Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science with Solutions Set 6 are designed as per the revised syllabus.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 6 with Solutions

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Attempt all parts of each question
  • Internal choices are given, choose any one of them.

Question 1.
(a) Suvidha wrote the following code but missed out one statement. Write the missing statement for her. [1]
x = int( input(‘Enter first number:’))
y =int( input(‘Enter second number:’))
_________ # line1
print(‘First number after swapping:’,x))
print(‘Second number after swapping:’,y))
Option (A) is correct.

(b) The loop variable contains the highest value of the list after the for loop is over (True/False) [1]

(c) _________ is a NULL operation. [1]
(A) break
(B) continue
(C) pass
(D) jump
Option (C) is correct.

The Pass statement is used as a place holder for future code.

(d) In if statement, when does the indented statement get executed? [1]
(A) Condition is true
(B) Condition is false
(C) Does not depend on condition
(D) None of these
Option (A) is correct.

If checks for a given condition, it the condition is true, then the set of code present indented in if block will be executed.

(e) _________ is the only way to figure out the level of nesting. [1]

(f) Record what happens when following statements are executed: [1]
1. print (n=7)
2. print (5+7)
1. Syntax Error: invalid syntax [1]
2. 12

(g) What are Worms and Trojan horses? [2]

  • Worms are programs that keep on replicating thereby unnecessarily eating up the disk space.
  • Trojan Horse is a malicious program that disguises itself to be harmless.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 6 with Solutions

(h) _________ operator is used to replicate string. [1]
(A) +
(B) –
(C) *
(D) /
(C) *

(i) Kritika while writing Python code for a problem needed to compare two values vail and val2. she wrote the comparision statement as if vall=val2:
is the statement correct, if yes then what will be the output for vail =7 and val2 =8.
If no then write the correct statement, also explain your answer. [2]
No. the statement is not correct. The correct statement should be var1 = =var2

Question 2.
(a) Is Python an Object Oriented Language? [1]
Yes, Python is an Object Oriented Language.

(b) Write the syntax to save a Python Program. [1]

(c) Write a note on multiple assignments in Python? [2]
The process of assigning a single value or multiple values to multiple variables simultaneously is referred to as multiple assignments.
Assigning same value to multiple variables:
Same value can be assigned to multiple variables as follows: a=b=c = 10
Assigning multiple values to multiple variables:
Multiple values can be assigned to multiple variables in single statement as follows:
X, Y, Z = 10, 20, 30
Here, the values are assigned in order, i.e. first variable is given first value, second variable the second value and so on.

(d) Raina created the following list containing some values L1 = [10,56,23,45,55,23,11,65,47, [15,13], 75]
1. What will be the output of following statement? PRINT(L1[::-3])
2. Find the output of following Ll.insert(5,100) print(L1) [2]
1. [75, 65, 55, 56]
2. [10,56,23,45,55,100,23,11,65,47,[15,13],75]

(e) State some features of Tuples. [4]
Write a python program to find the frequency of a number in a list.
ome features of Tuples are:
(i) Elements cannot be added to tuples.
(ii) Elements once entered cannot be removed from tuples.
(iii) Elements in a tuple can be traversed.
(iv) Existence of a particular element in a tuple can be checked.


list=[ ]
a=int(input("Enter the number of elements of the list"))
for i in range (a):
list.append(int(input("enter list element")))
searchnum=int(input("enter the number whose frequency is to be counted"))
for i in range (a):
if (list [i]==searchnum) :
print(searchnum, "exists ", freq," times")

Question 3.
(a) I have a solid cylindrical drum with characters embossed on my surface in the form of circular bands. I can only print a predefined set of characters, who am I? [1]
Drum Printer

(b) How is blu-ray disc better than the conventional optical discs? pipl [2]
Blu-ray disc uses blue-violet laser to read write data in place of the red laser used in CD’s and DVD’s. Blue-violet laser has a shorter wavelength of (405 nm) when compared to (650 nm) that of red laser, hence laser sport can be focused with great precision. Thus data can be packed more tightly and in less space. These Blu-ray discs hold more data than conventional discs.

(c) Answer the questions: [3]
(i) Write two active protection and two preventive measures for PC intrusion.
(ii) What is eavesdropping? How is it carried out ?
What do you mean by Identity theft? Explain with the help of an example.
(i) Active protection can be done by. [3]
1. Check for the authorization and authentication
2. To prevent PC intrusion install a firewall

Preventive measures are:

  • Use proper file access permissions when sharing file on the internet.
  • When you are not using, disconnect your device from the internet.

