Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Informatics Practices with Solutions Set 2 are designed as per the revised syllabus.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 2 with Solutions

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.
  3. Student has to answer only one question where choice is given.
  4. All programming questions have to be answered with respect to Python only.
  5. In Python indentation is mandatory; however, number of spaces used for indenting may vary.
  6. In SQL related questions – semicolon should be ignored for terminating the SQL statements,
  7. Use of calculators is not permitted.


Multiple Choice Question:

Question 1.
(i) It is forming the input unit. [1]
(A) Input devices
(B) Output devices
(C) Storage device
(D) None of these
(A) Input devices
Explanation: An input device is a piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system, such as a computer or information appliance.

(ii) Which of the following is true for variable names in Python? [1]
(A) underscore and ampersand are the only two special characters allowed
(B) unlimited length
(C) all private members must have leading and trailing underscores
(D) none of the mentioned
(B) unlimited length
Explanation: Variable names can be of any length. [1]

(iii) Disadvantage of a file processing system is: [1]
(A) Data redundancy
(B) Easy Editing
(C) Compactness
(D) None of these
(A) Data redundancy
Explanation: In a file processing system data is stored in various files and a number of application programs are written to add records and to manage this data. This leads to data redundancy. [1]

(iv) A condition or check applicable on a field or set of fields: [1]
(A) Constraint
(B) Keyword
(C) Clause
(D) None of these
(A) Constraint
Explanation: Constraint is a condition or check applicable on a field or set of fields. [1]

(v) ______ provides on-demand access to application software, usually requiring a licensing or subscription by the user. [1]
(A) SaaS
(B) PaaS
(C) IaaS
(D) None of the these
(A) SaaS
Explanation: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a software licensing model, which allows access to software a subscription basis using external servers. SaaS allows each user to access programs via the Internet, instead of having to install the software on the user’s computer. [1]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Informatics Practices Set 2 with Solutions

Question 2.
(a) Give the name of output devices. [1]
Monitor, speaker, printer. [1]

(b) What is general purpose software? [2]
General purpose softwares are those softwares which are used for any general purpose such as creating a document, preparing a presentation managing the data etc. Sometimes, it is also known as off the shelf or GPS. They allow people to do simple computer tasks. It provides most of the features that the majority of users want. [2]

(c) Name the software required to make a computer functional. Write down its two primary functions. [2]
Operating system is a software required to make a computer functional. Functions of an operating system
(i) It provides a stable, consistent way for applications to deal with the hardware without having to know all the details of the hardware.
(ii) It controls and co-ordinates all the activities of a computer system. [2]

(d) Name the input/output device used to do the following: [4]
(i) To output audio
(ii) To enter textual data
(iii) To make hard copy of a text file
(iv) To display the data/information
(v) To enter audio based command
(vi) To build 3D models
(vii) To assist a visually impaired individual in entering data.
(viii) To controls the movement of the cursor on the computer screen
Explain the following terms:
(i) Hard Disc Drive
(ii) Floppy Disk
(iii) Magnetic Tapes
(iv) Compact Disc
(i) Speakers (ii) Keyboard
(iii) Printer
(iv) Monitor/VDU
(v) Microphone
(vi) 3-D printers
(vii) Microphone.
(viii) Mouse 4
(i) Hard Disk Drive: It is a non-volatile and random access digital data storage device. HDD is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital data information using rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material. All programs of a computer are installed in hard disk. It is not required fixed i.e. cannot be removed from the drive. It consists of a spindle that holds non-magnetic flat circular disk; called platter, which requires two read/write heads, that are used to write and read information from a platter.

(ii) Floppy disk (Diskette): It is used to store data but it can store small amount of data and it is slower to access than hard disks. Floppy disks are round in shape and a thin plastic disk is coated with iron oxides. Data is retrieved or recorded on the surface of the disk through a slot on the envelope. Floppy disk can be removed from the drive. Floppy disk is available in three sizes as 8 inch, 5′.25″ inch and 3′.50″ inch.

