Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education with Solutions Set 4 are designed as per the revised syllabus.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 4 with Solutions
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
- All questions in both the sections are compulsory. However, there is an internal choice in some questions.
- Marks for questions are indicated against each question.
- Question Nos. 1-20 are Objective Type Questions carrying 1 mark each.
- Question Nos. 21-30 are Short Answer Questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 60 words each.
- Question Nos. 31-34 are Long Answer Questions carrying 5 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 70 words each.
- Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible.
Section – A (20 Marks)
Question 1.
______ teacher teaches health education. [1]
Physical education
Question 2.
______ fitness is the ability to perform occupational skills. [1]
Question 3.
Padmasana, Sidhasana and Samasana are the main ______ asanas. [1]
Question 4.
Physical fitness is of two types ______ and specific. [1]
Question 5.
The ______ is a muscular pump that provides the force necessary to circulate the blood to till the tissues in the body. [1]
When a muscle cell is excited, the muscle as a whole ______. [1]
Question 6.
______ comprises of the physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes. [1]
Question 7.
Athletes use their ______ to achieve athletic objectives. [1]
Question 8.
Disease due to lack of vitamin D is: [1]
(A) BeriBeri
(B) Rickets
(C) Scurvy
(D) Night blindness
(B) Rickets
Question 9.
The services of ______ focus on building positive interactions where language and social goals are targeted. [1]
(A) Counsellor
(B) Occupational therapist
(C) Speech therapist
(D) Physiotherapist
(C) Speech therapist
Question 10.
In ______, the awareness about the external surroundings is withdrawn and is taken to inside. [1]
(A) Yama
(B) Niyama
(C) Pratyahara
(D) Dhyana
(C) Pratyahara
The ______ shatkarma means intestinal wash. [1]
(A) Bash
(B) Neti
(C) Kapalbhati
(D) Dhouti
(D) Dhouti
Question 11.
The ______ skeleton consists of the arms, the legs and the supporting structures. [1]
(A) axial
(B) appendicular
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
(B) appendicular
Question 12.
The human heart is a ______ chambered muscular organ. [1]
(A) two
(B) three
(C) four
(D) six
(C) four
Question 13.
What is the aim of physical education? [1]
(A) Physical Development
(B) Mental Development
(C) Whole Development of Individuals
(D) Social Development
(C) Whole Development of Individuals
Question 14.
The agency responsible for defining anti-doping rules is ______. [1]
(A) Wide Anti-Doping Agency
(B) Wimbledon Anti-Doping Agency
(C) World Anti-Doping Agency
(D) None of these
(C) World Anti-Doping Agency
Question 15.
______ inhibit the effect of the body’s stress hormones adrenaline and non-adrenaline. [1]
(A) Beta-blockers
(B) Narcotics
(C) Cannabinoids
(D) All of these
(A) Beta-blockers
______ is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases. [1]
(A) Fitness
(B) Wellness
(C) Lifestyle
(D) Health
(B) Wellness
Question 16.
The Winter Olympic sports are conducted only on snow. (True/False) [1]
Olympic Oath is taken by any athlete of any participating country. (True/False) [1]
Question 17.
Flexibility is the range of motion possible for each of the joints or group of joints. (True/False) [1]
Question 18.
The study of anatomy and physiology provides information on only negative aspects of a player’s body structure. (True/False) [1]
Question 19.
General warming up is performed in all types of activities. (True/False) [1]
Question 20.
The performer controls the rate at which internally paced skills are executed. (True/False) [1]
Section – B (30 Marks)
Question 21.
Explain the meaning of physical education using various statements. [3]
What values are gained through Olympic Games?
Physical Education: According to H.C. Buck, “Physical education is the part of general education programme, which is considered with growth, development and education of children through the medium of big muscle activities. It is the education of the whole child by means of physical activities. Physical activities are the tools. These are so selected and conducted as to influence every child’s life physically, mentally, emotionally and morally.”
Charles A. Bucher defines physical education as, “An integral part of total education process which has its aim the development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities which have been selected with a view to realise these outcomes.
