Solving ICSE Class 10 Home Science Previous Year Question Papers ICSE Class 10 Home Science Question Paper 2018 is the best way to boost your preparation for the board exams.
ICSE Class 10 Home Science Question Paper 2018 Solved
[Section – A (40 Marks)]
(Attempt all questions from this section)
Question 1.
(a) Define a colour wheel. [2]
The circle containing twelve colours i.e., three primary, three secondary and six tertiary colours is called the “colour wheel”.
(b) State any two ways of taking care of carpets. [2]
- Carpets should not be turned or folded.
- It should be lightly cleaned.
- Never drag any furniture over the carpet. It will damage the carpet.
(c) Why is Ecotone so popular these days ? [2]
An Ecotone describes an area that acts as a transition ‘ or boundary between two ecosystems. An Ecotone can
be formed naturally – through abiotic factors such as changes in soil composition – but can also be created through the result of human interaction.
Ecotone can act as a “buffer-zone” protecting the neighbouring ecosystem from possible environmental damage i.e., a wetland area could absorb pollutants preventing them from seeping into a river or estuary.
(d) List two factors that influence the size of the kitchen. [2]
This is an important consideration which should always be in your mind while planning for a kitchen. A kitchen should always be large such that at a time two or three persons can work. Size of the kitchen should be such enough that you can put all your accessories in the kitchen like as refrigerator, oven and other storage.
(e) Name any two types of family budget. [2]
1. Surplus Budget : These are those families whose income is more than expenditure can save extra amount of money.
2. Balanced Budget : Those families whose income and expenditure are almost the same. They hardly have any money to save.
Question 2.
(a) State any two objectives of savings. [2]
- It reduces economic insecurity especially in old age after retirement.
- Useful during an emergency i.e., Loss of job, accident, and any other natural calamities.
- Also useful for children’s education, marriage, etc.
(b) What do you mean by endorsement of a cheque? [2]
Endorsement means transferring your ownership to another person by signing on the back of a negotiable instrument (say a cheque).
(c) Give the full form of ATM and PIN. [2]
ATM: Automated Teller Machine
PIN: Personal Identification Number
(d) What are endocrine glands ? [2]
The endocrine system is made up of glands which regulate and secrete hormones. Endocrine glands are also known as ductless glands because these have not special ducts.
(e) State any two factors affecting the physical development of a child. [2]
Factors affecting physical development of a child :
- Good nutritive food
- Proper exercise
- Behaviour of the family
Question 3.
(a) What do you mean by a food group ? [2]
Food Groups: It is a collection of varieties of foods which share similar nutritial properties on the food grouping, food items are generally classified on the basis of their nutrients.
(b) Name any two adolescent eating disorders. [2]
Eating disorders in adolescence : Bulimia nervosa and Anorexia nervosa are the two eating disorders observed during adolescence.
(c) List any two factors as to why breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. [2]
Breakfast is considered as the most essential part of our diet. In a breakfast, we should include some protein food like milk, eggs, bread etc. For the children and teenager milk is very much essential. Breakfast provide us one-fourth of daily calories and proteins which are required by our body and it is very much essential for maintaining a better performance and a better efficiency. In general, we can say that breakfast provide us the capacity or the energy to start our day with a smiling face.
(d) Why should ripe bananas not be stored in the refrigerator? [2]
Bananas grow in hot climates, so they are unused to the cold. If they’re kept at a cold temperature, the enzymes that enable them to ripen are inhibited. And as those enzymes become inactive, other enzymes operate more efficiently. Some cause cell damage, while others (browning enzymes) cause the skin to blacken.
(e) State any two factors causing food spoilage. [2]
- Air and Oxygen: One important cause of food spoilage is air and oxygen.
- Light: Almost all foods are exposed to light from natural and/or artificial sources.
- Microbial Growth: Microorganisms, specifically bacteria, mould and yeasts, can cause food to spoilage.
- Temperature.
Question 4.
(a) Suggest any two points to be considered while storing clothes. [2]
Storage of clothes :
- Cotton clothes:
- Do not store moist clothes, they invite fungus.
- Put some deodorant among the stored clothing to avoid the smell, (musty)
- Silk clothes:
- Store dry clothing only.
- Avoid use of mothballs because they reduce the lustre of zari.
- Wool clothes:
- Store totally dry woollens.
- Use neem leaves, nephtha balls to prevent the damage by moths.