(iii) Magnetic Tapes: These tapes are made up of a plastic film-type material coated with magnetic materials to store data permanently. Data can be read as well as recorded. It is usually 12.5 mm to 25 mm wide and 500 m to 1200 m long. Magnetic tapes hold not required the maximum data, which can be accessed sequentially. They are generally used to store backup data or that type of data, which is not recurrently used or to transfer data from one system to another.

(iv) Compact Disc (CD): It is the most popular and the least expensive type of optical disc. A CD is capable of being used as a data storage device along with storing of digital audio. The files are stored on this particular contiguous sector.

Question 3.
(a) Give the disadvantage of script mode. [1]
You must create and save a file before executing your code. [1]

(b) What is dynamic typing? [1]
A variable pointing to a value of a certain type can be made to point to a value/object of different type. This is dynamic typing. [1]

(c) What is the difference between bitwise AND and bitwise OR operator? [1]
Bitwise AND operator copies 1 to the result if it exits in both operands otherwise copies 0. While Bitwise OR operator copies 1 to the result if it exists in either operand otherwise copies 0. [1]

(d) Write the syntax for range ( ) function. [1]
range (< lower_ limit >, < upper _ limit >,<step_ value >) [1]

(e) Write a Python program that accepts two integers from the user and prints a message saying if first number is divisible by second number or not. [2]
Write a Python program which accepts two numbers and swaps their values. [2]
x = int (input(“Enter first number : “))
y = int (input(“Enter second number : “))
if (x % y = = 0) :
print (x, “is divisible by “, y)
else :
print (x, “is not divisible by “, y) [2]
a = int (input (“Enter first number:”)) b = int (input (“Enter second number:”))
temp = a
a = b
b = temp
print (“Value of a after swapping: “, a)
print (“Value of b after swapping:”, b) [2]

(f) Write a program to input a list from user and find and display the maximum and minimum element in a list. [4]
list = [ ]
num = int (input(‘How many number:’))
for n in range (num) :
numbers = int (input(‘Enter number’))
list. append (numbers)
print (“Maximum element in the list is :”, max (list), “\n Minimum element in the list is :”, min (list))
How many numbers : 5
Enter number – 89
Enter number – 98
Enter number – 78
Enter number 65
Enter number 88
Maximum element in the list is : 89
Minimum element in the list is : – 98 [4]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Informatics Practices Set 2 with Solutions

Question 4.
(a) What is key in DBMS? Also, explain candidate key. [3]
Key is a data item that allows to uniquely identifying individual occurrences of an entity type. An entity type usually has an attribute whose values are distinct for each individual entity in the entity set such an attribute is called key attribute. A key is normally correlated with one column in table and it might be associated with multiple tables.

Candidate Key:
There is only one primary key in a table. But there can be multiple candidate keys. A candidate key is an attribute or set of attributes that uniquely identify a record. These attributes or combination of attributes are called candidate keys. When there are more than one candidate keys, one of the candidate key is chosen to be the primary key. [3]

(b) Choose appropriate answer with respect to the following code snippet. [3]
Name CHAR(30),
Emp_id INT, gender CHAR(1),
(i) What will be the degree of Employee table?
(ii) What does ‘Emp id’ represent in the above code snippet ?
(iii) What does the following SQL statement do?
SELECT * FROM Employee;
(i) 3
(ii) Column
(iii) Displays column names and contents of table ‘Employee’ [3]

(c) Help Ashu in predicting the output of the following queries: [3]
(i) SELECT (20/5+6*5+2) AS ‘FINAL’;
(ii) SELECT (18*2/2+5) AS ‘RESULT’;
(iii) SELECT (25+5*3-1) AS ‘PRINT’;
(i) FINAL : 36
(ii) RESULT : 23
(iii) PRINT : 39 [3]

(d) What is SQL? Also, give its advantages. [4]
SQL (Structured Query Language) consists of commands that are recognized by almost all RDBMS. Each command has an operational part and a condition part. Operation is executed through a search in all relations defined in relational database. SQL is a comprehensive database language, it has statements for data definition, query and update. Hence, it is both DDL and DML.