Olympic Movement was established and well-promoted by Pierre de Coubertin. He wanted to build a peaceful and better world by educating the youth of the world through sports. He wanted to spread the Olympic spirit all over the world without any discrimination, the spirit of understanding and the spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. These are the goals of Olympic Movement.
(i) Friendship: Olympic Movement provides many opportunities to develop friendship not only among the participants but also among the nations. The competition of those nations, which have tense relations, come near to each other. China is one of the examples. Due to ‘Ping Pong Diplomacy’, it started to participate in Olympic Games after a long period.
The value of friendship is steeped in the tradition of the ancient Olympics. Truce broadly refers to building a peaceful and better world through sports. So, Olympic Movement provides ample opportunities to develop friendship.
(ii) Solidarity: Olympic Movement provides many opportunities to enhance solidarity. It gives a feeling of brotherhood and unity among the people of various nations and continents. It creates a meaningful and comprehensive social response to issues within its sphere of influences.
(iii) Fair Play: During the Olympic Games rules and regulations are applied fairly to every team. The aim of Olympic is to give Justice to the players, officials and all the teams, but every nation intends to win gold medals by hook or crook. The slogan “Live by code or get out” has become useless nowadays, in this way Olympic movement is not much successful as it should be.
(iv) Free from Discrimination: In Olympic Games, there is no value of caste, creed and religion. Moreover in1980 many countries did not participate in Olympic games held in Moscow (U.S.S.R.) on political considerations. A large number of players had to face disappointment when their countries boycotted these games held in Moscow.
The world remained in tension as to what might happen in the games which were held in Barcelona in 1992. In the Olympic games of 1972 held in Munich, some players were attacked on narrow consideration of colour forgetting the true spirit of the Olympic. Many players were killed, and the whole world was plunged in sorrow and shame.
Question 22.
Write in detail about Pratyahara. [3]
It is mastering the control over your senses. You learn to unhear the useless voice like creaking of fan, dripping of tap; you learn to become unresponsive to the tap on your shoulder, an ant bite or any other touch. It can be achieved through meditation. At first, you will be distracted but slowly you will learn to gain control of all your senses.
Question 23.
What is the procedure for performing Sukhasana? What are its benefits? [3]
What is Nauli? What are the benefits of doing Nauli?
(i) Sit on the floor with legs stretched out. Always use a yoga mat or a cushion or a carpet while sitting on the floor.
(ii) Fold the left leg and tug it inside the right thigh.
(iii) Then fold the right leg and tug in inside the left thigh.
(iv) Keep the hands on the knees. Jnana mudra or Chin mudra can be used if you are using this posture for meditation.
(v) Sit erect with spine straight.
(vi) Relax your whole body and breathe normally.
(vii) Maintain this position for as long as comfortable.
(i) It is good for practice of meditation and pranayama.
(ii) Those who have tight hips and cannot sit in advanced postures like Padmasana, have Sukhasana as the easiest alternative.
Nauli: It is a method of massaging and strengthening the abdominal organs.
(i) Nauli massages, invigorates, and tones the abdomen and intestines aiding both digestion and elimination.
(ii) It massages all the organs in the abdomen.
(iii) Nauli and uddiyana bandha especially affect the manipura and swadhistana chakras. Always do nauli with mulabandha and after uddiyana bandh.
(iv) Traditional yoga therapy considers nauli to generate heat in the body, stimulate digestive fire (Agni), helping to remove toxins, increasing digestive fire.
(v) It stimulates the immune system, removes lethargy and aids in the remediation of diabetes.
Question 24.
Give some examples of Corrective asanas. [3]
Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Singhasana, Vajrasana, Paschimottanasana, Mayurasana, Gorakshasana, Mandukasana, etc.
Question 25.
Explain interval scale and ratio scale. [3]
Interval scale: The most commonly used scale in measurement in physical education is the interval scale. Interval measurement scales are based on a continuum where the interval (or distance) between any two numbers is always the same. The intervals are equal to each other, e.g., 2, 4, 6, and 8 are at equal interval of 2. This scale does not have an absolute meaning of zero.
Ratio scale: The most advanced, the most sophisticated, and the most precise measurement scale is the ratio scale. The ratio measurement scale is distinguished from the interval measurement scale by the fact that it has an absolute, true zero that has meaning, e.g., if somebody’s pulse is zero mean there is no life in the individual. If something weighs zero, it means it is weightless.