(b) Name the method of washing rayon fabrics. [2]
Mild soap can be used on rayon fabrics. Always use kneading and squeezing method for washing these fabrics. The more dirty spots should be cleaned with gentle rubbing by flat hand.
(c) What is a standardization mark ? [2]
Standardization Mark : A standardization mark is a mark given to a product which meets certain standards with respect to the quality of the product in terms of material used, method of manufacture, labelling, packaging sale and performance.
It indicates to a buyer that the product has been tested and found to be of good quality. Few marks are : ISI, FPO, AGMARK etc.
(d) List any two conditions when food is considered to be adulterated. [2]
Food is considered to be adulterated if:
- any inferior or cheaper substance has been substituted.
- the article contains any poisonous or other ingredient which render it injurious to health.
- Any colouring material other than that prescribed is present in the article.
- the article contains any prohibited preservative or permitted preservative in excess of the prescribed limits.
(e) Define the term consumer. [2]
Consumer: A consumer is an individual who purchases / uses / consumes services, items / products to satisfy wants.
Consumer is a person who buy goods or pays for services that he needs from the market.
Section – B (60 Marks)
(Attempt any four questions from this section)
Question 5.
Home furnishing requires aesthetic taste and knowledge.
In this context, explain the following:
(a) Three dimensions of colour. [5]
Three dimensions of colour : The three dimensions of colour are basically value, hue and intensity.
1. Value : A colour’s lightness and darkness is known as value. On the colour wheel, the basic colours can be lightened to pale tints and darkened to nearly black shades. Basically, there are total nine value steps.
2. Hue: It is simply the colour quality that has been given a technical name for its identification.
3. Intensity: It refer to the brightness and dullness of a colour.
(b) Factors affecting the selection of curtains and draperies [5]
While choosing curtains for the home, the following factors should always be kept in mind :
- If you have small rooms, it can also give the effect of being large if curtain blend with walls.
- You should use plain curtains in those room which have more patterns. Plain curtain can also be used in those rooms which contains pictures and also have pattern in furniture.
- If there are too many windows in a room, the pattern of curtains should be less striking. Bold prints provide a masculine look while small patterns gives a feminine look.
(c) Important features and characteristics of flooring in a kitchen. [5]
Importance of the flooring in a kitchen : A well maintained floor is necessary for a kitchen. Floor should be dust free means should not be kutcha. Because if the floor is kutcha (temporary) dust particles can make the food dirty and unhygienic. Proper tiles should be placed in the kitchen. Floor surface should be clean and easy to maintain. Floor should not be too slippery.
In the simple words we can say a kitchen floor should be made-up of such materials which are easy to clean and maintain.
Question 6.
Budgeting is an art of planning income so that some money is left aside for saving. In this context, explain:
(a) Five advantages of making a budget. [5]
Advantages of Budget:
The following are the advantages of making a budget:
- The budget helps in saving money for unforeseen emergencies.
- It helps in distribution and proper allocation of income for expenditure or different items, according to their requirements.
- It helps the family in spending the money carefully so that the expenditure does not exceed the income.
- It act as a financial guide.
- Since all the members in a family work together for the planning of a budget, it induces a sense of cooperation among them.
(b) The utility of a passbook and paying-in-slip book in the operation of a bank account. [5]
1. Utility of a Passbook : The passbook is a copy of the customer’s account in the bank’s Ledger as on a particular date. It shows credit for deposits and debit for withdrawals, and the balance. At the end of every month, the depositor sends his passbook to the bank for updating entries of transactions.
2. Utility of Paying-in-SIip : This book contains a number of printed slips with perforated counterfoils. It is used while depositing cash or cheque in the bank. The depositor fills in all the particulars and handover this slip to the cashier alongwith cash or cheque. The cashier checks the details and counts the money. He then puts the stamp on the paying-in¬slip and the counterfoil and initial them. The main slip is retained and the counterfoil is returned to the depositor duly signed by the manager / cashier of the bank.
(c) How does a recurring account help common people to save money ? [5]
Recurring Deposit Account: It is started to encourage those people who cannot make large deposit in lumpsum. Recurring deposit can be opened with small amount over a specified period, the depositor keeps on depositing a specified sum of money every month. The number of monthly installments may be 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and so on. After the expiry of the period, the depositor gets back his money alongwith interest accruing on such deposits.
