Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices with Solutions Set 7 are designed as per the revised syllabus.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 7 with Solutions

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
  2. All questions are compulsory.
  3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
  4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
  5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
  6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
  7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice is given in Q35 against part c only.
  8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

Section – A

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Python Pandas was developed by:
(A) Guido van Rossum
(B) Travis Oliphant
(C) Wes McKinney
(D) Brendan Eich [1]
(C) Wes McKinney
Explanation: Pandas was developed by Wes Me Kinney in 2008. Wes McKinney is an American software developer and businessman. [1]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 8 with Solutions

Question 2.
Consider the following series named animal:
L Lion
B Bear
E Elephant
T Tiger
W Wolf
dtype: Object
Write the output of the command:
(A) L Lion
T Tiger
dtype: object
(B) B Bear
E Elephant
dtype: object
(C) W Wolf
B Bear
dtype: object
(D) W Wolf
T Tiger
dtype: object
(C) W Wolf
B Bear
dtype: object
Explanation: Option C will be the correct answer because the slicing [::-3] represents all the elements from last index to first index with the gap of 3 in reversed order. [1]

Question 3.
______ is used for 2D plots in Python.
(A) pandas
(B) Tkinter
(C) math
(D) matplotlib [1]
(D) matplotlib
Explanation: matplotlib is used for 2D plots in Python. Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. [1]

Question 4.
We apply the aggregate function to a group of sets of tuples using the clause.
(A) group by
(B) group
(C) group set
(D) group attribute [1]
(A) group by
Explanation: The GROUP BY Statement in SQL is used to arrange identical data into groups with the help of some functions, i.e if a particular column has same values in different rows then it will arrange these rows in a group. [1]

Commonly Made Error:
Sometimes Students get confused between Group by” and “Having”.

Answering Tip:
The HAVING clause is used instead of WHERE with aggregate functions. While the GROUP BY Clause groups rows that have the same values into summary rows.

Question 5.
What values does the count(*) function ignore?
(A) Repetitive values
(B) Null values
(C) Characters
(D) Integers [1]
(B) Null values
Explanation: COUNT(*) counts the rows in a table. COUNT(column) counts the entries in a column – ignoring null values. [1]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 8 with Solutions

Question 6.
What is the meaning of “GROUP BY” clause in Mysql?
(A) Group data by column values
(B) Group data by row values
(C) Group data by column and row values
(D) None of these
(A) Group data by column values
Explanation: The GROUP BY Statement in SQL is used to arrange identical data into groups with the help of some functions, i.e if a particular column has same values in different rows then it will arrange these rows in a group. In the query, GROUP BY clause is placed before ORDER BY clause if used any. [1]

Question 7.
The main computer in any network is called as:
(A) Client
(B) Server
(C) Switch
(D) Hub [1]
(B) Server
Explanation: A device server is “a specialized network-based hardware device designed to perform a single or specialized set of functions with client access independent of any operating system or proprietary protocol.” PCs have been used to network serial devices with some success. [1]

Question 8.
Repeaters work on the layer.
(A) Network Layer
(B) Physical Layer
(C) Application Layer
(D) All of the Above gp] [1]
(B) Physical Layer
Explanation: In computer networking, because repeaters work with the actual physical signal, and do not attempt to interpret the data being transmitted, they operate on the physical layer, the first layer of the OSI model. [1]

Question 9.
The digital footprint can be saved in which of the following locations?
(A) Download folder
(B) User account
(C) Browser settings and web server
(D) Google Drive [1]
(C) Browser settings and web server
Explanation: There are two main storages of digital footprints:
Browser Settings: The digital footprints can be saved in browser history, cookies, password, auto fill data, etc. Web Server and Database: Every website has its own database. When the user enters data and fills it up to them it can be saved in the database. [1]

Question 10.
The term “Intellectual Property Rights” covers:
(A) Copyrights
(B) Trademarks
(C) Patents
(D) All of these [1]
(D) All of these
Explanation: Intellectual property rights are legal rights that provide creators protection for original works, inventions, or the appearance of products, artistic works, scientific developments, and so on. [1]