Question 26.
Why are test and measurement important in sports? [3]
Test and Measurement are important in sports:
(i) For selection of athlete.
(ii) For getting knowledge about the progress.
(iii) For preparation and effective planning.
(iv) For classification of sportsperson.
(v) For knowing the abilities & capacities.
Question 27.
What do you mean by irregular bones?
What are short bones and flat bones? [3]
Irregular Bones: Bones that are classified under normal categories are named as irregular bones. These are primarily spongy bones that are covered with a thin layer of compact bone. The vertebrae and some of the bones in the skull are irregular bones. All bones have surface markings and characteristics that make a specific bone unique.
There are holes, depressions, smooth facets, lines, projections and other markings. These usually represent passage ways for vessels and nerves, points of articulation with other bones or points of attachment for tendons and ligaments.
Short Bones: Short bones are roughly cube shaped with vertical and horizontal dimensions approximately equal. These consist primarily of spongy bone, which is covered by a thin layer of compact bone. Short bones include the bones of the wrist and ankle.
Flat Bones: Flat bones are thin, flattened and usually curved. Most of the bones of the cranium (or the upper skull) are flat bones.
Question 28.
“Adolescence is the age of stress and strain”. Explain. [3]
Adolescence is the age of stress and strain:
Adolescence is the age of stress and strain. The period of passage from childhood to adulthood is a time of dramatic physical, cognitive and social changes. The early adolescence is called the age of awkwardness in physical appearance due to rapid and disproportionate growth in size, shape, height and weight. They are naturally more preoccupied about their physical appearance.
Psychologically, this is a period of adjustment to the physical and social changes which distinguish childhood behaviour from adult behaviour. The variation in body build-up becomes a source of disturbance to many adolescents. In this stage, the adolescents try to solve various kinds of issues on their own. Because of not finding the right solution, they may take a wrong decision which can create a lot of stress or mental problem.
The pressure of studies, the result of competitive exams, goal setting and achieving it through hard phases of life can also cause lot of stress and tension to adolescents. They undergo lot of changes in mood, get easily irritated, when they desire for independence but are not given, results in emotional disturbances, etc.
Question 29.
What does the term ‘Training’ mean in Sports? [3]
The term ‘Training means in sports’:
The term trainingis a process of preparinganindividual forany event or an activityor forsome task. Sports training is considered a long-term training programme which aims at improving the performance of a sportsperson. Sports training is a planned process by which sportspersons acquire perfection. The purpose of sports training is to get peak performance at a particular time.
Sports training programmes are spread over years with a preparation period, competition period and transitional period. Sports training refers to the total planned and systematic process of making a sportsperson capable of attaining highest sports performance and develop an all-round personality. The planning, implementation and control of training are the sole responsibility of the coach.
Question 30.
Mention any four concepts experts recommended for a successful training programme. [3]
The concepts recommended by experts are:
(i) Define goals: One may have one primary goal and several minor ones.
(ii) Match sport to goals and abilities: One should carefully evaluate physical, emotional, and social needs and abilities.
(iii) Set intermediate goals: Should have several sets of goals: general goals, long-range goals, season goals, monthly, weekly, even daily goals.
(iv) Plan workout: Divide workout into four phases: warm-up, skills practice, match-related practice, cooldown.
(v) Get professional coaching help: Ask the coach to analyse one’s game, correct the form, and help to plan workouts.
(vi) Join a club or sports organisation: Not only will enjoy working out with others, the trainee will also lear from them.
Section – C (20 Marks)
Question 31.
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [5]
Meena, a class XI student was studying about the human skeleton system. She studied about types of skeleton system and the number of bones.
(i) How many types of skeleton system are there?
(A) Three
(C) Two
(B) Six
(D) One
(C) Two
(ii) Vertebral column has how many bones in an adult?
(B) 27
(D) 34
(A) 26
(C) 33
(A) 26
(iii) Which of the following are the types of Appendicular Skeleton?
(A) Skull and Ribs
(B) Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs
(C) Upper Limbs and Ribs
(D) Lower Limbs and Skull
(B) Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs
(iv) How many bones are there in the ribs of the human body?