A Pass Book is issued to the depositor, showing the installments deposited by him from time to time. Cheques cannot be drawn to withdraw money from a recurring deposit account. The amount can be withdrawn only on closure of the Recurring Deposit Account. If amount is withdrawn before expiry of the specified period, the rate of interest paid by bank is lower, to the level of interest payable on savings account.
Question 7.
Adolescence is a crucial stage in every individual life.
In this context explain:
(a) Measures to be adopted to prevent body odour. [5]
Measures to prevent body odour: To avoid the body odour following measure should be done :
- Wear clean and cotton undergarments to prevent excessive sweating.
- Clean the area around your private parts with anti-bacterial soap.
- Regularly take bath twicely.
- Drink plenty of water.
- You can also use the perfumes or deos. But these are the artificial method. It does not clean your body. It only supress the bad odour. Regular bathing is the best measure to prevent body odour.
(b) Importance of exercise in an adolescent’s life. [5]
Physical exercise is considered important for maintaining physical fitness and maintaining healthy bones, muscles and joints. Frequent and regular physical exercise is an important component in the prevention of some of the diseases such as heart diseases, cancer, obesity and back pain.
By staying physically active, teenagers can reduce the risk of stress, depression and other mental health issues. Physical activity can also help teenagers maintain a positive body image because physical activity is so beneficial to human body.
Exercising bums calories, helping teenagers avoid weight gain and develop lean toned physiques. Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of diseases such as type II diabetes and high blood pressure, which are becoming more prevalent among teens.
(c) The role of parents in helping an adolescent to deal with emotional problems. [5]
Role of Parents : As we know that Adolescence is a crucial stage in every individual life. During the phase of adolescence, the adolescents want independence from their parents and yet they are dependent on them for their needs. They do not like to be old. ‘Do this’ and ‘Don’t do this’. Parents still want to control them while adolescents wants freedom and this leads to a tussle between their relationships. Here, parents have to learn to ‘Let go’, not of the relationship, but of their dreams, and their authority over the young people, so that they may allow a young person to develop their own dreams and greater self-responsibility.
Question 8.
Laundering is a combination of cleaning and finishing.
In this context explain :
(a) How do you wash a school woolen cardigan? [5]
Laundry procedure of all clothes are approximately same. These are the steps which we use in laundering a woollen cardigan.
- Preparation: Firstly, examine the cardigan for tears, holes and stains and treat accordingly. Trace the outline on a brown paper to ensure its shape after washing.
- Steeping: In case of very dirty cardigan, it should not be soaked for more than 5-10 minutes in cold water. Luke warm water will harm the cardigan.
- Washing: Wash the cardigan with a very gentle hand with tender kneading and squeezing method.
- Rinsing: Remove the extra soap by pressing it between flat palms and then rinse off several times in a plenty of water.
- Drying: Roll it tightly in a towel to remove the extra water. Spread flat within the outline marked for its original shape. Dry it in shade.
- Ironing/Press: Cardigan should not be ironed. If required, it must be pressed.
(b) The importance of starches and blueing agents in laundry. [5]
Starching : It is done to make the fabric stiffen and give a feel which makes it attractive. This is mostly done by the textile manufacturers. It is an effort to regain the original finish of the fabric.
Blueing: It is applied on the white fabrics. Both these process are done in a single step to save time and starch.
(c) Detergents are better than soaps in laundry work. [5]
Advantages of detergents over soaps :
- Detergents can be used with hard water also whereas soaps cannot be used.
- Detergents do not require vegetable oils or fats for their preparation, thus they help in saving fats and oils for human consumption.
- Detergents can even be used with acidic water whereas soaps cannot be used.
- Detergents are more soluble and have better cleansing action than soaps.
Question 9.
Meal planning is both an art and science.
In this context explain:
(a) Five factors affecting meal planning. [5]
Factors affecting meal planning : There are many factors that affect meal planning. It is easy to plan meals for an individual than for a family. Because the needs of family members differ considerably.
Meal planning is greatly influenced by factors like age, sex, occupation, likes and dislikes etc.
1. Age : Age is the major factor that affect the meal planning process in a greater way. A child, adult, old, adolescence, these all age groups have a different requirement.
2. Sex : Men and boys in general eat more than women and girls. This difference is due to men/boys having higher metabolic rate than women/girls.
3. Physical needs : There are members of different ages and occupations in a family and naturally there is difference in their nutritional requirements. So, nutritional requirements must be kept in mind while meal planning.