Question 11.
Suhana is down with fever. So, she decided not to go to school next day. Next day, in the evening she called up her classmate, Shaurya and enquired about the computer class. She also requested him to explain the concept. Shaurya said, “Mam taught us how to use tuples in python”. Further, he generously said, “Give me some time, I will email you the material which will help you to understand tuples in python”. Shaurya quickly downloaded a 2-minute clip from the Internet explaining the concept of tuples in python. Using video editor, he added the text “Prepared by Shaurya” in the downloaded video clip. Then, he emailed the modified video clip to Suhana. This act of Shaurya is an example of:
(A) Fair use
(B) Flacking
(C) Copyright infringement
(D) Cyber crime [1]
(C) Copyright infringement
Explanation: Copyright infringement refers to the unauthorized use of someone’s copyrighted work. [1]

Question 12.
The trademark product is denoted by ______ symbols.
(A) ® or ™
(B) ©
(C) !
(D) None of these [1]
(A) ® or ™
Explanation: A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. [1]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 8 with Solutions

Question 13.
______ is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
(A) Plagiarism
(B) Phishing
(C) Cyber stalking
(D) Hacking [1]
(B) Phishing
Explanation: Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords. [1]

Question 14.
Find the output of
SELECT LEFT (‘Grooming’, 2);
(A) Gr
(B) oo
(C) om
(D) Gro [1]
(A) Gr
Explanation: LEFTQ is used to return a specified number of characters from the left of the string. The number of characters returned is determined by the second argument. [1]

Question 15.
A column “Avg” contains the values (6,8,7,6,8), what will be the output after the execution of the given query?
(A) 7
(B) 8
(C) 5
(D) Error [1]
(A) 7
Explanation: DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct (different) values. [1]

Question 16.
To sort a result set in descending order, we can use ______ keyword with ORDER BY clause
(D) ASCEND [1]
Explanation: ORDER BY clause is used to sort a result set returned by a SELECT statement. To sort a result set in ascending order, use ASC Keyword and in descending order, use DESC Keyword. The ORDER BY clause sorts the result set in ascending order by default. [1]

Assertion & Reason

Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
(A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(B) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is NOT the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(C) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(D) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true

Question 17.
Assertion (A): Mesh topology offers excellent connectivity over long distances.
Reason (R): In Mesh topology each node is connected to more than one device. Spl [1]
(A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
Explanation: In a Mesh topology there is no central connection point. Instead, each node is connected to at least one other node and usually connected to more than one. Each node is capable of sending messages to and receiving messages from other nodes. The nodes act as relays, passing on a message towards its final destination. [1]

Question 18.
Assertion (A): A bar graph shows comparisons among discrete categories.
Reason (R): One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared.
(A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
Explanation: A bar graph shows comparisons among discrete categories. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared, and the other axis represents a measured value. [1]

Section – B

Question 19.
What is a server? [2]
ABC Company wants to link its computers in the Head office in New Delhi to its office in Sydney. Name the type of Network that will be formed. Which communication media should be used to form this Network ?
A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services or programs to other computers, knows as clients over a network. A server may be designed to do a single task such as a mail server, which accepts and stores email and then provides it to a requesting client. There are different types of server as file server, print server, database server, etc. [2]
Type of network that will be formed: Wide Area
Network (WAN)
Transmission media to be used: Satellite

Question 20.
Gopi Krishna is using a table Employee. It has the following columns :
Code, Name, Salary, Deptcode He wants to display maximum salary department wise. He wrote the following command:
SELECT Deptcode, Max(Salary) FROM Employee;
But he did not get the desired result. Rewrite the above query with necessary changes to help him get the desired result. [2]
SELECT Deptcode, MAX(Salary) FROM Employee GROUP BY Deptcode;

Question 21.
State the difference between NOW ( ) and SYSDATE ( ) functions. [2]

(i) It gives us the currer time and date of when you entered the function. (i) It gives the date and time after the code is executed.
(ii) NOW ( ) can store the date value on timestamp. (ii) SYSDATE( ) can store all on this fields.

Question 22.
What is series? Explain with an example. [2]
Pandas series is one dimensional labelled array capable of holding data of any type (integer, string, float, Python objects etc.). The axis labels are collectively called index.
import pandas as pd
data=pd.Series ( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
print (data) [2]

Question 23.
Explain passive digital footprint. [2]
What is licensing?
When the personal data of the user is collected without letting him know or collection of personal data of user without the permission of him is known as passive digital footprint.