(B) 23
(D) 25
(A) 22
(C) 24
(C) 24
(v) Sternum belongs to which type of skeleton system?
(A) Axial
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(B) Appendicular
(D) None of these
(A) Axial
Question 32.
Explain in detail Pronation and Supination.
What are the functions of blood? [5]
Pronation: Pronation is the inward rolling of the foot during the landing of the foot in walking or running. Generally, it is a type of normal motion which occurs when the outer edge of the heel strikes on the ground. This rolls the foot inwards and flats out. Therefore, the weight of the body shifts from the heel to the forefoot.
However, overpronation results in the flattening out of the foot arches, stretching the tendons, ligaments, and muscles of the foot. Furthermore, the pronation of the hand is the rotational movement of the hand, turning the lower arm and the hand inwards.
Supination: Supination is the opposite movement of the pronation. Therefore, it is the outward rolling of the foot, occurring while lifting the foot from the ground during walking or running. As lifting off the heel from the ground, both forefoot and the toes are involved in propelling the body forward.
Also, this shifts the weight of the body towards the lateral edge of the foot. However, over-supination produces a large strain on the muscles and tendons in order to stabilize the ankle. Therefore, this may cause the ankle to a complete rollover, leading to a total ligament rupture or ankle sprain.
Moreover, in the hand, supination is the rotational movement of the forearm and the hand outwards.
Important functions of blood are given as under:
- Transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
- It carries food material absorbed from the intestines to the tissue cells for growth, energy and repair process.
- It carries the waste products of cellular activity and carries them to kidneys, lungs and intestines for excretion.
- It carries hormones, vitamins and other chemicals to the place of need.
- It helps to maintain water balance in the body.
- It regulates the body temperature.
- White blood cells of the blood act as a defensive mechanism.
Question 33.
Explain overload. [5]
Load, in sports training, is known as the demand, that can be physical, physiological or psychological, put on the body to enhance the performance of the individual. The key point to note, while planning a training session, is the load should be greater than the normal load to aid adaptation process and thus facilitate the performance enhancement.
During training of sportspersons, load is given to the players according to their capacity. Whenever this load goes beyond the capacity of an individual, the physiological and psychological functions get disturbed. Though, this increased load does not affect the sportsperson immediately, if the administration of the overload continues for a longer period, it results in decrease of his/her performance.
The important signs and symptoms of overload are: (i) fatigue, (ii) decline in performance, (iii) loss of interest in sports, (iv) loss of concentration, (v) lack of motivation, (vi) sleep disorder and (vii) loss of appetite (viii) prone to injuries.
Question 34.
State the effects of smoking on individual and society.
What are the 12 verticals into which Khelo India Programme has been divided? [5]
Harms of Smoking:
(i) The constituent Nicotine is the deadliest enemy of health.
(ii) More than 15 chemicals in the leaves of tobacco cause cancer.
(iii) Arsenic is produced while smoking which is poisonous.
Effects of smoking on individual
(i) Effects on circulatory system: Rise in blood pressure and pulse, fall in blood flow and body temperature causes angina and heart attack.
(ii) Effect on respiratory system: Inflammation of organs, cause throat irritation, cough, bronchitis, tuberculous oral cancer and lung cancer.
(iii) Effect on nervous system: Weakening of nerves, brain damage, depression, cause paralysis and suicid tendencies.
(iv) Effect on digestive system: Loss of appetite, cause stomach ulcers and heart burns, cancer of food pipe.
(v) Effect on prospective life: Each cigarette smoked reduces life by approximately 4 minutes. Effect of smoking on society: Causes air pollution, threat to family as well as non-smokers around, general make habitual for alcohol also, develops sterility, family disputes, etc.
The twelve verticals are:
- Play Field Development
- Community Coaching Development
- State Level Khelo India Centers
- Annual Sports Competition
- Talent Search and Development
- Utilisation and Creation / Upgradation of Sports Infrastructure
- Support to National/ Regional / State Sports Academics
- Physical Fitness of School Children
- Sports for Women
- Promotion of Sports Amongst People with Disabilities
- Sports for Peace and Development
- Promotion of Rural and Indigenous / Tribal Games