Advantages of SQL
The different advantages of SQL are:

SQL Standard: First standard for SQL was in 1986 by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and ISO (International Standards Organization) followed in 1987. The latest standard part was made in 2011.

Portable: SQL runs on mainframes, PCs, laptops, servers, tablets and smartphones.

Open Source: Free databases from MySQL can be used at low cost.

Easy to learn and understand: SQL consists mainly of English statements and making it easy to learn and write a SQL queries.

Interactive language: SQL can be used to interact to databases and get answers to complex questions in seconds.

Programming language: SQL can be used by programmers writing applications using databases, for example, shopping applications on the internet.

Complete language for a database: SQL is used to create databases, manage security of a database.

Multiple data views: Different users of the database can by SQL be given different views of the structure and content of the database. Client/Server language: SQL is used to connect front end computers (clients) and back end databases (servers). Thus, supporting the client- server architecture.

Internet usage: SQL can be used in three tiered Internet architecture. The architecture includes a client, application server and a database.

SQL a highly desirable skill: Many jobs including IT support, web development and business data analysis require skills in SQL. [4]

Question 5.
(a) Write query for displaying the details of employee whose salary is between 20000 and 50000. [1]
Give the full form of (i)SQL (ii)DDL
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Salary > = 20000 and Salary <= 50000; [1]
(i) SQL: Structured Query Language
(ii) DDL: Data Definition Language

(b) What is DQL command in DBMS? [2]
DQL statements are used for performing queries on the data within schema objects. The purpose of DQL commands is to get the schema relation based on the query passed to it. It uses only one command:
This command helps you to select the attribute based on the condition described by the WHERE clause.
SELECT expressions
WHERE conditions; [2]

(c) Write the query to insert the values into a table Production whose columns are following

P_ID P_Name Manufacturer Qty Amount

and inserting values (102,’ ABC’,’ XYZ’, 2,5000); [2]
INSERT INTO Production (P_ID, P_Name, Manufacturer, Qty, Amount)
VALUES (102, ‘ABC’, ‘XYZ’, 2,5000); [2]

(d) Consider the table Teacher given below: [2]

TeacherId Department Periods
T101 Science 32
T102 NULL 30
T103 Mathematics 34

What will be the output of the following queries on the basis of the above table?
(i) SELECT Teacherld FROM Teacher WHERE Periods > 30;
(ii) SELECT Department FROM Teacher WHERE Teacherld = “T103”;
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Informatics Practices Set 2 Img 1

(e) Define network model. [4]
A network model is a database model that is designed as a flexible approach to represent the objects and their relationships. A unique feature of the network model is its schema, which is viewed as a graph where relationship types are arcs and object types are nodes. Unlike other database models, the network model’s schema is not confined to be a lattice or hierarchy; the hierarchical tree is replaced by a graph, which allows for more basic connections with the nodes. [4]

(f) Consider the following table STOCK and answer the questions (i) to (iv): [4]
Table : STOCK

Itcode Itname Decode Qty Unitpr Stkdate
444 Drawing Copy 101 110 21 31-July-2010
445 Sharpener Camlin 102 235 3 01-Aug-2010
450 Eraser Natraj 101 40 2 17-Aug-2010
452 Gel pen Montex 103 50 5 30-Dec-2009
457 Geometry Box 101 35 45 15-Nov-2009
467 Parker Premium 102 60 205 27-Oct-2009
469 Office File 103 32 25 13-Sep-2010

Write SQL commands for the following statements:
(i) To display Name of all items in the stock table whose quantity is more than 200.
(ii) To display item code and unit price of Office file.
(iii) To display the details of all items.
(iv) To display dealer code with stock date of item Drawing copy.
(ii) SELECT Itcode, Unitpr FROM STOCK WHERE Itname = “Office File”;
(iv) SELECT Decode, Stkdate FROM STOCK WHERE Itname = “Drawing Copy”; [4]

Question 6.
(a) What is the difference between input () and raw_input ( )? [2]
raw_input ( ) takes the input( ) as a string whereas input( ) basically looks at what the user enters and automatically determines the correct type. Input() function is used when you are expecting an integer from the end user and raw_input when you are expecting a string. [2]

Commonly Made Error:
Some students get confused in input( ) and raw_input( ) and they wrote interchangeably.