For example- when user visits any website then website traces his physical location using user’s device IP address [2]
A licensing system is used to transparently relay decryption keys to the ‘Reader’ application and these keys are locked in authorized devices. It is vital that decryption keys are not exposed to users (i.e. passwords) and are locked in devices (so they will not work on other devices) otherwise they could be given to other users along with the protected content. [2]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 8 with Solutions

Question 24.
Give the output of the code
import pandas as pd
a = pd.DataFrame {[1, 2, None, 3], index = [‘One’, ‘Two’Three’, ‘Four’], columns = [ ‘First’])
print (a) [2]

One 1.0
Two 2.0
Three NaN
Four 3.0

Question 25.
Give an example to create a DataFrame. [2]
import pandas as pd
data = : {‘First’ : pd.Series([‘One’, ‘Two’], index = [10, 20] ) ,
‘Second’ : pd.Series([‘One’, ‘Two’, ‘Three’], index = [10, 20, 30])}
Val = pd.DataFrame (data)

First Second
10 One One
20 Two Two
30 NaN Three

Commonly Made Error:
Some students do not use import statement for i importing Pandas library which give error.

Answering Tip:
Import all required library to run the program

Section – C

Question 26.
Consider the table: ITEM

101 PEN 500 20.00
102 PEN 800 10.00
103 PEN 1000 20.00
104 PENCIL 700 10.00
105 PENCIL 800 20.00

Write SQL commands for:
(a) To sum the price of product PEN.
(b) To display product id and quantity of those items whose price is less than 15.
(c) To display the details of those items whose quantity is 1000. [3]

Question 27.
Consider two objects x and y. x is a list whereas y is a Series. Both have values 30,40, 90,150. What will be the output of the following two statements considering that the above objects have been created already?
(a) print (x*2)
(b) print(y*2)
Justify your answer. [3]
(a) will give the output as: [30,40,90,150,30,40,90,150]
(b) will give the output as

0 60
1 80
2 180
3 300

Justification: In the first statement x represents a list so when a list is multiplied by a number, it is replicated that many number of times. The second y represents a series. When a series is multiplied by a value, then each element of the series is multiplied by that number. [3]

Question 28.
Write code to draw a histogram. [3]
Histogram can be drawn by using the dataframe.plot.hist ( ) and series.plot. hist ( ) methods
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df4 = pd.DataFrame({ ‘a’: np.random.randn(1000) + 1,
‘b’ : np.random.randn(1000) ,
‘c’: np.random.randn(1000) – 1},
columns =[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’])
plt. figure ( )
df4 . plot. hist (alpha = 0.5) [3]

Question 29.
What to do if you are a victim of identity theft? [3]
Discuss the social issues and cultural impact induced by technology.
When you are a victim of identity theft you need to do the following things to make its effect undone or minimize or to come out from it:

(i) If you come to know that your account is hacked and you still can login it then make appropriate changes as soon as possible so that the attacker could not login again and make it inaccessible for you.

(ii) Check all the information of your account they may be updated by the attacker. If it is so then correct them again.

(iii) If you are not able to login your account then contact the website’s technical support service and inform them about the problem and try to fix that as soon as possible.

(iv) When you start accessing your account again then update all the login information so that m account becomes inaccessible to the attacker.

(v) Also change the security question if it is provided by the website so that the account can’t be hacked again easily.

(vi) Do not continue to use compromised password, PIN and other information.

(vii) Complain the relevant authority if any of document (PAN card, Driving license, bank passbook, passport, ATM, etc.) lost. [3]


ICT possess tremendous emancipator potential to those who have access (and knowledge/ skills related to) to them; consequently, those lacking ICT access, knowledge and skills risk remaining trapped in a vicious downward spiral of disempowerment and alienation. It is important to emphasize that, while most traditional discussions of the Digital Divide focus primarily on the issue of equitable access to ICT and consequently on providing technologically disadvantaged populations with access to ICT tools and resources the issue of equitable ICT proficiency is actually far more crucial.

As Morino explains, the core concern is related to inequitable engagement and learning opportunities for technologically disadvantaged groups arising from a lack of meaningful opportunities to apply ICT effectively in an empowering and emancipator manner towards the achievement of meaningful educational and professional outcomes.

