Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science with Solutions Set 4 are designed as per the revised syllabus.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 4 with Solutions

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Attempt all parts of each question
  • Internal choices are given, choose any one of them.

Question 1.
(a) Instructions given by the user are called [1]
(A) Storage
(B) Input
(C) Processing
(D) Output
(a) Option (B) is correct.

Any information or instruction or data sent to a computer for processing is considered as input.

(b) The equal to condition is written by using the = = operator. (True/False) [1]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 4 with Solutions

(c) Python allows repetition of a set of statements using construct. [1]
(A) Looping
(B) Decision
(C) Condition
(D) Sequence
Option (A) is correct.

Looping constructs in programming language are used to perform a sequence of steps repeatedly for a given number of times. Python allows two types of loops: the for loop and the while loop.

(d) By default, the range of values in for loop starts from in every iteration. [1]
(A) -1
(B) 0
(C) 1
(D) 10
Option (B) is correct.

(e) The __________ line of the exception shows the name of the exception. [1]
(A) first
(B) middle
(C) last
(D) any
Option (C) is correct.

(f) What do you mean by ‘immutable’? [1]
Immutable means unchangeable. In Python, immutable types are those whose values cannot be changed in place. Whenever one assigns a new value to a variable referring to immutable type, variable’s reference is changed and the previous value is left unchanged.

(g) What is the difference between Facebook and Twitter? [1]

Facebook Twitter
1. Facebook is used to share posts in form of photos, videos etc. 1. Twitter is used to exchange short messages.
2. There is no limit on the size of posts on Facebook. 2. The maximum limit of twitter message is 280 characters.

(h) The operator can be defined as a symbol which is responsible for a particular operation between two operands. Operators are the pillars of a program on which the logic is built in a specific programming language. Python provides a variety of operators, which are Arithmetic operators, Comparison operators, Assignment operators, Logical operators, Bitwise operators, Membership operators, Identity operators, etc. [5]
1. What is the answer to this expression, 22 % 3 is?
(A) 7
(B) 1
(C) 0
(D) 5
Option (B) is correct.

Modulus operator gives the remainder. So, 22%3 gives the remainder, that is, 1.

2. What is the output of this expression, 3*1**3?
(A) 27
(B) 9
(C) 3
(D) 1
Option (C) is correct.

First this expression will solve 1**3 because exponential has higher precedence than multiplication, so 1**3 = 1 and 3*1 = 3. Final answer is 3.

3. Which one of the following has the same precedence level?
(A) Addition and Subtraction
(B) Multiplication, Division and Addition
(C) Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction
(D) Addition and Multiplication
Option (A) is correct.

4. Which one of the following has the highest precedence in the expression?
(A) Exponential
(B) Addition
(C) Multiplication
(D) Parentheses
Option (D) is correct.

Parenthesis, Exponentiation, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 4 with Solutions

5. What is the output of print(2%6)
(A) ValueError
(B) 0.33
(C) 2
(D) 2.3
Option (C) is correct.

The first number is the numerator, and the second is the denominator. Here, 2 is divided by 6. So the remainder is 2. Therefore the result is 2.

Question 2.
(a) Python offers two modes of running a script: [1]
__________ Mode and __________ mode
Interactive, script

(b) () are mandatory while defining conditions. [1]

(c) What will be the output of the following program? [2]
# This is a sample program
# to demonstrate output statements
#print(“Such as”)
print( “Python is awesome”)
print(” Python is great”)
Python is awesome
Python is great

(d) Anubhav is looking for some career opportunities after class XII. He got to know about a couse in UI(User interface). What is User Interface? Windows uses which type of user interface? [2]
Define Software. Give its types.
A User Interface (UI) facilitates communication between an application and its user by acting as an intermediary between them. Each application including the operating system is provided with a specific UI for effective communication.
Windows uses Graphical User Interface(GUI).
Software is a set of programs that controls the operation of a computer system and utilizes hardware. Softwares are of two types:

  • System Software
  • Application Software
  • Device Driver

(e) State the salient features of debugger tool. [4]
The salient features of debugger tool are:

  • Provides an interactive interface
  • Provides a quick interface
  • Tests the code before implementation
  • Allows setting a breakpoint in a code
  • Displays values of the variables during various stages of execution
  • Allows user to watch step-by-step execution of the code.

Question 3.
(a) Ms. Tanula has given an assignment to her students for writing a program to calculate average marks in computer of the class and find out how many students have scored above that average. Which construct will be used by the students while writing this program to find out the number of students scoring above average? [1]
Conditional constructs

(b) Write about any two types of scanner. [2]
Any two type scanners are:
(i) Handheld scanners: They are very small and can be held in a hand.
(ii) Flatbed scanners: They have a flat surface on which the printed image is to be scanned.

(c) Explain any four ways which the websites use to track their visitors. [4]
“You should use the internet ethically”. Justify this in detail.
Websites track their visitors through:

  • IP Address: It is the unique address of any device that connects to the internet. Using IP address, a website can determine the device’s rough geographical location.
  • Cookies: These are small pieces of information websites can store in our browser. It maintains details about login, browser setting and search history or browsing history.
  • Super cookies: They are persistent cookies that store data in multiple places like Flash cookies, Silverlight storage, browsing history and HTML5 local storage.
  • User agent: It is a string that browser sends to every website a device is connected to . It tells the web server about the web browser and operating system being used.