(ii) When an attacker accesses an active communication channel to listen the on-going communication and gets information about the content. This is nothing but eavesdropping. It is carried out through all communication devices and media such as telephone systems, emails, instant messaging, chat rooms or social networking sites.
Identity theft is the crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another person’s name or identity to make transactions or use it to post inappropriate remarks, comments etc.
Example: Saurabh likes to do his homework late at night. He uses the Internet a lot and also sends useful data through emails to many of his friends. One day he forgot to sign out from his email account.
In the morning, his brother, Akshay started using the com puter. He used Akshay’s email account to send inappropriate messages to his contacts.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 6 with Solutions

Question 4.
(a) _________exception is raised when an index is not found. [1]

(b) What are the differences between lists and tuples? [2]
The main differences are:
(i) Lists are enclosed in [ ], while tuples are enclosed in ( ).
(ii) The elements of lists can be changed, while elements of tuples cannot be changed.
(iii) Lists are slower and less efficient as compared to tuples.

(c) Ayush wants to write a program in Python to store name, roll number and percentage of 5 students and print name of the student whose roll number is entered by the user. [4]

list1=[ ]
n = int (input("enter total number of students"))
for i in range (n):
print("STUDENT", i)
rollno = int(input ("enter roll no"))
name = input ("enter name")
percent = int(input(" enter percentage"))
tup =(rollno,name,percent)
rn = int(input("Enter roll no whose record is to be found"))
for i in range (n):
if (stud_record[i][0] == rn):
print("rollno", '\t', "Name", '\t', " Percentage")
print(stud_record[i] [0]), '\t', stud_record[i] [1], '\t', stud_
if ( i>=n):
print ("Record not found")

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 6 with Solutions

Question 5.
(a) Draw a flowchart to print the largest of three numbers. [3]
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 6 with Solutions 1

Commonly Made Error
The student must make use of accurate symbols.

Answering Tip
The flow chart for largest of three numbers can be drawn by comparing the values of a, b and c with each other.

(b) Describe Hard disks. [4]
Explain briefly about impact printers.
A hard disk consists of continually spinning platters which are mounted on a central shaft with space between them. Each of these platters is coated with a magnetic material. Each platter is divided into concentric circles called tracks. Each track is further subdivided into pie shaped sections called sectors. Each of this sector stores information in form of a band. A motor rotates the disk at a rapid speed. Data are recorded on the tracks of a spinning disk surface and read by one or more read/write head. These heads are magnetic and mounted on an access arm. Information is recorded in form of tiny magnetic spots.
These printers print with striking of hammers or pins on ribbon. These printers can print on multi part (using carbon papers) by using mechanical pressure. Example: Dot Matrix printers and Line matrix printers. A Dot matrix print that prints using a fixed number of pins or wires. Each dot is produced by a tiny metal rod, also called a ‘wire’ or ‘pin’ which works by the power of a tiny electromagnet or solenoid either directly or through a set of small levers. It generally prints one line of text at a time. The printing speed of these printers varies from 30 to 1550 CPS (Character Per Second). Line matrix printers use a fixed print head for printing. Basically, it prints a page-wide line of dots. But it builds up a line of text by printing lines of dots. Line printers are capable of printing much more than 1000 Lines Per Minute, resulting in thousands of pages per hour. These printers are also use mechanical pressure to print on multi-part (using carbon papers).

Question 6.
(a) Kanak loves to learn new technology, but when it came to choosing career after class XII she was pressurised by her parents to look for a curriculum that would help her to stay at home and lookafter her family well,
(i) What kind of issue is it?
(ii) How this issue can be addressed? [2]
(i) Gender Inequality issues.
(ii) This issue can be addressed by giving equal opportunities to both the genders

(b) What will be the output of the following code: [1]
a – 3 – 4 + 10
b = 5 * 6
c = 7.0/8.0
print (“These are the values:”, a, b, c)
These are the values: 9300.875

(c) (i) Write a program to accept the radius of a circle and print its area. [2]
(ii) Write a program that computes the average of two numbers entered by user. [2]
(i) a=float(input(“enter the radius of a circle:”))
print (“the area of the circle is:”,b)

(ii) num1 = int(input (“Enter the first number :”))
num2 = int (input (“Enter the second number :”))

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 6 with Solutions

Question 7.
(a) Social media refers to mobile technologies only (True/False) [1]

(b) What is authentication and authorization? Why are these used together ? [4]
Authorization is a process that is used for verifying a system user. Authorization is asking the user a legal
login id. A user who is able to provide a legal login id is an authorized user. Authentication is a mechanism used for confirming users own identity. Authentication is asking an authorized user to provide a valid password. For a user to be able to access a system , he must be authorized and authentic.