Question 30.
Explain MAX ( ) function with an example.
Considering the same string “Communication”
Write SQL commands to display:
(i) The position of the substring ‘cat’ in the given string
(ii) The first 6 letters of the string
(iii) The length of given string [3]
MAX ([DISTINCT] expr) returns the maximum value of expr. MAX () may take a string argument; in such cases, it returns the maximum string value. The DISTINCT keyword can be used to find the maximum of the distinct values of expr; however, this produces the same result as omitting DISTINCT. MAX () returns NULL if there are no matching rows.
SELECT (Student_Name), MAX(Test_Score) FROM Student GROUP BY Student_Name; [3]
(i) SELECT INSTR(“Communication”, “cat”);
(ii) SELECT LEFT(“Communication”, 6);
(iii) SELECT LENGTH (“Communication”);

Section – D

Question 31.
A Fashion Store MyStore is considering to maintain database of their Customers in SQL to store the data, As a Database Administrator Hina has decided that
Name of the database: MyStore
Name of the table: Customer

Attributes of the tables: Acc_No – Numeric, Cust_Name – Character 25, CustCity – Character 25, Cust Phone – Character 11, Open_Bal – Numeric Consider the following records in ‘Customer’ table and answer the given questions: [5]

Table: Customer

ACC_No Cust_Name Cust_City Cust_Phone Open_Bal
1001 Dhashmesh Ambala 9710557614 10,000
1002 Sanya Patna 8223545233 15,000
1003 Joe New delhi 9972136576 13,000
1004 Mrinal New delhi 9321305453 12,000
1005 Ishaan Agra 9809876798 19,000

(i) With reference to the above given table, give query for generating following output


(ii) Give the output of :
Select Cust Name, Open Bal from Customer order by Openbal;

(iii) Pranay has given the following command to obtain Highest Opening Balance of each City Select max(Open_Bal) from Customer where group by Cust City; but he is not getting the desired result. Help him by writing the correct command ’

(iv) Help Pranay find the total no. of records having open bal between 15000 to 20000 by writing the right command

(v) The correct command to display the first two letters of each customer’s name


Discuss clauses that used in SQL queries with examples.
(i) select cust_Name from customer where cust_dty like ‘%a’;

Cust_Name Open_Bal
Dhashmeh 10,000
Mrinal 12,000
Joe 13,000
Sanya 15,000
Ishaan 19,000

(iii) Select Cust_City, Max(Open_Bal) from Customer group by Cust_City;

(iv) Select count(*) from customer where open_bal between 15000 and 20000;

(v) select left(cust_name,2) from customer; [5]


GROUP BY clause
GROUP BY clause is used do group rows, returned by SELECT statement into a specified rows or groups based on values of columns.
SELECT column 1, column 2, …., Aggregate_ function(exp)
FROM Table_Name
GROUP BY Column_Name;
SELECT column 1, column 2, …, Aggregate_ function(exp)
FROM Table_Name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY Column_Name;
ORDER BY clause
ORDER BY clause is used to sort a result set, returned by a SELECT statement.

To sort a result set in ascending order, use ASC Keyword and in descending order, use DESC Keyword. The ORDER BY clause shorts the result set in ascending order by default.

SELECT column 1, column 2,… FROM Table_Name ORDER BY Column_Name <ASC/DESC>;
Having Clause
HAVING clause is often used with the GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement to filter group of rows based on a specified condition.
SELECT column 1, column 2, …, Aggregate_ function(Exp)
FROM Table_Name
GROUP BY Column Name
HAVING condition;

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 8 with Solutions

Question 32.
XYZ is professional consultancy company. The company is planning to set up their new offices in India with its hub at Pune. As a network adviser, you have to understand their requirement and suggest them the best available solutions. Their queries are mentioned as (i) to (v) below :
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 7 Img 1
Block to Block distance (in Metres):

From To Distance
Human Resource Conference 110
Human Resource Finance 40
Conference Finance 80

Expected number of computers to be installed in each block :

Block Computers
Human Resource 25
Finance 120
Conference 90

(i) What will be the most appropriate block, where XYZ should plan to install their server ?
(ii) Draw a block diagram showing cable layout to connect all the buildings in the most appropriate manner for efficient communication.
(iii) What will be the best possible connectivity out of the following you will suggest to connect the new setup of offices in Chennai with its London based office.
• Satellite link
• Infrared
• Ethernet cable
(iv) Which of the following device will be suggested by you to connect each computer in each of the buildings?
• Switch
• Modem
• Gateway
(v) Which type of network out of the following is formed by connecting the computers of these three blocks?
• WAN [5]
(i) Finance block because it has maximum number of computers.
(ii)CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 7 Img 2
(iii) Satellite link
(iv) Switch
(v) LAN [5]

Question 33.
Explain the indexing in Pandas. [5]
Write the code to draw the bar graph for the given data:

Item Food Clothing Education Misc Savings
Amt (in ₹) 2100 600 1200 1500 1000

The object supports both integer and label based indexing and provides a host of methods for performing operations involving the index.
In Python Pandas, Series.index attribute is used to get or set the index labels of the given series objects. Syntax
Pandas support three types of multi-axes indexing, which are as follows:
(i) .loc[ ] : This attribute is used to access a group of rows and columns by label (s) or a Boolean array in the given series object.

