to the tiger who his visitors are and what they are doing or saying to him.
Explanation: The tiger is captivated and he feels helpless. He just strolls in his cage, thinking about his freedom and the days he spent in the jungle. The tiger thinks only about his freedom and hence he sees nothing except the vast blue sky above him.

(E) The word that DOES NOT indicate a stalking attitude of the tiger towards the indicators is:
(a) helplessness of tiger
(b) deprivedness of tiger
(c) happiness of tiger
(d) desperation of the tiger for freedom [1]
(c) happiness of tiger
Explanation: The poet tells us that the tiger walks in his cage because he is restless and unhappy in captivity. He misses his home. So stalking here indicates that he is helpless, deprived and desperate to be free. Hence (a), (b) & (d) cannot be the answer. The answer here is (c).

Question 8.
Answer ANY FOUR questions in 40-50 words each. (4 x 3 = 12)
(A) Using evidence from the chapter ‘A Letter to God’, state why postmaster signed the letter as ‘God’? [3]
(B) Justify Valli’s desire to ride on the bus. [3]
(C) Using evidence from the poem ‘Dust of Snow’, explain how the poet’s mood changed due to the crow on the hemlock tree. [3]
(D) Prince Siddhartha left the luxury of his palace and became a beggar. Justify. [3]
(E) According to the poem ‘How to Tell Wild Animals’, how can you identify the Asian Lion? [3]
(A) Lencho had a little house on the crest of a low hill in the valley from where one could see the river flowing and his field of ripe corn dotted with flowers. These were the only two valuable possessions of Lencho. Lencho used to feel extremely proud of his promising golden ripe corn field. They seemed to give a good harvest that would be suffice to survive the entire year. Lencho and his kids had given their all to their corn fields. It was indeed Lencho’s ‘proud possession’.

(B) Valli used to watch the bus passing by her street, standing at her door everyday. The sight of the bus filled with new passengers every time gave her a sense of an unending joy. She used to hear people and her friends talking about the bus ride and so, she got very desirous of riding the bus alone.

(C) At the beginning of the poem, the poet’s heart was full of melancholy and sorrow. As he was passing by a snow-laded hemlock tree, a crow flew suddenly, shaking the branch of the tree. In this act of the crow, some dust of snow fell on the poet. This heavily changed the poet’s mood and he
became joyous and stress-free.

(D) Once Prince Siddhartha was on out in the forest hunting. There he chanced upon a sick man, a weak old-aged man and a funeral of a person. Later, he saw a monk begging for alms. Those sufferings of the common man made him realise that the world is full of sorrow and disdain. Hence, he left the palace in the search of enlightenment and freedom from the worldly pleasure.

(E) According to the poem, ‘How to Tell Wild Animals’, if a person goes to the jungles in the east and a large brownish-yellow animal roars while killing him, the dying person can know that it is the Asian Lion.

Question 9.
Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each. (3 x 2 = 6)
(A) How did Mrs. Loisel understand what life of necessity mean? [3]
(B) Why was it not easy for Hari Singh to rob Anil? [3]
(C) How did the period of Tricki’s hospitalisation prove to be a blessing for Herriot? [3]
(A) To pay the debt of 18,000 francs, Loisels had to let go of their decent living. They lived in an impoverished neighbourhood. Matilda had to do all chores like cooking, cleaning, washing, mending, bringing water and bargaining with the butcher and grocer. Her husband worked day and night to save every penny.

(B) It was truly not easy for Hari Singh to rob Anil because Anil was the most trusting and calm person he had ever met. He believed in Hari and was kind towards him. Moreover, to rob a careless man like Anil, who doesn’t pay attention to his money, brought no pleasure to Hari.

(C) Lencho compares raindrops to new coins because his crops were ready for harvest. Rain would ensure a better harvest and good crops. This would help him earn more and bring in prosperity. That is why, he compares raindrops to new coins.

Question 10.
Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
In The Diary of Anne Frank, Sanne offers her help to Anne to write the essay Mr. Keesing has asked her to write. Imagine the dialogue between Anne and Sanne and write the dialogue.
Read the extracts given below and comment on the similarity of protagonists’ experiences as given in the text.
(A) “God: Of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho.”

(B) “Another aeroplane? Up there in this storm? No other aeroplanes were flying tonight. Yours was the only one I could see on the radar.” [6]
Anne : Oh there it is! I have got another punishment from Mr. Keesing.
Sanne : That is awfuL Anne! You must be terrified with all this.
Anne : Oh, no! There is not much to be disturbed about I just need to write an essay.
Sanne : Yes, right What are you planning to write about?
Anne : Well, I am still thinking. But it has to be something witty.
Sanne : But why do you need a witty essay?
Anne : Mr. Keesing will stop punishing me only when I give him delightful essays!
Sanne : Oh, that sounds wonderful! I can also help you there.
Anne : That would be wonderful, Sanne!
Sanne : Yes, let’s write this one in poetry. I am good at poetry. I will help you.
Anne : Oh, yes, this would be just the perfect way to turn in the essay!
Sanne : Indeed! Let’s meet during the recess and complete the essay.
Anne : Sure, Sanne. Thank you for the help!
(A) Although the postmaster does his best to arrange the money for Lencho, yet ironically Lencho is dissatisfied. His faith in god leads him to believe that god must have had send 100 pesos only. It were the post office employees, the bunch of crooks who had taken away his money. Thus Lencho does not realise the absurdity of the situation, it was only because of the postmaster that he was able to receive 70 pesos as well.

(B) The First Flight, Black Aeroplane, one observes similar situation. Dakota is saved by a force of mystery, the black aeroplane. In both the stories, the situation of hopelessness is transformed into a chronicle of hope and sustenance.

Question 11.
Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
“My spirits rose. But when I took the note, I saw it was still wet from the night’s rain. “Today we’ll start writing sentences,” he said.
The willingness to transform himself catapults the thief out of misery. Justify the given statement in context with the lesson, The Thief’s Story.
“With great power comes great responsibility.” Analyse the given statement in context of the lesson ‘Footprints without Feet’. Would you like to become invisible like Griffin? How would you feel? What would you do? [6]
The thief is transformed and catapulted from his miserable state by the goodness of Ani. Anil was a simple and honest person. Hari Singh targeted him. Anil took Hari Singh to his house and treated him well. He even started teaching him how to read and write.

Anil’s trust and faith in Hari Singh forced him not to cheat AniL. When Hari Singh stole Anil’s money and went out of the house, Anil’s love and confidence forced Hari Singh to return and put the money back. Anil also wanted Hari Singh to have a respectable life. All these things changed Hari Singh and transformed him from a thief into a good human being.

Thus, this proves that even a criminal can be transformed if dealt with affection.
The story ‘Footprints without Feet’ exemplifies the idea that with great power, comes great responsibility. Griffin had the unique power of turning invisible. Had he used this power responsibly, things would have been quite different.

I would not like to become a criminal like Griffin and misuse my power of invisibility.

Rather, I would find it satisfying to help the poor by taking away a little from the people who are corrupt. I would help the sick by providing medicines to them. Of course, I would have to steal from a medical store, but if the sick could be helped by me, it would absolve me of my crime. I would feel like the new-age Robin Hood. It would be exciting to stop people who cheat, steal, or commit more serious crimes.

I would help the police solve their cases too! I would also keep a check on peopLe who waste natural resources Like water, oil, etc. I would devise new ways to stop influential people from doing wrong things which go against the welfare of our country. I would also help orphan children by providing them the basic amenities of life.

All in all, it would be a great feeling to be able to help to make a better society and use the power responsibly.