(b) The need for adequate nutrition by the elderly. [5]
Need for adequate nutrition by the elderly: Adequate nutrition and a balanced diet is essential in the old age to prevent and control hazards and bad effects of ageing. Obesity, diabetes, constipations, cardiovascular diseases are the major diseases in old ages.
Hence, good nutrition is very important during old age. Special care should be taken that the diets of the elderly are nutritionally adequate and well balanced. You should know or have the knowledge that the elder people require less calories. Few factors always be kept in mind while you are planning balanced diet for the elder people.
- Provide them liberal amounts of food products like as milk, fresh fruits, green vegetables. These kind of food provide them vitamin and other minerals.
- Adequate consumption of calcium, should be ensured to make the bones strong in old age too.
- Scientists also gave emphasis on the importance of water in the diet of the elder persons for the better functioning of kidneys.
- The diet should be soft and well cooked and it should also include those foods which need a little or no mestication. Because at old age maximum people loss their teeth. So they need soft food.
- Intake of sweets, fried, high fat foods should be reduced at minimum. Because the elder people feels difficulty to digest such kind of food.
(c) Importance of food preservation. [5]
Importance of Food Preservation : Food production and supply does not always tally with the demand or meets of the people. In some places there is surplus production of a food product, whereas in some other place there is inadequate supply. Even foods are perishable and semi-perishable like juicy fruits, vegetables, mangoes, tomato, papaya and many more, which very quickly gets spoilt. It is therefore important to improve and expand facilities for storage and preservation of food.
Food preservation helps in:
- It increases the self-life of foods thus increasing the supply.
- Making the seasonal food available throughout the year.
- Adding variety to the diet.
- Saving time by reducing preparation time and energy, as the food has processed.
- Stabilising prices of food, as there is less scope of shortage of supply to demand.
- Decreasing wastage Of food by preventing decay or spoilage of food.
- Improving the nutrition of the population. Preserved foods help people to bring a variety in the diet, thereby decreasing nutritional inadequacies.
Question 10.
Consumer education helps a consumer in making sensible purchases.
In this context explain :
(a) The objectives of consumer education. [5]
Objective of Consumer Education : Consumer education mainly aims at making consumers aware about what, where, when, how and how much to buy. It develops critical awareness and living skills which are oriented towards building a better future for all. Consumer education assists the buyer in wise selection of goods to meet family requirements.
Consumer education is extremely important for every individual. This awareness safeguards the Consumer interests for better living.
Consumer education enables an individual to:
- Have proper knowledge and information as regards the items/services needed in day-to-day life.
- Make better use of their money thus improving the standard of living.
- Make intelligent choices and be better prepared for everyday living.
- Derive maximum satisfaction from the product or item or service used.
(b) Health hazards due to the consumption of argemone seeds. [5]
Argemone seeds are the most common adulterant used in the present days. These seeds are obtained from Argemone maxicans. These seeds are closely resembles with the mustard seeds. Little tail at one end is the difference between the both. Regular consumption of its oil results in the epidemic dropsy. Collection of watery fluid in the tissue of the body mainly causes swelling. Other effects are gastro-intestinal disturbance, irregular fever with rashes and many others.
(c) Wise buying techniques made by the consumer. [5]
Wise Buying Decision :
Consumers are faced with purchase decisions nearly every day. Some decisions are more complex than others and thus require more efforts by the consumer. Good planning helps to avoid buying unnecessary items. Also decide the quantity of the items to be bought. This helps to avoid wastage. Check the plan for realism. Evaluate the products by looking at products price, brand, label, quality marks, net weight, contents/ingredients. This will help the consumer to buy good quality food at a cheaper rate.
1. What to Buy: A family should be decided of its requirements and buy just as much as is needed. Size of the family will decide this factor.
2. When to Buy: Having decided what to buy a family has also to determine when to buy. It indicates the time of buying that changes according to the work habits of different people. Time of buying will also be determined by what is to be bought.
3. Where to Buy: It indicates the decision about the market or shop of purchase. Keeping to one store is better, especially in the case of food stuffs. Items of daily use are best bought through cooperatives or nearby stores because items are cheap, and of good quality. If large quantities of items are required, one should go to whole sale shops because they are not only cheaper than retail shops but also superior in quality. Always shop at the stores that are reliable and sale good quality products.
4. How to Buy: A decision has to be taken regarding the method of payment i.e., whether to pay in cash or credit. Compared to credit, cash payment is always better.
5. How much to Buy : It indicates the amount of items to be purchased. A consumer should buy fresh foods according to the quantity one can use daily.