Answering Tip:
Python version 3. X does not support raw_ input( ) function. It is supported by Python 2. X or earlier version.

(b) Write a program to accept a number $\mathrm{n}$ from the user and print its table. [2]
n = int (input (“Enter the number “))
print (“Table of “, n)
for i in range (1, 11) :
print (n, “* “, i, “= “, n * i) [2]

(c) Write a code to create customer’s list with their number \& name and delete any particular customer using his /her number
customer=dict( )
n=input(“Enter total number of customers”)
while i<=n:
a=raw_input(“enter total number of customers”)
b=raw_input (“enter customer number”)
i=i + 1
name=raw_input(“enter customer name to delete”)
del customer[name]
l=customer.keys( )
print (“Customer Information”)
print (“Name”,’\t’, “number”)
for i in 1:
print (i,’\t’,customer[i]) [3]

Commonly Made Error:
Students do not use indentation after conditional statements.

Answering Tip:
Use proper indentation after conditional statements as for, while, if, etc.

(d) Predict the output [3]
Employee = { ‘Name’ : ‘Rakesh’, ‘Dept’: ‘Clerk’,’Salary’ : 25000}
for key in Employee :
print (key, ‘:’, Employee [key]) [3]
‘Name’ : ‘Rakesh’
‘Dept : ‘Clerk’
‘Salary’ : 25000 [2]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Informatics Practices Set 2 with Solutions

Question 7.
(a) How does grid computing differs from cloud services and more specifically from IaaS. [2]
Cloud services primarily focus on providing services whereas grid computing is application specific and gives enormous processing power and storage. In IaaS a service provider rents the required infrastructure to the users. Whereas in grid computing multiple computing nodes join together to solve a common computational problem. [2]

(b) Give any four characteristics of Big Data. [2]
• Velocity: It refers to the rate at which considered data is generated and stored.
• Variety: Big data is generated in multiple varieties, such as structured, semi- structured and unstructured.
• Veracity: Veracity basically means the degree of reliability that the data has to offer.
• Value: It is the major issue that we need to concentrate on. It is actually the amount of valuable and reliable data that needs to be stored [2]

Case Based Questions (Attempt any 4)

8. Dictionary is a data type in Python which stores the data in key value pair. Each key value pair is separated by comma. While each key with its corresponding value is given by colon (:), key value pairs are shown in curly brackets in dictionaries. Keys of a dictionary are immutable.

Teacher = { “Name”: “Girish Saxena”, “Class Allotted”: 10, “Subject”: “English”, “Salary”: 30000}

(i) for x in Teacher:
print(Teacher [x], end = ‘,’)
The output of this code will be
(A) {‘Name’: ‘Girish Saxena’, ‘Class Allotted’: 10,’ ‘Subject’: ‘English’, ‘Salary’: 30000}
(B) Error
(C) ‘Girish Saxena’, 10, ‘English’, 30000,
(D) ‘Name’, ‘Class Allotted’, ‘Subject’, ‘Salary’,
(C) ‘Girish Saxena’, 10, ‘English’, 30000,

(ii) Teacher[“Salary”] = 40000 will:
(A) update the Teacher Salary
(B) generate an error
(C) add a new element to the dictionary
(D) none of these
(A) update the Teacher Salary

(iii) Teacher[ “City”] = ‘Lucknow’ will:
(A) Generate error
(B) equal to (=) operator is not used to add the element
(C) add a new element into the dictionary
(D) None of these
(C) add a new element into the dictionary

(iv) Teacher[age]=35 will:
(A) add a new element
(B) generate error (age is not defined)
(C) equal to (=) operator is not used to add the element
(D) None of these
(A) add a new element

(v) The value of statement: len(Teacher[‘Subject’])
(A) 8
(B) 4
(C) 2
(D) 7
(C) 2