While using the internet we have some common practices and habits. Whatever we are getting we are using them without giving any credit or looking at any license terms associated with images, videos, audios etc. First, you need to check the copyright and some other license associated with these contents and the owner. Sometimes it requires written permission to use such type of contents. You can help people or the community by sharing on blogs, youtube videos, podcasts and other platforms. You can share your original thoughts without any copy paste work. You can share your expertise and experience in the public domain.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 4 with Solutions

Question 4.
(a) In Python, the reverse of “in” is “justin”. (True/False)

(b) Write the output of the following.
(a) string1 = “Rainbow”
(b) list1 = [0, 5,10,15,20,25, 30]
The output is:
(a) [‘R’, ‘a’, Y, ‘n’, ‘b’, ‘o’, ‘w’]
(b) []

(c) State two advantages and two disadvantages of using tuples.
Write a python program to store roll no, name and percentage of 5 students in a tuple. And display the name of the student whose roll no is entered by the user.
Two advantages of using tuples are:

  • Tuples occupy less space in memory.
  • Tuples can be used as keys in dictionaries.

Two disadvantages of using tuples are:

  • Elements cannot be added to tuples.
  • Elements in a tuple cannot be sorted.


list1 = [ ]
n = int (input ("enter total number of students''))
for i in range (n):
print("STUDENT", i)
rollno = int(input ("enter roll no"))
name = input ("enter name")
percent = int (input(" enter percentage"))
tup =(rollno,name,percent)
rn = int (input ("Enter roll no whose record is to be found"))
for i in range (n):
if (stud_record[i][0] == rn):
print("rollno", '\t', "Name", '\t', " Percentage")
print(stud_record[i][0]), '\t', stud_record[i][1], '\t', stud_record[i [2])
if ( i>=n):
print ("Record not found")

Question 5.
(a) Draw a flowchart to print sum of first 100 natural numbers. [3]
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 4 with Solutions 1
Commonly Made Error:
The N value should be incremented each time.

Answering Tip:
The sum of N natural numbers is calculated using the formula sum=sum+N

(b) Explain processor management. [4]
The operating system manages many kinds of activities ranging from user programs to system programs like printer spooler, name servers, file server etc. Each of these activities is encapsulated in a process. A process includes the complete execution context (code, data PC, registers, OS resources in use etc.)

The five major activities of an operating system in regard to processor management are:

  • Creation and deletion of user and system processes
  • Suspension and resumption of processes.
  • A mechanism for process synchronization.
  • A mechanism for process communication.
  • A mechanism for deadlock handling

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 4 with Solutions

Question 6.
(a) What are the different number data types in Python? [2]
The various number data types are:

  • Integers
  • Floating point
  • Boolean
  • Complex numbers

(b) Find the output of the following: [2]
print (a//b)

(c) Write a python program to replace ‘e’ with in a given string. [4]
Str = input(“Enter a string in lower case:”)
Print(“The new String:”)
p = len(Str)
for i in range (0, P):
if (Str [i] = = ‘e’ ) :
Print end = ” “)
Print (Str[i], end = ” “)

Commonly Made Error
Some time students gets confused to used colon and proper indentation in program.

Answering Tip
Students should learn about use of colon and indentation.

Question 7.
(a) We should always __________ our software before we start [1]
(i) What is VPN? [2]
(ii) List few practices to ensure confidentiality of information. [2]

(i) Virtual Private Network (VPN) grants secure and private access to the internet. It accomplishes this by redirecting data through an anonymous server designed to hide the sensitive user information.

(ii) The confidentiality of information can be ensured with the following practices:

  • Use firewall, wherever possible.
  • Control browser setting to block tracking.
  • Browse privately, wherever possible.
  • Be careful while posting on Internet.
  • Ensure safe sites while entering crucial information
  • Carefully handle emails
  • Do not give sensitive information on wireless networks.
  • Avoid using public computer

Question 8.
(a) Today the capacity of a storage device is measured in TB,ZB& XB. What is the smallest unit of data storage? [1]

(b) Arav is a techfreak teenager. He loves to use technology for doing very basic tasks also. What do you think can be the bad impact of using technology. Name any two. [1]
Obesity and lack of social skills

(c) People now a days prefer ordering food on Swiggy and Zomato instead of going out with friends and family.
(i) which type of change is this ?
(ii) What has lead to this change?
(iii) Cite one more example of such change.
(iv) Give an example where technology has been revolutionary. [4]
(i) Social and cultural change
(ii) Technology
(iii) Instead of buying things from local shopkeepers people prefer buying online.
(iv) During pandemic technology helped people to stay isolated yet connected.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 4 with Solutions

Question 9.
(a) Categories the following as syntax enter press error, logical error or runtime error: [2]
(i) 25/0
(ii) num1 = 25, num2 = 0, num1/num2
(i) Runtime error
(ii) Runtime error.

(b) What are the common features of Python sequences? [4]
The common features of Python sequences are:

  • Each sequence has finite length.
  • The elements are arranged in an order.
  • It is possible to iterate over the elements.
  • The presence of an element in the sequence can be checked.