Question 8.
(a) QWERTY pvt. ltd is an electronic manufacturing company, whenever it sells its products, it ensures to buy back the old products from the consumer. What is this act called? Why is it important? [2]
Qwerty Pvt Ltd, is undertaking Producer responsibility. This is important for e-waste management.

(b) Memory is the electronic holding place for the instructions and data a computer needs to reach quickly.
It’s where information is stored for immediate use. Memory is one of the basic functions of a computer, because without it, a computer would not be able to function properly. Memory is also used by a computer’s operating system, hardware and software.
There are technically two types of computer memory: primary and secondary. The term memory is used as a synonym for primary memory or as an abbreviation for a specific type of primary memory called random access memory (RAM). This type of memory is located on microchips that are physically close to a computer’s microprocessor. [3]
1. The Boot sector files of the system are stored in which computer memory?
(C) Cache
(D) Register
Option (B) is correct

ROM stores the program instructions required to initially boot the computer. It only allows reading.

2. Which memory acts as a buffer between CPU and main memory?
(C) Cache
(D) Storage
Option (C) is correct.

Cache memory is a small, very high speed semiconductor memory, which helps to speed up CPU. It is placed as a buffer between the CPU and RAM.

3. Where does your PC store your programs when the power is off?
(B) Cache
(D) Hard Disk Drive
Option (D) is correct

Since in print statement, str1 is written inside double quotes, so it will simply print str1 directly.

(c) In Python, Strings are arrays of bytes representing Unicode characters. However, Python does not have a character data type, a single character is simply a string with a length of 1. Square brackets can be used to access elements of the string. [5]
1. What will be the output of following Python code? strl=”6/4″ print(“strl”)
(A) 1
(B) 6/4
(C) 1.5
(D) str1
Option (D) is correct

Since in print statement, str1 is written inside double quotes, so it will simply print str1 directly.

2. Following is an example of _________
sv = “Education Hub”
(A) List
(B) String
(C) Dictionary
(D) None of the above
Option (B) is correct.

Strings in python are surrounded by either single quotation marks, or double quotation marks.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science Set 6 with Solutions

3. Which of the following statement is False?
(A) String is immutable.
(B) capitalize() function in string is used to return a string by converting the whole given string into uppercase.
(C) lower() function in string is used to return a string by converting the whole given string into lowercase.
(D) None of these.
Option (B) is correct.

Capitalize() function in string gives the output by converting only the first character of the string into uppercase and rest characters into lowercase.

4. Write the. output of the following,
a = “Blog”
a =’a’ print(a)
(A) Bloga
(B) aBlog
(C) Blog
(D) a
Option (D) is correct.

5. The length of the empty string is:
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
Option (A) is correct.

Question 9.
(a) Mikki tries to avoid buying gadgets that are not essential for him. He donates his used gadgets that are in working condition to the needy, All his gadgets that are not in working condition are given to an authorized e- waste collection centre. What is Mikki practicing? [1]
Mikki is practicing 3 R’s (Reduce,Reuse,Recycle ) of E-waste management.

(b) (i) What will be the output of the following Python code? [2]
a = 1.
b =-2
c = 3
d = 4
e = 0
e = (a + b) * c / d;
print(” Value of (a + b) * c / d is “, e)
f = ( (a + b) * c) / d;
print(“Value of ( (a + b) * c) / d is “, f)
g = (a + b) * (c / d) ;
print(“Value of (a + b) * (c / d) is “, g)
h = a + (b * c) / d;
print (“Value of a + (b * c) / d is “, h)
Value of (a + b) * c / d is 2.25
Value of (a + b) * c) / d is 2.25
Value of (a + b) * (c / d) is 2.25
Value of a + (b * c) / d is 2.5

(ii) Write the corresponding Python expressions for the following mathematical expressions: [2]
1. \(\sqrt{\left(a^2+b^2+c^2\right)}\)
2. 5 – ye2y + 4y
1. math.sqrt(math.pow(a,2) + math.pow(b,2) + math.pow(c,2))
2. 5- y*math.exp(2*y) + 4*y

Question 10.
State the difference between ‘=’ and ‘= =’
“=” assigns a value to variable, while ” = = ” Verifies the python equality of two different variables.