Solving ICSE Class 10 Geography Previous Year Question Papers ICSE Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2014 is the best way to boost your preparation for the board exams.
ICSE Class 10 Geography Question Paper 2014 Solved
Part – I (30 Marks)
(Attempt all Questions from this part)
Question 1.
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. 45D/10 and answer the following questions:
(a) (i) Give the four figure grid reference of the settlement of Hamirpura.
(ii) Give the six figure grid reference of the temple in the settlement of Jolpur. [2]
(i) 4735
(ii) 535303
(b) (i) What does the blue coloured circle in the grid square 5230 represent ?
(ii) What is the compass direction of Dantrai from Jolpur? [2]
(i) Well
(ii) NW
(c) What is the difference between the :
(i) pattern of settlements in 5336 and the settlement of Idarla ?
(ii) drainage pattern of the streams in 5235 and those in 5435 ? [2]
(i) Pattern of settlement in 5336 is scattered and the settlement of Idarla is nucleated or clustered.
(ii) Trellis pattern (5235) and Dendritic pattern (5435).
(d) What is the value of the contour line in square 4838 ?
What is the contour interval in the map? [2]
The value of the line in square 4838 is 300. Contour interval = 500 – 280 = 220.
(e) Mention any two factors which provide evidence that the region in the map extract is a rural region. [2]
(i) Presence of agricultural land is shown by yellow colour.
(ii) Scattered settlement in most of the parts.
(f) (i) How does the feature, indicated by the black curves in 5332, show that rainfall in this region is seasonal?
(ii) Mention one man-made feature in the map which also provides evidence that the rainfall is seasonal. [2]
(i) Caused by weathering due to alternate wet and dry periods.
(ii) Tank.
(g) (i) Name two natural features in 5138.
(ii) Name two manmade features in 4936. [2]
(i) Dry stream and grass.
(ii) Permanent huts and Linedwell
(h) Name two features which make Dantrai a more important settlement than the other settlements in the map extract. [2]
It has a police chauki and post office.
(i) Calculate the area of the region which lies to the south of northing 21 in square kilometres. [2]
No. of complete squares = 27 × 1 = 27
No. of \(\frac{2}{3}\) squares = \(\frac{2}{3}\) = 2.0
Area = 29.0
(j) What are the following ?
(i) The black vertical line between eastings 55 and 56.
(ii) 302 in grid square 4937. [2]
(i) It represents degree of longitude,
(ii) Spot height.
Question 2.
On the outline map of India provided:
(a) Draw, name and number the Standard Meridian. [1]
(b) Label the river Yamuna. [1]
(c) Shade and name the Gulf of Khambhat. [1]
(d) Mark and name the Nathu-La Pass. [1]
(e) Mark and name the Karakoram Range. [1]
(f) Shade and name a sparsely populated State in Northeast India ? [1]
(g) Shade a region with laterite soil in Eastern India. [1]
(h) Mark with a dot and name Vishakhapatnam. [1]
(I) Mark and name the winds that bring rain to West Bengal in summer. [1]
(j) Print S on the iron mines in Singhbhum. [1]
Part – II (50 marks)
(Attempt any FIVE questions from this part)
Question 3.
(a) Mention the different sources of rain in Punjab and Tamil Nadu during the winter season. [2]
Source of rainfall in Punjab is the Western disturbances whereas in Tamil Nadu it is the North-east trade winds.
(b) State the benefits that are derived from the local winds that blow in summer in the following states: [2]
(i) Kerala
(ii) West Bengal
(i) Kerala- Mango shower – These occur in South India during April-May. They bring little rain which is important for mango, tea and coffee plant.
(ii) West Bengal-Kal Baisakhi – These local winds are accompanied by thunderstorms and bring rainfall. This rain in the month of Apirl-May is good for jute and rice.
(c) Mention a geographical reason for each of thefollowing:
(i) Patna receives heavier rain than Delhi.
(ii) Western Rajasthan receives no rain from the Arabian Sea branch of the South West Monsoon winds.
(iii) Mangalore is not cold even in the month of December. [3]
(i) The monsoon winds in Indo-Gangetic plain move from east to west. As they move further and further the moisture content of these winds is reduced.
- Western Rajasthan (Jodhpur) receives scanty rainfall from the Arabian Sea branch of monsoons because there are no physical barriers (like Himalayas) to obstruct the winds.
- The Aravalli hills lie parallel to the direction of the monsoons as such they pass without any obstacles.
- During the summer, the temperature of the place is so high that the monsoon winds get dry and do not cause any rain.
(iii) Due to equable influence of the sea.
(d) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Calculate the annual temperature range.
(ii) What is the total annual rainfall ?
(iii) Presuming that the station is located in India, give a reason for its location being on the east coast or the west coast of India. [3]
(i) 36.2-24.6 = 11.6
(ii) 140.9 cm
(iii) East coast. Because the region receives winter rainfall.
Question 4
(a) State any two methods of controlling soil erosion. [2]
- Constructing bunds.
- Contour ploughing.