(ii) .iloc[ ] : This attribute enables purely integer location based indexing for selection by position over the given series object.

(iii) .ix[ ] : This attribute is primarily label location based indexer, with integer position fallback. It takes the label as input and returns the value corresponding to that label.
Series.ix [5]


from matplotlib import pyplot as pit
Item = [‘Food’, ‘Clothing’, ‘Education’, ‘MisC, ‘Savings’]
Amt = [2100,600,1200,1500,1000]
Space = [1,1,1,1,1]
icolor = [‘green’,’blue’, ‘yellow’, ‘red’, ‘cyan’] (Item, Amt, color = icolor, width = 2)
plt.xlabel (‘item’)
plt.ylabel(‘Amt in Rs’)
plt.title (‘monthly budget’)
plt.legend ( ) ( )

Commonly Made Error:
Some students are good in theory but not in programming, so they did mistake in coding.

Answering Tip:
Students should practice the program and coding practically so that their concepts could be clear.

Section – E

Case based Subjective Questions

Question 34.
Consider the following table and answer the given questions.

Table Name: DEPT

Acsn no D_Name DOB Rank Num_Years Doj
1 Comp 2000-11-01 98 19 2010-18-16
2 Elec 1999-10-02 65.8 18 2020-05-12
3 Fin 2000-05-01 99 20 2020-04-14
4 Safety 1998-10-02 69.8 17 2022-04-01

(i) What will be the output of the following query? [1]

(ii) What will be the output of the following query? [1]
SELECT D_name FROM Dept WHERE Num_years > =20;

(iii) What will be the output of the following query? Also, define the AVG() function. [2]
SELECT AVG(Num_years) FROM Dept WHERE Num_years <20;
OR (Option for part iii only)
What will be the output of the following query? Also, define the COUNT0 function.
SELECT COUNT(Acsnno) FROM Dept WHERE Num_years <20 OR Num_years>18;
(i) Safety [1]
(ii) Fin [1]
(iii) Output 18.0000
The MySQL avg( ) is an aggregate function used to return the average value of an expression in various records.
SELECT AVG(aggregate expression)
FROM tables
[WHERE conditions]; [1]
COUNT( ) function is used to returns the count of an expression. It allows us to count all rows or only some rows of the table that matches a specified condition. It is a type of aggregate function whose return type is BIGINT. This function return 0 if it does not find any matching rows.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Set 8 with Solutions

Question 35.
Sanyukta is the event incharge in a school. One of her students gave her a suggestion to use Python Pandas and Matplotlib for analysing and visualising the data, respectively. She has created a Data frame “SportsDay” to keep track of the number of First, Second and Third prizes won by different houses in various events.

0 House First Second Third
1 Chenab 5 7 6
2 Ganges 10 5 4
3 Jamuna 8 13 15
4 Jhelum 12 9 12
5 Ravi 5 11 10

(i) Write command to display the house names where the number of Second Prizes are in the range of 12 to 20 [1]
(ii) Which command will give the output 24 [1]
(iii) Write command to Display all the records in the reverse order. Also, define this command [2]
OR (Option for part iii only)
Write command to Display the bottom 3 records. Also, define this command.
(i) df[‘Name’][(df[‘Second’]>=12) & (df[‘Second’j <=20)] [1]
(ii) print(df.size) [1]
(iii) print(df.iloc[::-l])
Data Fra me.iloc[ ] is a property that is used to select rows and columns by position/index. If the position/index does not exist, it gives an index error. [2]
The tail( ) function is used to return the last rows. This function returns last n rows from the object based on position

Commonly Made Error:
Some students get confused between Series and Dataframe and they write about Series instead of Dataframe.

Answering Tip:
Students should be clear all definition and their applications.