(b) Mention two differences between alluvial soil and red soil. [2]
Alluvial Soil | Red Soil |
1. Alluvial soil is very fertile as it is rich in mineral nutrients like potash and lime. | 1. It is less fertile as it is deficient in phosphorus, nitrogen, lime and humus. |
2. Most of alluvial soil is derived from the sediments deposited by rivers. | 2. Most of the red soil has been formed due to weathering of ancient crystalline and meta morphic rocks. |
(c) Give a geographical reason for:
(i) different regions in India having different kinds of soil.
(ii) black soil being suitable for growth of cotton.
(iii) the conservation of soil as a natural resource. [3]
(i) Due to different relief and climate.
- The soil has the ability to retain moisture.
- The black soils are made of extremely fine material i.e., clayey material.
- Soil is the most precious asset of India. More than 60% of the population is dependent on agriculture.
- Protective soil alone ensures progress of agriculture, forests and industrial development.
(d) Name the soil which :
(i) is good for the cultivation of cashew nuts.
(ii) covers almost all of West Bengal.
(iii) is a result of leaching. [3]
(i) Laterite soil
(ii) Alluvial soil
(iii) Laterite soil
Question 5.
(a) Write two reasons why monsoon deciduous forests are commercially more valuable than other types of forests. [2]
- The tropical forests yield sandalwood, Semal, Teak, Sal, etc. trees which are used for making furniture as well as other products.
- These forests yield bamboo which is used for construction work, furniture, fibre and paper.
(b) How do forests :
(i) have a favourable effect on the climate of the region?
(ii) act as a flood control measure ? [2]
- Forests play an important role in regulating the earth’s temperature and weather patterns by storing large quantities of carbon and water.
- They cool the air through a process called evapotranspiration.
(ii) Roots of trees absorb much of the rain water and use it slowly during the dry season. They also regulate flow of water and help in controlling the floods.
(c) Give one important use of each of the following types of trees:
(i) Sundri
(ii) Sandalwood
(iii) Rosewood [3]
(i) Medicinal product
(ii) Handicrafts
(iii) Furniture
(d) Name the natural vegetation largely found in the following regions:
(i) The delta of the Ganga river
(ii) The windward side of the Western Ghats
(iii) The Deccan Plateau. [3]
(i) Littoral or swampy forests
(ii) Tropical evergreen forests
(iii) Tropical deciduous forests
Question 6.
(a) State two reasons why tank irrigation is popular in South India. [2]
Tank irrigation is widely prevalent in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Odisha. The tank irrigation is more important in the Deccan Plateau because :
- The terrain of Deccan Plateau is undulating and is made-up of hard rocks which makes it difficult to dig canals and wells.
- There is little percolation of rain water due to hard rock structure and ground water is not available in large quantity.
(b) Mention two advantages that surface wells have over inundation canals. [2]
- They are the simplest and cheapest source of irrigation whereas inundation canals needs lot of investment.
- Wells provide irrigation throughout the year whereas inundation canals provide irrigation only during the rainy season.
(c) Give one geographical reason for each of the following statements :
(i) Irrigation is necessary despite the monsoon.
(ii) The drip method of irrigation is the best among all modern methods of irrigation.
(iii) Canal irrigation leads to the ground around it becoming unproductive. [3]
(i) Due to uncertainty and unequal distribution of rainfall.
- Fertiliser and nutrient loss is minimised due to localised application and reduced leaching.
- Water application efficiency is high.
- Field levelling is not necessary.
(iii) This is due to water-logging.
(d) Give three reasons for conservation of water resources. [3]
1. Water is necessary for life on earth. It is believed that life first originated in water before it invaded land. Water is in fact a pre-condition of life.
2. Cultivation of crops depends on the availability of water. Water dissolves minerals and other nutrients in the ground. The roots of the plants draw this nutritious water from the soil. India is an agricultural country, so availability of water is a must.
3. Water is also important for industry. Its main function is for cooling.
Question 7.
(a) Mention any two uses of managanese. [2]
- It is used for making iron and steel and its alloy.
- It is used for making paints, glass, chemical, etc.
(b) Which of the different varieties of coal is used for domestic purposes and why ? [2]
Anthracite and Bituminous. Because both these varieties contain high percentage of carbon with high calorific value.
(c) Name the mineral used in the manufacture of:
(i) Cement
(ii) Aluminium
(iii) Synthetics [3]
(i) Limestone
(ii) Bauxite
(iii) Petroleum
(d) Which State is the leading producer of the following minerals ?
(i) Coal
(ii) Oil
(iii) Manganese [3]
(i) Jharkhand
(ii) Assam
(iii) Odisha
Question 8.
(a) How has poverty and fragmentation of land become problems of agricultural India ? [2]
(i) Due to fragmentation of land and poverty farmers are unable to purchase modem inputs like fertilisers, HYV seeds, pesticides, etc.
(ii) Due to poverty farmers are unable to purchase new and modem machinery like tractors, harvesters, combines, etc. So per hectare productivity remains low.
(b) Mention any two features of plantation farming stating two examples. [2]
- It is a commercial type of agriculture.
- Under this, cultivators don’t move from one place to another.
Examples : Tea and coffee.
(c) Mention three differences in the geographical conditions and cultivation of rice and wheat. [3]
Rice | Wheat |
1. It requires average temperature of 25 °C. During early growing stages temp, between 16°C to 20°C is required. During ripening stage temperature between 18°C to 32°C is required. | 1. It requires different climate during sowing and harvesting. During early stage: 10°C to 15 °C. During ripening : 25 °C to 28°C. |
2. It requires rainfall between 150 cm to 300 cm. | 2. Rainfall of 50 cm to 75 cm is sufficient. |
3. It requires loamy and alluvial soil. | 3. Loamy dumat and black soil is required. The soil should be well drained, textured and should contain humus and small amount of lime. |
(d) Give a geographical reason for each of the following :
(i) Cotton grows widely in Maharashtra.
(ii) Clonal planting is the best methodfor tea propagation.
(iii) Oilseeds are an important commercial crop grown in India. [3]
(i) 1. Temperature : Cotton needs a warm climate. Summer temperature 21°C to 27°C and 200 frost-free days.
2. Rainfall: Moderate to light rainfall is adequate for cotton cultivation. Ranging rainfall between 50 cm to 80 cm is adequate.
(ii) It gives more production.
(iii) Due to variety of uses of oilseeds are an important export item.
Question 9.
(a) Name any two textile industries using any animal fibres. Name an important State where these industries are located. [2]
Wool and silk industry. Punjab and Karnataka.
(b) Give two reasons for each of the following:
(i) Kolkata is an important cotton manufacturing centre even though West Bengal is not a leading producer of cotton.
(ii) The wool industry is not as well developed as compared to the cotton industry in India. [2]
- Climate: Kolkata enjoys humid climate which is essential for this industry because thread does not break so frequently.
- Transportation: Kolkata is a major port city of India. The port helps in the import of machinery and raw material. It also helps in the export of finished products i.e., cloth.
- Shortage of raw wool: India does not produce sufficient quantity of fine quality raw wool.
- Lack of market : Most parts of India have tropical and sub-tropical climate which restricts the demand for woollen clothes.
(c) Mention three problems of the jute textile industry in India. [3]
The challenges faced by jute industry are :
- The invention of synthetic as a substitute for the jute is giving tough competition to jute goods.
- Because of old technology the cost of production is high due to which demand of jute goods has declined.
- International competition, especially from Bangladesh, has also led to the decline of the industry.
(d) Mention three factors that have helped the sugar industry flourish in the peninsular region rather than in the northern regions of India. [3]
- Tropical climate of the south is best suited for the cultivation of sugarcane. Sugarcane produced here is thicker and sweeter and has more sugar content in it.
- Sugarcane is a soil exhausting crop. In south, fertilisers are more commonly used. This results in higher sugar content in sugarcane as compared to the north.
- Sugar mills in the south are in the cooperative sector. Thus, people do more work and get better dividends.
Question 10.
(a) Name one integrated iron and steel plant in the private sector.
Where does it obtain its iron and coal from ? [2]
Tata iron and steel plant Iron – Singhbhum Coal – Jharia
(b) Name two raw materials used in the petrochemical industry and state two advantages of petrochemical products. [2]
Petrol and coal.
- These products are cost effective.
- Its raw material is easily available.
(c) Give a reason for each of the following :
(i) Vishakhapatnam is a leading centre for ship-building.
(ii) Mini steel plants cause less pollution than integrated steel plants.
(iii) The electronic industry has made an impact on both entertainment and education. [3]
(i) Vishakhapatnam is a port city so raw materials and finished products can be imported and exported easily.
(ii) Mini steel plants causes less pollution because they uses electric and induction furnace for processing.
(iii) 1. Electronic industry given us various products like television, computers, laptops, tabs, radio, DTH, etc. All these electronic products have become the major source of entertainment as well as education.
2. With the help of these products information is readily available and can be shared through the use of internet.
(d) Name a manufacturing centre for each of the following industries:
(i) Engines for MIG aircraft
(ii) Diesel locomotives
(iii) Software. [3]
(i) Koraput
(ii) Varanasi
(iii) Bengaluru
Question 11.
(a) Why is road transport in India considered more useful than rail transport ? State two reasons in support of your answer. [2]
- Roads require less investment as compared to the railways.
- These can be built at higher altitudes and at any place.
- Road transportation is easy and is within the reach of the common man. Moreover, it is available for 24 hours.
(b) Mention one advantage and one disadvantage each of inland waterways. [2]
- Advantage : It is the most suitable for carrying heavy and bulky goods.
- Disadvantage: Water transport as a whole is much slower than its roads, rail and air competitors.
(c) How does waste accumulation affect the environment ? [3]
- When the waste is dumped in an improper way, the landscape of the area gives unpleasant look.
- The uncontrolled dumping of urban waste damages the beauty of the countryside.
(d) What is acid rain ? Mention two of its effects. [3]
Acid rain is a corrosive type of air pollution which occurs when oxides of sulphur and nitrogen combine with the moisture of atmosphere.
- Acid rain severely damages the various ecosystems in many parts of the world. Many forests and lakes have been damaged by it.
- When acid rain pours on soil, it destroys the nutrients of the soil and reduces its fertility.